What the FUCK is wrong with some of these GOP people?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Granted they are trying to push Akin out for his tremendously stupid comments about rape but then they turn around and adopt abortion as a front end plank at the convention.

SERIOUSLY?????? Are we this god damn stupid? We should have this election in the bag based on the economic performance of this administration. So what do we do? Change the subject from FAILED POLICIES to social issues that before a couple days ago were not even spoke of. Issues that thanks to Akin we WILL LOSE on.

This has got to be one of the dumbest moves of the GOP leaders in years if not decades. This election was ours to lose and we just shot ourselves in the foot.
This guy just did the programming for all the Lib media for the next week
and maybe beyond...

Is there any thought process before these guys speak?...
welcome to the club.

Youre finnaly understanding the republican party has gone insane
The repub base lives for these zaney fights LOL. Republicorp has no one to blame for hitching their cart to that mule other than themselves either.
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SERIOUSLY?????? Are we this god damn stupid?

Obviously, the answer is "yes, we really are that stupid." After all, we keep electing these idiots over and over again. And I'm not just talking about the GOP, the Democrats are just as much idiots. But we elect them over and over again because we believe that nobody else even has a plausible chance of getting elected. So we content ourselves to choose what we perceive as the lesser evil of the moment.

In truth, that belief is nothing more than a choice. We choose to continually give the dogs a treat whenever they shit on the kitchen floor. And we wonder why they keep shitting on the kitchen floor. Yes indeed, we really are that stupid.
Granted they are trying to push Akin out for his tremendously stupid comments about rape but then they turn around and adopt abortion as a front end plank at the convention.

SERIOUSLY?????? Are we this god damn stupid? We should have this election in the bag based on the economic performance of this administration. So what do we do? Change the subject from FAILED POLICIES to social issues that before a couple days ago were not even spoke of. Issues that thanks to Akin we WILL LOSE on.

This has got to be one of the dumbest moves of the GOP leaders in years if not decades. This election was ours to lose and we just shot ourselves in the foot.

There has been a pro-life plank in the GOP platform for a long time, Grampa. Don't drink someone else's piss without investigating for yourself.

I thought the plank was "We built this"?

That's part of it but then so is this...

First on CNN: GOP prepares tough anti-abortion platform – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

This battle didn't need to be fought at this time. We had all the ammunition we needed without adding an unexploded IED to the platform

At some point in time the smart people will get this Republican party together.
Obama can be beat and should be beat.

The GOP has plenty to go with and they open their friggin mouth and say stupid shit.
Now we have at least another week where the discussion will be about rape,abortion,birth control,the attack on women....

Why do we make it easy for them...:mad:

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