Website Forced To Retract Martin Photo

I've seen this photo go viral.


It turns out that this photo was not Trayvon Martin.

Correction and update: Twitchy issues apology for fake Trayvon Martin photo

Correction, 8:56 pm ET March 25, 2012: We made a mistake. The photo on the right is not of the Trayvon Martin who was shot by Zimmerman. We apologize to our readers and to the Martin family.

Turns out the photo was some middle school student in New York, who had the same name. Morons.

do you happen to have a current picture of trevon at 16 or 17...before he died...a real picture? Not that it matters either way, im just curious.
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Zimmerman's past history of violence and criminality.

In 2005, George Zimmerman was twice accused of either criminal misconduct or violence.

That July, Zimmerman — 21 at the time — was at a bar near the University of Central Florida when a friend was arrested by state alcohol agents on suspicion of serving underage drinkers, according to an arrest report.

Zimmerman was talking with his friend, became profane and pushed an agent who tried to escort him away, the report said. Authorities said he was arrested after a short struggle.

Charged with resisting arrest without violence, he avoided conviction by entering a pretrial-diversion program, something common for first-time offenders.

A month later, court records show, a woman filed a petition for an injunction against Zimmerman, citing domestic violence. It's unclear what led to the petition, but Zimmerman responded by filing a petition of his own the following day.

Records show injunctions were later issued in both cases. Reached by email, the woman would not comment on her past with Zimmerman or his current situation.

Zimmerman married Shellie Nicole Dean, a licensed cosmetologist, in late 2007. The next year, he resurfaced in court documents as a credit-card company pursued him for unpaid debts.

Capital One accused Zimmerman of failing to pay more than $1,000. He settled with the company for $2,135.82, records show, to cover his debts with interest, as well as attorney and court costs. However, the credit-card company soon reported that Zimmerman wasn't making the payments he had agreed to.

Zimmerman's employer at the time, CarMax, agreed to garnish his wages. That arrangement was canceled in late 2008 because Zimmerman was no longer employed by CarMax.
Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman: Who is neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman? - Orlando Sentinel

Great Guy to defend...Looks like the type of guy I would rush to defend :doubt:

Man the more that comes out about Zimmerman the right is going to have to ask why they defended this wacko police wannabe in the first place.
I've seen this photo go viral.


It turns out that this photo was not Trayvon Martin.

Correction and update: Twitchy issues apology for fake Trayvon Martin photo

Correction, 8:56 pm ET March 25, 2012: We made a mistake. The photo on the right is not of the Trayvon Martin who was shot by Zimmerman. We apologize to our readers and to the Martin family.

Turns out the photo was some middle school student in New York, who had the same name. Morons.
Looks like quite a concise way to say the press is irresponsible. I like it. :thup:
I've seen this photo go viral.


It turns out that this photo was not Trayvon Martin.

Correction and update: Twitchy issues apology for fake Trayvon Martin photo

Correction, 8:56 pm ET March 25, 2012: We made a mistake. The photo on the right is not of the Trayvon Martin who was shot by Zimmerman. We apologize to our readers and to the Martin family.

Turns out the photo was some middle school student in New York, who had the same name. Morons.
So? I enjoy the misdirection. It has been a tactic of the left for decades, Its nice to see some payback being issued.
I heard Trayvon once got up from the table without asking to be excused. Deserved to die
And yet the "rational" members of USMB continue to post that picture and believe that it is the same Martin. Because that's what they WANT to believe.

The really sad thing is, it shouldn't even matter. Even if the picture was of the kid who was killed, it doesn't justify the killing. It shouldn't in any sane person's mind, and it definitely doesn't in the eyes of the law. But we're not talking about sane, rational people here.

You were not there at the thime of the incident. So stop making conclusive statements.
No one knows the events leading up to the shooting of young Mr Martin.
There are witness accounts which media has been derelict in it's duty to report.
One such account has a witness stating that Martin was beating Zimmerman while pinning him to the ground. ANother states that Zimmerman was cut and bruised plus he had grss stains on his back.
On the other side we have AL Sharpton making this into a white/black issue.
Zimmerman is not Caucasian. He is Hispanic. A minority.
the picture of him in the football uniform should be recent, within 2 years or so....unless you think this was a picture of him playing high school football when he was 12?
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When do we find out that none of the witness accounts corroborate with each other or Zimmerman's story?

It's simple.

Get the SHERIFF to arrest this fuck.
You have him at the scene of the crime. With the murder weapon. You have the police dispatch calls, telling him to back off. He got OUT of his car and confronted the kid. Make him prove his case of self defense. I'm REALLY looking forward to hearing how this kid threatened this vigilante with his big mean, evil looking BAG OF SKITTLES and HOODIE!

So you are 100% sure that is an accurate account of the events in this incident. You were there. You saw the whole thing go down?
Genius....In a court of law, a defendant does not have to prove self defense. It is the job of the prosecution to prove otherwise.
The defense does not have to do anything. In fact the defense is entitled to offer an alternate theory of the alleged crime.
Harder still to swallow is the fact that the defense can bring into question the character of the victim while the prosecution is barred from the same about the defendant.
So while you libs scream about civil rights and trial proceedings being unfair to criminal defendants, here is where you get to look hypocritical.
There has not even been an arrest yet and you libs are throwing Zimmerman into prison because you believe you have all the facts. All of this because you are incensed over the fact that the victim here is a member of one of your protected classes.
You think very long and hard about your reaction to this case the next time an alleged perpetrator who is not in a protected class.
This cuts both ways.
And yet the "rational" members of USMB continue to post that picture and believe that it is the same Martin. Because that's what they WANT to believe.

The really sad thing is, it shouldn't even matter. Even if the picture was of the kid who was killed, it doesn't justify the killing. It shouldn't in any sane person's mind, and it definitely doesn't in the eyes of the law. But we're not talking about sane, rational people here.

You were not there at the thime of the incident. So stop making conclusive statements.
No one knows the events leading up to the shooting of young Mr Martin.
There are witness accounts which media has been derelict in it's duty to report.
One such account has a witness stating that Martin was beating Zimmerman while pinning him to the ground. ANother states that Zimmerman was cut and bruised plus he had grss stains on his back.
On the other side we have AL Sharpton making this into a white/black issue.
Zimmerman is not Caucasian. He is Hispanic. A minority.

Not only did you just say it was Al Sharptons fault for making this about race but you followed up by stating Zimmerman is Hispanic. Why do you want everyone to call him ONLY Hispanic when he is also white. Nope, you arent making this about race at all. :doubt:

And I think Zimmerman made this about race after calling Martin a fucking coon and then shooting him dead
The photos the media did release are just as phony. Years old. The ones off Martin's facebook page are more recent.
The really sad thing is, it shouldn't even matter. Even if the picture was of the kid who was killed, it doesn't justify the killing. It shouldn't in any sane person's mind, and it definitely doesn't in the eyes of the law. But we're not talking about sane, rational people here.

You were not there at the thime of the incident. So stop making conclusive statements.
No one knows the events leading up to the shooting of young Mr Martin.
There are witness accounts which media has been derelict in it's duty to report.
One such account has a witness stating that Martin was beating Zimmerman while pinning him to the ground. ANother states that Zimmerman was cut and bruised plus he had grss stains on his back.
On the other side we have AL Sharpton making this into a white/black issue.
Zimmerman is not Caucasian. He is Hispanic. A minority.

Not only did you just say it was Al Sharptons fault for making this about race but you followed up by stating Zimmerman is Hispanic. Why do you want everyone to call him ONLY Hispanic when he is also white. Nope, you arent making this about race at all. :doubt:

And I think Zimmerman made this about race after calling Martin a fucking coon and then shooting him dead

Yeah ok.
Nice try genius.
What is Al Shaprton's "fault"?
Sharpton is a race whore. Fanning the flames of racial hatred is how this jerk makes a living.
If you do not realize that, well, that is your problem.
Funny how you in an efforst to affirm this this MUST be a racial thing, refer to Zimmerman as "also white", yet to you and all the other Obama follwers, our President is a black man.
Of course that is ignoring the fact that he is "also white"..
The double standards and hypocrisy of the left is truly amazing stuff.
You were not there at the thime of the incident. So stop making conclusive statements.
No one knows the events leading up to the shooting of young Mr Martin.
There are witness accounts which media has been derelict in it's duty to report.
One such account has a witness stating that Martin was beating Zimmerman while pinning him to the ground. ANother states that Zimmerman was cut and bruised plus he had grss stains on his back.
On the other side we have AL Sharpton making this into a white/black issue.
Zimmerman is not Caucasian. He is Hispanic. A minority.

Not only did you just say it was Al Sharptons fault for making this about race but you followed up by stating Zimmerman is Hispanic. Why do you want everyone to call him ONLY Hispanic when he is also white. Nope, you arent making this about race at all. :doubt:

And I think Zimmerman made this about race after calling Martin a fucking coon and then shooting him dead

Yeah ok.
Nice try genius.
What is Al Shaprton's "fault"?
Sharpton is a race whore. Fanning the flames of racial hatred is how this jerk makes a living.
If you do not realize that, well, that is your problem.
Funny how you in an efforst to affirm this this MUST be a racial thing, refer to Zimmerman as "also white", yet to you and all the other Obama follwers, our President is a black man.
Of course that is ignoring the fact that he is "also white"..
The double standards and hypocrisy of the left is truly amazing stuff.

What is Sharpton fault? His hair
Race whore is worse than a killer, go with that. You made this about hispanics then cry that everyone else is making this about race. Weeee belieeeve you!
Thats not funny, Zimmerman is white and hispanic, but you only want people to say he's hispanic. Why? You cant answer that, right?
You make this about race, Zimmerman shot the guy after calling him a fucking coon and Zimmerman didnt make it about race, YOU arent making this about race. ONLY Sharpton is doing that.

Thats silly bullshit
There's plenty of dishonest photos that are viral, on any issue, but lets not pretend this photo was all over the media.

Here is his Facebook photo: Don't know when he posted it. Big kid though, at 6'3".


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