What is the difference between Birthers and Russiagate?

What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?

Those that insist the Russians stole Hillary's rightful crown have the deep state and the MSM propaganda on their side..

Besides, colluding with Kenya isn't a crime


They have more than that.

They have the entire judicial system and education system at their disposal as well.

In fact, isn't it about time for some more First Graders to go protest guns during school hours again? Or isn't it about time for the 9th Court District in San Fran strike down another Executive Order that mirrored Obama's?
What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?

The former is based upon racism and the latter is not


So everyone that opposed Obama or thought maybe he might have pulled a fast one and born in Kenya is a racist?

Thanks for that dingleberry.

You know, it's people like yourself that has so belittled the term racist that it has now become meaningless.
What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?

The former is based upon racism and the latter is not


So everyone that opposed Obama or thought maybe he might have pulled a fast one and born in Kenya is a racist?

Thanks for that dingleberry.

You know, it's people like yourself that has so belittled the term racist that it has now become meaningless.

That was the driving force behind the story. That some gullible people that might not have been racist bought into it is inconsequential
The difference I come up with is eight.

As in the 8 years longer I've put up hearing about the birther issue as compared to this collusion crap. .
Well Trump DID attempt to collude. That's why he sent the boychinkins to meet with the spy. But "collusion" in not a crime, and attempted collusion isn't either. But the OP is a fail. Obama has a birth certificate. It's just a question of actual facts, rather than "fake news."

But it's a trumpbot thread, so there ya go.
They have more than that.

They have the entire judicial system and education system at their disposal as well.

In fact, isn't it about time for some more First Graders to go protest guns during school hours again? Or isn't it about time for the 9th Court District in San Fran strike down another Executive Order that mirrored Obama's?

I know the "justice" department is deep state territory, I'm not familiar with with your 'eduction' system but the results are a pretty bad sign

No doubt future generations will be taught how the Russians managed to hack the 2016 selections and install their Manchurian candidate but luckily the heroic 'intelligence' agencies and Mueller were there to stop them and keep democracy safe from evil

What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?

There’s zero proof that Obama was born out of the US .


Sure. It’s a fake .

Prove it.

Then there is this.


In May 2012 the web site Breitbart published a copy of a promotional booklet produced in 1991 by the literary agency Acton & Dystel showcasing their roster of writers, among whom was a young man named Barack Obama. This booklet was of particular interest because it included a brief biographical sketch which described the future President as having been born in Kenya:

Because a promotional booklet is proof of nothing vs a government issued certified birth record.

Too bad Timmy that the "promotional booklet" was a voluntary statement made by the perp; it bears little difference to a confession or an admission, where millions have been tried and convicted. It is a statement Obama made of his own free will. Obama's Hawaii record of birth is NOT certified! Nor is it government issued. Otherwise they would call it a birth CERTIFICATE. Unlike a birth certificate which is an official document, a Record of Birth is nothing more than a generic, blank form that anyone can fill out and put anything they want in it. As always, your have your whole world screwed on bass ackwards.
What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?
Russia really did mess with our election, tRumplings really did have many, many off the record meeting with various Russian spies and such and then seemed to suffer mass amnesia about them all. The CIA and FBI never said President Obama was born in Kenya.

Is that enough or should I go on?
What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?

The former is based upon racism and the latter is not


So everyone that opposed Obama or thought maybe he might have pulled a fast one and born in Kenya is a racist?

Thanks for that dingleberry.

You know, it's people like yourself that has so belittled the term racist that it has now become meaningless.
The difference is this: Every birther claim has been thoroughly debunked by fact checking.

By contrast, the trump-russia ties are re-enforced nearly every day by evidence and Trump's own behavior.
What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?

The former is based upon racism and the latter is not


So everyone that opposed Obama or thought maybe he might have pulled a fast one and born in Kenya is a racist?

Thanks for that dingleberry.

You know, it's people like yourself that has so belittled the term racist that it has now become meaningless.
The difference is this: Every birther claim has been thoroughly debunked by fact checking.

By contrast, the trump-russia ties are re-enforced nearly every day by evidence and Trump's own behavior.

Fact checker?



So does the fact checker show the proof that Obama's birth certificate is real? Let me guess, the "experts" that examined it say it's real, right?

In fact, does it show proof that the evidence that Obama was born in Kenya I've posted is not real?

And what proof do we have that Trump colluded?

"Birthers" was a fun exercise that was bound to annoy the left. The alleged Russia collusion is a vicious attack by the crazy angry left to try to reverse the results of an election. Big difference.

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