What's the difference between Obama supporters and the rest of America???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Obamatron supporters are like Navin (Steve Martin in the 1979 movie -- "The Jerk")

DAD---"You see that?"
NAVIN(Steve Martin) -"Yeah. "
DAD---"That's shit. And this is Shinola. "
NAVIN- "Shit... Shinola."
DAD---"Son, you're gonna be alright."
Moviequotes.com Repository - Movie Quote From Jerk, The - 1979

UNLIKE Navin and the rest of us Obamatrons don't KNOW the difference!!!

And if you Obamatrons STILL don't get that's OK.. this is not meant for you as it goes way over your heads!

This is meant for those people that were fooled by Obama to vote for him the first time and if they vote again they are the fools!
After all almost ALL Obamatrons NEVER read Obama's book
"Dreams of My Father"
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered
young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

But again.. this is NOT for the naive, ignorant Obamatrons... but for the GROWING number of people that are wakening to the FACT Obama has fooled Many of them the first time by lies and trickery and tactics.. his words... NOT mine!!!
The Obama camp has pretty much accused their opponent of murder.
And the left,Ed Schultz from MSNBC in particular is annoyed that those on the right
saw it as such.Robert Gibbs Obama's former press secretary would not even offer
any sort of criticism of the ad.

There is such a blind love affair going on between the left and this President.
I am almost ready to say this is cult like.Bordering on scary.
The rest of America: "It's The Economy Stupid !"

Obama supporters: "It's The Government Handouts Stupid !"
Obama supporter lead by trhe likes of Harry Reid are calling their anonymous sources to get the real dirt on Ryan as I write this. Harry will be on the air tomorrow. What do the left expect to get out of this. Obama has put us near bankrupcy so he can't do a lot more govt finance of the lazy. Some one has to work and they seems to be on the right.
obama supporters believe that the government will supply all their needs. The answer to the difference came directly from the woman who said "obama gonna pay my mortgage, he's gonna put gas in my car."
What's the difference between Obama supporters and the rest of America???
The rest of America supports the Obama supporters.
What's the difference between Obama supporters and the rest of America???
The rest of America supports the Obama supporters.

Who are the Obama supporters ?

And who is the "rest of America" ?

The only thing supporting David Axelrod is a pair of heavy duty brownstained underwear.
Obama supporters are democrats and some independants........

The rest of America are republicans and some independants......

is about the difference.

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