What is the difference between Birthers and Russiagate?

What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?

There’s zero proof that Obama was born out of the US .


Sure. It’s a fake .

Prove it.

Then there is this.


In May 2012 the web site Breitbart published a copy of a promotional booklet produced in 1991 by the literary agency Acton & Dystel showcasing their roster of writers, among whom was a young man named Barack Obama. This booklet was of particular interest because it included a brief biographical sketch which described the future President as having been born in Kenya:


there are two kinds of Birthers
1) Gullible idiots and
2) Lying Con men

Since you left this out of your quote- I will put as #2

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

“You’re undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time,” Goderich wrote. “There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more.”
What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?
I wonder if people realize..both of those theories were manufactured by the CLINTONS to hide their own criminal activities.
Again, evidence does not equal proof, does it?

Now where is the proof Trump colluded with Russia again?

Evidence doesn't equal proof.

Who is saying that Trump colluded with Russia?

Certainly by your 'standards'- there is evidence- again by your 'standards'- because the Steele Dossier does contain claims that there was collusion.

What the current investigation is doing- besides documenting the actual Russian attacks on the 2016 election- is seeing if there was any collusion.

I am sure you and I both looking forward to the conclusion of the investigation and finding out the results.
What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?
I wonder if people realize..both of those theories were manufactured by the CLINTONS to hide their own criminal activities.

LOL- I love it!

Just like Don the Con- you blame the Clintons for everything!

What a loyal Trumpkin!!
What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?
None. Except there actually IS several items to make us believe Obama WAS born in Kenya, no less him and his wife's own words, themselves! People didn't just pull this stuff out of their hats!

You must have forgotten that Trump stood in front of a mic in September 2016 and said that Obama was born in America.

Now since you are one of those idiots who inhales everything Trump says as Gospel, you have to admit there are NO items to make anyone believe Obama is from Kenya.

Ah, ya,---- NO.

I do remember Trump saying that, and having seen him discuss the matter many times, realized that he was forced into saying that by his handlers strictly for the purpose of getting that monkey off of his back so that it couldn't be used during the campaign. I'd bet you anything that if asked, Trump is still certain as I am that Obama was an illegal president and proven so, would make his EVERY presidential action null and void.

But unfortunately, you have it all quite backwards, I follow Trump because tested, he passes the litmus test of being a better leader for this country than Hillary, Bernie or anyone else that ran. I don't inhale anything he says because he said it, I inhale it because it makes good sense.

As to items and Obama being from Kenya, that's already been gone over many times and there are almost a dozen solid reasons for believing there's something to it that you are apparently content to both ignore and deny: everything from his and Michelle's own word, to that of the people in his home town to the altered birth document. Either Obama is from Kenya or he has gone OUT OF HIS WAY to make others believe so.

EASY WAY to prove us wrong: let Obama produce his original paper BIRTH CERTIFICATE signed by the attending physician. Too bad Barry has always fought tooth and nail SPENDING MILLIONS to conceal it. If he has one at all.

Your very first sentence is total nonsense.
Trump never allowed anyone to handle him, or have you not noticed he has the largest turn-over of staff in a century?
"getting that monkey off his back so it couldn't be used during the campaign"
It was less than 60 days before the fucking election, moron.
He had been campaigning since June 2015.
You are what is wrong with this country.
Trained seal waiting for a bucket of chum from your carnival barker.
Again, evidence does not equal proof, does it?

Now where is the proof Trump colluded with Russia again?

Evidence doesn't equal proof.

Who is saying that Trump colluded with Russia?

Certainly by your 'standards'- there is evidence- again by your 'standards'- because the Steele Dossier does contain claims that there was collusion.

What the current investigation is doing- besides documenting the actual Russian attacks on the 2016 election- is seeing if there was any collusion.

I am sure you and I both looking forward to the conclusion of the investigation and finding out the results.



This will never end.
What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?

Those that insist the Russians stole Hillary's rightful crown have the deep state and the MSM propaganda on their side..

Besides, colluding with Kenya isn't a crime


They have more than that.

They have the entire judicial system and education system at their disposal as well.

In fact, isn't it about time for some more First Graders to go protest guns during school hours again? Or isn't it about time for the 9th Court District in San Fran strike down another Executive Order that mirrored Obama's?
you and the Russians love seeding doubt on our Judicial system.... on our intel. agencies, on everything American....

why is that....?
the investigation is a counter intelligence investigation to find out all of what the Russians did, and to see if the Trump campaign conspired with the Russians, wittingly or unwittingly.... it is not on whether Trump alone did or did not.... and added was whether Trump tried to obstruct justice by firing Comey who was heading the official FBI investigation.

Trump has made it out to be that from day 1, all about himself, but the Mueller team has said nothing....
What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?

Those that insist the Russians stole Hillary's rightful crown have the deep state and the MSM propaganda on their side..

Besides, colluding with Kenya isn't a crime


They have more than that.

They have the entire judicial system and education system at their disposal as well.

In fact, isn't it about time for some more First Graders to go protest guns during school hours again? Or isn't it about time for the 9th Court District in San Fran strike down another Executive Order that mirrored Obama's?
you and the Russians love seeding doubt on our Judicial system.... on our intel. agencies, on everything American....

why is that....?

You mean like "W" and the US intelligence lying about WMD's?

Casting that sort of doubt?

Well, I can only say that these agencies are scary with virtually no government over sight.

All men trend towards corruption, so systems created without checks and balances are all that more frightening.
What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?

Those that insist the Russians stole Hillary's rightful crown have the deep state and the MSM propaganda on their side..

Besides, colluding with Kenya isn't a crime


They have more than that.

They have the entire judicial system and education system at their disposal as well.

In fact, isn't it about time for some more First Graders to go protest guns during school hours again? Or isn't it about time for the 9th Court District in San Fran strike down another Executive Order that mirrored Obama's?
you and the Russians love seeding doubt on our Judicial system.... on our intel. agencies, on everything American....

why is that....?

You mean like "W" and the US intelligence lying about WMD's?

Casting that sort of doubt?

Well, I can only say that these agencies are scary with virtually no government over sight.

All men trend towards corruption, so systems created without checks and balances are all that more frightening.
CHENEY was corrupt and lead the wmd war drums, Tenet claims he didn't tell Bush ''slam dunk'' on WMD's.... the CIA sent Wilson to Niger and found out, that the claim that Saddam tried to get yellowcake from Niger... that Cheney and his newly formed intel. group claimed, was blatently FALSE.

that's why Cheney went after Plame, wilson's wife...
Again, evidence does not equal proof, does it?

Now where is the proof Trump colluded with Russia again?

Evidence doesn't equal proof.

Who is saying that Trump colluded with Russia?

Certainly by your 'standards'- there is evidence- again by your 'standards'- because the Steele Dossier does contain claims that there was collusion.

What the current investigation is doing- besides documenting the actual Russian attacks on the 2016 election- is seeing if there was any collusion.

I am sure you and I both looking forward to the conclusion of the investigation and finding out the results.



This will never end.

Certainly that is what Trump and his loyal Trumpkins want- for the conclusion just to be dismissed- and not concluded.

What are you so sure Mueller is going to find?
What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?

Those that insist the Russians stole Hillary's rightful crown have the deep state and the MSM propaganda on their side..

Besides, colluding with Kenya isn't a crime


They have more than that.

They have the entire judicial system and education system at their disposal as well.

In fact, isn't it about time for some more First Graders to go protest guns during school hours again? Or isn't it about time for the 9th Court District in San Fran strike down another Executive Order that mirrored Obama's?
you and the Russians love seeding doubt on our Judicial system.... on our intel. agencies, on everything American....

why is that....?

You mean like "W" and the US intelligence lying about WMD's?

Casting that sort of doubt?

Well, I can only say that these agencies are scary with virtually no government over sight.

All men trend towards corruption, so systems created without checks and balances are all that more frightening.

Except of course- that they do have oversight.

But I will admit that Trump does tend towards corruption and there needs to be checks and balances for him.
What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?

Those that insist the Russians stole Hillary's rightful crown have the deep state and the MSM propaganda on their side..

Besides, colluding with Kenya isn't a crime


They have more than that.

They have the entire judicial system and education system at their disposal as well.

In fact, isn't it about time for some more First Graders to go protest guns during school hours again? Or isn't it about time for the 9th Court District in San Fran strike down another Executive Order that mirrored Obama's?
you and the Russians love seeding doubt on our Judicial system.... on our intel. agencies, on everything American....

why is that....?

You left out the media- here is who Trump and his loyal Trumpkins want Americans to distrust:
  1. The media
  2. The judiciary
  3. The FBI
  4. The CIA
  5. The Democrats
  6. Canada
  7. The United Kingdom
Who should we trust according to the Trumpkins?

Well its pretty much just loyal Trumpkins and Russia.
I find it amusing though that the OP wants us to think that Donald Trump- King of the Birthers- is no different than those who accuse him of collusion with Russia.

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