CDZ What is politics?


Active Member
Apr 20, 2015
To me politics is either of two things.

1. Potential victims volunteering to offer a higher quality and lower cost defense against all enemies foreign and domestic in a geographical area.

2. Criminals fighting over who gains more from the available victims in a geographical area.

If someone, anyone, is confusing one with the other one, who is likely to benefit from that confusion?
Why Edward Snowden, is he able to avoid confusing the two?
Confederate Flag Flap is a Huge Red Herring Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

The idea here is to set aside 1, and know it is 1, and set aside 2, and know it is 2, along the lines of the idea that 1 is good, and 2 is evil.

Thinking in terms of anyone trying to make a decision where the costs of failing to make the right decision is severe, along the lines of defusing a bomb, and cutting the red wire, or cutting the blue wire, is a "choice," offered to the decision maker. Knowing which wire to cut turns the "choice" into a choice. Choosing to defuse the bomb requires the choice to find out which wire defuses the bomb.

1. Potential victims volunteering to offer a higher quality and lower cost defense against all enemies foreign and domestic in a geographical area.

2. Criminals fighting over who gains more from the available victims in a geographical area.

Red and blue are interchangeable. One time democrats were red, wearing red ties, and affiliated with such ideas as "levelers," so long as it is understood that the word "leveler" can change color too. One time republicans were blue, not red, and blue meant an idea to conserve with economic calculation any investment in anything whereby return on investment was believed to be worth the effort to invest in the first place.

The idea that someone named Lee, as in General Lee, was asked to join the North in the fight against voluntary investments in mutual defense, and General Lee says no, no thanks, I am for voluntary association, which means I am against slavery, is not a new idea in 1860.

Another individual named Lee, a Richard Henry Lee, who was the 6th President of the United States of American in Congress Assembled, was against slavery at a time when slavery was much less a profitable crime at that time, compared to the profitability of the crime once the criminals took over, and once the criminals started to subsidize the crime of slavery with a National Debt scheme hatched by someone named Alexander Hamilton.

Note too how criminals fighting over who gains more from the available victims in a geographical area were exposed when they first announced their plans to consolidate all the people in all the competitive states as those potential victims volunteered to offer a higher quality and lower cost defense against all enemies including foreign and domestic slave traders, as these patriots warned about the inevitable Civil War that would happen if the criminals were allowed to consolidate the people in the States into one national crime spree, where slavery was subsidized by tyrannical edict.

AntiFederalist Papers Paper 3 Freedom Documents


"There are but two modes by which men are connected in society, the one which operates on individuals, this always has been, and ought still to be called, national government; the other which binds States and governments together (not corporations, for there is no considerable nation on earth, despotic, monarchical, or republican, that does not contain many subordinate corporations with various constitutions) this last has heretofore been denominated a league or confederacy. The term federalists is therefore improperly applied to themselves, by the friends and supporters of the proposed constitution. This abuse of language does not help the cause; every degree of imposition serves only to irritate, but can never convince. They are national men, and their opponents, or at least a great majority of them, are federal, in the only true and strict sense of the word."

Slavery was all but ended because a voluntary federation existed, and former slaves were afforded sanctuary where rule of law was the idea, the ideal, and the process governing everyone. Criminals enslaving people in one of many States were only able to command that criminal power in that one State, and only for the time they kept that power, since slaves could vote with their feet to another state where criminal slavery was acknowledge as criminal slavery.

AntiFederalist Papers Paper 15 Freedom Documents

The abuse which has been thrown upon the state of Rhode Island seems to be greatly unmerited. Popular favor is variable, and those who are now despised and insulted may soon change situations with the present idols of the people. Rhode Island has out done even Pennsylvania in the glorious work of freeing the Negroes in this country, without which the patriotism of some states appears ridiculous. The General Assembly of the state of Rhode Island has prevented the further importation of Negroes, and have made a law by which all blacks born in that state after March, 1784, are absolutely and at once free.

They have fully complied with the recommendations of Congress in regard to the late treaty of peace with Great Britain, and have passed an act declaring it to be the law of the land. They have never refused their quota of taxes demanded by Congress, excepting the five per cent impost, which they considered as a dangerous tax, and for which at present there is perhaps no great necessity, as the western territory, of which a part has very lately been sold at a considerable price, may soon produce an immense revenue; and, in the interim, Congress may raise in the old manner the taxes which shall be found necessary for the support of the government.

The state of Rhode Island refused to send delegates to the Federal Convention, and the event has manifested that their refusal was a happy one as the new constitution, which the Convention has proposed to us, is an elective monarchy, which is proverbially the worst government. This new government would have been supported at a vast expense, by which our taxes-the right of which is solely vested in Congress, (a circumstance which manifests that the various states of the union will be merely corporations) -- would be doubled or trebled. The liberty of the press is not stipulated for, and therefore may be invaded at pleasure. The supreme continental court is to have, almost in every case, “appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact,” which signifies, if there is any meaning in words, the setting aside the trial by jury. Congress will have the power of guaranteeing to every state a right to import Negroes for twenty one years, by which some of the states, who have now declined that iniquitous traffic, may re-enter into it-for the private laws of every state are to submit to the superior jurisdiction of Congress. A standing army is to be kept on foot, by which the vicious, the sycophantick, and the time- serving will be exalted, and the brave, the patriotic, and the virtuous will be depressed.

The writer, therefore, thinks it the part of wisdom to abide, like the state of Rhode Island, by the old articles of confederation, which, if re-examined with attention, we shall find worthy of great regard; that we should give high praise to the manly and public spirited sixteen members, who lately seceded from our house of Assembly [in Pennsylvania]; and that we should all impress with great care, this truth on our minds-That it is very easy to change a free government into an arbitrary one, but that it is very difficult to convert tyranny into freedom.

And what was Richard Henry Lee thinking, as his patriotic duty for the ideal of Liberty was adding to the moral law?

Richard Henry Lee The Forgotten Founders

In 1757 he was appointed justice of the peace for Westmoreland County. In 1761 he was elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses, of which he remained a delegate until 1788. Extreme shyness prevented his taking any part in the debates for some time. His first speech was on a motion:

“to lay so heavy a duty on the importation of slaves as effectually to put an end to that iniquitous and disgraceful traffic within the colony of Virginia.”

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