What do you like about the Palestinian's?


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
If we take the position that the only one who is completely bad without any good whatsoever, is satan, the devil; then everyone else has at least one thing that is good. As far as the Palestinian's go, what would be that one thing?

Are there any Zionists on this board who can step up and say what they admire about the Palestinian's? Because the ones who can't (or won't), their opinions (in regards to the Pals), should carry as much weight as helium. The ones who can, their opinions should weigh considerably more.

What I admire about the Palestinian's, is that in spite of everything they've been subjected to for the last 70 years, they're still around and against all odds, have not surrendered to the powers that be.
Oh finally a good intention in the forum, I'll be fully honest, I was waiting for something like this to come up.
I Do not 'admire' the Palestinians for anything in particular, although I do like about Arabs in generally (Palestinians/Israeli) the tradition and customs.
The Palestinians haven't made anything to admire them for that, passive as always they allowed their lunatic leadership across history to educate and maintain their position, so if you really want an answer I guess it would be the Palestinian naivety.
They keep bouncing back and rebuilding, again and again.
There are successful Arab towns in the West Bank.
They are peaceful, pursue education and have good professions.
I don't know the history of why some towns wound up taking this path and others didn't.
I like the fact that the Palestinians have a UN shadow government (even if they have a fragmented people) and a declared virtual state.

Not the Hamas's flag state of intentions where they state that the occupation is every inch of land that Israel 'occupies', but the virtual state as yet to be negotiated on and brought from virtual state into a reality based state.

A virtual state, by it's very nature is unstable. The UN is becoming more unstable by the year.

I like the fact that the Palestinians are removing themselves from the Hamas and Iranian influence.

I like that the Palestinians have accepted the financial support of Qatar and removed the financial support of Iran from its influence. I never did like seeing Ahmadinejad at the Southern Gates of Lebanon either.


I like the fact that the Palestinians are now hoping of a life without strife more than a life calling for Israeli death. I'm sure that the average Palestinian must be war weary. They might not get the constant rocket fire over the years and yes, that's traumatic, but they get these excursions of insanity that start from their end and which always end up with pain and suffering.

I like the fact that some of the Palestinians are standing up against the treatment of foreign journalists. I never expected that.
What do I like about the Palestinians?

Their ability to keep the portal open so long between their Delusional Alternate Universe and Reality.
If we take the position that the only one who is completely bad without any good whatsoever, is satan, the devil; then everyone else has at least one thing that is good. As far as the Palestinian's go, what would be that one thing?

Are there any Zionists on this board who can step up and say what they admire about the Palestinian's? Because the ones who can't (or won't), their opinions (in regards to the Pals), should carry as much weight as helium. The ones who can, their opinions should weigh considerably more.

What I admire about the Palestinian's, is that in spite of everything they've been subjected to for the last 70 years, they're still around and against all odds, have not surrendered to the powers that be.
If we take the position that the only one who is completely bad without any good whatsoever, is satan, the devil; then everyone else has at least one thing that is good. As far as the Palestinian's go, what would be that one thing?

Are there any Zionists on this board who can step up and say what they admire about the Palestinian's? Because the ones who can't (or won't), their opinions (in regards to the Pals), should carry as much weight as helium. The ones who can, their opinions should weigh considerably more.

What I admire about the Palestinian's, is that in spite of everything they've been subjected to for the last 70 years, they're still around and against all odds, have not surrendered to the powers that be.
Is that the best you can do?
If we take the position that the only one who is completely bad without any good whatsoever, is satan, the devil; then everyone else has at least one thing that is good. As far as the Palestinian's go, what would be that one thing?

Are there any Zionists on this board who can step up and say what they admire about the Palestinian's? Because the ones who can't (or won't), their opinions (in regards to the Pals), should carry as much weight as helium. The ones who can, their opinions should weigh considerably more.

What I admire about the Palestinian's, is that in spite of everything they've been subjected to for the last 70 years, they're still around and against all odds, have not surrendered to the powers that be.

What is there to actually like about the Palestinians when they exist just to kill Jews and Christians. They target children deliberately and openly admit to doing so, they are pig headed and will never bend instead preferring to die for a lost cause. All they have been subjected to as been by their own actions and they should have learnt by now they are not a power to be feared. Jordan showed this when they massacred 50,000 in reply to their attempted coup and take over of Jordan. Even their own people despise and hate them so much that they spit at them when they walk past.
They keep bouncing back and rebuilding, again and again.

They keep sponging of the rest of humanity so they can be the ever present victims of their own folly. Since Israel built gaza for them they have allowed it to decay and disintegrate to a slum.
There are successful Arab towns in the West Bank.
They are peaceful, pursue education and have good professions.
I don't know the history of why some towns wound up taking this path and others didn't.

Israeli leadership and money coupled with a will to succeed against the odds. Those are the Palestinian icons that the rest should be striving to be, not the mass murdering scum like hamas.
The Palestinians and the Jews are the same except they live under different circumstances.
The Palestinians and the Jews are the same except they live under different circumstances.
The Palestinians and the Jews are the same except that one side stood its ground in 1948 and one side participated in the Great Arab Skeddadle of 1948.

"He who pisses his pants, then runs away, lives to regret it, for many a day."
What is there to actually like about the Palestinians when they exist just to kill Jews and Christians. They target children deliberately and openly admit to doing so, they are pig headed and will never bend instead preferring to die for a lost cause. All they have been subjected to as been by their own actions and they should have learnt by now they are not a power to be feared. Jordan showed this when they massacred 50,000 in reply to their attempted coup and take over of Jordan. Even their own people despise and hate them so much that they spit at them when they walk past.
Don't you like the fact "...their own people despise and hate them so much that they spit at them when they walk past."

That could've been the one thing you liked about them, but it wasn't. Why? Because you enjoy hating them! You like hating them! You dig hating them! Hating them is fun to you. Trashing them makes you feel all warm and fuzzy.

So without further adieu, I'd like to announce the 2014 Helium Award goes to Phoeny, the most obsessed, irrationally thinking poster at USMB, whose comments in the I/P forum carry as much weight as "helium".

I greatly admire the Palestinian people for their bravery and tenacity.

They remind me of the Minute Men in the American Revolution, or better yet, the brave defenders of the Alamo in Texas.

A people who would rather stand up and fight and die against overwhelming odds than to be a slave to brutal zionist tyranny.

All freedom loving American's should support these beleaguered people in their quest to be a free and sovereign entity.

Much the same as we did in 1776. ...... :cool:
If we take the position that the only one who is completely bad without any good whatsoever, is satan, the devil; then everyone else has at least one thing that is good. As far as the Palestinian's go, what would be that one thing?

Are there any Zionists on this board who can step up and say what they admire about the Palestinian's? Because the ones who can't (or won't), their opinions (in regards to the Pals), should carry as much weight as helium. The ones who can, their opinions should weigh considerably more.

What I admire about the Palestinian's, is that in spite of everything they've been subjected to for the last 70 years, they're still around and against all odds, have not surrendered to the powers that be.
Is that the best you can do?
I am here to do more than that for example I want to tell jews that they should change themselves. They should forget about masaya and consider themselves normal human being and complete line of Proph
If we take the position that the only one who is completely bad without any good whatsoever, is satan, the devil; then everyone else has at least one thing that is good. As far as the Palestinian's go, what would be that one thing?

Are there any Zionists on this board who can step up and say what they admire about the Palestinian's? Because the ones who can't (or won't), their opinions (in regards to the Pals), should carry as much weight as helium. The ones who can, their opinions should weigh considerably more.

What I admire about the Palestinian's, is that in spite of everything they've been subjected to for the last 70 years, they're still around and against all odds, have not surrendered to the powers that be.
Is that the best you can do?
If we take the position that the only one who is completely bad without any good whatsoever, is satan, the devil; then everyone else has at least one thing that is good. As far as the Palestinian's go, what would be that one thing?

Are there any Zionists on this board who can step up and say what they admire about the Palestinian's? Because the ones who can't (or won't), their opinions (in regards to the Pals), should carry as much weight as helium. The ones who can, their opinions should weigh considerably more.

What I admire about the Palestinian's, is that in spite of everything they've been subjected to for the last 70 years, they're still around and against all odds, have not surrendered to the powers that be.
Is that the best you can do?
That is what I agreed with billo_RIelly, but for you I want to educate to Jews that please be normal human being and give up your out dated Ideas like masaya is coming or jew are especial race or solomon I even really don't know about so I want advise to jews that world moving forward so please don't drag backward.
I greatly admire the Palestinian people for their bravery and tenacity.

They remind me of the Minute Men in the American Revolution, or better yet, the brave defenders of the Alamo in Texas.

A people who would rather stand up and fight and die against overwhelming odds than to be a slave to brutal zionist tyranny.

All freedom loving American's should support these beleaguered people in their quest to be a free and sovereign entity.

Much the same as we did in 1776. ...... :cool:

I deeply respect the Palestinians for the anti-Colonial courage, for their ability to strive to put their children through higher education whenever they are allowed - most often outside Israeli control & of the Occupied Territories.

I am in awe of their ability to absorb injustice after injustice & lie after lie at the hands of the international community and the IDF / Mossad / Shin Bet / Israeli Settlers and other arms of the SS, and still stand up to fight the horror.

But also their incredible ability to understand that they are not just doing this for Palestinians but as much for the world, as they are in the front line against Israeli and US fascism. Clearly there is every part of the rainbow of resistance, and some less respectable than others, but Palestinians have grown and educated their own legal teams, negotiators comedians and philosophers and they are the ones in the forefront for the struggle for statehood, while fighters try to make sure there is something left to call a state.

Their persistence in having faith in the international legal system when it has been all but destroyed by American and Israeli machinations is astounding.

However, I take issue with your claim that this has a parallel to 1776. Clearly that was a black year for the world.
In that, I would like to personally apologise to all here for America.

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