What Do Jews Say About End Times?

They were also told to watch for the Messiah.

But per usual, they completely missed it.

And when the messiah fulfills the messanic prophesies they will know the real messiah is there.

You are waiting on a powerful, charismatic, military leader to come and defeat all the non Jews militarily and then enforce Talmudic laws in which you and your comrades will hold favored status throughout the world. Then all the Shicksa hoes will be obliged to put out to you anytime you command under penalty of law (the thin attractive ones that is;)

I really don't see much difference between your vision and the Islamic one of getting to have a harem full of voluptuous woman and all the wine and song you can stand except that their idea is supposed to take place in another life.
You people lacking the imagination or faith to visualize anything so pleasurable keep insisting that G-d create that situation here on Tera Firma where you can be sure you're not dreaming.

CS Lewis once described the problem that some adults have of imagining heaven by a quaint little analogy. A child who is too young to know anything about the sensual pleasures of sex is still familiar with the pleasures of say, chocolate.

In his mind, he may not be yet able to conceive of anything which would exceed the pleasure of candy.
In a similar way, an adult who is conceptually challenged may not be able to grasp the concept of a "heaven" without sex.

This might serve as an illustration of the differences which exist in the concepts of an afterlife, heaven, or paradise between a Christian, a Muslim, and a Jew.
I suppose since so many Jews today (atheists, communists, Secular Humanists) are like the Sadducees of old who did not believe in an afterlife they must insist on getting theirs in the here and now, the only place they have enough faith that anything can be gotten.

If you are still having trouble with that concept, try thinking outside the box;)
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Love your white supremist link nazi.

So, holston is denouncing Jews because they practice Judaism.......

You know, we atheists have a conspiracy too!! We think the Christians are out to take over the world.

Think about it---They control the majority of nuclear warheads, in control of the most powerful armies, they control the most powerful economics centers and they actually have the gall to dictate behavior during war.

WAIT--giving what I said above, the Christians do control the world!! Of course there are pockets of resistance, but soon the Christian hegemone will dominate everything--what are we non-christians to do?

...and you worry about the Jews taken over.. How?

If Christians were in charge of things the media wouldn't be under Jewish control, Globalists bankers wouldn't be on the verge of usurping the entire planet , we wouldn't be fighting wars for Israel and other profiteers in the mid-east, the US wouldn't be slip sliding to Gomorrah, their would be a lot less crime, drug abuse, infidelity, and I could go on.

What you fail to take into account is the difference between the institutions which use the name Christian somewhere to designate themselves, the people who belong to those institutions, and the difference between those people who claim that title and those who actually are. Sometimes it's hard to tell, I admit, but you shouldn't worry about that so much as the state of your own soul. It works for me.

You have already accused me of falsely claiming the title of Christian, so you should understand this idea without me having to explain it (again and again) to you.
You use the same idea every time you say that I shouldn't blame all Jews for what some Jews do.

You need to learn to apply these ideas fairly with equity.

I just told you that if you are not part of the banking cartels and had nothing to do with the events of 9/11 then why should it bother you when I give the reasons supporting who I believe were behind these things and what they are up to.

I have told you over and over that my bringing these matters to the attention of a public forum does not have anything to do with wanting to put people in concentration camps or gas someone or do anything else to anyone just because they say they are a Jew, although their is reason for the rest of us to think that the likes of Joseph Lieberman and Rahm Emanuel are thinking right along those lines.

If I passed you on the street I wouldn't care 2 cents what you say you are. I care about as much for the way people look either.

What I DO care about is what people do.

The Anglo Saxon, white, culture of "Christianity" has been blamed continuously for all sorts of things which many individuals who are belong in that class cannot possibly be responsible for. Many will insist they are.

This does not deter Jews and blacks from making blanket indictments and have no qualms about making the lot of them pay.

They call this "collective responsibility" and it is the political weapons by which Jews continue to bludgeon this generation with for the alleged sins of all non Jews in the past and present. Otherwise how could you claim the award for being the number one most persecuted people in the world without incriminating yourselves?

Therefore, as long as you continue to defend the Zionists who WERE involved in 9/11 and who ARE promoting the GLOBALIST agenda in hopes of achieving their Messianic dream, then I will continue to allow you to accept all the blame for it you desire.

However, I will be graceful enough to allow you to exempt yourself from as much of this Zionist tyranny as you wish, provided you stop trying to cover up or defend those who ARE guilty of it. This is an allowance that precious few Jews are willing to grant the individual members of the "White Anglo-Saxon Christian collective", males in particular.

The critique I submit on JUDAISM the SOCIO-POLITICAL RELIGIOUS scheme is aimed directly towards those teachings or doctrines, if you prefer to call them that, and all the associated literature and personalities who support them.

For example, if you do not agree with Rabbi Schneerson that the only purpose of Goyim is to serve the Jews, then you should publicly denounce it just as you have demanded of Muslims to denounce the violence of Jihadists.

Rabbi Yosef?s Statement:?Goyim were born only to serve us" | The Occidental Observer - White Identity, Interests, and Culture

The American Jewish Committee condemned the rabbi’s remarks in a statement issued Monday.

“Rabbi Yosef’s remarks — suggesting outrageously that Jewish scripture asserts non-Jews exist to serve Jews — are abhorrent and an offense to human dignity and human equality,” said AJC Executive Director David Harris. “Judaism first taught the world that all individuals are created in the divine image, which helped form the basis of our moral code. A rabbi should be the first, not the last, to reflect that bedrock teaching of our tradition.”

McDonald goes on to comment:

Which goes to show how easy it is for the Jewish community to project whatever image it desires–no matter what the facts. Americans and other Westerners have been long indoctrinated with the view that Jewish ethics are universalist, so the AJC’s statement will have a ring of truth for most readers, Jews and non-Jews alike. Indeed, the AJC statement implies that Judaism made an irreplaceable contribution to universalist ethics.

The transformation of Jewish ethics to a veneer of universalism was an important project of the 19th-century attempt to present Judaism as on a par with Christianity. In doing so, it trampled on a great deal of its own history. As John Murray Cuddihy noted, “these Diaspora groups were uninterested in actual history; they were apologists, ideologists, prefabricating a past in order to answer embarrassing questions, to outfit a new identity, and to ground a claim to equal treatment in the modern world”

The moral of that story is that you should not make constant demands of Goyische white men to apologize and pay reparations forever more, to defer to your opinion on every issue that arises in order to avoid being called an "anti-semite", and trying to cover for the Cabal of Globalist elitists who want to rule the world and the "Russian" mobsters who want to milk it dry.

No No.

All the indications are that it is the Globalist Zionist Elitists, and their Goy accomplices and lackeys who are posing the greatest threat to the US at present.

I am not saying that militant Muslims would not destroy this country IF they could. But they are nowhere as near being in the position to do so as the Zionist Neo-Bolseviks.

As I said, look to see who the Neo-Cons are, the positions they are in, and what they are in the process of doing.

Just follow the money, as they say, and you will find that all roads lead to Zion.
Love your white supremist link nazi.

Kevin MacDonald is a tenured professor, just like the Jewish ones who call for the dismemberment of the Constitution and the extermination of the white race.

I can't speak for him. But I rather doubt your insinuation that he is a Nazi because of the way you call me one over and over every time you get stumped for an answer.
OK, where are the quotes from tenured professors calling for 'extermination of the white race'?
OK, where are the quotes from tenured professors calling for 'extermination of the white race'?

Noel Ignatiev - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Noel Ignatiev is an American history professor at the Massachusetts College of Art. He is best known for his work on race and social class, and for his call to "abolish" the white race, which he defines as "white privilege and race identity". Ignatiev is the co-founder and co-editor of the journal Race Traitor and the New Abolitionist Society.

Ignatiev, the son of Jewish immigrants from Russia, was raised in Philadelphia. He attended the University of Pennsylvania but dropped out after three years.

Under the name Noel Ignatin, he joined the Communist Party USA in January 1958, but in August left (along with Theodore W. Allen and Harry Haywood) to help form the Provisional Organizing Committee to Reconstitute the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party (POC). He was expelled from the POC in 1966.

Later he became involved in the Students for a Democratic Society. When that organization fractured in the late 1960s, Ignatiev became part of the Third-worldist and Maoist New Communist Movement, forming the group Sojourner Truth Organization in 1970.

Ignatiev's web site and publication Race Traitor display the motto "treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity". In response to a letter to the site which understood the motto as meaning that the authors "hated" white people because of their "white skin", Ignatiev and the other editors responded:
“ We do not hate you or anyone else for the color of her skin. What we hate is a system that confers privileges (and burdens) on people because of their color. It is not fair skin that makes people white; it is fair skin in a certain kind of society, one that attaches social importance to skin color. When we say we want to abolish the white race, we do not mean we want to exterminate people with fair skin. We mean that we want to do away with the social meaning of skin color, thereby abolishing the white race as a social category. Consider this parallel: To be against royalty does not mean wanting to kill the king. It means wanting to do away with crowns, thrones, titles, and the privileges attached to them. In our view, whiteness has a lot in common with royalty: they are both social formations that carry unearned advantages.[6]

Harvard Hates The White Race? - PaulCraigRoberts.org

Is the multicultural campaign really about diversity? Or is it about stamping out Western civilization and the “white race” itself?

College students will tell you that a university education today is a guilt trip for whites. The purpose is to prevent whites from appreciating and absorbing their own culture and to make it difficult for whites to resist the unreasonable demands (quotas, reparations, etc.) from “people of color.”

To the questions, “who am I, what am I,” the white university graduate answers: “a racist, sexist, homophobic oppressor.”

Neither parents, trustees, alumni, nor the public are aware of the anti-white propaganda that masquerades as education. When someone who is aware tells them, they think the person is exaggerating in order to make a point.

Now comes Harvard educated Noel Ignatiev, an academic at Harvard’s W.E.B. DuBois Institute for African-American Research. Dr. Ignatiev is the founder of a journal, Race Traitor, which has as its motto, “treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity.”

The journal’s purpose is “to abolish the white race.”

At the least, Dr. Ignatiev intends cultural and psychological genocide for whites. It is unclear whether physical extermination is part of the program. A statement by the editors on the web site says that the new abolitionists

“do not limit themselves to socially acceptable means of protest, but reject in advance no means of attaining their goal.”

Dr. Ignatiev does not believe his agenda is controversial. He writes:

“The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists.” Thus does he put whites on notice. If they oppose their abolition, they are “white supremacists.”

According to Dr. Ignatiev,

“The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race.”

“Make no mistake about it,” he says,

“we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed–not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed.”

What “social construct” will be left? A black one? An Hispanic one? Muslim? Asian? What about Jewish?

The Washington Times reports that Dr. Ignatiev is himself Jewish. If Jewish intellectuals and Israeli political leaders can be believed, Jews have a cultural and racial consciousness. Israel is the Jewish homeland, and Israelis seem determined to keep it that way. Can anyone imagine a gentile at an Israeli university founding a magazine devoted to abolishing the Jewish race?

Yet, Dr. Ignatiev believes that it is self-evident that whites in their homelands should be abolished.

Where did he get this view? His only education was at Harvard where he received two graduate degrees.

Is Harvard embarrassed? No. Dr. Ignatiev [[email protected]] is showcased in the current issue of Harvard Magazine. Getting rid of whiteness is not controversial at Harvard, because it is the business of American universities.

Harvard, the place where this racist bigot hails from is one of the Ivy League schools that Jews used to complain that discriminated against them. So what happens after "the man" ups the quotas to let the whiners have top priority? They take the thing over and the next things you know they're sending Jews to the supreme court from there.

Give 'em an inch and they take a mile.

You let on like you haven't heard of this jerk and that his attitude isn't reflective of mainstream Judaism. If you didn't approve of it you wouldn't defend the likes of it. But you and your pals here seem to be in perfect harmony with him, despite your efforts to sugar coat the actions of the Globalist banksters and their bosom buddies the Jewish "Russian" mob. Otherwise you wouldn't call those who seek to educate the public about them "antisemite" "White Supremacist", and Neo-Nazi.

Ol' lily white Ignatz. If there is a race war I hope he'll be one of the first that the nigs take out. It would serve him right.

No gas chambers. No concentration camps. Just good ol' poetic justice.

I would like to say in response to him, and all those like him that I do not hate Jews. I hate the Judaic system that confers privilege to the Jewish community and declares them to be superior to all other forms of life.
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Kevin B. MacDonald - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tenure isn't all some imagine it to be.......

"The university's psychology department, as well as the Cal State Long Beach academic senate, have formally dissociated themselves from his work.[4][5] The academic senate described his views as antisemitic and white ethnocentric.[5]"

Brigham Young was pressured to fire Dr Steven Jones also because the powers that be did not like his report on 9/11. Some faculty privately confided their dismay at being forced to and many supported his efforts.

BYU action on Jones lamented | Deseret News

Where do you think that pressure originated from?
Kevin B. MacDonald - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tenure isn't all some imagine it to be.......

"The university's psychology department, as well as the Cal State Long Beach academic senate, have formally dissociated themselves from his work.[4][5] The academic senate described his views as antisemitic and white ethnocentric.[5]"

Brigham Young was pressured to fire Dr Steven Jones also because the powers that be did not like his report on 9/11. Some faculty privately confided their dismay at being forced to and many supported his efforts.

BYU action on Jones lamented | Deseret News

Where do you think that pressure originated from?

Neither you nor that article proved pressure on BYU or the Church of Latter Day Saints to suspend Jones and the article doesn't even mention it. Furthermore no one is quoted as "supporting" Jones's lunacy ... they did, however, express regret that anyone would be suspended for opinions expressed outside the classroom. As usual you read things that aren't there and, of course, blame the Joooos. It's just how Nazis roll.
John Murray Cuddihy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

John Murray Cuddihy (January 22, 1922 - April 18, 2011) was an American sociologist. He was a member of the doctoral faculty at the Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York (GSUC).

He is the author of No Offense: Civil Religion and Protestant Taste and The Ordeal of Civility: Freud, Marx, Lévi-Strauss and the Jewish Struggle with Modernity, two books in the sociology of religion. Cuddihy has been described as a "Catholic atheist,", and "a brilliant yet eccentric critic of contemporary American Jewry".[1]

[edit] Academic career

Cuddihy received his Bachelor's degree from St. John's College (Annapolis), three M.A.s: two from Columbia University and a third from the New School for Social Research in New York City.[2] He took a Ph.D. in Sociology at Rutgers University.

He has taught courses in sociological theory, sociology of religion, and the sociology of diaspora Jewry.

[edit] Works

His doctoral dissertation was later published as The Ordeal of Civility: Freud, Marx, Levi-Strauss and the Jewish Struggle with Modernity.[3] No Offense: Civil Religion and Protestant Taste was published in 1978.

In The Ordeal of Civility, Cuddihy explicates the wrenching process of adjusting to modernity experienced by the shtetl Jews of the Pale in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries who had to adapt quickly from a tribal culture to a modern Protestant civil culture rather than slowly adjusting over the centuries. It is in this context that he locates the efforts of Jewish intellecuals, such as Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud and Claude Lévi-Strauss to facilitate the transition by providing a cohesive narrative that attempts to universalize the experience and thus provide an apologia to both the ingroup of Jews and the outgroup of gentiles.[4]

In No Offense, a critique of American civil religion,[5] Cuddihy argues that Catholic and Jewish intellectuals in America gave up the distinctive religious claims of Catholicism and Judaism, respectively, in the interests of not offending the Protestant majority. Cuddihy views various intellectual critiques of modernity - both conservative and radical - as the product of resentment against the more successful, enlightened, Protestant majority.

Yup, we can all see why Holston likes him! LOL!
Holston: "You let on like you haven't heard of this jerk and that his attitude isn't reflective of mainstream Judaism. If you didn't approve of it you wouldn't defend the likes of it. But you and your pals here seem to be in perfect harmony with him, despite your efforts to sugar coat the actions of the Globalist banksters and their bosom buddies the Jewish "Russian" mob. Otherwise you wouldn't call those who seek to educate the public about them "antisemite" "White Supremacist", and Neo-Nazi."

Cute l'il rant - it happens to be the case that I'd never heard of this whackadoodle before.

Where are the words in my posts which 'defend' any of that bozo's words you've quoted? I expect a direct quote and an explanation.

As to anyone's labeling of your POV as 'Nazi' - there's way too much congruence and way too little divergence for that to be other than accurate.

Although your POV could also be described as ' Protestant Christofascism' and as such has a long and sordid past in this nation. Come to think of it, the colloquial name for that POV certainly fits you so very well!

Know-Nothing Party - Movement, Anti, Nothings, and American - JRank ArticlesKnow-Nothing-Party.html

"Certain groups of already established Americans who called themselves "Nativists," formed secret societies dedicated to stopping the flow of immigrants. The depth of nativist animosity was demonstrated in 1834 when a group of anti-Catholic laborers and townspeople chased a group of students and Ursuline nuns from their school and convent near Boston and then burned the buildings."

Know-Nothing Party <- Another article explaining the history of this 'movement' , which fractured because the Southern ones insisted on supporting slavery.
OK, where are the quotes from tenured professors calling for 'extermination of the white race'?

Harvard, the place where this racist bigot hails from is one of the Ivy League schools that Jews used to complain that discriminated against them. So what happens after "the man" ups the quotas to let the whiners have top priority? They take the thing over and the next things you know they're sending Jews to the supreme court from there.

So when did Harvard give Jews "top priority?"

Give 'em an inch and they take a mile.

You let on like you haven't heard of this jerk and that his attitude isn't reflective of mainstream Judaism.

You assume both because that's just what Nazis do.

If you didn't approve of it you wouldn't defend the likes of it. But you and your pals here seem to be in perfect harmony with him, despite your efforts to sugar coat the actions of the Globalist banksters and their bosom buddies the Jewish "Russian" mob. Otherwise you wouldn't call those who seek to educate the public about them "antisemite" "White Supremacist", and Neo-Nazi.

Ah, that's what you're doing. You're trying to "educate the public.." :lol:

Ol' lily white Ignatz. If there is a race war I hope he'll be one of the first that the nigs take out. It would serve him right.

The nigs? Can't spell the entire word?

No gas chambers. No concentration camps. Just good ol' poetic justice.

Dime-a-dozen Nazi dreamer.

I would like to say in response to him, and all those like him that I do not hate Jews. I hate the Judaic system that confers privilege to the Jewish community and declares them to be superior to all other forms of life.

I've never encountered a bigoted scummie who didn't try to "sugar-coat" his hate for Jews. Never.
BTW, your example of "mainstream Judaism," a guy I never heard of, specifcally said he is not promoting the extermination of the white race but rather the privileged position we enjoy.
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Holston horrifies me. I pray to G-d no one takes this mans insane ramblings seriously. He is a rabid anti semite and you can just hear it oozing out of every post he writes. It is unmistakable. - Jeri
Jeri - when all they *can* do is talk, they talk real 'big'.... I'd bet real US dollars there's nobody in his 'constitutional church of christ' except for his own self. OK, maybe his dog. But only if it's white. Pure white.......
Jeri - when all they *can* do is talk, they talk real 'big'.... I'd bet real US dollars there's nobody in his 'constitutional church of christ' except for his own self. OK, maybe his dog. But only if it's white. Pure white.......

lol! You are probably right! I was wondering what sort of church Holston attended! Yikes.

- Jeri
Jeri - when all they *can* do is talk, they talk real 'big'.... I'd bet real US dollars there's nobody in his 'constitutional church of christ' except for his own self. OK, maybe his dog. But only if it's white. Pure white.......

...and goose steps.
John Murray Cuddihy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

John Murray Cuddihy (January 22, 1922 - April 18, 2011) was an American sociologist. He was a member of the doctoral faculty at the Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York (GSUC).

He is the author of No Offense: Civil Religion and Protestant Taste and The Ordeal of Civility: Freud, Marx, Lévi-Strauss and the Jewish Struggle with Modernity, two books in the sociology of religion. Cuddihy has been described as a "Catholic atheist,", and "a brilliant yet eccentric critic of contemporary American Jewry".[1]

[edit] Academic career

Cuddihy received his Bachelor's degree from St. John's College (Annapolis), three M.A.s: two from Columbia University and a third from the New School for Social Research in New York City.[2] He took a Ph.D. in Sociology at Rutgers University.

He has taught courses in sociological theory, sociology of religion, and the sociology of diaspora Jewry.

Yup, we can all see why Holston likes him! LOL!

Thanks for the information. I didn't know that much about him. I go by what people say, not what the Jews say they are, because I know from experience how that goes.

I notice that all you are saying here is just the standard "He's and antisemite" clap trap."

That doesn't address the content of anything he has said about the subject in question ie his sociological commentaries regarding the Jewish culture and it's association to Marxism etc.

Instead you just denounce him as and anti-semite and anyone else who repeats anything he says regardless of how much of it they agree with.

Why don't you try directing your comments towards the things which he says that you take issue with rather than attacking him and everyone near him as an "antisemite"?

Someone who notices this habit of yours might begin to think that you don't have a solid rebuttal to any of it and that's why you have to attack the person instead.
Neither you nor that article proved pressure on BYU or the Church of Latter Day Saints to suspend Jones and the article doesn't even mention it. Furthermore no one is quoted as "supporting" Jones's lunacy ... they did, however, express regret that anyone would be suspended for opinions expressed outside the classroom. As usual you read things that aren't there and, of course, blame the Joooos. It's just how Nazis roll.

Oh but there was pressure put on BYU to get rid of him. And there were administrators who privately agreed with him. I have seen Jones say this on film. I will post it as soon as I relocate it.
The Hasbarats are busy all the time trying to configure their search engine algorithms to bury this sort of thing under a deluge of pro Jew/Israel propaganda.

What they don't realize, and evidently you people here don't realize either, is that the more you engage in these sort of underhanded tactics, trying to defame, bully, ruin them, and lie so much, the more enemies you are going to create. In a sense, you are being your own worst enemy trying to suppress the truth or dress it to disguise your subterfuge and devious practices.

If you were as smart as you think you are you would come to realize the fundamental truth underlying the old adage, "Honesty is the best policy."
You assume both because that's just what Nazis do.

I'm not assuming near as much. I'm making statements based on my observations.
Can I help it if you take that as a poor reflection on you?
You ought to know yourself better than anybody. Do you? Are you honest with yourself about that as you know how to be?
If so, and you are certain that you do not engage in anything illegal, immoral, or unethical then what do you have to worry about? False accusations?

You accuse me falsely. Do you think I'm worried about it?

I have no evil schemes up my sleeve concerning anybody. So the only reservations I have in dealing with any of them are those which they impress upon me. I'm not as gullible or easily led as I was in my youth. I'm not as easily fooled.

Ah, that's what you're doing. You're trying to "educate the public.." :lol:

If you didn't approve of it you wouldn't defend the Globalist banksters and their bosom buddies the Jewish "Russian" mob who have the idea that the world is their candy store to pilfer as they please.

Otherwise you wouldn't call those who seek to educate the public about them "antisemite" "White Supremacist", and Neo-Nazi.

The nigs? Can't spell the entire word?
No gas chambers. No concentration camps. Just good ol' poetic justice.

Dime-a-dozen Nazi dreamer.

You've told me that already.

I've never encountered a bigoted scummie who didn't try to "sugar-coat" his hate for Jews. Never.
BTW, your example of "mainstream Judaism," a guy I never heard of, specifcally said he is not promoting the extermination of the white race but rather the privileged position we enjoy.

If I come across sounding more than a little annoyed at times, it's with good reason.

You have done nothing but insult and attack since I arrived and now you would act as though you have nothing to do with my expressions.

I would be perfectly willing for good ol' Ignaz to deprive YOU of as many of your "privileges" as his little ol' heart desired. However when it comes to MY " privileges " that is another matter. If I don't stand up for what precious few of them which remain, it's a certainty that the likes of you will not. So excuse me if I make at least as much of a fuss about it as all the minorities everywhere have been doing for the last 5 or 6 decades non stop.

However, when referring to who is the privileged class, you might take a closer look at who they really are.

The next time you go to some place like Wal Mart or Big Lots, if your social standing permits you to stoop that low, take a good look around you at all the white folks wandering around. Then make an honest report about what you see.

Do you see a parade of diamond studded gold diggers like the ones whose butt cheeks you oogle at on TV and in the movies? Do you see a lot of corporate fat cats strutting around in silk suits?

And while you are taking notice of the "white trash" whom you simultaneously would call "the privileged class" , try to count how many black or Ashkenazim types there are circulating among them and then do a spot check for comparison.

How often do you notice black studs with white girls or the hour glass type hanging on their arms while right next to them is some skinny white kid along side Little Lotta if there's anyone there at all? Are you going to try to convince me that jobs and wages have nothing to do with that?To a large degree you can thank the Jewish social engineers for this "justice" you so ardently desire.

Right now we have Drug Lords and pimps moving across the boarder to set up shop where they can ply their wares more easily. The multiculturalists and no boarders Globalist Marxists would have us believe that this development marks an improvement in our ability to "coexist".

You can turn on the TV and see hardly anything that isn't punctuated with self aggrandizing Ashkenazim "studs" and Shicksa hoes bumping and grinding their way to stardom.

In the meantime you can hardly go to a doctor or dentist without having to trust some "Jew" to prod and poke around on you and pray that he doesn't think you are "antisemitic" so he won't poison you. Regardless of the outcome he'll send you his bill.

They have taken over the Ivy League Schools by selling everyone on the idea of how "discriminated" against they are and how intelligent and hardworking they are. The same success by a gentile white male is attributed to the "good ol' boys" method of "oppressing, exploiting, and excluding" women and minorities, something the Jews vehemently deny ever doing themselves. And you are an anti-semite if you so much as once suggest that they even might.

You say you are not a "Jew". Permit me to express as much doubt about your word as you do of mine. It doesn't make a whole lot of difference what you really are insofar as your effects on society go, so long as you remain one of those "Liberal minded" individuals who are so anxious to prove to the world how "liberated", "compassionate", "open minded", and "keuooool" you are by doing all you can to facilitate the demise of Western culture and the white gentile race in general.

So you continue to lobby to have the spindly white "boy's" hands tied behind his back to "level the playing field" and make way for the Jew, the black and the Mexican.

After all he's just a good for nothing, ne'er do well, drug abusing, ignoramus, who stands about a snow balls chance in hell of ever rising above the national poverty level. Is that not what they teach you? OR is it what you see? If that's so, I don't see where you get the idea that he belongs to a "privileged" class.

He's the one who is responsible for depleting the earth's resources and holding down all the colored peoples of the world. Why should you waste any of your "compassion" on the like of him? If the whites don't like it, then screw them! Right? Is that politically correct enough for you?

Sometimes I get the feeling that what eats at folks like ol' Ignaz is that the Shicksa hoes aren't flocking to him like they ought to. Maybe if he'd stop campaigning for the blacks to have the same "privilege" to destroy the white race, there would be a little more left over for him.

A poor ol' Jew just can't win, can he?
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