What a Second American Civil War Could Look Like

A civil war - a true one - would probably mean a rapid decline in American wealth and standard of living. Hard to see who wins in that outcome.
Considering how much the USA carries the financial well-being of most of the rest of the World, especially the non-socialist/communist "West"; the 'trickle-down/spill-over' will have even more disastrous affect on other nations and regions.

Such will not be a localized, North America only event, or consequences.:rolleyes:
Neither I nor most others of the Conservative ~ Right Wing political faction.

We see the seeds of such a Pogrom from the Left in the past decade or two and efforts to increase such against any non-Leftists puppets and supporters, so we are making preparations for the time when physical resistance and reformation may be necessary to save the nation from disastrous "fundamental change".

You exhibit classic disinformation and distortion common to the Leftist "Alinsky" Agenda.
To be expected from Libturd traitors such as yourself!
I’m just stop with the stupidity.

You’re the party that for the first time in our history denied a peaceful transfer of power.
It’s conservatives who exhibit a propensity for political violence, who fantasize about ‘civil war,’ and threaten the destruction of America.
It wasn't Conservatives whom engaged in lawless insurrection in Summer of 2020 in scores of USA cities declaring "Autonomous Zones" = above and outside laws of the region~nation; then engaged in riot, looting, arson, assault, mayhem, and general lawlessness and insurrection through out scores of USA cities.

That was you Leftist Wingnuts and your surrogate allies of the "anonymous" AntiFa and BLM thugs seeking to destroy our nation from inside via insurrection in scores of USA cities involving tens of thousands (at least) of traitorous punks whom have no regard for personal property or individual Rights. Total violation and disregard for the USA Constitution and Bill of Rights which makes all of you traitors and agents of enemies of the State/USA. Don't expect to get away with such crimes and insurgency the next time. Targeting and cleansing is likely to happen.

I'd suggest instant emigration to some other nation/country that will accept scum such as your worthless selves.
I’m just stop with the stupidity.

You’re the party that for the first time in our history denied a peaceful transfer of power.
We questioned what looked like another theft of the democratic election process by your insurrectionist mob; asking for a full reveal and investigation of what looked to be another political coup.

If you scum had nothing to hide, you would have willingly agreed to further investigations and examinations to enhance and prove your claims of "nothing here to see".

Fact that you Leftist scum objected so heavily to further investigation and examination remains proof you all were trying to hide your crimes.
It’s conservatives who exhibit a propensity for political violence, who fantasize about ‘civil war,’ and threaten the destruction of America.
It is pseudo-Liberal Leftist-Marxist-socialist/communist traitors such as yourself whom have engaged in actual violence and lawlessness in the streets and elsewhere in the USA since the late 1960s and up to now whom don't just "fantasize" but actually engage in crimes against America/USA!

For nearly fifty years now you scum have engaged in any and all means you can to tear down the USA, destroy the Constitution, and implement your fascist tyranny upon the rest of us. Our patience is near an end!
Neither I nor most others of the Conservative ~ Right Wing political faction.
Good. Keep it that way.
We see the seeds of such a Pogrom from the Left in the past decade or two and efforts to increase such against any non-Leftists puppets and supporters, so we are making preparations for the time when physical resistance and reformation may be necessary to save the nation from disastrous "fundamental change".
Translation: I lied. We ARE going to launch a pogrom against our political opponents.
You exhibit classic disinformation and distortion common to the Leftist "Alinsky" Agenda.
Your stupid juicy rationalization against someone who disagrees with you is juvenile and entirely laughable.
To be expected from Libturd traitors such as yourself!
I have voluntarily worn the uniform of the United States Army and put myself into harm's way during wartime on behalf of the country I love so much, although I did not see combat.

I want the border closed, I want Illegal Aliens deported, I want China stopped, I want the queer-agenda neutralized, I want law and order restored in our cities by force, I want our allies to pay their fair share of defense, I support Israel, etc., etc., etc.

I just don't want your Orange Piece-of-$hit anywhere NEAR the White House.

Libturd Traitor?

Go phukk yourself, Princess. :fu:
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Good. Keep it that way.

Translation: I lied. We ARE going to launch a pogrom against our political opponents.

Your stupid juicy rationalization against someone who disagrees with you is juvenile and entirely laughable.

I have voluntarily worn the uniform of the United States Army and put myself into harm's way during wartime on behalf of the country I love so much, although I did not see combat.

I want the border closed, I want Illegal Aliens deported, I want China stopped, I want the queer-agenda neutralized, I want law and order restored in our cities by force, I want our allies to pay their fair share of defense, I support Israel, etc., etc., etc.

I just don't want your Orange Piece-of-$hit anywhere NEAR the White House.

Libturd Traitor?

Go phukk yourself, Princess. :fu:

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