When does race stop being an excuse? when does it stop?

The vast majority of Blacks here will never stop using racism as an excuse. Looking at various news sources, almost all the Black talking heads and columnists are far-left liberals and all talk about: the unarmed child (fists don't count), the profiled Black (never because he was wearing dark clothes and a hoodie like so many criminals), the Black youth with no oppertunities (because he was a violent ***hole who fought too much and blew them) or the standard stable of worn excuses like slavery, Jim Crow, or Emmit Till.

It will not stop. DOJ statistics show that young Black males (like St. Trayvon) are only 1% of the US population, yet commit 25% of all the murders. One out of four Black men have been arrested or served time in prison. All crime rates are exponentially higher for them.

Even the most conservative major news outlets like Fox won't discuss these facts and figures. People are on their own to protect themselves, while they still can.
The vast majority of white racists will keep using this as an excuse.

Is what it is.
The only person in this country who is not have additional protection from the federal govt is the white male
The only person who has the power of the federal govt to serve "justice" in this country with a Hispanic on black event is Trevon
Poor kid should have just told the man what he was up to
There are no winners in those events yet 3 black on black murders have occured in Chicago sense Sat night

but how many black on white events go without notice?
Black on Black?
Hell vilonce and death is color blind people

When does race not matter?
What will it take to stop this insanity?
and why would any-one listen to Jackson or Sharpton?

Oh, please. Whites have been in power and control so long, it's gone to their heads.
Telling that you'd believe that Trayvon Martin, had to be "up to something", and worse, that he owed any explanations to Zimmerman, who was tripping all over himself, playing "cops and robbers", trying to prove himself to the local police dept. that he "had the goods to be a policeman", when, in fact, he had failed the requirements, previously.

Race doesn't matter, as soon as you get off your racism.
Jackson and Sharpton aren't the major players here.....the black community, for whom "open season" has been declared, and the bulk of Americans who respect justice and the rights of black youths to walk down the street, with Skittles and ice tea in hand, unhindered and unmurdered.
The federal government has filed charges in local cases before. This is not new.

And...the OP is an admitted racist. Why is so upset about this issue?

Seems only racists are upset about it. The Al Sharptons, the Michael Eric Dysons, and white folks like Nancy Grace. Watch as Nancy Grace complains that George Zimmerman, an Hispanic man, was 'out on bond, driving through Taco Bell every night, having a churro' during his trial | Mail Online

I think justice was served.

Of course you do. Anyone that sided with Zimmerman and/or was pleased with the verdict, is a racist, and a piss poor excuse for a human being. And that's the general consensus, like it or not. live with it.
Of course you do. Anyone that sided with Zimmerman and/or was pleased with the verdict, is a racist, and a piss poor excuse for a human being. And that's the general consensus, like it or not. live with it.

That is your minuscule misguided believe that the verdict was racist. The second TM went inside then came out again to confront GZ, he gave GZ the right to shoot him if TM jumped GZ.

Your racism is pitiful.
The only person in this country who is not have additional protection from the federal govt is the white male
The only person who has the power of the federal govt to serve "justice" in this country with a Hispanic on black event is Trevon
Poor kid should have just told the man what he was up to
There are no winners in those events yet 3 black on black murders have occured in Chicago sense Sat night

but how many black on white events go without notice?
Black on Black?
Hell vilonce and death is color blind people

When does race not matter?
What will it take to stop this insanity?
and why would any-one listen to Jackson or Sharpton?

Oh, please. Whites have been in power and control so long, it's gone to their heads.
Telling that you'd believe that Trayvon Martin, had to be "up to something", and worse, that he owed any explanations to Zimmerman, who was tripping all over himself, playing "cops and robbers", trying to prove himself to the local police dept. that he "had the goods to be a policeman", when, in fact, he had failed the requirements, previously.

Race doesn't matter, as soon as you get off your racism.
Jackson and Sharpton aren't the major players here.....the black community, for whom "open season" has been declared, and the bulk of Americans who respect justice and the rights of black youths to walk down the street, with Skittles and ice tea in hand, unhindered and unmurdered.

What about the rights of a man who is trying to protect his community from burglaries and home invasions?
Does not George Zimmerman have the right to observe a suspicious character without being assaulted?

Oh by the way, welcome back.
Of course you do. Anyone that sided with Zimmerman and/or was pleased with the verdict, is a racist, and a piss poor excuse for a human being. And that's the general consensus, like it or not. live with it.

That is your minuscule misguided believe that the verdict was racist. The second TM went inside then came out again to confront GZ, he gave GZ the right to shoot him if TM jumped GZ.

Your racism is pitiful.

And your ignorance is on full display. The word you were going for is "belief"...a noun, not a verb.
TM was a teen....a kid, being stalked by a psychopathic adult, armed with a gun, when he was only supposed to be a neighborhood "watchman".
Let another teen get shot...and watch the backlash. You'll wish you hadn't. Racist POS.
The federal government has filed charges in local cases before. This is not new.

And...the OP is an admitted racist. Why is so upset about this issue?

Seems only racists are upset about it. The Al Sharptons, the Michael Eric Dysons, and white folks like Nancy Grace. Watch as Nancy Grace complains that George Zimmerman, an Hispanic man, was 'out on bond, driving through Taco Bell every night, having a churro' during his trial | Mail Online

I think justice was served.

Of course you do. Anyone that sided with Zimmerman and/or was pleased with the verdict, is a racist, and a piss poor excuse for a human being. And that's the general consensus, like it or not. live with it.

General consensus? All the polls I've seen are 2:1 happy with the verdict.
race will never stop being an excuse for black people I'm afraid...I'm sad to say that.

not when you have people like, Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, the Obama's, the NAACP, etc etc

correct. A real black president would stand up and tell the country to put this behind it and move forward, to trust and respect each other and to follow the teachings of MLK.

But what does obama do? he continues to stir it up, he tells holder to find some way to screw Zimmerman, he does nothing to quell the rioters, he does not tell Sharpton and Jackson to stand down (interesting choice of words).

I truly believe that obama wants racial tension as a way to get more democrat votes. Its not about doing whats right for the country, its all about politics----and it shows what this clown is really all about.

How Obama has been as the first black president has been a disgrace...he had a chance to be great at it and try and bring this country together but he and his administration has done nothing but tear us apart

Completely ignoring the obstructionist Republicans, who actually had a closed door meeting, and deciding to block each and every initiative of Barack Obama, before he could pass anything. And what did Mitch McConnell say, that it was the duty of every Republican to insure that President Obama only serve one term, much to his and their chagrin.
That is the disgrace.....not President Obama, or his family.
Of course you do. Anyone that sided with Zimmerman and/or was pleased with the verdict, is a racist, and a piss poor excuse for a human being. And that's the general consensus, like it or not. live with it.

That is your minuscule misguided believe that the verdict was racist. The second TM went inside then came out again to confront GZ, he gave GZ the right to shoot him if TM jumped GZ.

Your racism is pitiful.

And your ignorance is on full display. The word you were going for is "belief"...a noun, not a verb.
TM was a teen....a kid, being stalked by a psychopathic adult, armed with a gun, when he was only supposed to be a neighborhood "watchman".
Let another teen get shot...and watch the backlash. You'll wish you hadn't. Racist POS.

Where the fuck is the outrage when black teens shoot each other?
Interesting tidbit: in 2009, the city of Cincinnati had 55 homicides. The city is roughly 40% black, so you would expect 33 white victims and 22 black victims, right?

Nope! in 2009, 44 black males were homicide victims. So, the 11 had to be white, right?

Wrong again the 11 remaining victims were black females.

Watch this! A perfect example of the hypocrisy of your black "leaders".

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=jqugqyTAuVg]Rep. Corrine Brown responds to embarrassing CNN interview - YouTube[/ame]
Race will be used as an 'excuse' as long as dimocraps can get away with using it.

People can't see the forest for the trees.

the dimocraps got bigger fish to fry and only a short-sighted individual would think that 'race' is the least bit important to dimocraps or the left.

What's important to the left and dimocraps is establishing the most severe form of socialism they can. To do that, they require POWER.

Only power, immense power, can allow dimocrap scum to force the most controlling form of socialism possible on us.

Which, at this point in time, may be democratic socialism. That's probably the most stringent form they can get away with.

They'd LOVE to have a Stalinist or Maoist form of socialism, but that would never fly and they know it.

So they'll settle for what they can get -- democratic socialism.

Once that's established, there won't be any difference in political parties.

One will try to increase the size, scope and intrusiveness of government while the other just administrates it.

We're almost there now. But not quite.

Not quite. One more major electoral loss for Republicans and the Country is done.

We will no longer be America, Land of The Free and Home of The Brave.

We'll just be another stupid, struggling, economic basket case like the rest of the World's socialist Countries.

dimocraps don't care about race. At all. They care about making this a socialist Country.

Race is just a tool, a blunt instrument they can use to bludgeon those of us on the Right who still want a Free America.

Slavery was a mistake
It was fixed
Equal chance or the lack of was a mistake
It has been way beyond fixed

when will we ever get to a point in which one group of people can have the right to be judged for who they are, what they do, and not what there color is[/QUOTE]

When it becomes the practice of ALL to judge INDIVIDUALS on their MERIT and not an entire group based on the actions of SOME.
Of course you do. Anyone that sided with Zimmerman and/or was pleased with the verdict, is a racist, and a piss poor excuse for a human being. And that's the general consensus, like it or not. live with it.

That is your minuscule misguided believe that the verdict was racist. The second TM went inside then came out again to confront GZ, he gave GZ the right to shoot him if TM jumped GZ.

Your racism is pitiful.

And your ignorance is on full display. The word you were going for is "belief"...a noun, not a verb.
TM was a teen....a kid, being stalked by a psychopathic adult, armed with a gun, when he was only supposed to be a neighborhood "watchman".
Let another teen get shot...and watch the backlash. You'll wish you hadn't. Racist POS.

What a champion for the Black cause you are! Your bias and ignorance is nicely displayed by your lengthy ignore list.

Blacks kill other Blacks almost all the time. Here is a nice video to watch to help inform and entertain you:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5JbAO5_NMw]F.B.I and U.S. Justice department Black vs White Crime statistics. - YouTube[/ame]

Have a nice day!:eusa_hand:
poet is another racist and he has the blame whitey mentality for all his problems like so many others

when they have been fed that all their lives I guess it's easier than having to stand up and succeed or fail without blaming someone
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poet is another racist and he has the blame whitey mentality for all his problems like so many others

No darling, the word "racist", does not define me in the least. I have way too many white friends and family that I love to ever be considered a racist. And I don't use "whitey" to label white people, so stop pretending that is how I view them.
And pray tell, what problems do I have that I am blaming anyone for? I am living well, and doing things to make me happy.
And since you know so much, why don't you tell us all about "whitey mentality", because I never heard it expressed that way.

And quite funny and 'telling', is your "About you" section on your profile:
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself."
Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC)
"Those who would give up essential Liberty to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
-- Ben Franklin

Doesn't tell anything about you. Are you hiding from the law or something?
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If Trayvon thought Zimmerman was a rapids, why did you go back and confront him? If he was scared, I would think he'd get home fast. He wasn't scared, he was pissed because he hates gays and he was going to show that creepy ass cracker a thing or 2....because he was a bully and wanted show how tough he was beating up a homo. He wasn't too smart either....

Gee, sorry, guy, men confront.

just the way of our society.

Probably would have been smarter to call the cops. Not that black folks have any reason to trust the police, but there you are.

Just the way of our society? Maybe where you live.
That is your minuscule misguided believe that the verdict was racist. The second TM went inside then came out again to confront GZ, he gave GZ the right to shoot him if TM jumped GZ.

Your racism is pitiful.

And your ignorance is on full display. The word you were going for is "belief"...a noun, not a verb.
TM was a teen....a kid, being stalked by a psychopathic adult, armed with a gun, when he was only supposed to be a neighborhood "watchman".
Let another teen get shot...and watch the backlash. You'll wish you hadn't. Racist POS.

What a champion for the Black cause you are! Your bias and ignorance is nicely displayed by your lengthy ignore list.

Blacks kill other Blacks almost all the time. Here is a nice video to watch to help inform and entertain you:

Have a nice day!:eusa_hand:

Not interested in videos posted by white racists.
And really? Blacks kill other blacks all the time????
Tell me why most mass murderers and serial killers are white? From John Wayne Gacy, to Jeffrey Dahmer. What about Aurora? Columbine? Sandy Hook? Those were all white killers, and they killed children. Nothing worse than that.
You're such the champion for the White cause, aren't you? LOLOLOLOLOL

About Survivalist
Near Swamp
"We know what happens to people who stay in the middle of the road. They get run over."

Ambrose Bierce

A doctor? How many people have you killed? Or ran over?
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The consensus of white conservatives on this board is now not just that Zimmerman was not guilty for lack of evidence,

but that Trayvon Martin was guilty of an assault that led to Zimmerman shooting him to save his own life,

despite the fact that the same lack of evidence precludes any such assumption of that being fact.

That is racism, period. There is no other rational explanation for such bias.

You're so full of shit. All the evidence supports GZ's story.

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