What happens when you do an upper decker?


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
One of the big fads of today's youths, when they aren't marching in BLM rallies or smoking Tide Pods or vaping, is to take what is known as an "Upper Decker".

Youths take a crap in the tank portion of the toilet, instead of the bowl.

I hope they don't do this when they make it to prison- the guys in the joint aren't likely to take kindly to this kind of thing.
One of the big fads of today's youths, when they aren't marching in BLM rallies or smoking Tide Pods or vaping, is to take what is known as an "Upper Decker".

Youths take a crap in the tank portion of the toilet, instead of the bowl.

I hope they don't do this when they make it to prison- the guys in the joint aren't likely to take kindly to this kind of thing.

Hopefully mom and dad kick their freaking stupid ass. Then make them clean it up.
One of the big fads of today's youths, when they aren't marching in BLM rallies or smoking Tide Pods or vaping, is to take what is known as an "Upper Decker".

Youths take a crap in the tank portion of the toilet, instead of the bowl.

I hope they don't do this when they make it to prison- the guys in the joint aren't likely to take kindly to this kind of thing.

Hopefully mom and dad kick their freaking stupid ass. Then make them clean it up.

I think what you are failing to appreciate is that these young people are making a statement and exercising their right to Free Expression. Just like Colin Kaepernick spurned tradition and knelt instead of standing for the national anthem- other youths are also spurning the traditional use of the toilet bowl and going for the tank instead.

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