Tea Party Patriots!

Kaleb Cartier

Jan 21, 2015
We the true Americans need to seize power and force The United States into a period of Isolationism, if we continue intervening in world politics we will be destroyed by the every increasing debt. We need to seal the border thus regulating the number of Mexicans allowed into our country.
We the true Americans need to seize power and force The United States into a period of Isolationism, if we continue intervening in world politics we will be destroyed by the every increasing debt. We need to seal the border thus regulating the number of Mexicans allowed into our country.

Suck it loser.

You are undereducated white trash and seniors who have too much free time on your hands.

American would be dong a lot better if you would just get the fuck outta the way.
Suck it loser.

You are undereducated white trash and seniors who have too much free time on your hands.

American would be dong a lot better if you would just get the fuck outta the way.

So ... Undereducated people with too much time on their hands need to get the fuck outta our way ... Well put Hazloser!

We the true Americans need to seize power and force The United States into a period of Isolationism, if we continue intervening in world politics we will be destroyed by the every increasing debt. We need to seal the border thus regulating the number of Mexicans allowed into our country.

Please describe what you think makes an American a "true American".
Yeah, lets just stop competing and become a second rate hell hole. I am so sick of you cut, slash and burn fags that I think I am going to punk.

You're no Patriot with that loser attitude.

We cannot have competition ... It produces winners and losers.
We don't have a right to decide who gets to win and who gets to lose ... We need everything fair and equal.

Would that be more patriotic?

We the true Americans need to seize power and force The United States into a period of Isolationism, if we continue intervening in world politics we will be destroyed by the every increasing debt. We need to seal the border thus regulating the number of Mexicans allowed into our country.

Please describe what you think makes an American a "true American".

I am guessing that anyone that hauls ass into a walled off country like North Korea that cuts everything to the bone is his idea of it.

No infrastructure...If you want infrastructure, well, you better be rich as you'll be paying up the ass for a corporate road!
No science institutions!!! Yep, lets defund and abolish the best in the world. For what reason??? Because I said so!!!
No r&d investment..
No education for all of our children

Lets give it all to the goddamn .5% of the population!!! That is what a Patriot to this piece of shit is.
Yeah, lets just stop competing and become a second rate hell hole. I am so sick of you cut, slash and burn fags that I think I am going to punk.

You're no Patriot with that loser attitude.

We cannot have competition ... It produces winners and losers.
We don't have a right to decide who gets to win and who gets to lose ... We need everything fair and equal.

Would that be more patriotic?


The guy above destroys competition as he favors the super rich that holds all the cards and don't pay hardly any taxes. Also, there's two sectors the private and public. He seems to think that there's only should be a private but he is wrong. America has had a long history of doing great things with its public sector from building the free way to going to the moon.
He's a phony. Just trollin along.

The Tea Party Is Not Isolationist - NYTimes.com
A common myth about the Tea Party is that it is isolationist. It isn’t. Yes, Tea Party supporters are focused on the domestic economy, and are tiring of U.S. strategic commitments abroad. But the same is also true of most Americans right now — Democrats as well as Republicans. Relative to other voters, many Tea Party supporters actually favor strong U.S. leadership internationally, a robust American military and support for core U.S. alliances overseas. This is also in keeping with the foreign policy preferences of most conservative Republicans, both today and for many years.
The guy above destroys competition as he favors the super rich that holds all the cards and don't pay hardly any taxes. Also, there's two sectors the private and public. He seems to think that there's only should be a private but he is wrong. America has had a long history of doing great things with its public sector from building the free way to going to the moon.

With competition in the public sector ... You mean hiring quotas and additional points assigned to minorities in situations such as the Civil Service Exam?
Do you mean that The Department of Transportation should do the construction and repair work ... Or should private contractors be allowed to submit bids at more competitive prices?

What is competitive about taking money from the rich?
How does that promote progress and competition when it simply means you are punished for winning?
Private industry is currently working out the ways to supply the space station, launch satellites and whatnot ... Is that competitive?

Not knocking the idea ... But exactly how competitive was going to the moon outside of trying to beat the Russians there?

In their rush to sell out to Big Government, the wacko tee potties have turned out to be a huge national embarrassment.


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