What do we do for the children in need


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
We have children through out the US whose parents cannot provide proper housing, enough food, schoold supplies and proper medical care,

Many times the parents are at fault. If the parents lived their lives different they could provide for their children's need but they don't.

It may be the parents fault but it definitely is not the chidren's fault.

What do we do for those children in need?
Good thread. I'll be interested in reading the responses.

At another forum I used to frequent, I posted a similar train of thought.

In particular, we discussed the children of the Appalaichan Mountains, who are impoverished due to depressed economic conditions in their area, lack of job opportunities, lack of educational opportunities. These children are largely white, and largely invisible to most Americans. That is, unless you take the time to actually drive though the Appalaichan Mountains. And then, you will see these very loveable, very invisible chidren.

Any thoughts on them? Anyone know much about them?
I used to be one of them.
We did have enough to eat though as we raised and preserved well over half of what we eat.
Now even in Applachia the vast majority depend fully on the grocery store for food.

those that talk of eliminating food stamps and welfare, CHIPS, WIC, Medicaid will just be ending the lives of many children if they succeed.
Without medicaid many women would not have any prenatal care at all.
money should be given into well done orphanages and the children transferred there. the parents should be made sterile after the children leave so that their irrespsonsible ways won't effect society again
I used to be one of them.
We did have enough to eat though as we raised and preserved well over half of what we eat.
Now even in Applachia the vast majority depend fully on the grocery store for food.

those that talk of eliminating food stamps and welfare, CHIPS, WIC, Medicaid will just be ending the lives of many children if they succeed.
Without medicaid many women would not have any prenatal care at all.

Even though there are many inefficiencies in government there are not enough government programs to fully take care of the children.

We all need to give to good children's charities to help. Take money you have been giving to politicians or political parties and give it to the children's charities.

I winder how many on this site give to charaties in meaningful amounts.
I used to be one of them.
We did have enough to eat though as we raised and preserved well over half of what we eat.
Now even in Applachia the vast majority depend fully on the grocery store for food.

those that talk of eliminating food stamps and welfare, CHIPS, WIC, Medicaid will just be ending the lives of many children if they succeed.
Without medicaid many women would not have any prenatal care at all.

Even though there are many inefficiencies in government there are not enough government programs to fully take care of the children.

We all need to give to good children's charities to help. Take money you have been giving to politicians or political parties and give it to the children's charities.

I winder how many on this site give to charaties in meaningful amounts.

I agree with you very much in spirit. But government programs are not nearly as inefficiant as you would think. Yes, Medicare and Medicaid are expense, and are a huge part of the federal budget - but think of it this way. For your average private insurance company, 35 cents of each dollar spent goes to medical care. The rest is overhead and profit. With Medicare and Medicaid, 95 cents of every dollar put into the program goes to medical care.

But, certainly I agree. I don't donate to political parties or candidates - except in the sense that I work too long hours for not enough pay (I work in election politics) - I donate to children's funds, specifically relating to children in the system (foster homes, group homes, etc).
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money should be given into well done orphanages and the children transferred there. the parents should be made sterile after the children leave so that their irrespsonsible ways won't effect society again

I really hope you're joking.
We have children through out the US whose parents cannot provide proper housing, enough food, schoold supplies and proper medical care,

Many times the parents are at fault. If the parents lived their lives different they could provide for their children's need but they don't.

It may be the parents fault but it definitely is not the chidren's fault.

What do we do for those children in need?

Why do we need to do anything?
And who do you mean by "we"? Do you mean the Federal gov't? Do you mean non-profit groups? Do you mean church groups?
We have children through out the US whose parents cannot provide proper housing, enough food, schoold supplies and proper medical care,

Many times the parents are at fault. If the parents lived their lives different they could provide for their children's need but they don't.

It may be the parents fault but it definitely is not the chidren's fault.

What do we do for those children in need?

Why do we need to do anything?
And who do you mean by "we"? Do you mean the Federal gov't? Do you mean non-profit groups? Do you mean church groups?

Because it's human nature to care, you'd think. :eek:
Yeah we need to do more.

We need to give more food stamps.

I was in the market the other day and I saw a woman who must have weighed 350 buying frozen pizzas, pop tarts, chocolate chip cookies, ice cream and gallons of soda all with food stamps. 2 baskets worth of shit food.

seems to me her and her three kids, all fat by the way, were getting more than enough to eat.

Her bill came to some obscene amount like 300 bucks.
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I used to be one of them.
We did have enough to eat though as we raised and preserved well over half of what we eat.
Now even in Applachia the vast majority depend fully on the grocery store for food.

those that talk of eliminating food stamps and welfare, CHIPS, WIC, Medicaid will just be ending the lives of many children if they succeed.
Without medicaid many women would not have any prenatal care at all.

Good point, but if one can't afford to raise a child, then one should not get pregnant.
I used to be one of them.
We did have enough to eat though as we raised and preserved well over half of what we eat.
Now even in Applachia the vast majority depend fully on the grocery store for food.

those that talk of eliminating food stamps and welfare, CHIPS, WIC, Medicaid will just be ending the lives of many children if they succeed.
Without medicaid many women would not have any prenatal care at all.

Good point, but if one can't afford to raise a child, then one should not get pregnant.

How dare you ask people to be responsible for their actions!!!
Yeah we need to do more.

We need to give more food stamps.

I was in the market the other day and I saw a woman who must have weighed 350 buying frozen pizzas, pop tarts, chocolate chip cookies, ice cream and gallons of soda all with food stamps. 2 baskets worth of shit food.

seems to me her and her three kids, all fat by the way, were getting more than enough to eat.

Her bill came to some obscene amount like 300 bucks.

Seems to me if the government wants to regulate food such as less salt intake, then the government should have restrictions on food stamps. Food stamps should only be allowed for the healthy foods.
I used to be one of them.
We did have enough to eat though as we raised and preserved well over half of what we eat.
Now even in Applachia the vast majority depend fully on the grocery store for food.

those that talk of eliminating food stamps and welfare, CHIPS, WIC, Medicaid will just be ending the lives of many children if they succeed.
Without medicaid many women would not have any prenatal care at all.

That is ridiculous. We have those things now. So why are those children starving and sick?
We have children through out the US whose parents cannot provide proper housing, enough food, schoold supplies and proper medical care,

Many times the parents are at fault. If the parents lived their lives different they could provide for their children's need but they don't.

It may be the parents fault but it definitely is not the chidren's fault.

What do we do for those children in need?

Watch American Idol much?
We all need to give to good children's charities to help. .

Nope. I do not NEED to.

If you want to and can afford to donate money to charities that help starving, homeless, underprivileged kids thats your decision. If you dont thats your decision as well. Nobody should feel compulsed to donate money to any cause for some kind of smug altruistic sense of self righteousness just because other people want them to.
We have children through out the US whose parents cannot provide proper housing, enough food, schoold supplies and proper medical care,

Many times the parents are at fault. If the parents lived their lives different they could provide for their children's need but they don't.

It may be the parents fault but it definitely is not the chidren's fault.

What do we do for those children in need?

Why do we need to do anything?
And who do you mean by "we"? Do you mean the Federal gov't? Do you mean non-profit groups? Do you mean church groups?

Because it's human nature to care, you'd think. :eek:

He's a "conservative"....do you REALLY think they give a shit about children? Well, except when they want to force women to give birth to them?

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