What President Obama WON'T Tell You About his 'Legacy'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
1. It’s (still) the economy, stupid

The expansion that began in June 2009 has been
the weakest since World War II, with real gross domestic product growth averaging 2.1%. At 7 1/2 years and counting, it is also among the longest on record. But it hasn’t packed much of a punch. Cumulative growth of 16.5% since the trough is well shy of the 38.4% increase during the 1982-1990 expansion and 42.6% from 1991-2001, according to the Wall Street Journal.

2. A Legacy of Ashes

Obama’s continued popularity hasn’t had much of a trickle-down effect. In the eight years since he was first elected,
Democrats have lost more than 1,000 seats at the state and national level. Republicans now control 4,170 state legislative seats compared with 3,129 for the Democrats, an all-time low.

Republicans now hold 33 governorships and
will have full control — governorship and both houses of the state legislature — in 25 states compared with five for the Democrats.

Democrats lost 12 governorships, 13 Senate seats and 69 seats in the House of Representatives during Obama’s two terms, highlighting “a devastation up and down the party across the nation,” according to The Hill.

3. Keep your friends close

At his year-end press conference on Dec. 16, which was short on questions, long on answers, Obama spoke about his response to the Russian hacking of Democratic National Committee emails during the election.

He said that when he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in China in September, he told him to “cut it out” in terms of the hacking. Sorry, Mr. President, the world isn’t afraid of you and your empty threats. Eight years of leading from behind has left America’s standing in the world diminished, its moral authority compromised and its foreign policy in tatters.

'The wars Obama inherited are still going on. The Taliban has made a comeback in Afghanistan.' Obama started two UN-Authorized wars in Libya and in Syria - 'Syria is in shambles'. And Secretary of State John Kerry has been so ineffective that no one even bothered to invite him to the Syrian cease-fire negotiations among Russia, Turkey and Iran.

While war has escalated, Islamic Extremists made a comeback and spread over the world, the Obama administration turned on it's own allies: It failed to do anything to help the Ukraine stop Russia from annexing Crimea, it helped oust US Ally Mubarak, attempted to oust ally Netanyahu, and just betrayed Israel before the UN. Rather than keep our friends close, the Obama administration alienated / angered quite a few.

4. Divided we stand

Obama may have broken racial barriers when he became the first African-American president of the U.S., but his election did nothing to improve race relations. In fact, a majority of Americans (54%) say that race relations deteriorated under Obama, according to
a recent CNN/ORC poll.

Obama’s efforts on behalf of African-Americans often backfired. Before he had the facts in hand, the president accused Cambridge, Mass., police officers of acting “stupidly” when they arrested Henry Louis Gates Jr. in his own home in 2009. The police were responding to a report of a potential burglary, which turned out to be Gates trying to pry open his front door.

The incident
divided the country: blacks supported Obama’s accusations of racial profiling; whites said he had played the race card. Obama’s response was to bring the parties together for a “beer summit” at the White House.

Obama has promoted the idea of a police force biased against blacks. He vehemently denied FBI Director James Comey’s explanation for the surge in violent crime and homicide rates last year as a result of
the “Ferguson effect,” with law-enforcement officers pulling back from proactive policing following the 2014 fatal shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo.

Chicago, Obama’s hometown, witnessed
762 homicides last year, the most in two decades, and 1,100 more shootings than in 2015. Obama’s protestations to the contrary notwithstanding, the reason is the Ferguson effect, according to the Manhattan Institute’s Heather MacDonald. What’s more, statistics show that police are three times less likely to shoot unarmed black suspects than white ones.

Obama is not entitled to his own facts. If he doesn’t want to talk to those on the front line, he should listen to those who do.

5. That which must not be named

Radical Islamic terrorism. Obama has spent eight years deftly avoiding using those three words to call an act what it is. He has intellectualized his position by claiming the phrase “equates Islam with terrorism,” which is counterproductive to U.S. counterterrorism efforts.

Instead, Obama prefers terms such as “workplace violence,” even if the terrorists in question pay homage to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of the Islamic State. A terrorist act provides an opportunity for the president to lecture the nation on the need for
stricter gun-control laws.

Calling something what it is may not solve the problem, but avoiding it makes Obama look silly.

The rest of the story: What Obama won’t tell you about his legacy
Obama legacy

Stopped a Depression
Saved the auto industry and banks
Added $55 trillion to nations wealth
Added 11 million jobs
Killed bin laden
Passed Obamacare
Expanded gay rights
Recognized Cuba
Got Iran to disarm

Not too shabby Mr President
His foreign policy is probably his worst policy. He is a fucking war monger. Somehow he is different from bush though :dunno:
Obama legacy

Stopped a Depression
Saved the auto industry and banks
Added $55 trillion to nations wealth
Added 11 million jobs
Killed bin laden
Passed Obamacare
Expanded gay rights
Recognized Cuba
Got Iran to disarm

Not too shabby Mr President

Stopped a Depression

The recession ended in June 2009.
How'd he stop a depression so quickly?
Obama legacy

Stopped a Depression
Saved the auto industry and banks
Added $55 trillion to nations wealth
Added 11 million jobs
Killed bin laden
Passed Obamacare
Expanded gay rights
Recognized Cuba
Got Iran to disarm

Not too shabby Mr President

Stopped a Depression

The recession ended in June 2009.
How'd he stop a depression so quickly?
He and his predecessor threw a shit ton of other peoples money at it, in other words they followed the federal government playbook to a "T", which of course made the wall street bankers and the heads of foreign governments extremely happy, unfortunately the poor "yet to start their first day of work" American schlubs that are going to have to eventually pay for it all aren't likely to be too pleased when they get the bills. ;)
His foreign policy is probably his worst policy. He is a fucking war monger. Somehow he is different from bush though :dunno:

How many wars resulted in significant American casualties?
Obama legacy

Stopped a Depression
-- Created by 2 years of DNC Near-Complete Control of Congress for the last 2 years prior to Obama

Saved the auto industry and banks
-- Violated bankruptcy Laws, ended up LOSING tax dollars with the auto-bailout

Added $55 trillion to nations wealth
- ??? Added more debt in 4 years (nearly $7 trillion) than all other Presidents combined
-- Full-Time job numbers decimated; Most converted/created were Part-Time Jobs to sustain a family

Added 11 million jobs
- :p Spent nearly $1 trillion (7k pieces of pork) - $774,000 PER JOB for all jobs he created/saved

Killed bin laden
- Used Intel Op set up by Bush, ORDERED the operation to go (3rd time) - Military SpecOps killed bin Laden

Passed Obamacare
- Rammed the lie-based, disastrous, failing minority supported legislation into law against the majority will of the American people

Recognized Cuba
- extending a helping hand to another dictator / Communist

Got Iran to disarm
- Iran has NOT disarmed.
- Un-Constitutionally negotiated hi own Treaty, one that benefitted Iran
- Paid Iran a ransom for hostages

Not too shabby Mr President
Obama legacy

Stopped a Depression
Saved the auto industry and banks
Added $55 trillion to nations wealth
Added 11 million jobs
Killed bin laden
Passed Obamacare
Expanded gay rights
Recognized Cuba
Got Iran to disarm

Not too shabby Mr President

Stopped a Depression

The recession ended in June 2009.
How'd he stop a depression so quickly?

It happened like this

Banks were failing, Auto companies were in collapse. Investors were bailing on the stock market. Employers dumped their workforce.... We were in a downward spiral

Obama made it clear that the US Government would not let them fail. While everyone else was pulling their money out, Obama put $800 billion into the economy. Investors started to look at the low costs of stocks and started pumping money back into the market

Not only did the market reverse itself, but employers started hiring again.

Obama saved us from a depression
Obama legacy

Stopped a Depression
Saved the auto industry and banks
Added $55 trillion to nations wealth
Added 11 million jobs
Killed bin laden
Passed Obamacare
Expanded gay rights
Recognized Cuba
Got Iran to disarm

Not too shabby Mr President

Stopped a Depression

The recession ended in June 2009.
How'd he stop a depression so quickly?

It happened like this

Banks were failing, Auto companies were in collapse. Investors were bailing on the stock market. We were in a downward spiral

Obama made it clear that the US Government would not let them fail. While everyone else was pulling their money out, Obama put $800 billion into the economy. Investors started to look at the low costs of stocks and started pumping money back into the market

Not only did the market reverse itself, but employers started hiring again.

Obama saved us from a depression

Banks were failing, Auto companies were in collapse. Investors were bailing on the stock market. We were in a downward spiral

Bank TARP and Fed emergency actions took place before Jan 2009.

While everyone else was pulling their money out, Obama put $800 billion into the economy.

Yeah, his slush fund...err...stimulus was awesome!!!
How much was spent before June 2009?

Obama saved us from a depression

Still funny!
Obozo's bold and brilliant response to Putin:

"Cut it out".

Only a delusional Narcissist would believe that would have any effect on State level cyber-attacks. But that is what Obozo is, so it makes perfect sense he would say it.
Only 14 days left until the Impostor-In-Chief is gone!
His foreign policy is probably his worst policy. He is a fucking war monger. Somehow he is different from bush though :dunno:

How many wars resulted in significant American casualties?
Not the point. And also contradictory considering you are globalist scum.

Exactly the point

We moved from boots on the ground occupation and empire building to tactical support of civil disturbances

No significant casualties
Obama legacy

Stopped a Depression
Saved the auto industry and banks
Added $55 trillion to nations wealth
Added 11 million jobs
Killed bin laden
Passed Obamacare
Expanded gay rights
Recognized Cuba
Got Iran to disarm

Not too shabby Mr President

Stopped a Depression

The recession ended in June 2009.
How'd he stop a depression so quickly?

It happened like this

Banks were failing, Auto companies were in collapse. Investors were bailing on the stock market. We were in a downward spiral

Obama made it clear that the US Government would not let them fail. While everyone else was pulling their money out, Obama put $800 billion into the economy. Investors started to look at the low costs of stocks and started pumping money back into the market

Not only did the market reverse itself, but employers started hiring again.

Obama saved us from a depression

Banks were failing, Auto companies were in collapse. Investors were bailing on the stock market. We were in a downward spiral

Bank TARP and Fed emergency actions took place before Jan 2009.

While everyone else was pulling their money out, Obama put $800 billion into the economy.

Yeah, his slush fund...err...stimulus was awesome!!!
How much was spent before June 2009?

Obama saved us from a depression

Still funny!

You are getting close...

What exacerbated The Great Bush Recession of 2008 was the reluctance of Bush to admit a crisis and the typical Republican response of.....Lets just let the market work its way out

In effect, Bush did not want to rock the boat with the election of 2008 on the horizon. The result was a massive collapse of the stock market and economic panic

Bush/Paulson did not take positive actions until the election was over. By then, we were in full collapse
Obama legacy

Stopped a Depression
Saved the auto industry and banks
Added $55 trillion to nations wealth
Added 11 million jobs
Killed bin laden
Passed Obamacare
Expanded gay rights
Recognized Cuba
Got Iran to disarm

Not too shabby Mr President

Stopped a Depression

The recession ended in June 2009.
How'd he stop a depression so quickly?

It happened like this

Banks were failing, Auto companies were in collapse. Investors were bailing on the stock market. We were in a downward spiral

Obama made it clear that the US Government would not let them fail. While everyone else was pulling their money out, Obama put $800 billion into the economy. Investors started to look at the low costs of stocks and started pumping money back into the market

Not only did the market reverse itself, but employers started hiring again.

Obama saved us from a depression

Banks were failing, Auto companies were in collapse. Investors were bailing on the stock market. We were in a downward spiral

Bank TARP and Fed emergency actions took place before Jan 2009.

While everyone else was pulling their money out, Obama put $800 billion into the economy.

Yeah, his slush fund...err...stimulus was awesome!!!
How much was spent before June 2009?

Obama saved us from a depression

Still funny!

You are getting close...

What exacerbated The Great Bush Recession of 2008 was the reluctance of Bush to admit a crisis and the typical Republican response of.....Lets just let the market work its way out

In effect, Bush did not want to rock the boat with the election of 2008 on the horizon. The result was a massive collapse of the stock market and economic panic

Bush/Paulson did not take positive actions until the election was over. By then, we were in full collapse

Bush/Paulson did not take positive actions until the election was over.

TARP passed in October 2008. Banks received the TARP money before the election.
The Fed was taking emergency actions before the election.

How much "stimulus" money was spent before June 2009?
Obama legacy

Stopped a Depression
Saved the auto industry and banks
Added $55 trillion to nations wealth
Added 11 million jobs
Killed bin laden
Passed Obamacare
Expanded gay rights
Recognized Cuba
Got Iran to disarm

Not too shabby Mr President

Stopped a Depression

The recession ended in June 2009.
How'd he stop a depression so quickly?

It happened like this

Banks were failing, Auto companies were in collapse. Investors were bailing on the stock market. We were in a downward spiral

Obama made it clear that the US Government would not let them fail. While everyone else was pulling their money out, Obama put $800 billion into the economy. Investors started to look at the low costs of stocks and started pumping money back into the market

Not only did the market reverse itself, but employers started hiring again.

Obama saved us from a depression

Banks were failing, Auto companies were in collapse. Investors were bailing on the stock market. We were in a downward spiral

Bank TARP and Fed emergency actions took place before Jan 2009.

While everyone else was pulling their money out, Obama put $800 billion into the economy.

Yeah, his slush fund...err...stimulus was awesome!!!
How much was spent before June 2009?

Obama saved us from a depression

Still funny!

You are getting close...

What exacerbated The Great Bush Recession of 2008 was the reluctance of Bush to admit a crisis and the typical Republican response of.....Lets just let the market work its way out

In effect, Bush did not want to rock the boat with the election of 2008 on the horizon. The result was a massive collapse of the stock market and economic panic

Bush/Paulson did not take positive actions until the election was over. By then, we were in full collapse

Bush/Paulson did not take positive actions until the election was over.

TARP passed in October 2008. Banks received the TARP money before the election.
The Fed was taking emergency actions before the election.

How much "stimulus" money was spent before June 2009?

That sucks doesn't it?

Can you believe they waited until October 2008 before they started taking positive action?

The fun part is looking at all the Republicans who voted in favor of Bush's TARP funds in Oct 2008 yet, unanimously voted against TARP funds for Obama in Jan 2009

They would rather see the economy fail than see Obama get credit for saving it
Stopped a Depression

The recession ended in June 2009.
How'd he stop a depression so quickly?

It happened like this

Banks were failing, Auto companies were in collapse. Investors were bailing on the stock market. We were in a downward spiral

Obama made it clear that the US Government would not let them fail. While everyone else was pulling their money out, Obama put $800 billion into the economy. Investors started to look at the low costs of stocks and started pumping money back into the market

Not only did the market reverse itself, but employers started hiring again.

Obama saved us from a depression

Banks were failing, Auto companies were in collapse. Investors were bailing on the stock market. We were in a downward spiral

Bank TARP and Fed emergency actions took place before Jan 2009.

While everyone else was pulling their money out, Obama put $800 billion into the economy.

Yeah, his slush fund...err...stimulus was awesome!!!
How much was spent before June 2009?

Obama saved us from a depression

Still funny!

You are getting close...

What exacerbated The Great Bush Recession of 2008 was the reluctance of Bush to admit a crisis and the typical Republican response of.....Lets just let the market work its way out

In effect, Bush did not want to rock the boat with the election of 2008 on the horizon. The result was a massive collapse of the stock market and economic panic

Bush/Paulson did not take positive actions until the election was over. By then, we were in full collapse

Bush/Paulson did not take positive actions until the election was over.

TARP passed in October 2008. Banks received the TARP money before the election.
The Fed was taking emergency actions before the election.

How much "stimulus" money was spent before June 2009?

That sucks doesn't it?

Can you believe they waited until October 2008 before they started taking positive action?

The fun part is looking at all the Republicans who voted in favor of Bush's TARP funds in Oct 2008 yet, unanimously voted against TARP funds for Obama in Jan 2009

They would rather see the economy fail than see Obama get credit for saving it

That sucks doesn't it?

That I pointed out your error? Sure.

Can you believe they waited until October 2008 before they started taking positive action?

Lehman failed in September, how much quicker were they supposed to take action?

How much "stimulus" money was spent before June 2009?
It happened like this

Banks were failing, Auto companies were in collapse. Investors were bailing on the stock market. We were in a downward spiral

Obama made it clear that the US Government would not let them fail. While everyone else was pulling their money out, Obama put $800 billion into the economy. Investors started to look at the low costs of stocks and started pumping money back into the market

Not only did the market reverse itself, but employers started hiring again.

Obama saved us from a depression

Banks were failing, Auto companies were in collapse. Investors were bailing on the stock market. We were in a downward spiral

Bank TARP and Fed emergency actions took place before Jan 2009.

While everyone else was pulling their money out, Obama put $800 billion into the economy.

Yeah, his slush fund...err...stimulus was awesome!!!
How much was spent before June 2009?

Obama saved us from a depression

Still funny!

You are getting close...

What exacerbated The Great Bush Recession of 2008 was the reluctance of Bush to admit a crisis and the typical Republican response of.....Lets just let the market work its way out

In effect, Bush did not want to rock the boat with the election of 2008 on the horizon. The result was a massive collapse of the stock market and economic panic

Bush/Paulson did not take positive actions until the election was over. By then, we were in full collapse

Bush/Paulson did not take positive actions until the election was over.

TARP passed in October 2008. Banks received the TARP money before the election.
The Fed was taking emergency actions before the election.

How much "stimulus" money was spent before June 2009?

That sucks doesn't it?

Can you believe they waited until October 2008 before they started taking positive action?

The fun part is looking at all the Republicans who voted in favor of Bush's TARP funds in Oct 2008 yet, unanimously voted against TARP funds for Obama in Jan 2009

They would rather see the economy fail than see Obama get credit for saving it

That sucks doesn't it?

That I pointed out your error? Sure.

Can you believe they waited until October 2008 before they started taking positive action?

Lehman failed in September, how much quicker were they supposed to take action?

How much "stimulus" money was spent before June 2009?

Bush acted like a deer in the headlights as his economy crashed around him

Thank God, he had President Obama to bail him out
Banks were failing, Auto companies were in collapse. Investors were bailing on the stock market. We were in a downward spiral

Bank TARP and Fed emergency actions took place before Jan 2009.

While everyone else was pulling their money out, Obama put $800 billion into the economy.

Yeah, his slush fund...err...stimulus was awesome!!!
How much was spent before June 2009?

Obama saved us from a depression

Still funny!

You are getting close...

What exacerbated The Great Bush Recession of 2008 was the reluctance of Bush to admit a crisis and the typical Republican response of.....Lets just let the market work its way out

In effect, Bush did not want to rock the boat with the election of 2008 on the horizon. The result was a massive collapse of the stock market and economic panic

Bush/Paulson did not take positive actions until the election was over. By then, we were in full collapse

Bush/Paulson did not take positive actions until the election was over.

TARP passed in October 2008. Banks received the TARP money before the election.
The Fed was taking emergency actions before the election.

How much "stimulus" money was spent before June 2009?

That sucks doesn't it?

Can you believe they waited until October 2008 before they started taking positive action?

The fun part is looking at all the Republicans who voted in favor of Bush's TARP funds in Oct 2008 yet, unanimously voted against TARP funds for Obama in Jan 2009

They would rather see the economy fail than see Obama get credit for saving it

That sucks doesn't it?

That I pointed out your error? Sure.

Can you believe they waited until October 2008 before they started taking positive action?

Lehman failed in September, how much quicker were they supposed to take action?

How much "stimulus" money was spent before June 2009?

Bush acted like a deer in the headlights as his economy crashed around him

Thank God, he had President Obama to bail him out

And Obama saved us!
You never did explain how he saved us. Why not?
You are getting close...

What exacerbated The Great Bush Recession of 2008 was the reluctance of Bush to admit a crisis and the typical Republican response of.....Lets just let the market work its way out

In effect, Bush did not want to rock the boat with the election of 2008 on the horizon. The result was a massive collapse of the stock market and economic panic

Bush/Paulson did not take positive actions until the election was over. By then, we were in full collapse

Bush/Paulson did not take positive actions until the election was over.

TARP passed in October 2008. Banks received the TARP money before the election.
The Fed was taking emergency actions before the election.

How much "stimulus" money was spent before June 2009?

That sucks doesn't it?

Can you believe they waited until October 2008 before they started taking positive action?

The fun part is looking at all the Republicans who voted in favor of Bush's TARP funds in Oct 2008 yet, unanimously voted against TARP funds for Obama in Jan 2009

They would rather see the economy fail than see Obama get credit for saving it

That sucks doesn't it?

That I pointed out your error? Sure.

Can you believe they waited until October 2008 before they started taking positive action?

Lehman failed in September, how much quicker were they supposed to take action?

How much "stimulus" money was spent before June 2009?

Bush acted like a deer in the headlights as his economy crashed around him

Thank God, he had President Obama to bail him out

And Obama saved us!
You never did explain how he saved us. Why not?

Afraid I did explain in Post #8

Having difficulty with reading comprehension?

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