What are your thoughts on the Universe?

In the Deep South of these United States there are long, slow moving rivers. When summer heat becomes unbearable, people like to sit on large inflated inner tubes and float downriver, usuallly with a cool beverage in their hands.

No matter what you believe about God or the Universe, life is like that river. You cannot change the course of the river or where it will take you. You can fight against the current and all you will succeed in doing is wearing yourself out, and yet you will still end up where the river carries you. You can fight life, or you can adopt the attitude of, "Let's relax and see where this takes us."

As for God, every parent knows the nature of God. Before having children, the parents know their children will not be perfect. They still choose to gift their children with life.

Why were we created? For the same reason our parents give us presents on our birthday. It is a gift! Accept it as such and do with it whatever you wish. You can smash it, kick it, or play with it. Your choice.

When a child, being imperfect, makes a mistake, that "sin" does not change the love the parent feels for their child in any way whatsoever.

Most, if not all, of the commandments a parent dictates to their child are intended to save the child from needless suffering. Look both ways before crossing the street. Don't talk to strangers. Don't steal. Don't lie.

You don't want to be crippled or killed by a car or a stranger, and you do not want to go through life being untrusted and knowing in your soul you are a liar and a thief.

When a child does the best that they can do, and yet the child still commits mistakes, those mistakes create a gulf between the child and the parent. If the child is doing the best they can do, then it is the parent's job to reach across that gulf and bring the child back to them with love and forgiveness.

And that is how I see Life, the Universe and Everything.

Thanks for all the fish...

As for God, every parent knows the nature of God. Before having children, the parents know their children will not be perfect. They still choose to gift their children with life.

Why were we created? For the same reason our parents give us presents on our birthday. It is a gift! Accept it as such and do with it whatever you wish. You can smash it, kick it, or play with it. Your choice.

When a child, being imperfect, makes a mistake, that "sin" does not change the love the parent feels for their child in any way whatsoever.

Most, if not all, of the commandments a parent dictates to their child are intended to save the child from needless suffering. Look both ways before crossing the street. Don't talk to strangers. Don't steal. Don't lie.

You don't want to be crippled or killed by a car or a stranger, and you do not want to go through life being untrusted and knowing in your soul you are a liar and a thief.

When a child does the best that they can do, and yet the child still commits mistakes, those mistakes create a gulf between the child and the parent. If the child is doing the best they can do, then it is the parent's job to reach across that gulf and bring the child back to them with love and forgiveness.

And that is how I see Life, the Universe and Everything.

Thanks for all the fish...


I'll read that in a bit...:)
It's not a Universe, it's a Multiverse. The expansion is/was not caused by inflation, but the a VSL.
E=mc2 is not accurate and forces the speed of light to remain steady.

If the Big Bang is correct, there should be a white dwarf in the center.
Per the theory: The Universe expanded from a single point smaller than
our Sun. Everyone knows that in order for all the carbon to be blown
from a star, that star must be 1.3 solar masses.

If the Big Bang was correct, not enough time has passed for life to evolve on Earth.
This is due to the lack of carbon. Since the size of the original mass was less than
1.3 solar masses
, most of the carbon would have remained as a white dwarf.
Just from a mathematical perspective, there is most likely at least one planet out there with civilization.


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