WH responds to Cheney

Anatomy of a Failed Presidency!

Other than use "fail" in every sentence, this rambling diatribe does not mention what specifically has failed
Osama's Only Real Accomplishment

Let’s get it straight, behind all the hubbub and noise, the international trips and summits, the TV specials and constant addresses to the nation and any other nation that would let him in, the huge spending plans and the photoshoots—Barack Hussein Obama has accomplished only one thing in his first year in office.

Obama’s only real accomplishment is that he took hundreds of billions of dollars in taxpayer money, and directed them to his donors on Wall Street, in the unions and the insurance industry. Barry Hussein took in nearly 15 million dollars in donations from securities and investments companies, and his first priority was to pay it back with a massive bailout that has exploded the deficit.

As the number one recipient of funds from securities and investments companies, Obama made sure they were paid off first. In exchange for a mere 14 million dollars, the industry received as much as a hundred thousand times that much from the government. And we aren’t done yet. And that is even without counting Cap and Trade, a plan set to enrich certain key Wall Street backers of Obama and the Democratic party, at the expense of the last remaining shreds of America’s manufacturing sector.

And then there were the unions. Not only did Obama keep the UAW around through the effective bailout and takeover of GM and Chrysler, but his next priority was delivering the SEIU’s health care plan. And while the SEIU appears to have lost out on the public option, unlike the AFL-CIO which has turned on the bill, SEIU President Andrew Stern is still expressing his support for Obama.

But while SEIU may not have gotten the government health care holiday they wanted, the insurance industry, which donated millions to Obama, got a bill which forces every American to buy insurance from them, or be fined and jailed. It’s not quite marching customers over to them at gunpoint, but it’s the next best thing.

Obama’s big donors are throwing extra large parties to celebrate their windfall
While ordinary voters are complaining that they got screwed by Obama, his big donors are throwing extra large parties to celebrate their windfall. While 2009 has been a terrible year for most Americans, insurance company stocks are rising and Wall Street is anticipating a chance to nickel and dime every American through Cap and Trade.

And that is the simple and ugly truth behind Obama’s first term. Ignore the empty speeches and the even more meaningless summits. Behind the facade is the same stale old brand of Chicago politics, if you want something you gotta pay for it. If you want a street cleaning contract, then you better pay. And once you pay, the city will pay you twice the cost, even if none of the streets are ever clean. If you want to supply safety gear for the fire department, money better change hands. And then it doesn’t matter if the gear works or how much you overcharge for it.

But at the national level, it isn’t about municipal services or a state contract here and there, the kind of corruption that is bankrupting cities and states all across America. It’s about a truly grand level of corruption, because the budget at Obama’s disposal is virtually infinite. The money may not be there, but as long as the Chinese keep lending, Barry Hussein and his staff will keep on spending. Because when the bill comes due, they know they won’t be there.

Obama has no personal investment in America. It’s a resource to him like everything else. And when a con artist gets into a bank vault, he steals it clean, and then moves on. Unless he can be made dictator for life, Obama doesn’t care much what happens after he’s out of office. And if he is made dictator for life, that just means more wealth redistribution. The Chicago way is to treat taxes as a way to pay back favors and set yourself up for life. That mixture of left wing radicalism and organized crime that defines Obama’s political background has no room in it for any kind of fiscal responsibility.

War on Terror and Afghan surge
Once in office, Barry Hussein could barely be bothered to care about the War on Terror, only announcing an Afghan surge after he had been shamed into it. His international trips accomplished nothing except to give Michelle Obama a chance to pick up more expensive and ugly souvenirs. Abusive to allies and slavish to enemies, Obama’s foreign adventures impressed no one at all and accomplished even less.

Domestic security naturally went by the wayside. Obama’s tossed wreath at Ground Zero demonstrated how well he had absorbed the contemptuous attitude of his mentor, Jeremiah “God Damn America” Wright. Neither a New Yorker nor an American, terrorism was nothing to Obama, except a chance to recite a homily about the virtues of Islam. The mosques of Mecca and the Madrassas of Asia had far more emotional resonance for Obama than the Twin Towers.

His Homeland Security Chief, Janet Napolitano, quickly reverted back to Janet Reno’s approach to domestic security with alarmist rhetoric about the dangers of right wing extremism. Meanwhile Reno’s own second in command, Attorney General Eric Holder hardly bothered to hide his sympathy for the terrorists. And so the 3AM phone call to Obama never came. Instead a passenger subdued the latest Al Queda terrorist, while Obama drowsed peacefully in his White House bed, visions of spending bills dancing in his head.

Now just as it had been with Afghanistan a few months back, Obama has been caught by surprise as an issue that he had demonstrated his unconcern for is coming back to bite him on the ASS. Naturally the reflexive Chicago tactic is to blame it on the Republicans. The problem is that the nameplate says Barack H. Obama, not George W. Bush. And by now it’s clear even to Obama’s supporters, that the man will go on blaming Bush even after 8 years in office, without taking responsibility for the consequences of his own policies.

Creating jobs was an inside joke between Obama and his donors, where the punchline was “Green Jobs”
But Obama isn’t stupid or incompetent. He proved quite capable of obsessively pursuing and shoving through legislation on the issues he cared about. Of course the legislation he cared about was passing kickbacks to his donors and enacting socialism for America. National security wasn’t on the list. Defending America wasn’t even gifted with a single checkmark. Creating jobs was an inside joke between Obama and his donors, where the punchline was “Green Jobs”.

When Cheney calls out Obama for abandoning national defense and the War on Terror, the White House has no response except to issue sanctimonious statements bemoaning finger pointing. Which is par for the course when the fingers are being pointed at you. But Obama is not a big believer in Truman’s aphorism. If Harry’s desk said, “The Buck Stops Here”, Obama’s desk says, “The Bucks Are Spent Here”.

Forget national security. Obama’s key interests are “reform” plans that benefit him personally. Next up will either be Cap and Trade or legalizing enough illegal aliens to outweigh all the out of work Americans just waiting for a chance to vote him out of office in 2012. (Lawyers after all formed the largest base of his contributors.) The buck doesn’t stop in the Oval Office anymore. The moral compass does

happy new year???? not a chance
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CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - White House forcefully responds to Cheney « - Blogs from CNN.com

"There are numerous…public statements that explicitly state we are at war," writes Pfeifer. "The difference is this: President Obama doesn't need to beat his chest to prove it, and – unlike the last Administration – we are not at war with a tactic ("terrorism"), we at war with something that is tangible: al Qaeda and its violent extremist allies. And we will prosecute that war as long as the American people are endangered."

Can this guy just go away? I heard there was going to be a remake of the Addams Family. Maybe Uncle Fester can get a part in the movie? That would keep him busy for a while!

Nope--we have gone back to pre-9/11 mentality. We are trying the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks that declared "war on the United States" that very day in New York City. He is now under the protection of civilian courts--that are offered to U.S. citizens. He will be lawyered up--& the exact same laws that protect American citizens have now been given to him.

The Christmas day attempt--is another example of this pre-9/11 mentality. He was given his miranda rights--you know (you have the right to remain SILENT--if you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed to you) & he will be tried in a civilian court. We can't even get his head wet to see if he knows of any other planned attacks.

What I find very odd with liberals is they continually complain about the lack of credible intelligence--yet tie the hands of intelligence officers--by not letting them interogate terrorists--aka known in Obama's new terms as humans running around trying to inflict a man-made disasters--LOL.

Terrorists do not respect the nice guy or appeasement. In fact, a terrorist will always seek the least path of resistance.
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CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - White House forcefully responds to Cheney « - Blogs from CNN.com

"There are numerous…public statements that explicitly state we are at war," writes Pfeifer. "The difference is this: President Obama doesn't need to beat his chest to prove it, and – unlike the last Administration – we are not at war with a tactic ("terrorism"), we at war with something that is tangible: al Qaeda and its violent extremist allies. And we will prosecute that war as long as the American people are endangered."

Can this guy just go away? I heard there was going to be a remake of the Addams Family. Maybe Uncle Fester can get a part in the movie? That would keep him busy for a while!

Nope--we have gone back to pre-9/11 mentality. We are trying the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks that declared "war on the United States" that very day in New York City. He is now under the protection of civilian courts--that are offered to U.S. citizens. He will be lawyered up--& the exact same laws that protect American citizens have now been given to him.

The Christmas day attempt--is another example of this pre-9/11 mentality. He was given his miranda rights--you know (you have the right to remain SILENT--if you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed to you) & he will be tried in a civilian court. We can't even get his head wet to see if he knows of any other planned attacks.

What I find very odd with liberals is they continually complain about the lack of credible intelligence--yet tie the hands of intelligence officers--by not letting them interogate terrorists--aka known in Obama's new terms as humans running around trying to inflict a man-made disasters--LOL.

Terrorists do not respect the nice guy or appeasement. In fact, a terrorist will always seek the least path of resistance.

Right on target.

The problem is that Obama's naivete and recklessness is making the US unsafe and even more vulnerable to successful terrorist attacks.
I think Dick is trying to build a perception in the minds of people that Obama would have a reason to go after him.

He is affraid that some of his illegal doings will hit the courts at some point and then he will claim its a political persecution of him.

He will go down in history as the biggest horses ass who ever held the VP spot.
This is arguably the most explicit admission by this Administration I've seen so far. Also a little earlier in the time frame but the lack of palpable fear requires tweaking. The most frustrating part is watching Bush and Obama supporters scream at each other being completely oblivious to the fact they are supporting the exact same agendas. One wants to use chopsticks while the other is saying the spork is the best choice. Either way, they are both dipping into the same buffet of Nationalism.
Cheney is more interested in criticizing our President than fighting the terrorists. For that I think it is time people considered him a traitor to the American value of standing solidly behind the president's efforts to keep us safe. The four time draft dodger Cheney didn't serve the nation now does even more disservice to the country.

Amazing that a draft dodger is listened to at all.

its unprecedented for a former official that high up to be as vocally negative as the cheney. bad style.
Cheney is absolutely correct to come out strong against the passivity of Obama Inc.

It appears the message might be sinking in...
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - White House forcefully responds to Cheney « - Blogs from CNN.com

Can this guy just go away? I heard there was going to be a remake of the Addams Family. Maybe Uncle Fester can get a part in the movie? That would keep him busy for a while!

Nope--we have gone back to pre-9/11 mentality. We are trying the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks that declared "war on the United States" that very day in New York City. He is now under the protection of civilian courts--that are offered to U.S. citizens. He will be lawyered up--& the exact same laws that protect American citizens have now been given to him.

The Christmas day attempt--is another example of this pre-9/11 mentality. He was given his miranda rights--you know (you have the right to remain SILENT--if you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed to you) & he will be tried in a civilian court. We can't even get his head wet to see if he knows of any other planned attacks.

What I find very odd with liberals is they continually complain about the lack of credible intelligence--yet tie the hands of intelligence officers--by not letting them interogate terrorists--aka known in Obama's new terms as humans running around trying to inflict a man-made disasters--LOL.

Terrorists do not respect the nice guy or appeasement. In fact, a terrorist will always seek the least path of resistance.

Right on target.

The problem is that Obama's naivete and recklessness is making the US unsafe and even more vulnerable to successful terrorist attacks.

Well, I think most of the people that voted for Obama became hysterically irrational--cheering on--Eric Holder when he declared that water boarding was torture. Obama then went on his world-wide apology tour--& declared to terrorists around the world that basically they would not be water-boarded--if caught.

So what happened next? We had a radical muslim major in the U.S. army that murdered unarmed soldiers & wounded doesn's more--(in this country). They knew he was on radical web-sites before the murders & did nothing. Then we had some guy that lived in Denver--who was in a conspiracy for bomb making--with another in New York--that was caught early--thankfully--& now we have the Christmas day incident--where all security broke down--& lets face it--if this bomb would have worked correctly--it would have killed hundreds of innocents on that plane.

So since Obama & Eric Holder have been in office--we have had one sucessful terrorist attack & two other attempts. Needless to add that this President took 72 hours before he addressed the Christmas day attempt--& referred to it as an "isolated" incident. I don't think this spells for a good record for this administration--in his primary duty of protecting American citizens against--humans running around tyring to inflict man made disasters--:lol::lol:
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He is doing what has never been done before by an ex VP to my knowledge.

He is giving aid and comfort to our enemies by attacking a sitting president in public.

He is in essance telling the enemy that he thinks we are vulnerable and that now would be a good time to attack us.

Its as if he cares more about himself than the country.
So since Obama & Eric Holder have been in office--we have had one sucessful terrorist attacks & two other attempts. Needless to add that this President took 72 hours before he addressed the Christmas day attempt. I don't think this spells for a good record for this administration--in his primary duty of protecting American citizens against--humans running around tyring to inflict man made disasters--

Don't forget the terrorist attack of James Von Brun on the Holocaust Museum in DC

Also the assasination of Dr Tiller by terrorist Scott Roeder

Obama is definitely not protecting these American citizens
Pres. Bush kept us safe for 7 years. Obama has brought us three terrorist attacks in 1 year.

Nice try. You cannot compare anything that has happened this year to 9/11. You people really do live in a freakin' dream world!!! You actually go through life remembering only the things that you want to remember and to hell with the rest. Just ignore it, make up lies and hope they stick!! That's what you people do.

Ed Schultz and Eric Massa said some things yesterday that were right on:

Ed: Every time Dick Cheney opens his fat mouth about protecting this country, the Democrats send out a press release reminding Americans of the world that we got hit on his watch. This week has been unbelievable to watch the news cycle.

Republicans have wasted no time, no time politicizing the recent terror attempt on Flight 253 to Detroit. It‘s gotten ugly, folks. This is what it‘s going to be like in 2010. And, of course, former Vice President Dick Cheney, he‘s leading the way.

He went after President Obama for being weak on national security, saying in a statement again—comes out with a quote—“President Obama is trying to pretend we are not at war. He seems to think that if he has a low-key response to an attempt to blow up an airliner and kill hundreds of people, we won‘t be at war. He seems to think that if he gets rid of the words ‘war on terror,‘ we won‘t be at war, but we are at war. And when President Obama pretends we aren‘t, it makes us less safe.”

You know, our son was home for the holidays, one of our kids, and got on an airplane this morning and went back home. What did Dick Cheney do to protect my family today? What did the Republicans do today to make sure that that flight that left Minneapolis was going to be totally safe and reach its destination with no problems?

Do we understand, as Americans, how sick this thinking is? Politicizing an attack that could have killed hundreds of people is flat-out despicable and dirty politics no matter who does it. But it is completely unacceptable, I think, coming from a former vice president.

Have you ever heard any other vice president talk like this?

Massa: Ed, let me get right to the point. I don‘t want to mince any words.

I am sick and tired of the former vice president of the United States taking shots not only at this administration for problems that he was largely and personal responsible for, but by an extension, and those of us who served in the military and bring that experience, having everyone believe that, somehow, one political party—in his case, the Republican Party—owns the high ground on national security. This man suffers from a horrible case of political Tourette‘s, and it‘s about time that we stand up and kick right back because I‘m sick and tired of him kicking us in our shins.

We need to grow a spine and stand up and show America, exactly who did what? Now, your predecessor in the previous half-hour said no Democrat has actually taken this on and highlighted the fact that it was Dick Cheney, personally responsible for the release of the masterminds of the Christmas airline terror plot who went to Yemen and actually made the explosives—and trust me, not just one set of explosives—that were given to this 23-year-old terrorist that posed a threat to this airliner.

And let me also remind people, it‘s people like Senator Jim DeMint who is personally responsible for placing you, the traveling American public, at risk, because he has refused individually placing a hold on the nominee of the director of the Transportation Security Agency, the TSA, that branch of our government which is primarily responsible for the security of the traveling American public. People like Jim DeMint and people like Dick Cheney need to go away so we can solve the problems they‘ve created.

'The Ed Show' for Wednesday, December 30th - The Ed Show- msnbc.com

That expresses it perfectly.
Now, please prove that he ever was a draft dodger. I get so tired of hearing this from people who probably voted for Clinton. An admitted draft dodger.

Is this partisan blather or did you just crawl out of a cave? Google 'Cheney draft dodger' if the latter is the case.


Maybe you should try for a real link.
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Once again. you made the accusation, prove it.
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Cheney is absolutely correct to come out strong against the passivity of Obama Inc.

It appears the message might be sinking in...

Excellent point! When Obama announced back in February he was escalating the Afghanistan occupation with 30,000 more troops I thought "Man! Is he so passive he's only sending 30K? Why not 300K?"
He is doing what has never been done before by an ex VP to my knowledge.

He is giving aid and comfort to our enemies by attacking a sitting president in public.

He is in essance telling the enemy that he thinks we are vulnerable and that now would be a good time to attack us.

Its as if he cares more about himself than the country.

I have news for you it's Obama and his liberal minions that have been giving aid and comfort to our enemies.
Actually, cmike, it is folks like you aiding Muslim terrorism with your anti-American rhetoric.
Pres. Bush kept us safe for 7 years. Obama has brought us three terrorist attacks in 1 year.

Nice try. You cannot compare anything that has happened this year to 9/11. You people really do live in a freakin' dream world!!! You actually go through life remembering only the things that you want to remember and to hell with the rest. Just ignore it, make up lies and hope they stick!! That's what you people do.

Ed Schultz and Eric Massa said some things yesterday that were right on:

Ed: Every time Dick Cheney opens his fat mouth about protecting this country, the Democrats send out a press release reminding Americans of the world that we got hit on his watch. This week has been unbelievable to watch the news cycle.

Republicans have wasted no time, no time politicizing the recent terror attempt on Flight 253 to Detroit. It‘s gotten ugly, folks. This is what it‘s going to be like in 2010. And, of course, former Vice President Dick Cheney, he‘s leading the way.

He went after President Obama for being weak on national security, saying in a statement again—comes out with a quote—“President Obama is trying to pretend we are not at war. He seems to think that if he has a low-key response to an attempt to blow up an airliner and kill hundreds of people, we won‘t be at war. He seems to think that if he gets rid of the words ‘war on terror,‘ we won‘t be at war, but we are at war. And when President Obama pretends we aren‘t, it makes us less safe.”

You know, our son was home for the holidays, one of our kids, and got on an airplane this morning and went back home. What did Dick Cheney do to protect my family today? What did the Republicans do today to make sure that that flight that left Minneapolis was going to be totally safe and reach its destination with no problems?

Do we understand, as Americans, how sick this thinking is? Politicizing an attack that could have killed hundreds of people is flat-out despicable and dirty politics no matter who does it. But it is completely unacceptable, I think, coming from a former vice president.

Have you ever heard any other vice president talk like this?

Massa: Ed, let me get right to the point. I don‘t want to mince any words.

I am sick and tired of the former vice president of the United States taking shots not only at this administration for problems that he was largely and personal responsible for, but by an extension, and those of us who served in the military and bring that experience, having everyone believe that, somehow, one political party—in his case, the Republican Party—owns the high ground on national security. This man suffers from a horrible case of political Tourette‘s, and it‘s about time that we stand up and kick right back because I‘m sick and tired of him kicking us in our shins.

We need to grow a spine and stand up and show America, exactly who did what? Now, your predecessor in the previous half-hour said no Democrat has actually taken this on and highlighted the fact that it was Dick Cheney, personally responsible for the release of the masterminds of the Christmas airline terror plot who went to Yemen and actually made the explosives—and trust me, not just one set of explosives—that were given to this 23-year-old terrorist that posed a threat to this airliner.

And let me also remind people, it‘s people like Senator Jim DeMint who is personally responsible for placing you, the traveling American public, at risk, because he has refused individually placing a hold on the nominee of the director of the Transportation Security Agency, the TSA, that branch of our government which is primarily responsible for the security of the traveling American public. People like Jim DeMint and people like Dick Cheney need to go away so we can solve the problems they‘ve created.

'The Ed Show' for Wednesday, December 30th - The Ed Show- msnbc.com

That expresses it perfectly.

This is about trying to get Obama the Dickhead to see the light, and protect this country.

This is about trying to get Obam the Dickhead to not release terrorists back to their host countries so that they can attack american citizens again.

This is about trying to get Obama the Dickhead to not give foreign terrorists "miranda" rights like they were american citizens which would make it impossible for them to be put away.

This is about trying to get Obama the Dickhead to treat the war against terrorism like it was a real war not a law enforcement issue, where law enforcement focuses on prosecuting the offenders and not preventing terrorist acts.

This is about trying to get Obama the Dickhead to interrogate terrorists using any means possible in order to thwart further terrorist attacks, and not really care about the terrorists' discomfort in the process.

BTW Obama is a dickhead.

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