What would America be like if the Left had total control?

N o more of this crap, dupes...After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
What would America be like if the Left had total control?
The answer depends, I suppose, on who and how vociferously people bitched about the lifestyle they enjoy as a result of the policies the left implements. The short answer is that some sort of major legislation/initiative would get passed, which is a good thing in my mind because like it or not, when something major gets done, we at least have the opportunity to learn from it, correct what's wrong with it, and build upon it. Even making a mistake is better than doing nothing.

The Right has had complete control of the presidency and Congress since January and thus far not one major piece of legislation has been enacted, not even the "easy" stuff. Hell, the easiest things to do because presidential fiat is all it takes to do them -- implement import tariffs and cancel NAFTA -- still haven't happened. (I don't think they should, but whether I think they should isn't what was asked about.)

The Left held sway during the Roosevelt years, and FDR got elected four times, after all, and that never happened prior to FDR and he was the only POTUS to have served more than two terms. People must have been pretty happy with his and the Left's policies for that to have happened. Back then, people seemed quite happy with government acting as their "savior" and that's about what Trumpkins are expecting of the government under Trump.
It stands to reason, therefore, that neither the Left nor Right has a lock on the notion of the government being the solution to all that ails us as a nation. In light of that, I doubt that it matters much whether the Left or Right has total control. The fact is that whichever party coddles the polity will be lionized.

While I disagree with you most of the time....thanks for the insightful answer.
However, I do feel that the FDR anomaly was a result of two major major events....the great depression being fresh on peoples minds and WW2 looming....and not so much his greatness.

Similarly, many call Bill Clinton an economic success....when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. He rode the Internet boom and got credit for all the economic stimulus that created.
thanks for the insightful answer.
You're welcome.

I do feel that the FDR anomaly was a result of two major major events....the great depression being fresh on peoples minds and WW2 looming....and not so much his greatness.
I'm sure those events and FDR's policies toward them were factors in his elections. Be that as it may, voters could have elected his opponents, yet they didn't. So how dissatisfied with FDR and his policies could they have been? Apparently not "that" dissatisfied. Voters even elected Truman in his own right well after FDR passed.

One thing that's important to keep in mind in any discussion of this nature is that the GOP and Democratic parties' general ethos began to shift around Nixon's time. Pre-FDR Republicans were pretty much what we'd today call liberals and Democrats of those earlier years were the conservatives. Because of the parties ability to transform themselves, labelling and "storming and norming" based on those labels is basically balmy. To take that approach and be credible, one has to first write a full on paper that sets the framework of for what the various parties stood for and how they changed over time before getting to the heart of what the OP asked about. Far more useful is to address specific policies, their short and long term impact(s), and how the public responds(-ed) to them.
90% of America would live like this:


5% (Hollywood, Elite White Liberals, Liberal politicians) would live like this:


The remaining 5% that had some direct value to the rich 5% would live like this:

End the ridiculous RW propaganda machine with truth for 5 minutes an hour- it couldn't handle that- crap like that. Both ISIS and Naziism are far RW, despite the RW lies of the last 20 years. No, Naziism and communism are NOT socialism, are NOT left wing with conservatism and FREEDOM at the right of the political spectrum. That is brand new Liberal Fascism BULLSHYTTE, for dupes only...
What would America be like if the Left had total control?
The answer depends, I suppose, on who and how vociferously people bitched about the lifestyle they enjoy as a result of the policies the left implements. The short answer is that some sort of major legislation/initiative would get passed, which is a good thing in my mind because like it or not, when something major gets done, we at least have the opportunity to learn from it, correct what's wrong with it, and build upon it. Even making a mistake is better than doing nothing.

The Right has had complete control of the presidency and Congress since January and thus far not one major piece of legislation has been enacted, not even the "easy" stuff. Hell, the easiest things to do because presidential fiat is all it takes to do them -- implement import tariffs and cancel NAFTA -- still haven't happened. (I don't think they should, but whether I think they should isn't what was asked about.)

The Left held sway during the Roosevelt years, and FDR got elected four times, after all, and that never happened prior to FDR and he was the only POTUS to have served more than two terms. People must have been pretty happy with his and the Left's policies for that to have happened. Back then, people seemed quite happy with government acting as their "savior" and that's about what Trumpkins are expecting of the government under Trump.
It stands to reason, therefore, that neither the Left nor Right has a lock on the notion of the government being the solution to all that ails us as a nation. In light of that, I doubt that it matters much whether the Left or Right has total control. The fact is that whichever party coddles the polity will be lionized.

While I disagree with you most of the time....thanks for the insightful answer.
However, I do feel that the FDR anomaly was a result of two major major events....the great depression being fresh on peoples minds and WW2 looming....and not so much his greatness.

Similarly, many call Bill Clinton an economic success....when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. He rode the Internet boom and got credit for all the economic stimulus that created.
thanks for the insightful answer.
You're welcome.

I do feel that the FDR anomaly was a result of two major major events....the great depression being fresh on peoples minds and WW2 looming....and not so much his greatness.
I'm sure those events and FDR's policies toward them were factors in his elections. Be that as it may, voters could have elected his opponents, yet they didn't. So how dissatisfied with FDR and his policies could they have been? Apparently not "that" dissatisfied. Voters even elected Truman in his own right well after FDR passed.

One thing that's important to keep in mind in any discussion of this nature is that the GOP and Democratic parties' general ethos began to shift around Nixon's time. Pre-FDR Republicans were pretty much what we'd today call liberals and Democrats of those earlier years were the conservatives. Because of the parties ability to transform themselves, labelling and "storming and norming" based on those labels is basically balmy. To take that approach and be credible, one has to first write a full on paper that sets the framework of for what the various parties stood for and how they changed over time before getting to the heart of what the OP asked about. Far more useful is to address specific policies, their short and long term impact(s), and how the public responds(-ed) to them.
ACTUALLY, both parties before RAYGUN were comprised of left and right. Now we have polarization and a RW BS propaganda machine and a whole class of dupes, the only way the New BS GOP goes on...
America would be a much more safer, humane and loving place tolerant of all.

ROFLMAO...left loons are some of the most intolerant assholes on the planet...possibly second only to their allies....radical Islam

Radical Islam is a right wing, not left wing ideology. If the left is not tolerant, it's because we believe no tolerance for intolerance.
You snowflakes should be resisting Islam as much as you resist conservatism.
America would be a much more safer, humane and loving place tolerant of all.

ROFLMAO...left loons are some of the most intolerant assholes on the planet...possibly second only to their allies....radical Islam

Radical Islam is a right wing, not left wing ideology. If the left is not tolerant, it's because we believe no tolerance for intolerance.
You snowflakes should be resisting Islam as much as you resist conservatism.

Never happen because they think the jihadists would welcome them with open arms. They don't see the carving knife in Ahab's hand.
Look at what happened under Bush. The destroyed economy. The mess in the Middle East. All the lost jobs. The skyrocketing cost of education. Deregulated banks. Replacing justice department lawyers with Bible school graduates. The scientists that quit working for the US. The deficit creating Bush tax cuts for the rich. Remember, Republicans had total control just like they do now.

Then under Obama, the economy came back, credit card reform, saved billions taking away student loans from banks, bank regulation, healthcare for millions more Americans, save the auto industry, equal pay for equal work. Even with the GOP ruined economy, Obama made great strides bringing it back.

And now, under Trump, Republicans not only want to damage the US, they want it utterly destroyed and under the power of foreign governments. They want to finish the job started by Bush.

And what is sad is their total ignorance. For instance, 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. They are never coming back. And Republicans right here on the USMB call that nonsense. This is called "determined ignorance". They are determined to stay as ignorant as possible. Doesn't bode well for our country with so many ignorant people determined to stay ignorant.
Look at what happened under Bush. The destroyed economy. The mess in the Middle East. All the lost jobs. The skyrocketing cost of education. Deregulated banks. Replacing justice department lawyers with Bible school graduates. The scientists that quit working for the US. The deficit creating Bush tax cuts for the rich. Remember, Republicans had total control just like they do now.

Then under Obama, the economy came back, credit card reform, saved billions taking away student loans from banks, bank regulation, healthcare for millions more Americans, save the auto industry, equal pay for equal work. Even with the GOP ruined economy, Obama made great strides bringing it back.

And now, under Trump, Republicans not only want to damage the US, they want it utterly destroyed and under the power of foreign governments. They want to finish the job started by Bush.

And what is sad is their total ignorance. For instance, 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. They are never coming back. And Republicans right here on the USMB call that nonsense. This is called "determined ignorance". They are determined to stay as ignorant as possible. Doesn't bode well for our country with so many ignorant people determined to stay ignorant.

You actually believe that all started under Bush's watch? What a deluded fool you are
America would be a much more safer, humane and loving place tolerant of all.

ROFLMAO...left loons are some of the most intolerant assholes on the planet...possibly second only to their allies....radical Islam

Radical Islam is a right wing, not left wing ideology. If the left is not tolerant, it's because we believe no tolerance for intolerance.
You snowflakes should be resisting Islam as much as you resist conservatism.

Never happen because they think the jihadists would welcome them with open arms. They don't see the carving knife in Ahab's hand.
The snowflakes say that Islam and conservatism are both right wing, yet will say that conservatives are Islamaphobic.

And these are some of the smart snowflakes.
America would be a much more safer, humane and loving place tolerant of all.

ROFLMAO...left loons are some of the most intolerant assholes on the planet...possibly second only to their allies....radical Islam

Radical Islam is a right wing, not left wing ideology. If the left is not tolerant, it's because we believe no tolerance for intolerance.

So you're intolerant. Thanks

I am intolerant of homophobia, Islamophibia, misogyny and racism.
maybe that is you,but it sure as hell aint many of your lefty friends....
I think if Hillary had been elected we'd be in a recession by now. You saw the bounce in the stock market after Trump won? Wouldn't have happened with Hillary.
America would be a much more safer, humane and loving place tolerant of all.

ROFLMAO...left loons are some of the most intolerant assholes on the planet...possibly second only to their allies....radical Islam

Radical Islam is a right wing, not left wing ideology. If the left is not tolerant, it's because we believe no tolerance for intolerance.

Then why do we want it eradicated and you defend it?

Gawd you're fucking stupid

I'm against the jihadists too. It's just that I can distinguish them from everyone else.
oh you can, can you?.....lol....
Amerrrikkka would be a socialist Utopia, with every want and need awarded by state apparatchniks....

Equality of outcomes for all !!!!
Look at what happened under Bush. The destroyed economy. The mess in the Middle East. All the lost jobs. The skyrocketing cost of education. Deregulated banks. Replacing justice department lawyers with Bible school graduates. The scientists that quit working for the US. The deficit creating Bush tax cuts for the rich. Remember, Republicans had total control just like they do now.

Then under Obama, the economy came back, credit card reform, saved billions taking away student loans from banks, bank regulation, healthcare for millions more Americans, save the auto industry, equal pay for equal work. Even with the GOP ruined economy, Obama made great strides bringing it back.

And now, under Trump, Republicans not only want to damage the US, they want it utterly destroyed and under the power of foreign governments. They want to finish the job started by Bush.

And what is sad is their total ignorance. For instance, 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. They are never coming back. And Republicans right here on the USMB call that nonsense. This is called "determined ignorance". They are determined to stay as ignorant as possible. Doesn't bode well for our country with so many ignorant people determined to stay ignorant.

Ever heard of 9/11?

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