Weather Channel Reporter Has His 'Canoe-In-A-Puddle' Moment During Hurricane Ida


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Just shameless stuff. And all done on the altar ofr the false religion that hurricanes are caused by "climate change".

As a Florida resident and one who has endured his share of tropical tempests, I am forever baffled by the need for reporters to go out and report live inside a hurricane. What is actually served in these self-aggrandizing segments? Nobody is confused by the reality that a hurricane is bad weather; there is no need to go out and subject yourself to those elements on camera.
But out of the crowd of these meteorological martyrs, one name stands out – Jim Cantore. The Weather Channel's star storm chaser is so renowned that people know they are screwed when he arrives to do a remote in their location. However, while getting pummeled by intense winds for a live spot yesterday, Jim was undone by some on-site distractions.
There are a number of times reporters have been exposed as over-dramatizing hurricane effects. There was Anderson Cooper reporting from a flooded ditch while his camera crew was standing in ankle-deep water. Then there was the "Today Show" reporter supposedly piloting a canoe in a huge flood when two residents walked into frame, trudging through her puddle. Now, Cantore has his own moment.
While he was well away from the camera, Cantore, with a protective baseball helmet, was giving a live report while being assaulted by fierce winds, barely able to remain standing. However, what he had done was find a narrow alley that was channeling the wind. We know this because, during a couple of his segments, some of the emergency electrical crews trotted into frame and were performing cartwheels in the supposedly oppressive conditions.

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They always do that. What else do you expect from Fake News? the weather channel included. ;)

Remember this? CNN/Crap News Network's Anderson Cooper, on his knees during the hurricane Florence, exaggerating the hurricane intensity?

Just shameless stuff. And all done on the altar ofr the false religion that hurricanes are caused by "climate change".

As a Florida resident and one who has endured his share of tropical tempests, I am forever baffled by the need for reporters to go out and report live inside a hurricane. What is actually served in these self-aggrandizing segments? Nobody is confused by the reality that a hurricane is bad weather; there is no need to go out and subject yourself to those elements on camera.
But out of the crowd of these meteorological martyrs, one name stands out – Jim Cantore. The Weather Channel's star storm chaser is so renowned that people know they are screwed when he arrives to do a remote in their location. However, while getting pummeled by intense winds for a live spot yesterday, Jim was undone by some on-site distractions.
There are a number of times reporters have been exposed as over-dramatizing hurricane effects. There was Anderson Cooper reporting from a flooded ditch while his camera crew was standing in ankle-deep water. Then there was the "Today Show" reporter supposedly piloting a canoe in a huge flood when two residents walked into frame, trudging through her puddle. Now, Cantore has his own moment.
While he was well away from the camera, Cantore, with a protective baseball helmet, was giving a live report while being assaulted by fierce winds, barely able to remain standing. However, what he had done was find a narrow alley that was channeling the wind. We know this because, during a couple of his segments, some of the emergency electrical crews trotted into frame and were performing cartwheels in the supposedly oppressive conditions.

Don't be stupider than you have to be. It's about ratings, not climate change.
I love it. The lies they tell on the Weather Channel! Anything to get attention, to capture eyeballs.

They are trying to expand "weather" into volcanoes and earthquakes and eclipses, and I hope they are getting some pushback against that.

Are they any different from the lying talking heads in the biased media?....

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