What is a "Deathbed Vision"?


Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
When a family member is close to death or has immediately passed on, other family members may experience dreams or visions where the person close to death "visits" them to reassure them or comfort them. Sometimes, the person near death will report that they have seen relatives who have already passed on or that they see angels. Accounts are that they are there to escort the dying person to "the other side".

The person may make restless and repetitive motions such as pulling at sheets or clothing or calling out repetitively. He or she may groan, scream, or mumble loudly. The person may have visions or call out to people long dead and become increasingly confused about his or her identity and the identity of loved ones.
All near death experiences are caused by erratic brain activity due by a cascade of neurotransmitters released as the body shuts down.
Either that wallpaper goes, or I do."
Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), Irish dramatist. As he lay dying in Paris
The erratic behavior can be caused by deep feelings of regret of having spent too much time at the office or not having fucked ol' whats-her-name when the opportunity presented itself.
When a family member is close to death or has immediately passed on, other family members may experience dreams or visions where the person close to death "visits" them to reassure them or comfort them. Sometimes, the person near death will report that they have seen relatives who have already passed on or that they see angels. Accounts are that they are there to escort the dying person to "the other side".

The person may make restless and repetitive motions such as pulling at sheets or clothing or calling out repetitively. He or she may groan, scream, or mumble loudly. The person may have visions or call out to people long dead and become increasingly confused about his or her identity and the identity of loved ones.

I don't know about all that but I read something once that when you are dying, you will try to find any source of light available. Even if the room is dark and only a sliver of light under the door, Your eyes will seek it out.

I've heard of spirit guides, family members who have passed, coming to help you cross over but not sure if it is at all true. I do hope it is something more than just this then you're gone.
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When a family member is close to death or has immediately passed on, other family members may experience dreams or visions where the person close to death "visits" them to reassure them or comfort them. Sometimes, the person near death will report that they have seen relatives who have already passed on or that they see angels. Accounts are that they are there to escort the dying person to "the other side".

The person may make restless and repetitive motions such as pulling at sheets or clothing or calling out repetitively. He or she may groan, scream, or mumble loudly. The person may have visions or call out to people long dead and become increasingly confused about his or her identity and the identity of loved ones.

I don't know about all that but I read something once that when you are dying, you will try to find any source of light available. Even if the room is dark and only a sliver of light under the door.

I've heard of spirit guides, family members who have passed, coming to help you cross over but not sure if it is at all true. I do hope it is something more than just this then you're gone.

I believe without a doubt there is.
Don't know. Do know that my ex's grandmother used to dream about people and then they died. Whenever Grandma Maggio left my inlaws' house all the kids used to say, "Bye, Grandma ... don't dream about me!" Seriously!!! They truly believed she was a witch and still talk about it all these years later.

I don't know about that, either ... but she was always, always trying to get me to wear garlic around my neck when I was pregnant!
It's sort of like knowing what a horse is going to do before it does it. I shouldn't be able to know what it will do, but I do...and that's exactly the way I feel about the afterlife. There's no evidence that it will happen..but I know it will.
It's sort of like knowing what a horse is going to do before it does it. I shouldn't be able to know what it will do, but I do...and that's exactly the way I feel about the afterlife. There's no evidence that it will happen..but I know it will.

I have faith but I'm not sure about it. I hope.
It's sort of like knowing what a horse is going to do before it does it. I shouldn't be able to know what it will do, but I do...and that's exactly the way I feel about the afterlife. There's no evidence that it will happen..but I know it will.

I have faith but I'm not sure about it. I hope.

Live by your faith and it will grow stronger.
When a family member is close to death or has immediately passed on, other family members may experience dreams or visions where the person close to death "visits" them to reassure them or comfort them. Sometimes, the person near death will report that they have seen relatives who have already passed on or that they see angels. Accounts are that they are there to escort the dying person to "the other side".

The person may make restless and repetitive motions such as pulling at sheets or clothing or calling out repetitively. He or she may groan, scream, or mumble loudly. The person may have visions or call out to people long dead and become increasingly confused about his or her identity and the identity of loved ones.
Main Entry: ae·gri som·nia
Pronunciation: \ˌī-grē-ˈsȯm-nē-ˌä\
Function: foreign term
Etymology: Latin
: a sick man's dreams
There are easier ways to have near death experiences without coming quite so near to death.

Those neurotransmitters are very easy to shut down, let me tell you.

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