What Retaliation For Soleimani's Death Would Justify War With Iran?

Oh stop it. If a Muslim farted in an elevator you'd call it a gas attack and be ready to nuke their home country.

The U.S. should have built up all the evidence they needed and simply arrested the guy and took him to the Hague and gotten him convicted and given the death penalty, not killed him with a missile attack in a sovereign country.
Why go through all that trouble when you can just eliminate the threat?

...because what they did was an act of war based on international law? They did a missile attack in a sovereign country...

But I guess laws don't matter when it is the U.S. I love my country, but we are supposed to be the leaders with better morals and ethical standards than the scum of the world like the man we just killed.

The missile attack was in response to not only the killing of an American, but the attack on our embassy, which is considered to be a sovereign entity of the United States...

Is an Embassy on Foreign Soil the Sovereign Territory of the Host Country or the Embassy's Country?

Therefore we have every right to use whatever means are necessary to protect and defend it, unless your name is Hillary Clinton, and your embassy happens to be in Benghazi.

The embassy is part of the United States despite being in another country. They have the right to defend it. The man they killed not there, he was at an airport in Iraq.

General Patreus who is a big war hawk just questioned the move as well.

The United Sates has worked hard to get new people in power and to get a better relationship with the Iraqi leaders. Using a drone to do a missile strike in THEIR country without THEIR permission to kill a leader from THEIR neighboring country is a reckless decision.

So is mining/hijacking oil freighters, shooting down a U.S. drone, attacking Saudi oil fields, all at the same time while funding and exporting terrorism thru out the ME.
We took down three Iranian ships when I was Marine in Persian Gulf. Had to make sure they weren’t smuggling black market weapons to Saddam. You see, in the final analysis Iran has always been willing to support anyone who would kill Americans. Even old enemies. We fast roped to their decks armed with 12 gauge “rout guns.” Bullets bounce off bulkheads and ricochet around all that steel on a ship. That’s why the shotguns. Put crewmen up against interior bulkheads, placed officers on bridge, and searched the ship with crewmen...most often on these merchant ships they were Filipino. Then we got picked up by smaller naval craft after climbing down the sides of the vessels.
Live Updates: Iran Vows ‘Forceful Revenge’ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?
Will Iran attach Israel first, or America?

That would be a mistake. :laughing0301:
Live Updates: Iran Vows ‘Forceful Revenge’ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?
I have this flashback to 1978 when the Iranians took our Embassy and the hostage crisis. THAT was an act of war. Ever since then, they have spoiling for a fight. Hell, Nobody wants war that but the Theocrats in Tehran.
Informative watching:
A Death in Tehran
Serious question: what should we have done differently? Nothing? A strongly worded letter? More sanctions? What?
I see nothing wrong with the response after the embassy attack. They knocked. We answered the door. The General had no business being there at the battlefield. He had been a pain in the but before. Now he is not. Doing nothing would have been a mistake. It was real convenient of him to hang around long enough for us to answer.

Makes you wonder just what he was doing there in Iraq. My guess is to create more Iranian influence in an already destabilized country, and use that country as a base for more terrorist attacks. Probably something to do with Iran being invaded by Iraq in the 80's.
Informative watching:
A Death in Tehran
Live Updates: Iran Vows ‘Forceful Revenge’ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?

Iran has had a 40+ year boner to become an irridated parking lot.

Time's up if they push it too far!

That's just the way it is.
Informative watching:
A Death in Tehran
You know that the Shah had to be shitting bricks. He was watching his beautiful westernized society devolve into an archaic medieval radical fundamentalist Islamic caliphate. He was probably willing to accept any help he could get but Jimmy let him down, offering only abdication as the remedy.

I grew up there, from half way through the 3rd grade to the end of the 7th. My dad worked for Halliburton. We left about 6 months before the Shah. It was sad to watch even as a kid. My mom and older siblings have told me about things I did not even know were going on. My oldest sister graduated high school from there and still has connections to Iranians living over there thanks to Facebook.

That's why we conservatives view Carter as the father of radical Islam. He could have stopped it then and there.

It is scary to think about how that one decision changed the course of history like none could have imagined.
We should never have lost Iran.

That is for sure.
Informative watching:
A Death in Tehran
Serious question: what should we have done differently? Nothing? A strongly worded letter? More sanctions? What?
I see nothing wrong with the response after the embassy attack. They knocked. We answered the door. The General had no business being there at the battlefield. He had been a pain in the but before. Now he is not. Doing nothing would have been a mistake. It was real convenient of him to hang around long enough for us to answer.
Informative watching:
A Death in Tehran
You know that the Shah had to be shitting bricks. He was watching his beautiful westernized society devolve into an archaic medieval radical fundamentalist Islamic caliphate. He was probably willing to accept any help he could get but Jimmy let him down, offering only abdication as the remedy.

I grew up there, from half way through the 3rd grade to the end of the 7th. My dad worked for Halliburton. We left about 6 months before the Shah. It was sad to watch even as a kid. My mom and older siblings have told me about things I did not even know were going on. My oldest sister graduated high school from there and still has connections to Iranians living over there thanks to Facebook.

That's why we conservatives view Carter as the father of radical Islam. He could have stopped it then and there.

It is scary to think about how that one decision changed the course of history like none could have imagined.
We should never have lost Iran.

That is for sure.
Informative watching:
A Death in Tehran

Back when Obama had to make a decision about killing Osama Bin Ladin, after 2 weeks he finally said to go with it, without consulting the Congress about the repercussions of inciting violence against US citizens by Al Qaeda. He did it anyway and got kudos for taking out the most hated person in the world. Fast forward today. President Trump not only got rid of ISIS, their #1 and #2, and now took out the 2nd most hated person in the world. Do we hear kudos from the left, of course not, they are retarded folks, and do what ever their elites tell them to. Just ask Mika Brensnaski...
Informative watching:
A Death in Tehran
Why go through all that trouble when you can just eliminate the threat?

...because what they did was an act of war based on international law? They did a missile attack in a sovereign country...

But I guess laws don't matter when it is the U.S. I love my country, but we are supposed to be the leaders with better morals and ethical standards than the scum of the world like the man we just killed.

The missile attack was in response to not only the killing of an American, but the attack on our embassy, which is considered to be a sovereign entity of the United States...

Is an Embassy on Foreign Soil the Sovereign Territory of the Host Country or the Embassy's Country?

Therefore we have every right to use whatever means are necessary to protect and defend it, unless your name is Hillary Clinton, and your embassy happens to be in Benghazi.

The embassy is part of the United States despite being in another country. They have the right to defend it. The man they killed not there, he was at an airport in Iraq.

General Patreus who is a big war hawk just questioned the move as well.

The United Sates has worked hard to get new people in power and to get a better relationship with the Iraqi leaders. Using a drone to do a missile strike in THEIR country without THEIR permission to kill a leader from THEIR neighboring country is a reckless decision.

So how much would have howled and blamed Trump if Suleiman had carried out another rocket attack, and they landed squarely in the Green Zone, killing several Americans?

Damned if we do, damned if we don't.
Trump is to blame for escalating a stable political situation
Informative watching:
A Death in Tehran
Live Updates: Iran Vows ‘Forceful Revenge’ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?
What Trump did was an act of terrorism. The USA is now a terrorist country. Congratulations.

Wasn't the USA a terrorist country before Trump entered into office?
Informative watching:
A Death in Tehran
I fear it's already past the point of no return. Trump is a tactical retard who only knows escalation.
Bullshit! I despise Trump...but he has shown that he CAN back-off..and that he CAN control the Generals. He stopped a strike..remember? He left Syria. remember? How is that 'escalation'? In the case of Syria..one could make a case for destabilization..except there was no stability to start with.
Live Updates: Iran Vows ‘Forceful Revenge’ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?
I have this flashback to 1978 when the Iranians took our Embassy and the hostage crisis. THAT was an act of war. Ever since then, they have spoiling for a fight. Hell, Nobody wants war that but the Theocrats in Tehran.
Informative watching:
A Death in Tehran
2009...but still informative..PBS always has the facts..right?
What Trump did was an act of terrorism. The USA is now a terrorist country. Congratulations.

Wasn't the USA a terrorist country before Trump entered into office?
What Trump did was an act of terrorism. The USA is now a terrorist country. Congratulations.

Wasn't the USA a terrorist country before Trump entered into office?
Terrorist? Bully for 50 some years, but not terrorist.

So all the thousands drone strikes in seven countries that killed civilians were not terrorist attacks? Do you want to explain that to the seven countries that these attacks took place in?
Calm down there Propagando. Iran funded the Hezbollah to attack Israel and gave them rockets that dont work well and, My memory is a little sketchy, the same Hezbollah that blew up the marine compound in Beirut and killed 241 American service men.I could be wrong, though.
Iran has been a state sponsor of terrorism for over a generation. They are one of the bandit nations: Iran, China, Russia, North Korea. The whole world should rally against them if you value freedom and human rights on a global scale. Not freedom and human rights confined to Third World Countries.
I am calling on all Iranians, those noble wonderful Persians. They know better than this Islamic dictatorship, the Shaw was thing, these Islamic dictators, another. Are they any better?
Wasn't the USA a terrorist country before Trump entered into office?
Wasn't the USA a terrorist country before Trump entered into office?
Terrorist? Bully for 50 some years, but not terrorist.

So all the thousands drone strikes in seven countries that killed civilians were not terrorist attacks? Do you want to explain that to the seven countries that these attacks took place in?
Calm down there Propagando. Iran funded the Hezbollah to attack Israel and gave them rockets that dont work well and, My memory is a little sketchy, the same Hezbollah that blew up the marine compound in Beirut and killed 241 American service men.I could be wrong, though.
Iran has been a state sponsor of terrorism for over a generation. They are one of the bandit nations: Iran, China, Russia, North Korea. The whole world should rally against them if you value freedom and human rights on a global scale. Not freedom and human rights confined to Third World Countries.
I am calling on all Iranians, those noble wonderful Persians. They know better than this Islamic dictatorship, the Shaw was thing, these Islamic dictators, another. Are they any better?

Live Updates: Iran Vows ‘Forceful Revenge’ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?
What Trump did was an act of terrorism. The USA is now a terrorist country. Congratulations.

Wasn't the USA a terrorist country before Trump entered into office?
Live Updates: Iran Vows ‘Forceful Revenge’ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?
What Trump did was an act of terrorism. The USA is now a terrorist country. Congratulations.

Wasn't the USA a terrorist country before Trump entered into office?
Terrorist? Bully for 50 some years, but not terrorist.

So all the thousands drone strikes in seven countries that killed civilians were not terrorist attacks? Do you want to explain that to the seven countries that these attacks took place in?
Calm down there Propagando. Iran funded the Hezbollah to attack Israel and gave them rockets that dont work well and, My memory is a little sketchy, the same Hezbollah that blew up the marine compound in Beirut and killed 241 American service men.I could be wrong, though.

And what does that have to do with anything?
Oh stop it. If a Muslim farted in an elevator you'd call it a gas attack and be ready to nuke their home country.

The U.S. should have built up all the evidence they needed and simply arrested the guy and took him to the Hague and gotten him convicted and given the death penalty, not killed him with a missile attack in a sovereign country.
Why go through all that trouble when you can just eliminate the threat?

...because what they did was an act of war based on international law? They did a missile attack in a sovereign country...

But I guess laws don't matter when it is the U.S. I love my country, but we are supposed to be the leaders with better morals and ethical standards than the scum of the world like the man we just killed.

The missile attack was in response to not only the killing of an American, but the attack on our embassy, which is considered to be a sovereign entity of the United States...

Is an Embassy on Foreign Soil the Sovereign Territory of the Host Country or the Embassy's Country?

Therefore we have every right to use whatever means are necessary to protect and defend it, unless your name is Hillary Clinton, and your embassy happens to be in Benghazi.

The embassy is part of the United States despite being in another country. They have the right to defend it. The man they killed not there, he was at an airport in Iraq.

General Patreus who is a big war hawk just questioned the move as well.

The United Sates has worked hard to get new people in power and to get a better relationship with the Iraqi leaders. Using a drone to do a missile strike in THEIR country without THEIR permission to kill a leader from THEIR neighboring country is a reckless decision.

So is mining/hijacking oil freighters, shooting down a U.S. drone, attacking Saudi oil fields, all at the same time while funding and exporting terrorism thru out the ME.

If they attacked a Saudi Oil field that's their fight right? If they attack and hijack a non-U.S. oil freighter... that's up to the country that owns it to do something right? The U.S. sold weapons to Saudi Arabia that was used to blow up a school bus full of kids.

So suddenly the message from Trump that he wasn't going to the be the world police and he would move troops out of the Middle East that all you supporters fawned over no longer matters?

Jesus Christ you people kill me. Why can't you be honest for once? Is it America first or not???

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