What Happens if they Shut Down the Government?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
First of all, government employees cannot volunteer to work during such a period. But, the following will continue:

Many “Essential” Functions

As a recent report by the Congressional Research Service[8] points out, an OMB memorandum from 1981 lays out examples of the many government functions of federal agencies that may continue during a funding lapse:

National security, including the conduct of foreign relations essential to the national security or the safety of life and property;
Benefit payments and the performance of contact obligations under no-year or multi-year appropriations or other funds remaining available for those purposes;
Medical care of inpatients and emergency outpatient care and activities essential for the safe use of food, drugs, and hazardous materials;
Air traffic control and other transportation safety functions;
Border and coastal protection and surveillance;
Protection of federal lands, buildings, waterways, and other property of the U.S.;
Care of prisoners and others in federal custody;
Law enforcement and criminal investigations;
Emergency and disaster assistance;
Activities essential to the preservation of the money and banking system of the U.S., including borrowing and tax collection;
Production of power and maintenance of the power distribution system; and
Protection of research property.

Read the story @ What happens during a government ?shutdown??
Well, if they shut down the government, several things will happen....................

Number one is that the civilian government workers will be sent home to sit it out because they cannot be paid.

Number two is that the military will continue to work (without pay) because they signed a contract stating that they would serve the nation no matter what (I know about that, because I was on active duty the last time they shut down the government and it sucked to be in the military at that time. Navy Relief was called upon to help out for the active duty members who had to pay rent and other things at the time, matter of fact, I had to ask for an extension on my rent because of it for 24 days).

Number three is that military retirees (of which I am one) will not receive their government pensions until the government is restarted.

Number four? The GOP will be voted out of their seats because they were stupid in 2014.
First of all, government employees cannot volunteer to work during such a period. But, the following will continue:

Many “Essential” Functions

As a recent report by the Congressional Research Service[8] points out, an OMB memorandum from 1981 lays out examples of the many government functions of federal agencies that may continue during a funding lapse:

National security, including the conduct of foreign relations essential to the national security or the safety of life and property;
Benefit payments and the performance of contact obligations under no-year or multi-year appropriations or other funds remaining available for those purposes;
Medical care of inpatients and emergency outpatient care and activities essential for the safe use of food, drugs, and hazardous materials;
Air traffic control and other transportation safety functions;
Border and coastal protection and surveillance;
Protection of federal lands, buildings, waterways, and other property of the U.S.;
Care of prisoners and others in federal custody;
Law enforcement and criminal investigations;
Emergency and disaster assistance;
Activities essential to the preservation of the money and banking system of the U.S., including borrowing and tax collection;
Production of power and maintenance of the power distribution system; and
Protection of research property.

Read the story @ What happens during a government ?shutdown??

When is Congress going to stop using Federal Employees as whipping boys because they can't do their job?
First of all, government employees cannot volunteer to work during such a period. But, the following will continue:

Many “Essential” Functions

As a recent report by the Congressional Research Service[8] points out, an OMB memorandum from 1981 lays out examples of the many government functions of federal agencies that may continue during a funding lapse:

National security, including the conduct of foreign relations essential to the national security or the safety of life and property;
Benefit payments and the performance of contact obligations under no-year or multi-year appropriations or other funds remaining available for those purposes;
Medical care of inpatients and emergency outpatient care and activities essential for the safe use of food, drugs, and hazardous materials;
Air traffic control and other transportation safety functions;
Border and coastal protection and surveillance;
Protection of federal lands, buildings, waterways, and other property of the U.S.;
Care of prisoners and others in federal custody;
Law enforcement and criminal investigations;
Emergency and disaster assistance;
Activities essential to the preservation of the money and banking system of the U.S., including borrowing and tax collection;
Production of power and maintenance of the power distribution system; and
Protection of research property.

Read the story @ What happens during a government ?shutdown??

When is Congress going to stop using Federal Employees as whipping boys because they can't do their job?

Congress has already proven they can't do their job because of idiots in the Tea Party, as well as the ineffective leadership of Boehener.

Sorry GOP, but the inmates (aka the Tea Party) have taken over the asylum (aka the GOP).

I guess you're bound to become the way of the Whigs.
What Happens if they Shut Down the Government?

The president will threaten to punish the poor and the elderly, like he did the last time, instead of cutting food stamps for welfare queens.
If it is shut down, not only will you have government workers on the rise, but the active duty military as well as those who are retired.

We defended you for what? So that you could shut down our benefits for some bullshit political grandstand?
If it is shut down, not only will you have government workers on the rise, but the active duty military as well as those who are retired.

We defended you for what? So that you could shut down our benefits for some bullshit political grandstand?

Somewhere between your example and simply rolling over and allowing the dembulbs to continue to spend like drunk sailors is a compromise

But what?
Well, if they shut down the government, several things will happen....................

Number one is that the civilian government workers will be sent home to sit it out because they cannot be paid.

Number two is that the military will continue to work (without pay) because they signed a contract stating that they would serve the nation no matter what (I know about that, because I was on active duty the last time they shut down the government and it sucked to be in the military at that time. Navy Relief was called upon to help out for the active duty members who had to pay rent and other things at the time, matter of fact, I had to ask for an extension on my rent because of it for 24 days).

Number three is that military retirees (of which I am one) will not receive their government pensions until the government is restarted.

Number four? The GOP will be voted out of their seats because they were stupid in 2014.

Didn't you read my post? Or are you smoking some of that funny stuff?

Stop trying to use the same scare tactics the DUMBOCRATS are screaming!!! :mad:
Well, if they shut down the government, several things will happen....................

Number one is that the civilian government workers will be sent home to sit it out because they cannot be paid.

Number two is that the military will continue to work (without pay) because they signed a contract stating that they would serve the nation no matter what (I know about that, because I was on active duty the last time they shut down the government and it sucked to be in the military at that time. Navy Relief was called upon to help out for the active duty members who had to pay rent and other things at the time, matter of fact, I had to ask for an extension on my rent because of it for 24 days).

Number three is that military retirees (of which I am one) will not receive their government pensions until the government is restarted.

Number four? The GOP will be voted out of their seats because they were stupid in 2014.

Didn't you read my post? Or are you smoking some of that funny stuff?

Stop trying to use the same scare tactics the DUMBOCRATS are screaming!!! :mad:

He answered your question. I notice your link tries to blame Obama for shutting the government down, but people are not that dumb. Not everyone watches Faux News and is fooled by their lack of truth in their information.

They are not scare tactics, they are facts. If you're scared, you should be, because the people aren't fooled that easily, and the ones responsible will answer, soon enough.
Nov 2014.
Liberals like to ignore the fact that we're $17 trillion in debt. Maybe if the jerkoffs in the Democratic Party would agree to make some cuts...
Liberals like to ignore the fact that we're $17 trillion in debt. Maybe if the jerkoffs in the Democratic Party would agree to make some cuts...

Obamacare is supposed to lower the deficit, but Reps want to cut Obamacare because they want to lower the deficit. Makes perfect sense to you, I bet.
Liberals like to ignore the fact that we're $17 trillion in debt. Maybe if the jerkoffs in the Democratic Party would agree to make some cuts...

Obamacare is supposed to lower the deficit, but Reps want to cut Obamacare because they want to lower the deficit. Makes perfect sense to you, I bet.
Yeah, every one of Obama's schemes were supposed to lower the deficit. I'm sure you're probably fine with him adding $7 trillion in 4 years to the debt.
`What happens if they shut down the government?' .....WOW! Geez...lemme think a minute. Well... first of all, you know those smug-looking bastards who sit in government bureaus behind desks pushing paperwork around several hours a day, and get paid those outrageous salaries? Well...that smug look will be replaced by some pretty serious worry lines when they go looking for work in the private sector!

And you know those smart-mouthed buttwipes who sit behind those barred or unbreakable plastic barriers in offices like the SS department...or the DMV's? You know the ones...with those dead-pan expressions who know everything except the answer to the question `you' pose to them? Well...they'll have to come out from behind those protective shields and actually deal with people face to face, without those armed guards standing around all over the place to keep them from getting a broken nose, by someone they're supposed to SERVE...instead of snottin' off at!

Oh and...the people in both Houses of Congress? They'll have to go back to their home state and learn to live on that lousy $175,000 per year they try to `scrape by on', and `make do' without all that `insider trading' info they get rich on. You know...the `insider trading info' THEY get to enrich themselves with legally, but put any of US in prison for using?

And then, of course, there's the public employee assholes who get all bent out of shape when you remind them that you are one of the many who pay them to do what they do, and they tell you ...`well...I pay taxes the same as you!' Only they don't really. Because every single penny they get in their paycheck is OUR money, and whatever `taxes' they pay out of it is nothing but a refund to the public coffers from whence it came! Let them live on `nothing' for awhile, and see how they get by!

`What happens if they shut down the government'? Geez...the possibilities are endless!
`What happens if they shut down the government?' .....WOW! Geez...lemme think a minute. Well... first of all, you know those smug-looking bastards who sit in government bureaus behind desks pushing paperwork around several hours a day, and get paid those outrageous salaries? Well...that smug look will be replaced by some pretty serious worry lines when they go looking for work in the private sector!

And you know those smart-mouthed buttwipes who sit behind those barred or unbreakable plastic barriers in offices like the SS department...or the DMV's? You know the ones...with those dead-pan expressions who know everything except the answer to the question `you' pose to them? Well...they'll have to come out from behind those protective shields and actually deal with people face to face, without those armed guards standing around all over the place to keep them from getting a broken nose, by someone they're supposed to SERVE...instead of snottin' off at!

Oh and...the people in both Houses of Congress? They'll have to go back to their home state and learn to live on that lousy $175,000 per year they try to `scrape by on', and `make do' without all that `insider trading' info they get rich on. You know...the `insider trading info' THEY get to enrich themselves with legally, but put any of US in prison for using?

And then, of course, there's the public employee assholes who get all bent out of shape when you remind them that you are one of the many who pay them to do what they do, and they tell you ...`well...I pay taxes the same as you!' Only they don't really. Because every single penny they get in their paycheck is OUR money, and whatever `taxes' they pay out of it is nothing but a refund to the public coffers from whence it came! Let them live on `nothing' for awhile, and see how they get by!

`What happens if they shut down the government'? Geez...the possibilities are endless!

Oh yes...the old

Government doesn't do anything so we are justified in shutting them down

Ted Cruz 101

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