What? Wait a minute…I thought the Olympics


PROUD Tea Party Member
Dec 5, 2012
Weren't supposed to be "political"?? Hmm, that bastion of communism - NBC - apparently didn't get the "memo" and called communism a "pivotal experiment":

During NBC’s coverage of the opening ceremony of the 2014 Olympics in Sochi, a narrator described Soviet-era communism as a “pivotal experiment.” Many viewers objected to the reference and were quick to point out the mass suffering and death endured under communist leaders like Joseph Stalin.

Here’s the text of what viewers heard during NBC’s opening ceremony coverage, reportedly narrated by “Game of Thrones” actor Peter Dinklage:

The towering presence, the empire that ascended to affirm a colossal footprint. The revolution that birthed one of modern history’s pivotal experiments. But if politics has long shaped our sense of who they are, it’s passion that endures. As a more reliable right to their collective heart. What they build in aspirations, lifted by imagination. What they craft, through the wonder of every last detail. How magical the fusion of sound and movement can be. How much a glass of distilled perfection and an overflowing table can matter. Discover the Russian people through these indelible signatures. Discover what we share with them through the games that open here tonight.

Damn….I worked at the American Embassy in Moscow in the late 70s. Funny, I never heard a single Russian call communism "pivotal"……saw a lot of them standing in bread lines though….really never heard them "bitch" too much about their "wonderful" lives…Would have landed them in prison (oh, and in case you weren't aware - prisons in Russia don't have cable TV).

That pesky Old NBC - always trying to convince the world that Stalin and Lenin actually "had it right"……those guys!!! What's 40-75 million murdered? Hell, nothing more than a drop in the collectivism bucket, right??
Name a purely capitalist state that doesn't have a big poor class feeding the small super rich?

Realize that our hybrid system the fix for human nature that is pure capitalism.

The fact that everything doesn't need be about profit.
Name a purely capitalist state that doesn't have a big poor class feeding the small super rich?

Realize that our hybrid system the fix for human nature that is pure capitalism.

The fact that everything doesn't need be about profit.

Name one Communist system where the poor became prosperous by feeding off the rich. I bet you can't.
The news agencies need to focus on the people and sports of the games. To hell with the politics.......................

These are some of the best athletes in the world........They have trained all of their lives and that is where the focus should be in the games......................Leave politics out of it.
Yeah wait a minute. The Olympics have always been about politics and money. You might want to pick up a book.
Yeah wait a minute. The Olympics have always been about politics and money. You might want to pick up a book.

Not to the athletes.............and not to me..................

When I watch the Olympics, I don't give a damn about the politics or the money........

No book needed.
It doesn't matter what you or the rest of athlete sheeple think. You will never have the spine to effect any change. Go back to sleep.
It doesn't matter what you or the rest of athlete sheeple think. You will never have the spine to effect any change. Go back to sleep.


Who the hell cares.......................

What change is that..................Oh hell, they've changed the formula for snow and ice...................That skier has a bill board on his back.............


Perhaps you need to wake up and enjoy the games for what they are intended to be about...............If you don't like the commercials use the dvr functions on your service.:cuckoo:
Oh sorry. I guess you thought you were talking to someone who gave a shit what happens to sheeple.
Name a purely capitalist state that doesn't have a big poor class feeding the small super rich?

Realize that our hybrid system the fix for human nature that is pure capitalism.

The fact that everything doesn't need be about profit.

Name one Communist system where the poor became prosperous by feeding off the rich. I bet you can't.

BINGO! Couldn't have stated better myself. Quite frankly, seeing these pussies on this board - I'm ready to look for the next Joseph McCarthy. It's time to start kicking these commies' asses again in this country.
Name a purely capitalist state that doesn't have a big poor class feeding the small super rich?

Realize that our hybrid system the fix for human nature that is pure capitalism.

The fact that everything doesn't need be about profit.

Name one Communist system where the poor became prosperous by feeding off the rich. I bet you can't.


See? That was easy.
Name a purely capitalist state that doesn't have a big poor class feeding the small super rich?

Realize that our hybrid system the fix for human nature that is pure capitalism.

The fact that everything doesn't need be about profit.

Name one Communist system where the poor became prosperous by feeding off the rich. I bet you can't.

BINGO! Couldn't have stated better myself. Quite frankly, seeing these pussies on this board - I'm ready to look for the next Joseph McCarthy. It's time to start kicking these commies' asses again in this country.

It was Joe that got his ass kicked.
Name a purely capitalist state that doesn't have a big poor class feeding the small super rich?

Realize that our hybrid system the fix for human nature that is pure capitalism.

The fact that everything doesn't need be about profit.

Name one Communist system where the poor became prosperous by feeding off the rich. I bet you can't.


See? That was easy.

Weren't supposed to be "political"?? Hmm, that bastion of communism - NBC - apparently didn't get the "memo" and called communism a "pivotal experiment":

During NBC’s coverage of the opening ceremony of the 2014 Olympics in Sochi, a narrator described Soviet-era communism as a “pivotal experiment.” Many viewers objected to the reference and were quick to point out the mass suffering and death endured under communist leaders like Joseph Stalin.

Here’s the text of what viewers heard during NBC’s opening ceremony coverage, reportedly narrated by “Game of Thrones” actor Peter Dinklage:

The towering presence, the empire that ascended to affirm a colossal footprint. The revolution that birthed one of modern history’s pivotal experiments. But if politics has long shaped our sense of who they are, it’s passion that endures. As a more reliable right to their collective heart. What they build in aspirations, lifted by imagination. What they craft, through the wonder of every last detail. How magical the fusion of sound and movement can be. How much a glass of distilled perfection and an overflowing table can matter. Discover the Russian people through these indelible signatures. Discover what we share with them through the games that open here tonight.

Damn….I worked at the American Embassy in Moscow in the late 70s. Funny, I never heard a single Russian call communism "pivotal"……saw a lot of them standing in bread lines though….really never heard them "bitch" too much about their "wonderful" lives…Would have landed them in prison (oh, and in case you weren't aware - prisons in Russia don't have cable TV).

That pesky Old NBC - always trying to convince the world that Stalin and Lenin actually "had it right"……those guys!!! What's 40-75 million murdered? Hell, nothing more than a drop in the collectivism bucket, right??

Aren't we supposed to provide links to copyright protected websites like The Blaze?

NBC?s Description of Soviet-Era Communism Stuns Marco Rubio, Other Viewers During Olympics Coverage | Video | TheBlaze.com

Post reported.

And isn't it you teabaggers that have been bowing before the Pootin lately?
Name a purely capitalist state that doesn't have a big poor class feeding the small super rich?

Realize that our hybrid system the fix for human nature that is pure capitalism.

The fact that everything doesn't need be about profit.

Name one Communist system where the poor became prosperous by feeding off the rich. I bet you can't.


See? That was easy.

Ha, you wish. Tell that to the 6 million Russians who died in the great Soviet Famine of 1921, it was more or less due in part because of War Communism policies instituted while Russia underwent revolution in 1917. In 1932, forcible collectivization of agriculture on kulaks (rich peasants) and the kolkhozs (collectivized farmers), by the Communist government, began to result in the deaths of an estimated 5 to 8 million Russians. So tell me again how poor people prospered in these situations?

Any more paltry examples you wish to dole out, Sallow?
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I watched the Opening Ceremonies, I don't remember this happening at all.

Anyway, who the fuck cares? It's not like "pivotal experiment" is some sort of high praise.

It'd be a little rude to openly insult and attack the history of the host country during the Games.

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