What Retaliation For Soleimani's Death Would Justify War With Iran?

We are now seeing why Trump is not suited to be President.

Most Presidents could give his reason for an attack, identify a threat and the global community would support us

But Trump lies incessantly. He has no credibility at home or abroad. Whatever Trump says must be viewed as a lie
Makes it difficult to justify your actions

No what we are seeing is just how little integrity and lack of ethics Trump supporters have that they can flip flop on staying out of endless wars and moving out of the Middle East, just because Trump has. It never was about his campaign promises and positions. It was always about him being a troll and having a large R after his name.

Trump supporters are now putting Trump before country. Sad. Biggly, perfect sad. (I had to say it like Trump would so maybe they would understand it.)

Trump has created the instability in the region.
We are now witnessing how inept he is in foreign policy and how little global support he is receiving.

The rest of the world had worked a resolution with Iran that was being complied with

Trump knew better

Not only that, but how wild is it that he publicly said that he didn't agree with how much Bolton wanted to deal with Iran with military power and he didn't agree with it... so now Trump attacks Iran? Huh?
We are now seeing why Trump is not suited to be President.

Most Presidents could give his reason for an attack, identify a threat and the global community would support us

But Trump lies incessantly. He has no credibility at home or abroad. Whatever Trump says must be viewed as a lie
Makes it difficult to justify your actions

No what we are seeing is just how little integrity and lack of ethics Trump supporters have that they can flip flop on staying out of endless wars and moving out of the Middle East, just because Trump has. It never was about his campaign promises and positions. It was always about him being a troll and having a large R after his name.

Trump supporters are now putting Trump before country. Sad. Biggly, perfect sad. (I had to say it like Trump would so maybe they would understand it.)
Narcissistic liberals. How is it honorable to criticize the killing of a tortuous, evil, murderous, person? What a dick.

You don't get it which doesn't surprise me. No one is sad about WHO got killed. They are not happy about HOW they did it.
Don’t you have some goat costume you need to put on for your honeymoon as an ISIS Bride?


So are you rolling into Iran tomorrow to show us your undying patriotism?
Nah. They're chickenhawks.
Please tell us about your military service.
I served for 20 years, chickenhawk.
Coast Guard Reserves...in the band?
Let me know when you sign up, chickenhawk. I'll send you some diapers for when you shit your pants.
We are now seeing why Trump is not suited to be President.

Most Presidents could give his reason for an attack, identify a threat and the global community would support us

But Trump lies incessantly. He has no credibility at home or abroad. Whatever Trump says must be viewed as a lie
Makes it difficult to justify your actions

No what we are seeing is just how little integrity and lack of ethics Trump supporters have that they can flip flop on staying out of endless wars and moving out of the Middle East, just because Trump has. It never was about his campaign promises and positions. It was always about him being a troll and having a large R after his name.

Trump supporters are now putting Trump before country. Sad. Biggly, perfect sad. (I had to say it like Trump would so maybe they would understand it.)
Narcissistic liberals. How is it honorable to criticize the killing of a tortuous, evil, murderous, person? What a dick.

You don't get it which doesn't surprise me. No one is sad about WHO got killed. They are not happy about HOW they did it.
The issue is WHO got killed and how it was carried out is irrelevant so long as the mission was a success.
We are now seeing why Trump is not suited to be President.

Most Presidents could give his reason for an attack, identify a threat and the global community would support us

But Trump lies incessantly. He has no credibility at home or abroad. Whatever Trump says must be viewed as a lie
Makes it difficult to justify your actions

No what we are seeing is just how little integrity and lack of ethics Trump supporters have that they can flip flop on staying out of endless wars and moving out of the Middle East, just because Trump has. It never was about his campaign promises and positions. It was always about him being a troll and having a large R after his name.

Trump supporters are now putting Trump before country. Sad. Biggly, perfect sad. (I had to say it like Trump would so maybe they would understand it.)

Trump has created the instability in the region.
We are now witnessing how inept he is in foreign policy and how little global support he is receiving.

The rest of the world had worked a resolution with Iran that was being complied with

Trump knew better

Not only that, but how wild is it that he publicly said that he didn't agree with how much Bolton wanted to deal with Iran with military power and he didn't agree with it... so now Trump attacks Iran? Huh?
He was a threat to the world. The United States took him out as a gift to the world. Nuff said.
Live Updates: Iran Vows ‘Forceful Revenge’ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?
Iran is not dumb, they will retaliate in phases I think. They will back more now groups like Hizboallah , Hamas, Syria, the Houatis in Yemen. And sabotaging shipments in the Arabian Gulf.

One think is clear, the US is losing momentum to Russia and China around the world with this administration and turning allies to enemies. It wont end well.
Iran has always vigorously supported those groups and we are gaining ground on Russia and China. We have seen conservatives win in Great Britain and hopefully they can sweep NATO states of Europe in upcoming elections so that Europe can get some of its national pride back.
Trump and his minions are pro Russia not the US and certainly not most Americans. China is the next solo world power and the US is trying to slow them down....again trump by alienating the US he is making the process faster.
The UK conservative party is more liberal than you think so are most british citizens.
Live Updates: Iran Vows ‘Forceful Revenge’ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?
Iran is not dumb, they will retaliate in phases I think. They will back more now groups like Hizboallah , Hamas, Syria, the Houatis in Yemen. And sabotaging shipments in the Arabian Gulf.

One think is clear, the US is losing momentum to Russia and China around the world with this administration and turning allies to enemies. It wont end well.
Iran has always vigorously supported those groups and we are gaining ground on Russia and China. We have seen conservatives win in Great Britain and hopefully they can sweep NATO states of Europe in upcoming elections so that Europe can get some of its national pride back.
Trump and his minions are pro Russia not the US and certainly not most Americans. China is the next solo world power and the US is trying to slow them down....again trump by alienating the US he is making the process faster.
The UK conservative party is more liberal than you think so are most british citizens.
Your entire post is a hodgepodge of paranoid beliefs of raging lunatics. My God look at you people.
You know, there were cheers when OBL was taken out.

There were also cheers when Al-Baghdadi was taken out as well.

But, neither one of them was a respected general in a government of a country we have problems with. Both of them were acting on their own and running terrorist networks, not governments.

The main difference here is not only was he someone who was a major player in Iran's government and military, but he was also a cult hero to the people over there. Granted, he took a lot of lives of Westerners, but his people see him as a staunch defender of Iran.

We also had a General who achieved cult status and is widely regarded as a hero of the first water. But, he took a lot of lives of Middle Easterners, and he would probably be considered a monster by those over there. His name was General Schwartzkopf.

Hate to tell you guys, but Trump just offed the Iranian equivalent of Schwartzkopf.
That's sad. I feel sorry for the Iranian people who have to live under that oppressive regime. Nothing against them because I understand that everyone basically wants the same things in this life.

Hopefully they'll work things out before everything goes to shit for them.

I wonder what the result would be if we (or some other nation or organization) were to mass-produce something like a modern counterpart to the LIberator FP45 or the Deer Gun, and airdrop large numbers of them over Iran, or otherwise get large amounts of them into the hands of the common Iranian people.
You know, there were cheers when OBL was taken out.

There were also cheers when Al-Baghdadi was taken out as well.

But, neither one of them was a respected general in a government of a country we have problems with. Both of them were acting on their own and running terrorist networks, not governments.

The main difference here is not only was he someone who was a major player in Iran's government and military, but he was also a cult hero to the people over there. Granted, he took a lot of lives of Westerners, but his people see him as a staunch defender of Iran.

We also had a General who achieved cult status and is widely regarded as a hero of the first water. But, he took a lot of lives of Middle Easterners, and he would probably be considered a monster by those over there. His name was General Schwartzkopf.

Hate to tell you guys, but Trump just offed the Iranian equivalent of Schwartzkopf.
Nonsense, Solemani was held in much higher regard by the regime and some of the Iranian people than schwarzkopf ever was. Another difference is that Solemani never commended Iranian troops in battle, but his job was to organize Arab proxies to do Iran's fighting for it. In his function and achievements he was much more like bin Laden than an American general and his proudest achievement was to make Iran the greatest state sponsor of terrorism. If Democrats still had any interests other than attacking the President, they would be clapping alongside Republicans and all other loyal Americans.
You know, there were cheers when OBL was taken out.

There were also cheers when Al-Baghdadi was taken out as well.

But, neither one of them was a respected general in a government of a country we have problems with. Both of them were acting on their own and running terrorist networks, not governments.

The main difference here is not only was he someone who was a major player in Iran's government and military, but he was also a cult hero to the people over there. Granted, he took a lot of lives of Westerners, but his people see him as a staunch defender of Iran.

We also had a General who achieved cult status and is widely regarded as a hero of the first water. But, he took a lot of lives of Middle Easterners, and he would probably be considered a monster by those over there. His name was General Schwartzkopf.

Hate to tell you guys, but Trump just offed the Iranian equivalent of Schwartzkopf.

Yep, and that is the same as an act of war... with not only Iran but ALL the different factions in the Middle East Iran is friendly with. This is like fighting the Taliban, ISIS, The Iranian Revolutionary Guard, and several other groups all at once.
I see lot of confusion and short sightedness about Iran and the middle east in general on this board.

All I can say is trump helped Iran by killing Suleimani. The protests in Iraq were mainly against the influence of Iran...now after the airstrike that killed 25 and the killing of souleimani, trump simply gave a lifeline to Iran's influence in Iraq.
Live Updates: Iran Vows ‘Forceful Revenge’ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?
What Trump did was an act of terrorism. The USA is now a terrorist country. Congratulations.

Wasn't the USA a terrorist country before Trump entered into office?
Live Updates: Iran Vows ‘Forceful Revenge’ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?
What Trump did was an act of terrorism. The USA is now a terrorist country. Congratulations.

Wasn't the USA a terrorist country before Trump entered into office?
Terrorist? Bully for 50 some years, but not terrorist.

So all the thousands drone strikes in seven countries that killed civilians were not terrorist attacks? Do you want to explain that to the seven countries that these attacks took place in?
When you are right you are right. I guess America has been a terrorist state for quite some time, as long as it has been countries that were attacked and nor terrorist organizations.
We are now seeing why Trump is not suited to be President.

Most Presidents could give his reason for an attack, identify a threat and the global community would support us

But Trump lies incessantly. He has no credibility at home or abroad. Whatever Trump says must be viewed as a lie
Makes it difficult to justify your actions
Well said.
Live Updates: Iran Vows ‘Forceful Revenge’ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?
What Trump did was an act of terrorism. The USA is now a terrorist country. Congratulations.

Wasn't the USA a terrorist country before Trump entered into office?
Live Updates: Iran Vows ‘Forceful Revenge’ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?
What Trump did was an act of terrorism. The USA is now a terrorist country. Congratulations.

Wasn't the USA a terrorist country before Trump entered into office?
Terrorist? Bully for 50 some years, but not terrorist.

So all the thousands drone strikes in seven countries that killed civilians were not terrorist attacks? Do you want to explain that to the seven countries that these attacks took place in?
When you are right you are right. I guess America has been a terrorist state for quite some time, as long as it has been countries that were attacked and nor terrorist organizations.

We need to bring all of our troops home and defend our country. Enough of our presence all over the world with troops, get them out of the Middle East, Far East, Europe and the rest of the world. Let the ME figure it out, if that means more war, unrest and human rights issues, let the U.N. take care of it and we need to step aside and not worry. It’s not our business.

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