When Did mewler Know???


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
When did mewler know there was no collusion and that there was no case to pursue?

A lot of people think it was very early on.

He had to know the Steele dossier was a load of garbage. He had to know there was no Prague trip.

I think he kept the 'investigation' going more to soften the landing for his crooked pals in the FBI and at the DoJ than to find anything criminal.

He knew there was nothing there so before you all start to think mewler is this wonderfully honest guy.......

He is not. He is just another Deep State operator, more loyal to his masters than to justice or to the American People....... The Deep State itself is who mewler served with this long, dragged out, senseless investigation

Believe it

How long did Mueller know there was no Trump-Russia collusion?
When did mewler know there was no collusion and that there was no case to pursue?

A lot of people think it was very early on.

He had to know the Steele dossier was a load of garbage. He had to know there was no Prague trip.

I think he kept the 'investigation' going more to soften the landing for his crooked pals in the FBI and at the DoJ than to find anything criminal.

He knew there was nothing there so before you all start to think mewler is this wonderfully honest guy.......

He is not. He is just another Deep State operator, more loyal to his masters than to justice or to the American People....... The Deep State itself is who mewler served with this long, dragged out, senseless investigation

Believe it

How long did Mueller know there was no Trump-Russia collusion?

Since collusion isn't a crime and the President can't commit obstruction by firing a person working for him, Mueller knew before he started that there was no crimes to investigate.
I don't blame Mueller for doing the job for which he was appointed.

In fact, I'd rather have had him conduct a thorough investigation than a 2 month glossover, as this will be far more difficult for the dems to discredit.

They'll try, of course, because the truth has nothing to do with their actual motives here, but if Mueller did his job there won't be too many threads to pull.
Well if that's so he wasted 40 million tax dollars.

No; to dimocrap scum it was 40 million well-spent dollars providing a smoke screen for the criminal elite in the dimocrap scum party.

Will Trump pursue these criminals or will he be like every Republican before him and do a "Can't we all just get along" cop-out?

I want some scalps hanging from my lodge pole. NOW!!

He either pursues these criminal scum or he loses my vote. I'll write in Alfred E Neuman if I have to


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