What Passes for Science in Leftist Land: 12 Year Olds Changing Environmental Laws


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Obviously the parents and teachers of these kids are guilty of child abuse.

SEATTLE (AP) — Eight Seattle children should have "their day in court" to argue that Washington state and others aren't protecting them from climate change, a judge ruled.

King County Superior Court Judge Hollis Hill on Monday allowed the young petitioners to move ahead in their case against the state, writing that "it is time for these youth to have the opportunity to address their concerns in a court of law, concerns raised under statute and under the state and federal constitutions."

The petitioners, between 12 and 16 years old, had asked the judge last month to find the state Department of Ecology in contempt for failing to adequately protect them and future generations from global warming.

The judge on Monday said Ecology had complied with her orders by adopting the Clean Air Rule within the timeline set by the court, and so denied the youth's request to find Ecology in contempt.

But the judge allowed the young people to amend their complaint and move ahead with their constitutional claims "so as to have their day in court," she wrote.

Judge: Seattle Kids Can Move Ahead with Climate Rights Case
Obviously the parents and teachers of these kids are guilty of child abuse.

SEATTLE (AP) — Eight Seattle children should have "their day in court" to argue that Washington state and others aren't protecting them from climate change, a judge ruled.

King County Superior Court Judge Hollis Hill on Monday allowed the young petitioners to move ahead in their case against the state, writing that "it is time for these youth to have the opportunity to address their concerns in a court of law, concerns raised under statute and under the state and federal constitutions."

The petitioners, between 12 and 16 years old, had asked the judge last month to find the state Department of Ecology in contempt for failing to adequately protect them and future generations from global warming.

The judge on Monday said Ecology had complied with her orders by adopting the Clean Air Rule within the timeline set by the court, and so denied the youth's request to find Ecology in contempt.

But the judge allowed the young people to amend their complaint and move ahead with their constitutional claims "so as to have their day in court," she wrote.

Judge: Seattle Kids Can Move Ahead with Climate Rights Case
Republicans need to point this shit out and denigrate Democrats ENDLESSLY for it.
Global warming has already been proven to be real. By scientists from every nation and culture in the world. And the kids have a strong case. It is their generation, and those after, that are going to have to bear the affects of our adding massive amounts of GHGs to the atmosphere.
Obviously the parents and teachers of these kids are guilty of child abuse.

SEATTLE (AP) — Eight Seattle children should have "their day in court" to argue that Washington state and others aren't protecting them from climate change, a judge ruled.

King County Superior Court Judge Hollis Hill on Monday allowed the young petitioners to move ahead in their case against the state, writing that "it is time for these youth to have the opportunity to address their concerns in a court of law, concerns raised under statute and under the state and federal constitutions."

The petitioners, between 12 and 16 years old, had asked the judge last month to find the state Department of Ecology in contempt for failing to adequately protect them and future generations from global warming.

The judge on Monday said Ecology had complied with her orders by adopting the Clean Air Rule within the timeline set by the court, and so denied the youth's request to find Ecology in contempt.

But the judge allowed the young people to amend their complaint and move ahead with their constitutional claims "so as to have their day in court," she wrote.

Judge: Seattle Kids Can Move Ahead with Climate Rights Case

The court had ALREADY ordered the Department of Ecology to adopt the Clean Air Rule on a court-mandated timeline. The children did not change environmental laws. The subject of this thread is false on its face.

And what "child abuse" do you believe the parents and teachers of these children have committed? Education? Social responsibility? I can see why their behavior would alarm you.
Obviously the parents and teachers of these kids are guilty of child abuse.

SEATTLE (AP) — Eight Seattle children should have "their day in court" to argue that Washington state and others aren't protecting them from climate change, a judge ruled.

King County Superior Court Judge Hollis Hill on Monday allowed the young petitioners to move ahead in their case against the state, writing that "it is time for these youth to have the opportunity to address their concerns in a court of law, concerns raised under statute and under the state and federal constitutions."

The petitioners, between 12 and 16 years old, had asked the judge last month to find the state Department of Ecology in contempt for failing to adequately protect them and future generations from global warming.

The judge on Monday said Ecology had complied with her orders by adopting the Clean Air Rule within the timeline set by the court, and so denied the youth's request to find Ecology in contempt.

But the judge allowed the young people to amend their complaint and move ahead with their constitutional claims "so as to have their day in court," she wrote.

Judge: Seattle Kids Can Move Ahead with Climate Rights Case

The court had ALREADY ordered the Department of Ecology to adopt the Clean Air Rule on a court-mandated timeline. The children did not change environmental laws. The subject of this thread is false on its face.

And what "child abuse" do you believe the parents and teachers of these children have committed? Education? Social responsibility? I can see why their behavior would alarm you.
The Department already complied, dufus. To move ahead with a court case means something further must be done.

Using children to further your agenda - how Communist of you mythers.
Funny Mikey Mann has drug his feet for yrs in case against Stein for something that has been proved.....Makes ya go hhhhmmmm
Global warming has already been proven to be real. By scientists from every nation and culture in the world. And the kids have a strong case. It is their generation, and those after, that are going to have to bear the affects of our adding massive amounts of GHGs to the atmosphere.
Funny Mikey Mann has drug his feet for yrs in case against Stein for something that has been proved.....Makes ya go hhhhmmmm

As Steyn and pals are the ones desperately trying to stop the case from going to trial, why did you think you could get away with a lie that brazen? You've got some 'splainin to do, Snowflake.

Now, much to the weeping of Steyn and the National Review, their last blocking motion was tossed out, and the case is going to trial now. See my other thread.

Snopes is a left wing crazy house only good for non political issues.

Man up and own your fraud, fraud. You posted a fraudulent cover. Why? Because your masters fed you a lie, and being that you don't think, you simply believed without question.

At this point, you have a choice.

You can ask yourself why you follow such liars. You can take them to task, and renounce your worship of such liars.

Or you can drop to your knees and lick the boots of those liars with even more fervor.

Everyone knows you'll choose the latter. Such a good cult lapdog you are.

Please note that link is to TIME.

Doesn't change the fact that you posted a faked image.

Again, man up and own it.
Funny Mikey Mann has drug his feet for yrs in case against Stein for something that has been proved.....Makes ya go hhhhmmmm

As Steyn and pals are the ones desperately trying to stop the case from going to trial, why did you think you could get away with a lie that brazen? You've got some 'splainin to do, Snowflake.

Now, much to the weeping of Steyn and the National Review, their last blocking motion was tossed out, and the case is going to trial now. See my other thread.

More than three years ago, Penn State University climatologist Michael Mann filed a defamation suit against Mark Steyn, National Review, Rand Simberg and the Competitive Enterprise Institute over a few blog posts The last time we checked in on the case, three of the defendants (all save Steyn) were seeking to appeal the trial court’s denial of their anti-SLAPP (anti-strategic lawsuit against public participation) suit motion. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/w

That was last yr this time....still nothing this yr
The most interesting thing about today's hearing at the DC Court of Appeals was that Michael E Mann was a no-show. In this interminable procedural bollocks now well into its third year, he's supposedly the plaintiff - and yet in the last two years he has shown up in court on precisely one occasion. Dr Mann is not merely a fraud as a Nobel Laureate and a fraud as an octuply "exonerated" scientist, he's a fraud as a plaintiff, too. Where Steyn Goes, No Mann Goes
You, "Manonthestreet", filed a motion to proceed to trial three years ago?

Fix your prose fool.
Snopes is a left wing crazy house only good for non political issues.

Man up and own your fraud, fraud. You posted a fraudulent cover. Why? Because your masters fed you a lie, and being that you don't think, you simply believed without question.

At this point, you have a choice.

You can ask yourself why you follow such liars. You can take them to task, and renounce your worship of such liars.

Or you can drop to your knees and lick the boots of those liars with even more fervor.

Everyone knows you'll choose the latter. Such a good cult lapdog you are.

Please note that link is to TIME.

Doesn't change the fact that you posted a faked image.

Again, man up and own it.
You morons are ALWAYS wrong about everything. It's one doomsday scenario after another - and all turn out to be LIES.

1970 – Colder Winters Held Dawn of New Ice Age – Scientists See Ice Age In the Future (The Washington Post, January 11, 1970)
1970 – Is Mankind Manufacturing a New Ice Age for Itself? (L.A. Times, January 15, 1970)
1970 – New Ice Age May Descend On Man (Sumter Daily Item, January 26, 1970)
1970 – Pollution Prospect A Chilling One (Owosso Argus-Press, January 26, 1970)
1970 – Pollution’s 2-way ‘Freeze’ On Society (Middlesboro Daily News, January 28, 1970)
1970 – Cold Facts About Pollution (The Southeast Missourian, January 29, 1970)
1970 – Pollution Could Cause Ice Age, Agency Reports (St. Petersburg Times, March 4, 1970)
1970 – Pollution Called Ice Age Threat (St. Petersburg Times, June 26, 1970)
1970 – Dirt Will .Bring New Ice Age (The Sydney Morning Herald, October 19, 1970)
1971 – Ice Age Refugee Dies Underground (The Montreal Gazette, Febuary 17, 1971)
1971 – U.S. Scientist Sees New Ice Age Coming (The Washington Post, July 9, 1971)
1971 – Ice Age Around the Corner (Chicago Tribune, July 10, 1971)
1971 – New Ice Age Coming – It’s Already Getting Colder (L.A. Times, October 24, 1971)
1971 – Another Ice Age? Pollution Blocking Sunlight (The Day, November 1, 1971)
1971 – Air Pollution Could Bring An Ice Age (Harlan Daily Enterprise, November 4, 1971)
1972 – Air pollution may cause ice age (Free-Lance Star, February 3, 1972)
1972 – Scientist Says New ice Age Coming (The Ledger, February 13, 1972)
1972 – Scientist predicts new ice age (Free-Lance Star, September 11, 1972)
1972 – British expert on Climate Change says Says New Ice Age Creeping Over Northern Hemisphere (Lewiston Evening Journal, September 11, 1972)
1972 – Climate Seen Cooling For Return Of Ice Age (Portsmouth Times, ‎September 11, 1972‎)
1972 – New Ice Age Slipping Over North (Press-Courier, September 11, 1972)
1972 – Ice Age Begins A New Assault In North (The Age, September 12, 1972)
1972 – Weather To Get Colder (Montreal Gazette, ‎September 12, 1972‎)
1972 – British climate expert predicts new Ice Age (The Christian Science Monitor, September 23, 1972)
1972 – Scientist Sees Chilling Signs of New Ice Age (L.A. Times, September 24, 1972)
1972 – Science: Another Ice Age? (Time Magazine, November 13, 1972)
1973 – The Ice Age Cometh (The Saturday Review, March 24, 1973)
1973 – Weather-watchers think another ice age may be on the way (The Christian Science Monitor, December 11, 1973)
1974 – New evidence indicates ice age here (Eugene Register-Guard, May 29, 1974)
1974 – Another Ice Age? (Time Magazine, June 24, 1974)
1974 – 2 Scientists Think ‘Little’ Ice Age Near (The Hartford Courant, August 11, 1974)
1974 – Ice Age, worse food crisis seen (The Chicago Tribune, October 30, 1974)
1974 – Believes Pollution Could Bring On Ice Age (Ludington Daily News, December 4, 1974)
1974 – Pollution Could Spur Ice Age, Nasa Says (Beaver Country Times, ‎December 4, 1974‎)
1974 – Air Pollution May Trigger Ice Age, Scientists Feel (The Telegraph, ‎December 5, 1974‎)
1974 – More Air Pollution Could Trigger Ice Age Disaster (Daily Sentinel – ‎December 5, 1974‎)
1974 – Scientists Fear Smog Could Cause Ice Age (Milwaukee Journal, December 5, 1974)
1975 – Climate Changes Called Ominous (The New York Times, January 19, 1975)
1975 – Climate Change: Chilling Possibilities (Science News, March 1, 1975)
1975 – B-r-r-r-r: New Ice Age on way soon? (The Chicago Tribune, March 2, 1975)
1975 – Cooling Trends Arouse Fear That New Ice Age Coming (Eugene Register-Guard, ‎March 2, 1975‎)
1975 – Is Another Ice Age Due? Arctic Ice Expands In Last Decade (Youngstown Vindicator – ‎March 2, 1975‎)
1975 – Is Earth Headed For Another Ice Age? (Reading Eagle, March 2, 1975)
1975 – New Ice Age Dawning? Significant Shift In Climate Seen (Times Daily, ‎March 2, 1975‎)
1975 – There’s Troublesome Weather Ahead (Tri City Herald, ‎March 2, 1975‎)
1975 – Is Earth Doomed To Live Through Another Ice Age? (The Robesonian, ‎March 3, 1975‎)
1975 – The Ice Age cometh: the system that controls our climate (The Chicago Tribune, April 13, 1975)
1975 – The Cooling World (Newsweek, April 28, 1975)
1975 – Scientists Ask Why World Climate Is Changing; Major Cooling May Be Ahead (PDF) (The New York Times, May 21, 1975)
1975 – In the Grip of a New Ice Age? (International Wildlife, July-August, 1975)
1975 – Oil Spill Could Cause New Ice Age (Milwaukee Journal, December 11, 1975)
1976 – The Cooling: Has the Next Ice Age Already Begun? [Book] (Lowell Ponte, 1976)
1977 – Blizzard – What Happens if it Doesn’t Stop? [Book] (George Stone, 1977)
1977 – The Weather Conspiracy: The Coming of the New Ice Age [Book] (The Impact Team, 1977)
1976 – Worrisome CIA Report; Even U.S. Farms May be Hit by Cooling Trend (U.S. News & World Report, May 31, 1976)
1977 – The Big Freeze (Time Magazine, January 31, 1977)
1977 – We Will Freeze in the Dark (Capital Cities Communications Documentary, Host: Nancy Dickerson, April 12, 1977)
1978 – The New Ice Age [Book] (Henry Gilfond, 1978)
1978 – Little Ice Age: Severe winters and cool summers ahead (Calgary Herald, January 10, 1978)
1978 – Winters Will Get Colder, ‘we’re Entering Little Ice Age’ (Ellensburg Daily Record, January 10, 1978)
1978 – Geologist Says Winters Getting Colder (Middlesboro Daily News, January 16, 1978)
1978 – It’s Going To Get Colder (Boca Raton News, ‎January 17, 1978‎)
1978 – Believe new ice age is coming (The Bryan Times, March 31, 1978)
1978 – The Coming Ice Age (In Search Of TV Show, Season 2, Episode 23, Host: Leonard Nimoy, May 1978)
1978 – An Ice Age Is Coming Weather Expert Fears (Milwaukee Sentinel, November 17, 1978)
1979 – A Choice of Catastrophes – The Disasters That Threaten Our World [Book] (Isaac Asimov, 1979)
1979 – Get Ready to Freeze (Spokane Daily Chronicle, October 12, 1979)
1979 – New ice age almost upon us? (The Christian Science Monitor, November 14, 1979)
Here we find a compilation of only the finest sources of high end, mainstream HARD SCIENCE.

Sumter Daily Item
Owosso Argus-Press
Middlesboro Daily News
The Southeast Missourian
The Day
Harlan Daily Enterprise
Free-Lance Star
The Ledger
Lewiston Evening Journal
The Age
Eugene Register-Guard
Ludington Daily News
Beaver Country Times
Youngstown Vindicator
Reading Eagle
Tri City Herald
The Robesonian
George Stone
Calgary Herald
Ellensburg Daily Record
Middlesboro Daily News
Boca Raton News
The Bryan Times
In Search Of TV Show, Season 2, Episode 23, Host: Leonard Nimoy
Here we find a compilation of only the finest sources of high end, mainstream HARD SCIENCE.

Sumter Daily Item
Owosso Argus-Press
Middlesboro Daily News
The Southeast Missourian
The Day
Harlan Daily Enterprise
Free-Lance Star
The Ledger
Lewiston Evening Journal
The Age
Eugene Register-Guard
Ludington Daily News
Beaver Country Times
Youngstown Vindicator
Reading Eagle
Tri City Herald
The Robesonian
George Stone
Calgary Herald
Ellensburg Daily Record
Middlesboro Daily News
Boca Raton News
The Bryan Times
In Search Of TV Show, Season 2, Episode 23, Host: Leonard Nimoy
Thanks for validating the MSM going along with the myth, but we already knew that.
Brainwash the people with your lies, all part of the lefts plan for over a century.

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