Whatever happened to "Republicans"???

I'm not a republican....Which puts me in a pretty good spot to make a dispassionate 3rd-person observation. The only person who is deluded is the one who believes that ANY of the "news" outlets (including Fakes News) call things down-the-middle.

A lot of people don't want socialist moonbats like Bernie Sanders and Dennis Kucinich in on making laws either, but that's not going to stop the democratics from doing so anyways.

I think Bernie Sanders acknowledges he's a socialist, but why pick the furthest reaches of the left to represent democrats? That seems to be a tactic of the radical right, I'd say. As for socialism, I didn't hear an awful lot of complaints from the right when there was eight years of socialism for corporatists.... it must have been great... socialize the debt, privatize the profits. :clap2:

Sanders is not a card-carrying "socialist," and ironically has survived 28 years of Vermont independent politics. The state has always had a mix of Republican and Democratic leadership, even today, and Sanders continues to enjoy a popularity above 60% throughout the state.
What she needs to do is resign her position and get off the anti-depressant meds.

Why, because a guy who has never liked her wants her to resign?

You guys don't run our party.

Much like a bunch of ultra tree huggers don't contol the GOP. You guys want to define the GOP even though in a generic Congressional poll the GOP has been polling above or very slightly behind the Dimocrats. The Dimocrats will hang themselves by spending 3.6 trillion, it is unsustainable and will crash the dollar. Our government has always worked best when Congress and the Presidency has power split between the two parties.

What generic congressional poll would that be? Rasmussen? The Republican pollster? Republicans trail badly in ALL polls--here:

Congress: Republicans

Institutions (2)
I was looking for a new poll I saw which indicates that only in the South do Republicans continue to attract potential voters based on their dramatic shift away from moderation. I can't find it, so this one will do. If the "new" Republicans (the reinvented conservative idealogues) intend to get their act together and start winning elections, they'd better hurry.

GOP Losses Span Nearly All Demographic Groups

]I think we have enough threads on this now? Funny but the OPT chooses to list the south--as most southerners are registered democrats but choose to vote conservatively. So they typically vote for Republicans, or blue dog democrats.

The problem with the Republican party is that republican politicians left the big tent of conservatisim. They instead voted like big spending democrats during the Bush administration.

Over 60% of Americans claim to be conservative--in their personal daily household & finance dealings. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out where the Republican party needs to be, or should I say where they need to get back too.

I see the "spending" problem one where the Republicans skimped so badly on domestic problems that now that the Democrats are in power, they need to spend twice as much just to get back up to speed. I don't think even Democrats ENJOY spending money we don't have. Who would?

As for those who claim to be conservative in their personal spending habits, while that's probably true of late, I'll bet when the question was asked two years ago, it would have been a lie. In 2006, Americans saved at a rate of negative 1%, according to the Commerce Department, meaning they not only spent all of their after-tax income, they also dipped into their savings or increased the amount they borrowed on a personal level.
List the corporations that ruined American and the list the ones that are going to save it.
Ooooo....this oughtta be interesting.

For the "ruined" list, does the corporation known as "District of Columbia" count??
back in the early nineties when i was a registered Dem.....i asked myself that same question about the Democrats.....what happened to you guys?....dont recognize ya anymore.....so left them and became an INDY and started thinking for myself.....have never looked back and now cant stand either party....

Ironically, I basically did the same thing following Reagan's second term when I just couldn't vote for another Republican but there wasn't a Democrat I had much faith in either. I kind of coasted through Bill Clinton's first term, and then I finally (FINALLY!) started seeing some old-fashioned give and take by both parties in order to achieve solutions satisfactory to everyone. Even Gingrich and Clinton had their heads together on many occasions, away from the press. Not so today, and with the Party of No up against majority Democrats, the latter will play up the fact that they get no cooperation from the right, which only compounds the conservatives' bad image.

Contrary to Dude's opinion, and that of the rest of the "hard right," in order to keep the country on at least a common sense track, it takes a helluva lot of appeasement, capitulation and caving by both sides. Otherwise, we have either a dictatorship or gridlock.

appeased, capitulated, and caved

I disagree--like republicans did during the Bush years--so will democrats with a majority in congress. They get over exhuberant about spending & this time--it will be blamed solely on them. Massive deficit spending--much of it unnecessary--

The party who votes against this will be the winning party. Republicans who side with democrats on massive deficit spending will not be in their jobs for long. We are already seeing the "rumblings".

The "rumblings" are mostly coming from the Democrats themselves, ironically. They are already splitting up the 2010 budget outline into separate bills and caucusing on the major parts, like health care and cap & trade. There was a common misperception that the budget proposal sent from Obama was a document sealed in concrete and awaiting a rubber stamp. But budgets are ALWAYS picked apart, and portions removed or put on hold, and that process has only just begun for fiscal 2010. So to freak out over what you guys assume to be a specific massive spending program may not turn out to be so massive at all.
Maggie, there never was a clear political republican party. Without getting fancy and a bit tongue in cheek, I offer up that what was the so called unified republican party was a hodgepodge of fundies, one issue voters, anti gay, racists, capitalists pigs, crooks and robbers, corporate crooks, anti union, anti humanism, pro prayer in school, militant nutcases, and libertarian children from money with no sense of reality. You still see the last on Redstate, DP, USMB etc. Given this assortment of wackos is it any wonder they did not govern nor lead nor do anything very well? This group still exists as evident everyday right here, but there for a while they got some moderates to buy into their party of NO.

Well...I'm still ever the optimist. I know plenty of decent compassionate Republicans who wouldn't fit into any of your categories. Admitedly, they're becoming a rare breed, however. But I would still like to see the 2-parties admit their mistakes and move on, like with a revised "Contract With America" which outlines a concensus of the best each party has to offer and start all over with that.

Neither party will ever be based in common sense. Special interest controls both parties, the party representatives are puppets of their special interest groups.

There will always be special interests. We're just too big and too diverse a nation not to have special interests attempting to sway policy. The key is knowing how far to let them in.
If the media showed true "Republicans", "Democrats", "Liberals", and "Conservatives" the world as we know it would end ... because people would find out we are not all that different. They use hype and show the fringe extremists on all sides, the worst of the extremists, just to drum up ratings, nothing more.
Which corporations did George Bush bend over for that Barack Obama is not bending over for? The corporations that "ruined America" that is.

Which corporations "ruined America?" Is there a generally accepted list of the ones that did and the ones that did not?

It's become a catch-all label (i.e., "corporate" welfare) referring to relaxing of regulations and turning a blind eye to existing laws for everything from employing illegal aliens to cooking the books and defrauding shareholders (Enron, WorldCom, etc.), plus the financial institutions who were allowed to make up their own rules.
Don't mistake your imbecilic opinions for those of "everyone".

Name just one program for the sainted poooooooooooor, in eight years, that republicans moved to shut down.

Just one.

They knew it would be foolish politics to "shut down" some of the more successful programs, like Head Start, but the Bush congress made sure that most government "social" programs were either level funded or cut, everything from block grants to the states to job training for people who lost their jobs to outsourcing.

Besides taxing jobs and corporations out of the country, what are Barack Obama's policies relative to outsourcing?

With the economy bleeding 600,000 jobs a month, exactly what should Barack Obama train them for?

You sure don't pay much attention to much of anything but your opinion pages, I guess. Obama announced an increase in Pell grants for job training specifically for people who have lost their jobs as a result of business cutbacks during this recession. He made the announcement on May 8th. Here's an excerpt:

I've asked my Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, and my Secretary of Labor, Hilda Solis, to work closely with states and our institutions of higher learning and encourage them not only to allow these changes, but to inform all workers receiving unemployment benefits of the training programs and financial support open to them. And together, the Department of Education and the Department of Labor have created a new website called opportunity.gov -- I'll repeat that, opportunity.gov -- to help workers discover and take advantage of these opportunities.

They knew it would be foolish politics to "shut down" some of the more successful programs, like Head Start, but the Bush congress made sure that most government "social" programs were either level funded or cut, everything from block grants to the states to job training for people who lost their jobs to outsourcing.
I'll score that one "ZERO", the lefty boilerplate sniveling points nonwithstanding.

And I hate to break it to you...But over 2/3 of Shrubbie's spending spree was on DOMESTIC PROGRAMS!!

You lose again.

How much was spent on promoting happy marriages? How much was spend on <gasp> Home Ownership for Minorities? How much was NOT spent on his mandated No Child Left Behind. C'mon, smartass, put some proof on the table.
The problem then is the LMSM? I don't know about that.

The wingnuts tend to get their own crazy muggs on any camera they can find. It's the radical policies of the past 10 years or so. News media do shove the mics in the faces of the weirdest people there but that isn't what completely killed the Republicans dead.

The Dems were almost dead there for awhile but they found leadership and policies they could believe in and more they were policies America could get behind.

The difference is that while Democrats may have "blue dogs" and "liberals" and "moderates," they continue to always, ALWAYS have ground rules that never change the face of the party as a whole.

does joe lieberman know about this?

Yup. He still votes with the Democrats 95% of the time. Next?
They knew it would be foolish politics to "shut down" some of the more successful programs, like Head Start, but the Bush congress made sure that most government "social" programs were either level funded or cut, everything from block grants to the states to job training for people who lost their jobs to outsourcing.
I'll score that one "ZERO", the lefty boilerplate sniveling points nonwithstanding.

And I hate to break it to you...But over 2/3 of Shrubbie's spending spree was on DOMESTIC PROGRAMS!!

You lose again.

How much was spent on promoting happy marriages? How much was spend on <gasp> Home Ownership for Minorities? How much was NOT spent on his mandated No Child Left Behind. C'mon, smartass, put some proof on the table.

one would ask you to do the same.
You mean like corporate ownership of several cable and satellite outlets (GE/NBC/Universal) pimps for the anthropogenic global warming hoax, and overtly shilled for Barry Obolshevik during and after the election??

I can't imagine the shit attack socialist bedwetters would have, if Northrup-Grumman owned a score of teevee networks and had "pro war" week.

You've met the enemy, pal, and he is you.

Last I looked, General Electric was a big defense contractor in addition to cable news owner. But hey, don't you Conazis continue to remind us how much more popular those news and TV outlets owned by News Corp are? Talkin' outta both sides of yer mouf are ya?

General Electric has reinvented itself and its corporatism for the new regime.

I urge you to read up on that.

Are they still "ruining America?"

I never said they were. I was responding to the other guy's comparison to Grummon. GE still ranks as the #10 defense contractor, regardless how many news outlets it owns. Just because you smell bias doesn't surprise me one bit. But I find it ironic that you people don't seem concerned when Rupert Murdoch "buys" the Wall Street Journal and "promises" not to turn it into a biased right-wing rag. He's not there yet, but very close. So the running commentary about General Electric's ownership of news organizations seems to indicate that you people would prefer they ALL be biased toward the right, and then that would make it fair. How ridiculous.
Bush got blindsided (Medicare Part D).....
Now I'm certain you're a brain-dead partisan hack!!

Shrubbie stole that stupid prescription drug "plan" from democratics, lock, stock and barrel, to take the issue off the table and placate dems.....Who, like the spoiled little brat children they are, still weren't mollified!!

You are so positively, absolutely WRONG on that one, I'm just not even going to touch it. Do some FUCKING homework, "Dude"...

For starters, none other than Tom DeLay kept the session going until daybreak the following day in order to twist enough arms to get the three votes necessary to pass HIS VERSION. You can start there and work backward.
I'll score that one "ZERO", the lefty boilerplate sniveling points nonwithstanding.

And I hate to break it to you...But over 2/3 of Shrubbie's spending spree was on DOMESTIC PROGRAMS!!

You lose again.

How much was spent on promoting happy marriages? How much was spend on <gasp> Home Ownership for Minorities? How much was NOT spent on his mandated No Child Left Behind. C'mon, smartass, put some proof on the table.

one would ask you to do the same.

I do it all the time. Where are you? If you choose not to check out links I post, too bad.
How much was spent on promoting happy marriages? How much was spend on <gasp> Home Ownership for Minorities? How much was NOT spent on his mandated No Child Left Behind. C'mon, smartass, put some proof on the table.

one would ask you to do the same.

I do it all the time. Where are you? If you choose not to check out links I post, too bad.

there were no links on the post in question.

try again.
They knew it would be foolish politics to "shut down" some of the more successful programs, like Head Start, but the Bush congress made sure that most government "social" programs were either level funded or cut, everything from block grants to the states to job training for people who lost their jobs to outsourcing.
I'll score that one "ZERO", the lefty boilerplate sniveling points nonwithstanding.

And I hate to break it to you...But over 2/3 of Shrubbie's spending spree was on DOMESTIC PROGRAMS!!

You lose again.

How much was spent on promoting happy marriages? How much was spend on <gasp> Home Ownership for Minorities? How much was NOT spent on his mandated No Child Left Behind. C'mon, smartass, put some proof on the table.
That wasn't the question.

The question was and still is which do-gooder social program was ended??

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