What positive things has Biden done as POTUS? What negative things? And how the heck was he elected?

Jim H - VA USA

Plutonium Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 19, 2020
I am struggling to think of one positive thing Biden has done for Americans. I bet President Xi can think of at least a dozen Biden has done for China.

I would really love to hear some positive things he has done. Real, concrete things, not things like "encouraged people to wear masks," or "he's the most popular POTUS ever."

Here are some of the things he has done or is proposing in the near term...
  • Called Governors who free their people "Neanderthals."
  • -Claims he wants to fight COVID, but lets in COVID-positive immigrants after stopping construction of an effective wall.
  • Sent thousands of American workers to the unemployment line on Day One, with a promise of future plans for new jobs in an industry they know nothing about (Keystone pipeline cancelled for solar and wind).
  • Frequently promises Science, but pulls his mask down to cough, and will let people with a Y chromosome compete against those without.
  • Seems to be determined to place Climate Change initiatives above the well-being of keeping Americans employed and poorer people having affordable energy prices. Gas prices are rising significatntly. Glad I bought USO (US Oil Fund) at $20. It's got a long way upward to go under Biden
  • Kind of mandated to Americans what arguably-ineffective medical devices they must wear on their faces for 18 months. Then immediately violated his own order hours later.
  • Frequently says "no one should be above the law," who then ignores the criminal status of well over 10 million illegal aliens living unlawfully in the US.
  • Cancelled Trump's Executive order requiring a reduction in regulatory burden on American businesses, which will result in more Big Government and burdens on American businesses.
  • Cancelled the Trump DOJ lawsuit against Yale for racial discrimination, allowing them to continue to discriminate against Caucasians and Asians by having higher standards for certain ethnicities. Quite racist of him. When you raise standards for White and Asian people, you know they are simply going to work harder to meet those standards. The converse is also true.
  • Disowned Dr. Suess, on National Reading Day. Really?
Here's how Biden got elected:
  1. Dems propel a racism narrative for eight years to divide us when the economy was booming, POC were getting enriched, and America was at relative peace internationally.
  2. Five years of conspiracy theories, witch hunts and bad press form the MSM about Trump
  3. Turning yet another non-remarkable coronavirus into a world wide plandemic to allow all the rules to change, and further separate the Left from the Right. Righties gotta work, and their businesses were shut down. Lefties like government handouts, and of those that work, many had guaranteed incomes in academia, Big Tech, public education, government.
  4. Big Tech, Democrats, MSM all do their best to censor Conservatives, demonizing them, while providing cover for the Democrats and often propelling false narratives and false "fact checks."
  5. Illegitimately enabling mail-in voting and sending ballots to people who did not even request them. - There are lots of people who would not even vote, but if you mail them a postage-paid return envelope with a ballot which they do not have to cast at the polls, they will gladly return it, particularly if someone come by their apartment and encourages them to do so.
  6. etc.
There are undoubtedly lots of people who voted for Biden who are still very happy about their choice. Other than Biden not being Trump, it would be nice to know why. I did not vote for Biden, and he has turned out to be much worse than my low expectations.

I can give dozens of concrete examples of positive things Trum has done for Americans.
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I am struggling to think of one positive thing Biden has done for Americans. I bet President Xi can think of at least a dozen Biden has done for China.

I would really love to hear some positive things he has done. Real, concrete things, not things like "encouraged people to wear masks," or "he's the most popular POTUS ever."

Here are some of the things he has done or is proposing in the near term...
  • Called Governors who free their people "Neanderthals."
  • -Claims he wants to fight COVID, but lets in COVID-positive immigrants after stopping construction of an effective wall.
  • Sent thousands of American workers to the unemployment line on Day One, with a promise of future plans for new jobs in an industry they know nothing about (Keystone pipeline cancelled for solar and wind).
  • Frequently promises Science, but pulls his mask down to cough, and will let people with a Y chromosome compete against those without.
  • Seems to be determined to place Climate Change initiatives above the well-being of keeping Americans employed and poorer people having affordable energy prices. Gas prices are rising significatntly. Glad I bought USO (US Oil Fund) at $20. It's got a long way upward to go under Biden
  • Kind of mandated to Americans what arguably-ineffective medical devices they must wear on their faces for 18 months. Then immediately violated his own order hours later.
  • Frequently says "no one should be above the law," who then ignores the criminal status of well over 10 million illegal aliens living unlawfully in the US.
  • Cancelled Trump's Executive order requiring a reduction in regulatory burden on American businesses, which will result in more Big Government and burdens on American businesses.
  • Cancelled the Trump DOJ lawsuit against Yale for racial discrimination, allowing them to continue to discriminate against Caucasians and Asians by having higher standards for certain ethnicities. Quite racist of him. When you raise standards for White and Asian people, you know they are simply going to work harder to meet those standards. The converse is also true.
Here's how Biden got elected:
  1. Dems propel a racism narrative for eight years to divide us when the economy was booming, POC were getting enriched, and America was at relative peace internationally.
  2. Five years of conspiracy theories, witch hunts and bad press form the MSM about Trump
  3. Turning yet another non-remarkable coronavirus into a world wide plandemic to allow all the rules to change, and further separate the Left from the Right. Righties gotta work, and their businesses were shut down. Lefties like government handouts, and of those that work, many had guaranteed incomes in academia, Big Tech, public education, government.
  4. Big Tech, Democrats, MSM all do their best to censor Conservatives, demonizing them, while providing cover for the Democrats and often propelling false narratives and false "fact checks."
  5. Illegitimately enabling mail-in voting and sending ballots to people who did not even request them. - There are lots of people who would not even vote, but if you mail them a postage-paid return envelope with a ballot which they do not have to cast at the polls, they will gladly return it, particularly if someone come by their apartment and encourages them to do so.
  6. Disowned Dr. Suess, on National Reading Day. Really?
  7. etc.
There are undoubtedly lots of people who voted for Biden who are still very happy about their choice. Other than Biden not being Trump, it would be nice to know why. I did not vote for Biden, and he has turned out to be much worse than my low expectations.

I can give dozens of concrete examples of positive things Trum has done for Americans.
foreign leaders have been laughing their axes off since biden scamed his way to oval office...the humor they see in this has been good for their happiness
I am struggling to think of one positive thing Biden has done for Americans. I bet President Xi can think of at least a dozen Biden has done for China.

I would really love to hear some positive things he has done. Real, concrete things, not things like "encouraged people to wear masks," or "he's the most popular POTUS ever."

Here are some of the things he has done or is proposing in the near term...
  • Called Governors who free their people "Neanderthals."
  • -Claims he wants to fight COVID, but lets in COVID-positive immigrants after stopping construction of an effective wall.
  • Sent thousands of American workers to the unemployment line on Day One, with a promise of future plans for new jobs in an industry they know nothing about (Keystone pipeline cancelled for solar and wind).
  • Frequently promises Science, but pulls his mask down to cough, and will let people with a Y chromosome compete against those without.
  • Seems to be determined to place Climate Change initiatives above the well-being of keeping Americans employed and poorer people having affordable energy prices. Gas prices are rising significatntly. Glad I bought USO (US Oil Fund) at $20. It's got a long way upward to go under Biden
  • Kind of mandated to Americans what arguably-ineffective medical devices they must wear on their faces for 18 months. Then immediately violated his own order hours later.
  • Frequently says "no one should be above the law," who then ignores the criminal status of well over 10 million illegal aliens living unlawfully in the US.
  • Cancelled Trump's Executive order requiring a reduction in regulatory burden on American businesses, which will result in more Big Government and burdens on American businesses.
  • Cancelled the Trump DOJ lawsuit against Yale for racial discrimination, allowing them to continue to discriminate against Caucasians and Asians by having higher standards for certain ethnicities. Quite racist of him. When you raise standards for White and Asian people, you know they are simply going to work harder to meet those standards. The converse is also true.
Here's how Biden got elected:
  1. Dems propel a racism narrative for eight years to divide us when the economy was booming, POC were getting enriched, and America was at relative peace internationally.
  2. Five years of conspiracy theories, witch hunts and bad press form the MSM about Trump
  3. Turning yet another non-remarkable coronavirus into a world wide plandemic to allow all the rules to change, and further separate the Left from the Right. Righties gotta work, and their businesses were shut down. Lefties like government handouts, and of those that work, many had guaranteed incomes in academia, Big Tech, public education, government.
  4. Big Tech, Democrats, MSM all do their best to censor Conservatives, demonizing them, while providing cover for the Democrats and often propelling false narratives and false "fact checks."
  5. Illegitimately enabling mail-in voting and sending ballots to people who did not even request them. - There are lots of people who would not even vote, but if you mail them a postage-paid return envelope with a ballot which they do not have to cast at the polls, they will gladly return it, particularly if someone come by their apartment and encourages them to do so.
  6. Disowned Dr. Suess, on National Reading Day. Really?
  7. etc.
There are undoubtedly lots of people who voted for Biden who are still very happy about their choice. Other than Biden not being Trump, it would be nice to know why. I did not vote for Biden, and he has turned out to be much worse than my low expectations.

I can give dozens of concrete examples of positive things Trum has done for Americans.

He's not Donald Trump.

Everyone outside of the Trump cult understands this.
I am struggling to think of one positive thing Biden has done for Americans. I bet President Xi can think of at least a dozen Biden has done for China.

I would really love to hear some positive things he has done. Real, concrete things, not things like "encouraged people to wear masks," or "he's the most popular POTUS ever."

Here are some of the things he has done or is proposing in the near term...
  • Called Governors who free their people "Neanderthals."
  • -Claims he wants to fight COVID, but lets in COVID-positive immigrants after stopping construction of an effective wall.
  • Sent thousands of American workers to the unemployment line on Day One, with a promise of future plans for new jobs in an industry they know nothing about (Keystone pipeline cancelled for solar and wind).
  • Frequently promises Science, but pulls his mask down to cough, and will let people with a Y chromosome compete against those without.
  • Seems to be determined to place Climate Change initiatives above the well-being of keeping Americans employed and poorer people having affordable energy prices. Gas prices are rising significatntly. Glad I bought USO (US Oil Fund) at $20. It's got a long way upward to go under Biden
  • Kind of mandated to Americans what arguably-ineffective medical devices they must wear on their faces for 18 months. Then immediately violated his own order hours later.
  • Frequently says "no one should be above the law," who then ignores the criminal status of well over 10 million illegal aliens living unlawfully in the US.
  • Cancelled Trump's Executive order requiring a reduction in regulatory burden on American businesses, which will result in more Big Government and burdens on American businesses.
  • Cancelled the Trump DOJ lawsuit against Yale for racial discrimination, allowing them to continue to discriminate against Caucasians and Asians by having higher standards for certain ethnicities. Quite racist of him. When you raise standards for White and Asian people, you know they are simply going to work harder to meet those standards. The converse is also true.
Here's how Biden got elected:
  1. Dems propel a racism narrative for eight years to divide us when the economy was booming, POC were getting enriched, and America was at relative peace internationally.
  2. Five years of conspiracy theories, witch hunts and bad press form the MSM about Trump
  3. Turning yet another non-remarkable coronavirus into a world wide plandemic to allow all the rules to change, and further separate the Left from the Right. Righties gotta work, and their businesses were shut down. Lefties like government handouts, and of those that work, many had guaranteed incomes in academia, Big Tech, public education, government.
  4. Big Tech, Democrats, MSM all do their best to censor Conservatives, demonizing them, while providing cover for the Democrats and often propelling false narratives and false "fact checks."
  5. Illegitimately enabling mail-in voting and sending ballots to people who did not even request them. - There are lots of people who would not even vote, but if you mail them a postage-paid return envelope with a ballot which they do not have to cast at the polls, they will gladly return it, particularly if someone come by their apartment and encourages them to do so.
  6. Disowned Dr. Suess, on National Reading Day. Really?
  7. etc.
There are undoubtedly lots of people who voted for Biden who are still very happy about their choice. Other than Biden not being Trump, it would be nice to know why. I did not vote for Biden, and he has turned out to be much worse than my low expectations.

I can give dozens of concrete examples of positive things Trum has done for Americans.
I don't think he realizes he even did any of that now.
Dude, he's only been in office a couple months.
Dude, he has a record number of executive orders.
What policies did Biden initiate to result in those jobs? Those jobs are from Republican governors opening up.

Biden and Fauci say it is too early. They say only Neanderthals would allow people back to work.

You know this, but you propel a false narrative.
How-the-heck was Biden elected?

I'll tell you...

Because the Orange Baboon-God turned out to be an ignorant, arrogant, amoral, lying, scheming, power-mad demagogue striving for dictatorship...

When Americans see that, they'll vote for a fence-post before they vote for the power-mad schemer...

A blind man could have seen that coming a mile away...

But dumba$$ Republicans were so busy trying to Make American White Again that they lost sight of the power-crazed aspect of their standard bearer...

And so they lost the White House, the Senate and the House... having driven enough people to vote for that fence-post rather than a tyrant-in-the-making.
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I am struggling to think of one positive thing Biden has done for Americans.
You seem to be alienated from most Americans.

Fifty-eight percent of registered voters in the Feb. 24-26 survey said they approve of President Biden in the White House,
a slight dip from 59 percent in last week's poll.

The Hill70 percent back Biden's handling of coronavirus
That's exactly the kind of non-substantive post I did not want to see. As my OP said, there are countless Democrats who are still happy about their vote.

Handling of coronavirus? WTH? He says wear masks, wash your hands, stay home, schools can't reopen even though science says they should have never closed. Get one of the Trump vaccines. Please. Nonsense.

"The media tells me that people like him." Really?

Give me some substance. That's balloney.
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I am struggling to think of one positive thing Biden has done for Americans. I bet President Xi can think of at least a dozen Biden has done for China.

I would really love to hear some positive things he has done. Real, concrete things, not things like "encouraged people to wear masks," or "he's the most popular POTUS ever."

Here are some of the things he has done or is proposing in the near term...
  • Called Governors who free their people "Neanderthals."
  • -Claims he wants to fight COVID, but lets in COVID-positive immigrants after stopping construction of an effective wall.
  • Sent thousands of American workers to the unemployment line on Day One, with a promise of future plans for new jobs in an industry they know nothing about (Keystone pipeline cancelled for solar and wind).
  • Frequently promises Science, but pulls his mask down to cough, and will let people with a Y chromosome compete against those without.
  • Seems to be determined to place Climate Change initiatives above the well-being of keeping Americans employed and poorer people having affordable energy prices. Gas prices are rising significatntly. Glad I bought USO (US Oil Fund) at $20. It's got a long way upward to go under Biden
  • Kind of mandated to Americans what arguably-ineffective medical devices they must wear on their faces for 18 months. Then immediately violated his own order hours later.
  • Frequently says "no one should be above the law," who then ignores the criminal status of well over 10 million illegal aliens living unlawfully in the US.
  • Cancelled Trump's Executive order requiring a reduction in regulatory burden on American businesses, which will result in more Big Government and burdens on American businesses.
  • Cancelled the Trump DOJ lawsuit against Yale for racial discrimination, allowing them to continue to discriminate against Caucasians and Asians by having higher standards for certain ethnicities. Quite racist of him. When you raise standards for White and Asian people, you know they are simply going to work harder to meet those standards. The converse is also true.
Here's how Biden got elected:
  1. Dems propel a racism narrative for eight years to divide us when the economy was booming, POC were getting enriched, and America was at relative peace internationally.
  2. Five years of conspiracy theories, witch hunts and bad press form the MSM about Trump
  3. Turning yet another non-remarkable coronavirus into a world wide plandemic to allow all the rules to change, and further separate the Left from the Right. Righties gotta work, and their businesses were shut down. Lefties like government handouts, and of those that work, many had guaranteed incomes in academia, Big Tech, public education, government.
  4. Big Tech, Democrats, MSM all do their best to censor Conservatives, demonizing them, while providing cover for the Democrats and often propelling false narratives and false "fact checks."
  5. Illegitimately enabling mail-in voting and sending ballots to people who did not even request them. - There are lots of people who would not even vote, but if you mail them a postage-paid return envelope with a ballot which they do not have to cast at the polls, they will gladly return it, particularly if someone come by their apartment and encourages them to do so.
  6. Disowned Dr. Suess, on National Reading Day. Really?
  7. etc.
There are undoubtedly lots of people who voted for Biden who are still very happy about their choice. Other than Biden not being Trump, it would be nice to know why. I did not vote for Biden, and he has turned out to be much worse than my low expectations.

I can give dozens of concrete examples of positive things Trum has done for Americans.
Threads critical of Biden are destined to the Rubber Room
I am struggling to think of one positive thing Biden has done for Americans. I bet President Xi can think of at least a dozen Biden has done for China.

I would really love to hear some positive things he has done. Real, concrete things, not things like "encouraged people to wear masks," or "he's the most popular POTUS ever."

Here are some of the things he has done or is proposing in the near term...
  • Called Governors who free their people "Neanderthals."
  • -Claims he wants to fight COVID, but lets in COVID-positive immigrants after stopping construction of an effective wall.
  • Sent thousands of American workers to the unemployment line on Day One, with a promise of future plans for new jobs in an industry they know nothing about (Keystone pipeline cancelled for solar and wind).
  • Frequently promises Science, but pulls his mask down to cough, and will let people with a Y chromosome compete against those without.
  • Seems to be determined to place Climate Change initiatives above the well-being of keeping Americans employed and poorer people having affordable energy prices. Gas prices are rising significatntly. Glad I bought USO (US Oil Fund) at $20. It's got a long way upward to go under Biden
  • Kind of mandated to Americans what arguably-ineffective medical devices they must wear on their faces for 18 months. Then immediately violated his own order hours later.
  • Frequently says "no one should be above the law," who then ignores the criminal status of well over 10 million illegal aliens living unlawfully in the US.
  • Cancelled Trump's Executive order requiring a reduction in regulatory burden on American businesses, which will result in more Big Government and burdens on American businesses.
  • Cancelled the Trump DOJ lawsuit against Yale for racial discrimination, allowing them to continue to discriminate against Caucasians and Asians by having higher standards for certain ethnicities. Quite racist of him. When you raise standards for White and Asian people, you know they are simply going to work harder to meet those standards. The converse is also true.
  • Disowned Dr. Suess, on National Reading Day. Really?
Here's how Biden got elected:
  1. Dems propel a racism narrative for eight years to divide us when the economy was booming, POC were getting enriched, and America was at relative peace internationally.
  2. Five years of conspiracy theories, witch hunts and bad press form the MSM about Trump
  3. Turning yet another non-remarkable coronavirus into a world wide plandemic to allow all the rules to change, and further separate the Left from the Right. Righties gotta work, and their businesses were shut down. Lefties like government handouts, and of those that work, many had guaranteed incomes in academia, Big Tech, public education, government.
  4. Big Tech, Democrats, MSM all do their best to censor Conservatives, demonizing them, while providing cover for the Democrats and often propelling false narratives and false "fact checks."
  5. Illegitimately enabling mail-in voting and sending ballots to people who did not even request them. - There are lots of people who would not even vote, but if you mail them a postage-paid return envelope with a ballot which they do not have to cast at the polls, they will gladly return it, particularly if someone come by their apartment and encourages them to do so.
  6. etc.
There are undoubtedly lots of people who voted for Biden who are still very happy about their choice. Other than Biden not being Trump, it would be nice to know why. I did not vote for Biden, and he has turned out to be much worse than my low expectations.

I can give dozens of concrete examples of positive things Trum has done for Americans.
He got elected because Trump is a goddamn moron.
I am struggling to think of one positive thing Biden has done for Americans. I bet President Xi can think of at least a dozen Biden has done for China.

I would really love to hear some positive things he has done. Real, concrete things, not things like "encouraged people to wear masks," or "he's the most popular POTUS ever."

Here are some of the things he has done or is proposing in the near term...
  • Called Governors who free their people "Neanderthals."
  • -Claims he wants to fight COVID, but lets in COVID-positive immigrants after stopping construction of an effective wall.
  • Sent thousands of American workers to the unemployment line on Day One, with a promise of future plans for new jobs in an industry they know nothing about (Keystone pipeline cancelled for solar and wind).
  • Frequently promises Science, but pulls his mask down to cough, and will let people with a Y chromosome compete against those without.
  • Seems to be determined to place Climate Change initiatives above the well-being of keeping Americans employed and poorer people having affordable energy prices. Gas prices are rising significatntly. Glad I bought USO (US Oil Fund) at $20. It's got a long way upward to go under Biden
  • Kind of mandated to Americans what arguably-ineffective medical devices they must wear on their faces for 18 months. Then immediately violated his own order hours later.
  • Frequently says "no one should be above the law," who then ignores the criminal status of well over 10 million illegal aliens living unlawfully in the US.
  • Cancelled Trump's Executive order requiring a reduction in regulatory burden on American businesses, which will result in more Big Government and burdens on American businesses.
  • Cancelled the Trump DOJ lawsuit against Yale for racial discrimination, allowing them to continue to discriminate against Caucasians and Asians by having higher standards for certain ethnicities. Quite racist of him. When you raise standards for White and Asian people, you know they are simply going to work harder to meet those standards. The converse is also true.
Here's how Biden got elected:
  1. Dems propel a racism narrative for eight years to divide us when the economy was booming, POC were getting enriched, and America was at relative peace internationally.
  2. Five years of conspiracy theories, witch hunts and bad press form the MSM about Trump
  3. Turning yet another non-remarkable coronavirus into a world wide plandemic to allow all the rules to change, and further separate the Left from the Right. Righties gotta work, and their businesses were shut down. Lefties like government handouts, and of those that work, many had guaranteed incomes in academia, Big Tech, public education, government.
  4. Big Tech, Democrats, MSM all do their best to censor Conservatives, demonizing them, while providing cover for the Democrats and often propelling false narratives and false "fact checks."
  5. Illegitimately enabling mail-in voting and sending ballots to people who did not even request them. - There are lots of people who would not even vote, but if you mail them a postage-paid return envelope with a ballot which they do not have to cast at the polls, they will gladly return it, particularly if someone come by their apartment and encourages them to do so.
  6. Disowned Dr. Suess, on National Reading Day. Really?
  7. etc.
There are undoubtedly lots of people who voted for Biden who are still very happy about their choice. Other than Biden not being Trump, it would be nice to know why. I did not vote for Biden, and he has turned out to be much worse than my low expectations.

I can give dozens of concrete examples of positive things Trum has done for Americans.
Threads critical of Biden are destined to the Rubber Room
I have noticed that. There is a problem here. I will not elaborate. I will reconsider future donations if it happens to this thread of mine.

Thanks; Love your posts, as you know,
I am struggling to think of one positive thing Biden has done for Americans.
You seem to be alienated from most Americans.

Fifty-eight percent of registered voters in the Feb. 24-26 survey said they approve of President Biden in the White House,
a slight dip from 59 percent in last week's poll.

The Hill70 percent back Biden's handling of coronavirus
It is difficult to believe much of anything coming from media related sources. The election was stolen and the Capital City in D.C. is under early Stalinist Occupation. You guys are despicable.

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