When does race stop being an excuse? when does it stop?


But the fact is, the capitalist system is ten kinds of fucked up, in case you were asleep in 2008. The rest of us weren't.

No system of government is perfect. Never has been, never will be.

Your preferred system has only murdered 100,000,000 (One Hundred Million) people in the last Century.

Ah, yes, the horseshit number. All those peopled died because of "Socialism", not because their countries were engaged in decade long civil wars. Those civil wars had nothing to do with the slaughters in Russia, China and Cambodia. Civil Wars outside powers largely contributed to by arming the losing side. Nope. Must have been that Communism stuff.

That's not true, really. Spain was until 1976 a Fascist dictatorship. Greece has had military dictatorshps off and on throughout their history.

Also on your list there is Italy, which has had Conservative governments (Burlosconi was pretty much the Rupert Murdoch of Italy) and Ireland, which has done everything you conservatards have suggested- low tax for the rich, austerity and low regulation.

That's how it works too often. socialist scum come in and fuck things up, then the people look to Capitalists to come in and fix it for them.

Are you so simple-minded that you think that Capitialism and Communism are the only choices on the menu. Frankly, I'd rather go back to what we had pre-Reagan. A strong middle class with good paying union jobs.


Don't wonder why I call your side 'dimocraps'

You got nothing to do with the word 'democracy' or any derivation of it

Actually, you strike me as a severely disturbed person who blames government for his unhappiness. Probably minorities, too.

Pre RR?
my god we have had 40 years of 5% UE with the DJIA going throught the moon with 401ks for the middle class sense RR
in the late 70s we had 20% intrest rates as well as Massive job loss
could you imagine today what that 20% rate would do?
As far as unions go, the trade unions in the south have got it right
We never need another UAW tax owned train wreck
we 100% fund that bunch who in reality still owes us 60 billion (instead of the 20+ that the "paper work" shows)
100% funded by you and I for what?
so I can go buy a car with parts from all over for 40,000?
Joe think about it
The last thing we need is events such as those
The only person in this country who is not have additional protection from the federal govt is the white male
The only person who has the power of the federal govt to serve "justice" in this country with a Hispanic on black event is Trevon
Poor kid should have just told the man what he was up to
There are no winners in those events yet 3 black on black murders have occured in Chicago sense Sat night

but how many black on white events go without notice?
Black on Black?
Hell vilonce and death is color blind people

When does race not matter?
What will it take to stop this insanity?
and why would any-one listen to Jackson or Sharpton?

When people like you, Jackson and Sharpton stop obsessing about race.

When does that happen?

Let's just say I'm not holding my breath.
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Pre RR?
my god we have had 40 years of 5% UE with the DJIA going throught the moon with 401ks for the middle class sense RR
in the late 70s we had 20% intrest rates as well as Massive job loss

What we had in the 1970's was an attempt to fight inflation by triggering unemployment. It was a really stupid idea that Republicans encouraged and Jimmy Carter went along with.

Wihile the DJIA going through the roof has worked really well for the 1%, what's it done for your life? Frankly, I'd rather have a pension than count on my 401 not crashing again like it did in 2001 and 2008.

could you imagine today what that 20% rate would do?
As far as unions go, the trade unions in the south have got it right
We never need another UAW tax owned train wreck

Guy, the reason why there was a "Train wreck" is that the car companies let the Japanese get ahead of them on innovation. They kept making the same ugly big cars with shitty gas millage when the Japanese were coming out with cars people wanted to buy.

It got to the point where there was a US/Japanese collaboration in the 1980's where GM and Nissan were making the exact same car. Guess which one sold like hotcakes? The one with the Japanese name.

we 100% fund that bunch who in reality still owes us 60 billion (instead of the 20+ that the "paper work" shows)
100% funded by you and I for what?
so I can go buy a car with parts from all over for 40,000?
Joe think about it
The last thing we need is events such as those

I have thought about it. I'm old enough to have lived through the 1970's. They weren't that bad. My dad had a good union job and brought home enough money to support five kids. You can't do that today.

But the important thing is that the rich have their dressage ponies while you look angrily at the union guy who has a decent middle class lifestyle that you gave away.

FUcking Rubes.
Is this the new KKK?


The only institutional racism in this country these days is against white middle-aged males.

FYI, Rachel Jeantel on Pierce Morgan said Trayvan thought Zimmerman was a Gay male stalking him.

Turns out Trayvan hated Gays. Probably why he jumped him.

Seems the left's new poster child was a racist and a bigot who hated fairies.

Not wanting to be raped makes you a homophobe? Really?

This is where you want to go with this?

If Trayvon thought Zimmerman was a rapist, why did you go back and confront him? If he was scared, I would think he'd get home fast. He wasn't scared, he was pissed because he hates gays and he was going to show that creepy ass cracker a thing or 2....because he was a bully and wanted show how tough he was beating up a homo. He wasn't too smart either....

(edited to correct "rapids"....no idea what that is!! Lol!)
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The only person in this country who is not have additional protection from the federal govt is the white male
The only person who has the power of the federal govt to serve "justice" in this country with a Hispanic on black event is Trevon
Poor kid should have just told the man what he was up to
There are no winners in those events yet 3 black on black murders have occured in Chicago sense Sat night

but how many black on white events go without notice?
Black on Black?
Hell vilonce and death is color blind people

When does race not matter?
What will it take to stop this insanity?
and why would any-one listen to Jackson or Sharpton?

When people like you, Jackson and Sharpton stop obsessing about race.

When does that happen?

Let's just say I'm not holding my breath.

What does that even mean? Something happens unfair in the black community and blacks should stop obsessing about it and....I dunno, let it continue? Because the unfair shit isnt the problem. TALKING about it and not liking it is the REAL problem.?. huh?

If Trayvon thought Zimmerman was a rapids, why did you go back and confront him? If he was scared, I would think he'd get home fast. He wasn't scared, he was pissed because he hates gays and he was going to show that creepy ass cracker a thing or 2....because he was a bully and wanted show how tough he was beating up a homo. He wasn't too smart either....

Gee, sorry, guy, men confront.

just the way of our society.

Probably would have been smarter to call the cops. Not that black folks have any reason to trust the police, but there you are.
The consensus of white conservatives on this board is now not just that Zimmerman was not guilty for lack of evidence,

but that Trayvon Martin was guilty of an assault that led to Zimmerman shooting him to save his own life,

despite the fact that the same lack of evidence precludes any such assumption of that being fact.

That is racism, period. There is no other rational explanation for such bias.
The consensus of white conservatives on this board is now not just that Zimmerman was not guilty for lack of evidence,

but that Trayvon Martin was guilty of an assault that led to Zimmerman shooting him to save his own life,

despite the fact that the same lack of evidence precludes any such assumption of that being fact.

That is racism, period. There is no other rational explanation for such bias.

Per your own words, what does assault have to do with race?

Are you saying that, as his head and face were being pummeled and his life was being threatened, the only reason Zimmerman used his gun was that Trayvon was black?

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If Trayvon thought Zimmerman was a rapids, why did you go back and confront him? If he was scared, I would think he'd get home fast. He wasn't scared, he was pissed because he hates gays and he was going to show that creepy ass cracker a thing or 2....because he was a bully and wanted show how tough he was beating up a homo. He wasn't too smart either....

Gee, sorry, guy, men confront.

just the way of our society.

Probably would have been smarter to call the cops. Not that black folks have any reason to trust the police, but there you are.

Maybe if they stopped doing crime for a life style they wouldn't have to worry? Oh'yess that would be racist. FUCKING IDIOT.
race will never stop being an excuse for black people I'm afraid...I'm sad to say that.

not when you have people like, Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, the Obama's, the NAACP, etc etc
race will never stop being an excuse for black people I'm afraid...I'm sad to say that.

not when you have people like, Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, the Obama's, the NAACP, etc etc

correct. A real black president would stand up and tell the country to put this behind it and move forward, to trust and respect each other and to follow the teachings of MLK.

But what does obama do? he continues to stir it up, he tells holder to find some way to screw Zimmerman, he does nothing to quell the rioters, he does not tell Sharpton and Jackson to stand down (interesting choice of words).

I truly believe that obama wants racial tension as a way to get more democrat votes. Its not about doing whats right for the country, its all about politics----and it shows what this clown is really all about.
race will never stop being an excuse for black people I'm afraid...I'm sad to say that.

not when you have people like, Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, the Obama's, the NAACP, etc etc

correct. A real black president would stand up and tell the country to put this behind it and move forward, to trust and respect each other and to follow the teachings of MLK.

But what does obama do? he continues to stir it up, he tells holder to find some way to screw Zimmerman, he does nothing to quell the rioters, he does not tell Sharpton and Jackson to stand down (interesting choice of words).

I truly believe that obama wants racial tension as a way to get more democrat votes. Its not about doing whats right for the country, its all about politics----and it shows what this clown is really all about.

How Obama has been as the first black president has been a disgrace...he had a chance to be great at it and try and bring this country together but he and his administration has done nothing but tear us apart
race will never stop being an excuse for black people I'm afraid...I'm sad to say that.

not when you have people like, Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, the Obama's, the NAACP, etc etc

correct. A real black president would stand up and tell the country to put this behind it and move forward, to trust and respect each other and to follow the teachings of MLK.

But what does obama do? he continues to stir it up, he tells holder to find some way to screw Zimmerman, he does nothing to quell the rioters, he does not tell Sharpton and Jackson to stand down (interesting choice of words).

I truly believe that obama wants racial tension as a way to get more democrat votes. Its not about doing whats right for the country, its all about politics----and it shows what this clown is really all about.

How Obama has been as the first black president has been a disgrace...he had a chance to be great at it and try and bring this country together but he and his administration has done nothing but tear us apart

its called divide and conquer, its on page one of the progressive text manual.
The consensus of white conservatives on this board is now not just that Zimmerman was not guilty for lack of evidence,

but that Trayvon Martin was guilty of an assault that led to Zimmerman shooting him to save his own life,

despite the fact that the same lack of evidence precludes any such assumption of that being fact.

That is racism, period. There is no other rational explanation for such bias.

Except that there is incontrovertible and direct evidence that TM did commit an assault against GZ

That is not racism.. that is fact, idiot
When does race not matter?

When reactionaries and liberals both admit we have a problem with it and deal honestly with it, instead of blaming the idiots on the other side.
As long as the excuse of race pays off, it will be used.

17 people arrested in Zimmerman trial protest in Victorville - latimes.com

But 10 to 15 juveniles went into a store at a Chevron gas station near Bear Valley Road and Balsam Avenue and reportedly opened items and left without paying, authorities said.

A large group of people gathered at the Mall of Victor Valley parking lot and tried to force their way into the mall. They were stopped by security guards who locked the doors.

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