What the FUCK is wrong with some of these GOP people?

This guy just did the programming for all the Lib media for the next week
and maybe beyond...

Is there any thought process before these guys speak?...

We'll just have to come back with some of Obama and Biden's gaffes, but you are right.....some timing!!!! This way the pressure from the Left can stay on track instead of the 8.2% unemployment rate and the economy tanking. All we need is a good hurricane to come along and.....oh wait!!!!! :eusa_whistle:
Making abortion a front and center issue right before an election you can win without mentioning it is stupid. No one needs to be dishonest. If questioned you give your opinion but you don't make it a front and center topic. It was completely unnecessary and stupid.

The senate certainly should have been ours. The potus possibly as it was neck n neck but now we've played right into the dems hands.

Self inflicted, stupidity is self inflicted

I have to agree. Right now, the "we built this" theme, and wall to wall talk about unemployment and the economy is really all we should be focusing on at the convention.
If Romney loses, it will b e traced to dumb ass moves like this !
I dont see whats wrong with protecting life.

Nothing wrong with being anti-abortion, but it's not going to win you many independents if you make it center stage, and right now we need the help from more than just conservatives in order to win.
I feel like abortion is a terrible thing and I wish it wasn't a reality. Having said that at this point and time I'm more concerned with the state of our country and all the issues we face. All the social issues, all of them, are secondary in my opinion. We can't fix the major problems of our country if we lose on social issues.
I dont see whats wrong with protecting life.

Nothing wrong with being anti-abortion, but it's not going to win you many independents if you make it center stage, and right now we need the help from more than just conservatives in order to win.

i don't understand.

i thought america was a conservative country!

You heard wrong then. Conservatives make up the SINGLE LARGEST IDEOLOGICAL GROUP, but it's still under 50%.
Shhh about those GOP platform and policies. Just keep complaining about the black guy you mindlessly obstructed from fixing your messes....

Shhh about those GOP platform and policies. Just keep complaining about the black guy you mindlessly obstructed from fixing your messes....

Why are the Libs so hung up on the President being black.
Are they ashamed?...
The right wing posters I see here never bring race into it...
Why do you guys??? :D
Shhh about those GOP platform and policies. Just keep complaining about the black guy you mindlessly obstructed from fixing your messes....

Shhh about those GOP platform and policies. Just keep complaining about the black guy you mindlessly obstructed from fixing your messes....
Why are the Libs so hung up on the President being black.
Are they ashamed?...
The right wing posters I see here never bring race into it...
Why do you guys??? :D

very clever
Granted they are trying to push Akin out for his tremendously stupid comments about rape but then they turn around and adopt abortion as a front end plank at the convention.

SERIOUSLY?????? Are we this god damn stupid? We should have this election in the bag based on the economic performance of this administration. So what do we do? Change the subject from FAILED POLICIES to social issues that before a couple days ago were not even spoke of. Issues that thanks to Akin we WILL LOSE on.

This has got to be one of the dumbest moves of the GOP leaders in years if not decades. This election was ours to lose and we just shot ourselves in the foot.

The plan worked.
It's one thing when the Democrats call Romney

A Felon.
A Tax cheat
A murderer...

We should be able to accept the fact that Democrat campaign strategy will go into the sewer.

But we should not be helping them along.

Of course they never said those things, brainwashed dupe.. But he DID say he had nothing to do with Bane when he was owner, sole stockholder, and CEO, with no evidence, DID Not release tax records like other candidates since his father in 1964, and DID put lots of people out of work, end their pensions and good health care, while making millions for HIS company. A W clone with NO business morals...
Nothing wrong with being anti-abortion, but it's not going to win you many independents if you make it center stage, and right now we need the help from more than just conservatives in order to win.

i don't understand.

i thought america was a conservative country!

You heard wrong then. Conservatives make up the SINGLE LARGEST IDEOLOGICAL GROUP, but it's still under 50%.

quite a shitty situation for a no compromise approach, huh.
Granted they are trying to push Akin out for his tremendously stupid comments about rape but then they turn around and adopt abortion as a front end plank at the convention.

SERIOUSLY?????? Are we this god damn stupid? We should have this election in the bag based on the economic performance of this administration. So what do we do? Change the subject from FAILED POLICIES to social issues that before a couple days ago were not even spoke of. Issues that thanks to Akin we WILL LOSE on.

This has got to be one of the dumbest moves of the GOP leaders in years if not decades. This election was ours to lose and we just shot ourselves in the foot.

Is it "rape" if the GOP is unknowingly fucking itself?
The economy is better now. In spite of you.

Undecided voters have watched nutters.... in leadership positions, corporate media positions and vociferous partisan hacks like we have here.....wish and hope for bad economic news for over three years.

Undecided also know when they are being lied to. Raiding medicare.....ending work requirement for welfare.....didn't build that.......all very well known to be lies.

Your strategies have failed you. You should have provided loyal opposition.

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