What Do Jews Say About End Times?

If that isn't a piece of Jewish propaganda sh!t, then nothing is.


Tyler Anbinder

author of "Know Nothings"

That picture tells it all.

That name he conjured up was made to order.
Love your white supremist link nazi.

Kevin MacDonald is a tenured professor, just like the Jewish ones who call for the dismemberment of the Constitution and the extermination of the white race.

I can't speak for him. But I rather doubt your insinuation that he is a Nazi because of the way you call me one over and over every time you get stumped for an answer.

I am sorry I was unclear. I was calling YOU a nazi.

This is the mission statement from your white supremecist source.

Mission Statement

Mission Statement | The Occidental Observer - White Identity, Interests, and Culture

A New Webzine: Introducing The Occidental Observer

Kevin MacDonald, Editor

The Occidental Observer will present original content touching on the themes of white identity, white interests, and the culture of the West.
Neither you nor that article proved pressure on BYU or the Church of Latter Day Saints to suspend Jones and the article doesn't even mention it. Furthermore no one is quoted as "supporting" Jones's lunacy ... they did, however, express regret that anyone would be suspended for opinions expressed outside the classroom. As usual you read things that aren't there and, of course, blame the Joooos. It's just how Nazis roll.

Oh but there was pressure put on BYU to get rid of him. And there were administrators who privately agreed with him. I have seen Jones say this on film. I will post it as soon as I relocate it.
The Hasbarats are busy all the time trying to configure their search engine algorithms to bury this sort of thing under a deluge of pro Jew/Israel propaganda.

What they don't realize, and evidently you people here don't realize either, is that the more you engage in these sort of underhanded tactics, trying to defame, bully, ruin them, and lie so much, the more enemies you are going to create. In a sense, you are being your own worst enemy trying to suppress the truth or dress it to disguise your subterfuge and devious practices.

If you were as smart as you think you are you would come to realize the fundamental truth underlying the old adage, "Honesty is the best policy."

Most normal, civilized, people don't want their institution associated with your nazi/white supremecist/kkk mentors.
Most normal, civilized, people don't want their institution associated with your nazi/white supremecist/kkk mentors.

I don't have any nazi/white supremacist/kkk mentors.

I can understand why institutions would be that way though.

It's so politically incorrect these days for white people to assert that they have a right to anything, that anyone of them who even smacks of pride or identifies themselves that way will be labeled just as you have labeled me.

Therefore most of the intelligent people who are simply looking out for themselves and want to succeed will stay as far away from it as they can. They know full well the power of the Jewish press and Jewish money. They are just as aware of white gentile complacency, ignorance, apathy, and complicity. Stepping up in behalf of white gentile Christian America explicitly is like throwing yourself under a train.

Very few of them consider the risk of openly expressing the thoughts which I have, as being worth the satisfaction of only being able to say that they were true to their principles. They intuitively understand the hazards and the costs of doing so.

Generally speaking , the only ones who feel that way who are willing to run that gamut are those who are so close to the bottom they feel they have little to lose by it.

The real brawlers who have enough guts to risk a physical encounter, win, lose, or draw, tend to be less articulate than those who are less inclined. Therefore the ones who have the nerve to say what they are really thinking and feeling are more often the ones who do. And these are those who receive the most attention from the press and so forth, so that the reputation that is fostered is the one they generate.

This leaves very few articulate and educated people like MacDonald whose convictions are strong enough to say, "Damn the torpedoes. Full speed ahead".

Others, like David Duke have been maligned so long by the press, that no one can even mention his name without conjuring up all the bad press that's been done to him.

If I, or anyone else, would draw an article or comment from David Duke, it would not matter how much truth there was in what was being said, it would receive the same treatment that you have been giving me.

The argument is that since Duke said it, it must be wrong or motivated by hatred.

Any logician can see the error in that proposition. But the public mind is so conditioned to respond reflexively to anything they perceive as mainstream thought because it is "popular" and because people naturally tend to want to "go with the flow" that they will automatically tune anything like I am saying out as not being worth investigating. The press gives the impression that everything has been determined by "experts" some where and that it's best if we just all submit and conform to the messages they send us.

In this political climate, no one can say anything in defense of white culture, heritage, the Constitution , or even Christianity without getting some kind of flack coming from the leftists, of whom the Jews are the central leaders.

The only way that Limbaugh, Hannity, and Beck get away with as much "right wing" stuff as they do, and still manage to stay on the air, is to speak in behalf of the NEO-CON right wing of the late Republican Party and act as a mouth piece for all things Israel and Judeo-centric.

This is how the Jews are maintaining the illusion of the left right paradigm as though there were actually two sides to the thing. No matter which way people think they are heading with the candidates they choose, the Jews have the issues sewed up in advance because it always goes in that direction. This was true with the whites who backed Bush and the blacks who backed Yomamma.
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I am sorry I was unclear. I was calling YOU a nazi.

Anyone who opposes Jewish hegemony or a Jewish Plutocracy and says so is a Nazi, according to you.

The Occidental Observer will present original content touching on the themes of white identity, white interests, and the culture of the West.

So what's wrong with that? There are more Jewish organizations, publications, and web sites that are devoted to nothing but Jews and their interests that I couldn't possibly count them all.
Let's take a look at what they have to say:

Judaism 101: Mashiach: The Messiah

The word "mashiach" does not mean "savior." The notion of an innocent, divine or semi-divine being who will sacrifice himself to save us from the consequences of our own sins is a purely Christian concept that has no basis in Jewish thought.

The mashiach will be a great political leader descended from King David (Jeremiah 23:5). The mashiach is often referred to as "mashiach ben David" (mashiach, son of David). He will be well-versed in Jewish law, and observant of its commandments (Isaiah 11:2-5). He will be a charismatic leader, inspiring others to follow his example. He will be a great military leader, who will win battles for Israel. He will be a great judge, who makes righteous decisions (Jeremiah 33:15). But above all, he will be a human being, not a god, demi-god or other supernatural being.

What Will the Mashiach Do?

Before the time of the mashiach, there shall be war and suffering (Ezekiel 38:16)

The mashiach will bring about the political and spiritual redemption of the Jewish people by bringing us back to Israel and restoring Jerusalem (Isaiah 11:11-12; Jeremiah 23:8; 30:3; Hosea 3:4-5). He will establish a government in Israel that will be the center of all world government, both for Jews and gentiles (Isaiah 2:2-4; 11:10; 42:1). He will rebuild the Temple and re-establish its worship (Jeremiah 33:18). He will restore the religious court system of Israel and establish Jewish law as the law of the land (Jeremiah 33:15).

Messianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Religious Zionists are the Jewish religious minority of the basically secular Zionist movement who justified, on the basis of Judaism, secular Zionist efforts to build a Jewish state in the land of Israel. In their belief, the Jewish state is "the commencement of the growth of our redemption" (Hebrew: ראשית צמיחת גאולתנו* reshit tzmichat ge'ulateinu), and that state may be brought about by human action, without waiting for the Messiah to gather the Jews back into the Land of Israel.
Religious Zionists explained in terms acceptable to the Halakha, the secular, mainly socialist, existentialist Zionist vision where material needs of the people are addressed through practical and realistic solutions, reflected by secular philosophers such as Ahad Ha'am.

In 1862, German Orthodox Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Kalischer published his tractate Derishat Zion, positing that the salvation of the Jews, promised by the Prophets, can come about only by self-help.[9]

The main ideologue of modern religious Zionism was Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook, who justified Zionism according Jewish law and urged young religious Jews to support efforts to settle the land, and the mainsteam, majority, secular and socialist Labour Zionists to give more consideration to Judaism.

Rav Kook saw Zionism as a part of a divine scheme which would result in the resettlement of the Jewish people in its homeland. This would bring salvation (Geula) to Jews, and then to the entire world. After world harmony is achieved by the refoundation of the Jewish homeland, the Messiah will come.

Jewish eschatology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jewish eschatology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Jewish Messiah refers to a human leader, physically descended from the Davidic line, who will rule and unite the people of Israel and will usher in the Messianic Age of global and universal peace. While the name of Jewish Messiah is considered to be one of the things that precede creation, he is neither considered divine nor the return of Jesus, in contrast to Christianity.

The Sanhedrin will be re-established (Isaiah 1:26)

The whole world will worship the One God of Israel (Isaiah 2:17)

Medieval Jewish authority Maimonides, whose work remains highly influential, wrote in his 12th century work the Mishneh Torah that Gentiles should be compelled by Jews to practice Noahide law. In a recent article for the Jewish Press, America's largest independent Jewish weekly, Rabbi Moshe Ben-Chaim says Gentiles can be improved just like Jews, but only through conversion.

"The Noachide laws," writes the rabbi, "are the bare essentials that entitle a human being to retain his right to life."

(Remember he is speaking of Gentiles as well as Jews and, yes, he said right to life.)

God will seek to destroy all the nations that go against Jerusalem (Zechariah 12:9, Isaiah 60:12)

"Reform" Judaism
Reform Judaism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Reform Judaism is a phrase that refers to various beliefs, practices and organizations associated with the Reform Jewish movement in North America, the United Kingdom and elsewhere.

The headquarters of the World Union for Progressive Judaism (Reform Judaism is generally referred to as Progressive Judaism in Israel) were moved to Jerusalem in 1973, establishing Progressive Judaism’s international presence in Zion and reflecting its intention to form a strong indigenous movement.

Progressive Judaism (Hebrew: יהדות רפורמית*) (Yiddish: רעפאָרם יידישקייַט), is an umbrella term used by strands of Judaism which affiliate to the World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ). They embrace pluralism, modernity, equality and social justice as core values and believe that such values are consistent with a committed Jewish life. The movement includes more than 1.7 million members spread across 42 countries
Zionists within the progressive movement are represented by Arzenu, a Brit Olamit (political party) within the World Zionist Organization. A Zionist Youth movement, Netzer Olami has affiliations with both the WUPJ and Arzenu.
The World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ) describes itself as the "international umbrella organization for the Reform, Liberal, Progressive and Reconstructionist movements." This overall Jewish religious movement is based in about 40 countries with more than 1,000 affiliated synagogues.

Putting it all simply, the Jewish religious objective is GLOBAL DOMINATION by JEWISH RULE with head quarters in Jerusalem.

The law by which ALL people of the world will be judged will determined by the Old Testament Laws as interpreted in the TALMUD by the Rabbis.

They were also told to watch for the Messiah.

But per usual, they completely missed it.

If you're right, so we will all go to hell, and everything will be alright.

So people like holston can be happy thinking we will all be punished, and leave us the hell alone.

How does that sound?

Awful. I'd rather be in hell with you then in heaven without you. These people are not speaking for me. I do not believe you are all going to be punished and left in hell. Dear G-d, Lipush, do not even say these things. Ignore them. - Jeremiah
They were also told to watch for the Messiah.

But per usual, they completely missed it.

If you're right, so we will all go to hell, and everything will be alright.

So people like holston can be happy thinking we will all be punished, and leave us the hell alone.

How does that sound?

Awful. I'd rather be in hell with you then in heaven without you. These people are not speaking for me. I do not believe you are all going to be punished and left in hell. Dear G-d, Lipush, do not even say these things. Ignore them. - Jeremiah

Love your white supremist link nazi.

Kevin MacDonald is a tenured professor, just like the Jewish ones who call for the dismemberment of the Constitution and the extermination of the white race.

I can't speak for him. But I rather doubt your insinuation that he is a Nazi because of the way you call me one over and over every time you get stumped for an answer.

CSULB dissociates from MacDonald's views

In late 2007 the Cal State Long Beach Psychology Department began the process of formally dissociating itself from MacDonald's views on Judaism, which in some cases are "used by publications considered to publicize neo-Nazi and white supremacist ideology."

...In an April 28, 2008 statement, the CSULB anthropology department noted that it had no wish to interfere with MacDonald's First Amendment rights. However, it noted in the statement that "we have the right, if not the obligation, to denounce his writings on race, ethnicity and intelligence that promote intolerance, as not only inaccurate, but as professionally irresponsible and morally untenable."[39]

Kevin B. MacDonald - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
They were also told to watch for the Messiah.

But per usual, they completely missed it.

If you're right, so we will all go to hell, and everything will be alright.

So people like holston can be happy thinking we will all be punished, and leave us the hell alone.

How does that sound?

Awful. I'd rather be in hell with you then in heaven without you. These people are not speaking for me. I do not believe you are all going to be punished and left in hell. Dear G-d, Lipush, do not even say these things. Ignore them. - Jeremiah

No worries, Jeri. If you make it to heaven you won't be finding Holston.
Jeri - And that's the glaring difference between you and Holston. Holston doesn't care what gets taken away from anyone else, so long as he gets his. Nobody with an IQ in double digits could ever mistake him for a follower of Jesus - or should I say 'Reb Yehoshua ben Mara v' Yosef'?

I wonder when l'il sherri will wake up and realize that to Holston, she's just another 'shiksa hoe' ?

Maybe she'll figure it out after she reads his post calling Black people 'nigs' ???
Jeri and Holston are two polar opposites regarding christianity

Jeri is gracious, intelligent, and accepting.

Holston is a nazi wannabee

I don't use the word nazi lightly. I mean it.
Mike, I'm beginning to think that the home-grown designation of 'Know-Nothing' is more fitting for Holston......
Holston's wet dreams :
[ame=http://youtu.be/0bDY0DfEjmo]Pink Floyd - Waiting for the Worms - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://youtu.be/v_leY_LgOuQ]Pink Floyd - The Wall Movie - In The Flesh - YouTube[/ame]
What do Jews say about end times?

Let's see what the Jews have to say about it:

Judaism 101: Mashiach: The Messiah

Belief in the eventual coming of the mashiach is a basic and fundamental part of traditional Judaism. It is part of Rambam's 13 Principles of Faith, the minimum requirements of Jewish belief.

That's for all those who wish to say that Judaism is just a religion.

However, traditional Judaism maintains that the messianic idea has always been a part of Judaism. The mashiach is not mentioned explicitly in the Torah, because the Torah was written in terms that all people could understand, and the abstract concept of a distant, spiritual, future reward was beyond the comprehension of some people. However, the Torah contains several references to "the End of Days" (acharit ha-yamim), which is the time of the mashiach; thus, the concept of mashiach was known in the most ancient times.

So if the Messiah (mashiach) is not mentioned in the Torah, just where is he mentioned?

In other words, where did the Jews get the idea of a Messiah if the Messiah is no where to be found in the "Torah" (1st five books of the Old Testament)?

Jews say that "the end of days" is mentioned. They say that the Messiah is not mentioned.
So where did they get the idea of a "meshiach" if they won't admit that there are any references to him associated with end times?

The word "mashiach" does not mean "savior." The notion of an innocent, divine or semi-divine being who will sacrifice himself to save us from the consequences of our own sins is a purely Christian concept that has no basis in Jewish thought. Unfortunately, this Christian concept has become so deeply ingrained in the English word "messiah" that this English word can no longer be used to refer to the Jewish concept. The word "mashiach" will be used throughout this page.

Many JUDEOxtianZOGBots who have been told that they must defend, serve, and obey the Jews unless they want to be cursed by God, do not realize that these same "Jews", who call themselves "Chosen of God" (without proof or even being Hebrew), reject the very Jesus Christ whose identity provides the basis for their own devotion to Jews.

Do they never ask themselves how it is that while Christianity recognizes Christ as God's son, and while scriptures plainly state that those who deny Christ are anti-christ, and while Christians believe in Christ while Jews do not, that God, the Father of Jesus Christ, demands of Christians, that they should serve and obey the very people who not only deny Christ, but whose ancestors (as they claim them to be) were the very ones who arranged to have Christ arrested and crucified?

Anyone who does not see the inconsistency, yea, the irony, in this relation, must truly be mentally deficient in some way. Yet they continue to give Jews the run of the country and Israel unconditional support, to the point of even sending their own children to die for them, and bankrupt the country both monetarily and morally at the same time.

In the meantime, stateside Jews are doing everything they can do to see that US citizens are disarmed so that the Jewish proxy president, can finish dismantling the Constitution and turn this nation into a Marxist, Jewish plutocracy.

The Mashiach

The mashiach will be a great political leader descended from King David (Jeremiah 23:5). The mashiach is often referred to as "mashiach ben David" (mashiach, son of David). He will be well-versed in Jewish law, and observant of its commandments (Isaiah 11:2-5). He will be a charismatic leader, inspiring others to follow his example. He will be a great military leader, who will win battles for Israel. He will be a great judge, who makes righteous decisions (Jeremiah 33:15). But above all, he will be a human being, not a god, demi-god or other supernatural being.

It has been said that in every generation, a person is born with the potential to be the mashiach. If the time is right for the messianic age within that person's lifetime, then that person will be the mashiach. But if that person dies before he completes the mission of the mashiach, then that person is not the mashiach.

So whoever among them that manages to set up a GLOBAL GOVERNMENT ran by Jews, will be declared the "Mighty Mashiach". One might think this was a story line for a Saturday morning cartoon, but look and see for yourselves. They are serious about this.

What Will the Mashiach Do?

Before the time of the mashiach, there shall be war and suffering (Ezekiel 38:16)

The mashiach will bring about the political and spiritual redemption of the Jewish people by bringing us back to Israel and restoring Jerusalem (Isaiah 11:11-12; Jeremiah 23:8; 30:3; Hosea 3:4-5). He will establish a government in Israel that will be the center of all world government, both for Jews and gentiles (Isaiah 2:2-4; 11:10; 42:1). He will rebuild the Temple and re-establish its worship (Jeremiah 33:18). He will restore the religious court system of Israel and establish Jewish law as the law of the land (Jeremiah 33:15).

War and suffering..... check. We got that.

Restoring Israel........in progress.

Establish a WORLD GOVERNMENT.................Let's see. Some INTERNATIONAL FINANCIERS in the IMF and the WORLD BANK have been calling for a global currency. That is, they have expressed their desire for one because they think it would be a good idea. One can only assume that it will be good for them. But they are presently waiting for the right conditions to occur which would allow such a system, which they would control, to come about.
What might such conditions be? Could they be something on the order of a currency crisis in different countries which would call for international monitoring (meddling)? Could it be something like a financial meltdown which would result in the need for a remonitization?
Who can tell? We're mostly just peons with no knowledge or knack for international finance. So how would we know?

Who are these people anyway?
I guess you'll have to find out for yourselves,

Anywho... after these first objectives are accomplished, then one can imagine that the process by which the world could be made to adjust to Noahide law could begin.
The forces who would implement (impose) these laws upon the world would have to ensure that they had adequate means to suppress any obstinate subjects who might not want to go along peacefully with the program.

Some gentiles have tried to put an ugly spin on this theology, claiming that Jews plan to force people to convert to our religion, perhaps based on their own religion's history of doing exactly the same thing. That is not at all how Jews understand the messianic age. We believe that in that future time, everyone will simply know what the truth is, in the same way that we know that 2+2=4, and there will no longer be any reason to argue about it.

That's just like those miscreant gentiles, to put an ugly spin on such a beautiful plan.
Of course they would, "Christianity" has always been a religion of violence. Their New Testament is filled with the urges of the rebel heretic Jesus the Nazarene to commit murder and sedition. No wonder he was executed since that's all he ever did besides teach people to be antisemitic.

Everyone knows that nothing good ever comes out of Nazareth. Maybe that's where they get the word Nazi.
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