what was bush sr doing in 1963?


Feb 13, 2010
do we have anyone here that can give a timeline on what bush sr was doing in the year of 1963? and the bonus question is where was he on nov 22?
Janis Joplin was in Texas in 1963. Has she been investigated?
do we have anyone here that can give a timeline on what bush sr was doing in the year of 1963? and the bonus question is where was he on nov 22?

There is a picture some of you Troofer idiots like to point to of a guy standing outside of the Texas Schoolbook Depository who is supposedly former President George H.W. Bush.

Of course, there's also the story that he is actually the son of a Nazi and not a Natural Born U.S. Citizen.

id-eots accept such silly crap at face value.
do we have anyone here that can give a timeline on what bush sr was doing in the year of 1963? and the bonus question is where was he on nov 22?

let me guess......

he was involved in designing the twin towers to have explosive imbedded in the concrete core then for no apparent reason they were secretly going to tell the entire world there was a steel core just for the fun of it.
he was running an orange julius stand at love field in dallas.


i think not.

:clap2: you should soooo start a "wise cracking" forum...you could be the admin............the admin.
he was running an orange julius stand at love field in dallas.


i think not.

:clap2: you should soooo start a "wise cracking" forum...you could be the admin............the admin.

USMB IS the wise-cracking forum, silly. It's also the insult forum.

Gheez, I know that yer new and all, but I thought it would have been obvious by now.
:clap2: you should soooo start a "wise cracking" forum...you could be the admin............the admin.

USMB IS the wise-cracking forum, silly. It's also the insult forum.

Gheez, I know that yer new and all, but I thought it would have been obvious by now.


I doubt it.

Different posting style and attitude. While it can be faked for short periods of time, this guy seems to be a whole 'nother animal/vegetable/mineral. I could be wrong, but at this time I'm gonna call genuine newb. Also, he comes across as much younger than eots or terral.

Terral - polite to the point of annoyance really unless you practically hit him upside up the head with a cinderblock.
eots - actually has a sense of humor once you break him out of the conspiracy discussions.

So far this guy has no sense of humor, and is actively going out of his way to attempt to sucker posters into linguistic and vernacular traps in order to troll the shit out of them. Polar opposites of terral and eots. Also, he comes across as much younger than eots or terral with his sense of righteous indignation combined with the contemptuous disdain he has for any opinion that may vary slightly from his own. Much like a teenager, really, with the whole "Teenagers, tired of being harrassed by your stupid parents act now, move out, get a job, pay your bills...while you still know everything....." kinda thing.

Anyway...I could be wrong though.

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