What Will They Do?

Beginning in January 2017, we'll have a new president. In your opinion, what positive, meaningful, and beneficial legislation and policy, will the new president and Congress enact between January 2017 and January 2021? The question does not ask what a Republican or a Democrat will do, nor does it ask what a Republican or Democrat majority in Congress will do. The question is not asking anything about a party, it is simply asking what positive, meaningful, and beneficial legislation and policy will be enacted by the new president and Congress. This is not a party politics question.

Also, in your opinion, will any new legislation and policies be long-lasting, and stand against time? In your opinion, will any new legislation and policies benefit the whole of the nation, or benefit a select group or class?

What will they really do?

Make sure they are not held accountable for anything.

The debt will still continue spiral out of control.

Social Security will still head for unsustainability.

Both parties will take money from their corporate masters..

They will make laws that benefit those that gave the most money for the election/reelection.


Basically the status quo..
Also, in your opinion, will any new legislation and policies be long-lasting, and stand against time? In your opinion, will any new legislation and policies benefit the whole of the nation, or benefit a select group or class?

Since it takes the concurrence of the House, Senate and President to pass legislation, ignoring which political party will control each of these institutions renders these questions rather meaningless. For example, would the ACA have been passed with a Republican President or Congress?

If you are trying to make some point, why not spell it out?
My point is: There are many die hard Republicans and many die hard Democrats. We hear the constant back-and-forth arguments daily as to which party is best for America and her citizens. But, rarely do we hear what each group honestly believes will take place once either one is elected in November 2016. In other words, both Republicans and Democrats bash the other party, but what exactly do they actually think "THEIR" party will accomplish from January 2017 until January 2021, that'll be positive, meaningful, and beneficial to ALL AMERICANS? Both sides complain about what the other party has done, but rarely do they say what will happen, or what they honestly believe will happen, once the 2016 election is over and a winner is declared.

Everyone knows what has already taken place in politics and in government, and each side blames the other side for our problems. But, what will either party do after the election 2016? What do you honestly believe will take place, not what you hope takes place? American voters show little or no faith in their party when put on the spot and asked to say what they honestly believe the legislation and policies will be. Their usual response is, "if the other party doesn't get in the way, my party will do this or that." They never said, "my party will do this or that regardless of politics by the other side. In other words, neither side has any idea as to what the political game will be, yet they are constantly bashing party, liberal, conservative, moderate, rights, and lefts. But, to hear them boast and complain, they know exactly what'll take place if their candidate is elected. They're so sure that their party is the right party for this country, but haven't got the slightest clue as to what any of them will do.

So, my question is, "what do you honestly believe will happen after the 2016 election, beginning in January 2017, and running until January 2021?" What do you honestly believe will be the legislation and policies for those 4 years? Not what you hope happens, but do you honestly believe will happen. If voters can't answer that question, then they are just going through the motions hoping to get the desired results from their party. Yet, they constantly bash, brow-beat, and slam the other party.

Blah blah blah! They are not the same. You can start a hundred threads trying to bore people into agreeing with you....it won't change the facts. The two parties are vastly different.

I gave you this question in another thread. You dodged the answer. How about trying harder?
I dodge nothing. And, the rest of your comment is pathetic.
Also, in your opinion, will any new legislation and policies be long-lasting, and stand against time? In your opinion, will any new legislation and policies benefit the whole of the nation, or benefit a select group or class?

Since it takes the concurrence of the House, Senate and President to pass legislation, ignoring which political party will control each of these institutions renders these questions rather meaningless. For example, would the ACA have been passed with a Republican President or Congress?

If you are trying to make some point, why not spell it out?
My point is: There are many die hard Republicans and many die hard Democrats. We hear the constant back-and-forth arguments daily as to which party is best for America and her citizens. But, rarely do we hear what each group honestly believes will take place once either one is elected in November 2016. In other words, both Republicans and Democrats bash the other party, but what exactly do they actually think "THEIR" party will accomplish from January 2017 until January 2021, that'll be positive, meaningful, and beneficial to ALL AMERICANS? Both sides complain about what the other party has done, but rarely do they say what will happen, or what they honestly believe will happen, once the 2016 election is over and a winner is declared.

Everyone knows what has already taken place in politics and in government, and each side blames the other side for our problems. But, what will either party do after the election 2016? What do you honestly believe will take place, not what you hope takes place? American voters show little or no faith in their party when put on the spot and asked to say what they honestly believe the legislation and policies will be. Their usual response is, "if the other party doesn't get in the way, my party will do this or that." They never said, "my party will do this or that regardless of politics by the other side. In other words, neither side has any idea as to what the political game will be, yet they are constantly bashing party, liberal, conservative, moderate, rights, and lefts. But, to hear them boast and complain, they know exactly what'll take place if their candidate is elected. They're so sure that their party is the right party for this country, but haven't got the slightest clue as to what any of them will do.

So, my question is, "what do you honestly believe will happen after the 2016 election, beginning in January 2017, and running until January 2021?" What do you honestly believe will be the legislation and policies for those 4 years? Not what you hope happens, but do you honestly believe will happen. If voters can't answer that question, then they are just going through the motions hoping to get the desired results from their party. Yet, they constantly bash, brow-beat, and slam the other party.

Blah blah blah! They are not the same. You can start a hundred threads trying to bore people into agreeing with you....it won't change the facts. The two parties are vastly different.

I gave you this question in another thread. You dodged the answer. How about trying harder?
I dodge nothing. And, the rest of your comment is pathetic.

You dodged. I asked you to list the top five accomplishments that a GOP held congress with White House would attain.....and the same for the Dems. You laughed and poo poo'd it as a hypothetical.

In this thread...you essentially asked for the same hypothetical. Lame dodge.
It really does depend on who gets to live in the White House, if we keep the House and gain a filibuster proof Senate, get a Speaker of the House with balls, same for Majority Leader of Senate.
Also, in your opinion, will any new legislation and policies be long-lasting, and stand against time? In your opinion, will any new legislation and policies benefit the whole of the nation, or benefit a select group or class?

Since it takes the concurrence of the House, Senate and President to pass legislation, ignoring which political party will control each of these institutions renders these questions rather meaningless. For example, would the ACA have been passed with a Republican President or Congress?

If you are trying to make some point, why not spell it out?
My point is: There are many die hard Republicans and many die hard Democrats. We hear the constant back-and-forth arguments daily as to which party is best for America and her citizens. But, rarely do we hear what each group honestly believes will take place once either one is elected in November 2016. In other words, both Republicans and Democrats bash the other party, but what exactly do they actually think "THEIR" party will accomplish from January 2017 until January 2021, that'll be positive, meaningful, and beneficial to ALL AMERICANS? Both sides complain about what the other party has done, but rarely do they say what will happen, or what they honestly believe will happen, once the 2016 election is over and a winner is declared.

Everyone knows what has already taken place in politics and in government, and each side blames the other side for our problems. But, what will either party do after the election 2016? What do you honestly believe will take place, not what you hope takes place? American voters show little or no faith in their party when put on the spot and asked to say what they honestly believe the legislation and policies will be. Their usual response is, "if the other party doesn't get in the way, my party will do this or that." They never said, "my party will do this or that regardless of politics by the other side. In other words, neither side has any idea as to what the political game will be, yet they are constantly bashing party, liberal, conservative, moderate, rights, and lefts. But, to hear them boast and complain, they know exactly what'll take place if their candidate is elected. They're so sure that their party is the right party for this country, but haven't got the slightest clue as to what any of them will do.

So, my question is, "what do you honestly believe will happen after the 2016 election, beginning in January 2017, and running until January 2021?" What do you honestly believe will be the legislation and policies for those 4 years? Not what you hope happens, but do you honestly believe will happen. If voters can't answer that question, then they are just going through the motions hoping to get the desired results from their party. Yet, they constantly bash, brow-beat, and slam the other party.

Blah blah blah! They are not the same. You can start a hundred threads trying to bore people into agreeing with you....it won't change the facts. The two parties are vastly different.

I gave you this question in another thread. You dodged the answer. How about trying harder?
I dodge nothing. And, the rest of your comment is pathetic.

You dodged. I asked you to list the top five accomplishments that a GOP held congress with White House would attain.....and the same for the Dems. You laughed and poo poo'd it as a hypothetical.

In this thread...you essentially asked for the same hypothetical. Lame dodge.
No dodge. Neither party would do anything. It'll be basically "politics as usual", nothing more. In other words, it'll be as always. I don't dodge anything. I asked those that are die hard Republicans, and those that are die hard Democrats. I'm neither a Republican nor a Democrat. I don't get on here every single day and defend one party and bash the other. You never hear me defend any of them. So, no, I don't dodge anything.
Since it takes the concurrence of the House, Senate and President to pass legislation, ignoring which political party will control each of these institutions renders these questions rather meaningless. For example, would the ACA have been passed with a Republican President or Congress?

If you are trying to make some point, why not spell it out?
My point is: There are many die hard Republicans and many die hard Democrats. We hear the constant back-and-forth arguments daily as to which party is best for America and her citizens. But, rarely do we hear what each group honestly believes will take place once either one is elected in November 2016. In other words, both Republicans and Democrats bash the other party, but what exactly do they actually think "THEIR" party will accomplish from January 2017 until January 2021, that'll be positive, meaningful, and beneficial to ALL AMERICANS? Both sides complain about what the other party has done, but rarely do they say what will happen, or what they honestly believe will happen, once the 2016 election is over and a winner is declared.

Everyone knows what has already taken place in politics and in government, and each side blames the other side for our problems. But, what will either party do after the election 2016? What do you honestly believe will take place, not what you hope takes place? American voters show little or no faith in their party when put on the spot and asked to say what they honestly believe the legislation and policies will be. Their usual response is, "if the other party doesn't get in the way, my party will do this or that." They never said, "my party will do this or that regardless of politics by the other side. In other words, neither side has any idea as to what the political game will be, yet they are constantly bashing party, liberal, conservative, moderate, rights, and lefts. But, to hear them boast and complain, they know exactly what'll take place if their candidate is elected. They're so sure that their party is the right party for this country, but haven't got the slightest clue as to what any of them will do.

So, my question is, "what do you honestly believe will happen after the 2016 election, beginning in January 2017, and running until January 2021?" What do you honestly believe will be the legislation and policies for those 4 years? Not what you hope happens, but do you honestly believe will happen. If voters can't answer that question, then they are just going through the motions hoping to get the desired results from their party. Yet, they constantly bash, brow-beat, and slam the other party.

Blah blah blah! They are not the same. You can start a hundred threads trying to bore people into agreeing with you....it won't change the facts. The two parties are vastly different.

I gave you this question in another thread. You dodged the answer. How about trying harder?
I dodge nothing. And, the rest of your comment is pathetic.

You dodged. I asked you to list the top five accomplishments that a GOP held congress with White House would attain.....and the same for the Dems. You laughed and poo poo'd it as a hypothetical.

In this thread...you essentially asked for the same hypothetical. Lame dodge.
No dodge. Neither party would do anything. It'll be basically "politics as usual", nothing more. In other words, it'll be as always. I don't dodge anything. I asked those that are die hard Republicans, and those that are die hard Democrats. I'm neither a Republican nor a Democrat. I don't get on here every single day and defend one party and bash the other. You never hear me defend any of them. So, no, I don't dodge anything.

You are dodging your dodges.
Won't there be problems that need to be solved from Obama's debacles? One way or another, the illegal immigrants need to either be deported, or made citizens. We will still be at war, but I think our current terrorists in this country will be found and dealt with. Our borders will be secured.
Whenever the above is accomplished, then the next President might be able to address economic issues, infrastructure, and health insurance.
My point is: There are many die hard Republicans and many die hard Democrats. We hear the constant back-and-forth arguments daily as to which party is best for America and her citizens. But, rarely do we hear what each group honestly believes will take place once either one is elected in November 2016. In other words, both Republicans and Democrats bash the other party, but what exactly do they actually think "THEIR" party will accomplish from January 2017 until January 2021, that'll be positive, meaningful, and beneficial to ALL AMERICANS? Both sides complain about what the other party has done, but rarely do they say what will happen, or what they honestly believe will happen, once the 2016 election is over and a winner is declared.

Everyone knows what has already taken place in politics and in government, and each side blames the other side for our problems. But, what will either party do after the election 2016? What do you honestly believe will take place, not what you hope takes place? American voters show little or no faith in their party when put on the spot and asked to say what they honestly believe the legislation and policies will be. Their usual response is, "if the other party doesn't get in the way, my party will do this or that." They never said, "my party will do this or that regardless of politics by the other side. In other words, neither side has any idea as to what the political game will be, yet they are constantly bashing party, liberal, conservative, moderate, rights, and lefts. But, to hear them boast and complain, they know exactly what'll take place if their candidate is elected. They're so sure that their party is the right party for this country, but haven't got the slightest clue as to what any of them will do.

So, my question is, "what do you honestly believe will happen after the 2016 election, beginning in January 2017, and running until January 2021?" What do you honestly believe will be the legislation and policies for those 4 years? Not what you hope happens, but do you honestly believe will happen. If voters can't answer that question, then they are just going through the motions hoping to get the desired results from their party. Yet, they constantly bash, brow-beat, and slam the other party.

Blah blah blah! They are not the same. You can start a hundred threads trying to bore people into agreeing with you....it won't change the facts. The two parties are vastly different.

I gave you this question in another thread. You dodged the answer. How about trying harder?
I dodge nothing. And, the rest of your comment is pathetic.

You dodged. I asked you to list the top five accomplishments that a GOP held congress with White House would attain.....and the same for the Dems. You laughed and poo poo'd it as a hypothetical.

In this thread...you essentially asked for the same hypothetical. Lame dodge.
No dodge. Neither party would do anything. It'll be basically "politics as usual", nothing more. In other words, it'll be as always. I don't dodge anything. I asked those that are die hard Republicans, and those that are die hard Democrats. I'm neither a Republican nor a Democrat. I don't get on here every single day and defend one party and bash the other. You never hear me defend any of them. So, no, I don't dodge anything.

You are dodging your dodges.
Again, I don't dodge anything.
Blah blah blah! They are not the same. You can start a hundred threads trying to bore people into agreeing with you....it won't change the facts. The two parties are vastly different.

I gave you this question in another thread. You dodged the answer. How about trying harder?
I dodge nothing. And, the rest of your comment is pathetic.

You dodged. I asked you to list the top five accomplishments that a GOP held congress with White House would attain.....and the same for the Dems. You laughed and poo poo'd it as a hypothetical.

In this thread...you essentially asked for the same hypothetical. Lame dodge.
No dodge. Neither party would do anything. It'll be basically "politics as usual", nothing more. In other words, it'll be as always. I don't dodge anything. I asked those that are die hard Republicans, and those that are die hard Democrats. I'm neither a Republican nor a Democrat. I don't get on here every single day and defend one party and bash the other. You never hear me defend any of them. So, no, I don't dodge anything.

You are dodging your dodges.
Again, I don't dodge anything.

Say it again. Maybe I'll suddenly forget all of today's dodges. Who knows?
I dodge nothing. And, the rest of your comment is pathetic.

You dodged. I asked you to list the top five accomplishments that a GOP held congress with White House would attain.....and the same for the Dems. You laughed and poo poo'd it as a hypothetical.

In this thread...you essentially asked for the same hypothetical. Lame dodge.
No dodge. Neither party would do anything. It'll be basically "politics as usual", nothing more. In other words, it'll be as always. I don't dodge anything. I asked those that are die hard Republicans, and those that are die hard Democrats. I'm neither a Republican nor a Democrat. I don't get on here every single day and defend one party and bash the other. You never hear me defend any of them. So, no, I don't dodge anything.

You are dodging your dodges.
Again, I don't dodge anything.

Say it again. Maybe I'll suddenly forget all of today's dodges. Who knows?
Name or list the dodges.
I already have.

Is this fun for you? It's boring me.
Yea, I'm enjoying it. I love it when people try to pull crap and run out of points. It never fails, they always try to divert the conversation to something else. It's easy to tell what's going on when they ignore what you've said and attempt to turn the conversation to something else. See, you're trying to get me to answer dumb questions about Republicans and Democrats when my post was basically the same thing, except mine was about anything they may or may not do, and yours is trying to pinpoint certain things I think they may or may not do. Yea, it's fun. MY ANSWER: They'll do exactly what they've done for many decades now, no different.
I already have.

Is this fun for you? It's boring me.
Yea, I'm enjoying it. I love it when people try to pull crap and run out of points. It never fails, they always try to divert the conversation to something else. It's easy to tell what's going on when they ignore what you've said and attempt to turn the conversation to something else. See, you're trying to get me to answer dumb questions about Republicans and Democrats when my post was basically the same thing, except mine was about anything they may or may not do, and yours is trying to pinpoint certain things I think they may or may not do. Yea, it's fun. MY ANSWER: They'll do exactly what they've done for many decades now, no different.

Wow! That was awesome. I'm convinced!
I already have.

Is this fun for you? It's boring me.
Yea, I'm enjoying it. I love it when people try to pull crap and run out of points. It never fails, they always try to divert the conversation to something else. It's easy to tell what's going on when they ignore what you've said and attempt to turn the conversation to something else. See, you're trying to get me to answer dumb questions about Republicans and Democrats when my post was basically the same thing, except mine was about anything they may or may not do, and yours is trying to pinpoint certain things I think they may or may not do. Yea, it's fun. MY ANSWER: They'll do exactly what they've done for many decades now, no different.

Wow! That was awesome. I'm convinced!
I'm glad you liked it. Stick around, I have a lot of good stuff coming soon.
I already have.

Is this fun for you? It's boring me.
Yea, I'm enjoying it. I love it when people try to pull crap and run out of points. It never fails, they always try to divert the conversation to something else. It's easy to tell what's going on when they ignore what you've said and attempt to turn the conversation to something else. See, you're trying to get me to answer dumb questions about Republicans and Democrats when my post was basically the same thing, except mine was about anything they may or may not do, and yours is trying to pinpoint certain things I think they may or may not do. Yea, it's fun. MY ANSWER: They'll do exactly what they've done for many decades now, no different.

Wow! That was awesome. I'm convinced!
I'm glad you liked it. Stick around, I have a lot of good stuff coming soon.

Oh....I know! If not for brilliant people like you to tell the rest of us dummies that we are all being duped by two political parties working together to fleece us...how would we ever survive?

Please......never stop!
I already have.

Is this fun for you? It's boring me.
Yea, I'm enjoying it. I love it when people try to pull crap and run out of points. It never fails, they always try to divert the conversation to something else. It's easy to tell what's going on when they ignore what you've said and attempt to turn the conversation to something else. See, you're trying to get me to answer dumb questions about Republicans and Democrats when my post was basically the same thing, except mine was about anything they may or may not do, and yours is trying to pinpoint certain things I think they may or may not do. Yea, it's fun. MY ANSWER: They'll do exactly what they've done for many decades now, no different.

Wow! That was awesome. I'm convinced!
I'm glad you liked it. Stick around, I have a lot of good stuff coming soon.

Oh....I know! If not for brilliant people like you to tell the rest of us dummies that we are all being duped by two political parties working together to fleece us...how would we ever survive?

Please......never stop!
Well, all one has to do is look at the results of elections, and then look at where we are as a nation. It doesn't take an MIT graduate, nor a Philadelphia lawyer to see what's going on. Look at where we were in the mid 50's, then look at the progression of decline that's taken place since. It's really very simple. We didn't get from point A to point B by accident. Those we entrusted with our well-being sold us out. Remember, John Q. Public doesn't vote on the floors of Congress, nor sit in the oval office engineering policy. And, politicians do not just waltz into Washington and take a seat, we elect them. Again, it's really very simple.
I already have.

Is this fun for you? It's boring me.
Yea, I'm enjoying it. I love it when people try to pull crap and run out of points. It never fails, they always try to divert the conversation to something else. It's easy to tell what's going on when they ignore what you've said and attempt to turn the conversation to something else. See, you're trying to get me to answer dumb questions about Republicans and Democrats when my post was basically the same thing, except mine was about anything they may or may not do, and yours is trying to pinpoint certain things I think they may or may not do. Yea, it's fun. MY ANSWER: They'll do exactly what they've done for many decades now, no different.

Wow! That was awesome. I'm convinced!
I'm glad you liked it. Stick around, I have a lot of good stuff coming soon.

Oh....I know! If not for brilliant people like you to tell the rest of us dummies that we are all being duped by two political parties working together to fleece us...how would we ever survive?

Please......never stop!
Well, all one has to do is look at the results of elections, and then look at where we are as a nation. It doesn't take an MIT graduate, nor a Philadelphia lawyer to see what's going on. Look at where we were in the mid 50's, then look at the progression of decline that's taken place since. It's really very simple. We didn't get from point A to point B by accident. Those we entrusted with our well-being sold us out. Remember, John Q. Public doesn't vote on the floors of Congress, nor sit in the oval office engineering policy. And, politicians do not just waltz into Washington and take a seat, we elect them. Again, it's really very simple.

Decline my ass. A thinking person......especially one who is elderly and poor......or other than white......or gay......or has an ounce of compassion......wouldn't give a moment's thought to returning to life in 1950's America.

You are just a cynical person who has allowed that cynicism to have its way with your common sense. I'm cynical as well. I see all that is wrong in Washington. Unlike you, however, I also see what's right. And most of what is right IS NOT ON THE RIGHT.

The end.
Last edited:
I already have.

Is this fun for you? It's boring me.
Yea, I'm enjoying it. I love it when people try to pull crap and run out of points. It never fails, they always try to divert the conversation to something else. It's easy to tell what's going on when they ignore what you've said and attempt to turn the conversation to something else. See, you're trying to get me to answer dumb questions about Republicans and Democrats when my post was basically the same thing, except mine was about anything they may or may not do, and yours is trying to pinpoint certain things I think they may or may not do. Yea, it's fun. MY ANSWER: They'll do exactly what they've done for many decades now, no different.

Wow! That was awesome. I'm convinced!
I'm glad you liked it. Stick around, I have a lot of good stuff coming soon.

Oh....I know! If not for brilliant people like you to tell the rest of us dummies that we are all being duped by two political parties working together to fleece us...how would we ever survive?

Please......never stop!
Well, all one has to do is look at the results of elections, and then look at where we are as a nation. It doesn't take an MIT graduate, nor a Philadelphia lawyer to see what's going on. Look at where we were in the mid 50's, then look at the progression of decline that's taken place since. It's really very simple. We didn't get from point A to point B by accident. Those we entrusted with our well-being sold us out. Remember, John Q. Public doesn't vote on the floors of Congress, nor sit in the oval office engineering policy. And, politicians do not just waltz into Washington and take a seat, we elect them. Again, it's really very simple.
Serioulsy...why do you bother to get out of bed in the morning?
Banning corporate lobbyists.

High regulation of off-shore tax shelters and banking.

Raise taxes on the wealthy and super-wealthy.

Double the size of the ATF.

Legalize Marijuana.

Use the US military to take down the drug cartels and seize their financial recourses under RICO.

Path to citizenship of migrant workers.

Phase out coal and carbon emissions energy making.

Put white collar criminals into maximum security prisons.

Register all assault weapons.

Use drones to take out American Taliban groups like tea party extremists.

Cut military spending.

Pretty much with you in all these, but that 'drones' part...

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