What's the "best" way to get domestic scandals off the headlines??

So you are pointing out that Mueller has yet to come up with anything relating to his main purpose, to find evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia and that's why you are so invested in Trump's sex life.

The above moron, "thinks" that all that Mueller is doing is worrying about Trump's perverted sex life?

Who the hell turns on the "puter for you, with that kind of brain "power"?

The same person who changes your diaper.

Mueller is a just another failed cause of the left.
Natalie believes anyone who isn’t a xenophobe like her makes one a “Trump cultist”.


I though Trump was Putin's bitch. Can you pick one ridiculous narrative and stick with it?

Attacking Syria is the same as attacking Moscow???.......Get a fucking MAP, Frankie.....LOL
Jake, you're flailing.

You didn't know that Putin is backing Assad so you say uninformed things about maps.

Putin is publicly backing the people we just attacked.
Nice try dumbass. Just days ago the retards on CNN were crying about President Trump not doing anything about the “crimes against humanity” in Syria.

You're saying that the President of the United States bombed a sovereign state on the advice of retards? That should be an impeachable offense.
My lib co worker was just a couple of hours ago, spewing the talking points, about how could the world have let this "Assad" go on for so long?"

THE libs are attacking with conflicting talking points, at the same time.

I wonder if even they are hypocritical enough to pull that off.

I have to admit. THat was a lie. I know they are.

Yep - That's our Correll - Never attacks & Never wrong :rolleyes:
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Every time I think that Trump just had his worst week ever?

He beats it the following week.

Hang tight - gonna be a bumpy ride

Sometimes a picture speak volumes above mere words......Here's one of just how much chief of staff, Kelly "enjoys" what Trump spews during meetings.....

That poor dude - Now flushed into the hallway with little influence.

And with the Warmongering Walrus spouting his stanky fish-breath down Mattis' neck?

I look for them both to be gone within the next couple of months (if not weeks ;-)

Why create a new scandal...............have the OP not read the Democratic play book.........geesh.

He needs a refresher course.

Nat “logic”: people named Flynn, Manafort, and Cohen equates to a scandal named “Trump”.


Funny, when anyone wanted to talk about Obama's associates, you libs flipped out.


Ahhhh, I did not know that the good ol' reverend was named Obama's CAMPAIGN MANAGER....or Obama's NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER, or Obama's personal FIX-MY-SCANDALS LAWYER.....

(what an asshole..............LOL)

No, he was just his spiritual mentor, friend and political ally of twenty years.

Oh, and of Obama's children too. Obama took his daughters in that hate church.
My lib co worker was just a couple of hours ago, spewing the talking points, about how could the world have let this "Assad" go on for so long?"

THE libs are attacking with conflicting talking points, at the same time.

I wonder if even they are hypocritical enough to pull that off.

I have to admit. THat was a lie. I know they are.

Yep - That's our Correll - Never attacks & Never wrong :rolleyes:

My point was obviously not a complaint about libs attacking,

but about attacking with conflicting talking points.

That was painfully obvious.

Either you are really stupid, or that was a dishonest dodge of a point that you can't refute.

Which was it? Oh, and address the point.
My point was obviously not a complaint about libs attacking,
but about attacking with conflicting talking points.
That was painfully obvious.
Either you are really stupid, or that was a dishonest dodge of a point that you can't refute.
Which was it? Oh, and address the point.

You weren't specific enough to "address the point" -- Zippy

My point was obviously not a complaint about libs attacking,
but about attacking with conflicting talking points.
That was painfully obvious.
Either you are really stupid, or that was a dishonest dodge of a point that you can't refute.
Which was it? Oh, and address the point.

You weren't specific enough to "address the point" -- Zippy


If you don't understand my point, then ask questions, don't attack.
If you don't understand my point, then ask questions, don't attack.

I already asked the question and you failed to answer - What was either "attacking" or "conflicting" about whatever your coworker said?

My lib co worker was just a couple of hours ago, spewing the talking points, about how could the world have let this "Assad" go on for so long?"
THE libs are attacking with conflicting talking points, at the same time.

You may have fallen into the Trump Trap - IOW, "everybody's attacking me" victimhood.
If you don't understand my point, then ask questions, don't attack.

I already asked the question and you failed to answer - What was either "attacking" or "conflicting" about whatever your coworker said?

My lib co worker was just a couple of hours ago, spewing the talking points, about how could the world have let this "Assad" go on for so long?"
THE libs are attacking with conflicting talking points, at the same time.

You may have fallen into the Trump Trap - IOW, "everybody's attacking me" victimhood.

He was attacking Trump for letting it go on for so long.
If you don't understand my point, then ask questions, don't attack.

I already asked the question and you failed to answer - What was either "attacking" or "conflicting" about whatever your coworker said?

My lib co worker was just a couple of hours ago, spewing the talking points, about how could the world have let this "Assad" go on for so long?"
THE libs are attacking with conflicting talking points, at the same time.

You may have fallen into the Trump Trap - IOW, "everybody's attacking me" victimhood.

He was attacking Trump for letting it go on for so long.

Interesting :rolleyes-41:

If you don't understand my point, then ask questions, don't attack.

I already asked the question and you failed to answer - What was either "attacking" or "conflicting" about whatever your coworker said?

My lib co worker was just a couple of hours ago, spewing the talking points, about how could the world have let this "Assad" go on for so long?"
THE libs are attacking with conflicting talking points, at the same time.

You may have fallen into the Trump Trap - IOW, "everybody's attacking me" victimhood.

He was attacking Trump for letting it go on for so long.

Interesting :rolleyes-41:


My co-worker was attacking Trump for not acting sooner. HOw does your post, of tweets of Trump arguing in the past against attacking Syria, relate to that?
My co-worker was attacking Trump for not acting sooner. HOw does your post, of tweets of Trump arguing in the past against attacking Syria, relate to that?

Because Trump was attacking Obama for the same exact things he ended up doing: Wagging the Dog and attacking Syria without congressional approval.

If you fail to see the parallel - Well, Derp

But Obama did launch airstrikes in Syria a year later, as the US began a military campaign against ISIS in Iraq and Syria. The nearly three-year war against ISIS has led to a steady stream of US bombings from manned aircraft, drones and missiles fired from warships.

The Trump administration continued Obama's bombing campaign against ISIS when Trump was inaugurated, as US-backed Syrian rebels prepare an offensive on Raqqa, the terror group's stronghold in Syria.​

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