Wealth Distribution in the United States

Ideas conservatives have to help the poor, and help them narrow their income gap:

If YOU (as in YOU the individual) do the following:

- Stay off drugs
- Try not to have kids out of wedlock, or even in it if you can't afford them
- Don't get arrested, especially for a felony
- Stay in school and graduate high school
- Consider going to college (Yes, you MAY have to work during college to pay for it, many have before)
- Accept an entry level job (Not NBA, not rap star, not CEO right out the gate)
- Stay at entry level job and work hard
- Accept that you may have to take a job you don't want and/or like
- Accept you just may have to STAY in that job
- Accept you just MIGHT have to make a career of that job
- Meanwhile, in your spare time, pursue and aspire to the job you really want, all while keeping that bad job to make ends meet
- Keep staying off drugs
- Keep having kids only if you can afford it
- Dont' buy a house or car you can't afford
- Don't buy expensive clothes, jewelry, cell phone, TV, boat if you can't afford it
- Delay buying those luxury items or simple wants until you are stable and satisfied where you are, OR until you do reach the dream of being among the rich if everything falls into place for you.

If you follow all of the above, you're economic outlook will improve.

OH and 1 more: Try to eat right and exercise, don't be a fat ass, and you'll likely not get sick or need much healthcare, as much of America's health issues are fatness related.

There ya go. The conservative plan for success. Enjoy!

Couldn't have described my life better (except I used to smoke pot). Still the bank owns my cars and my house. I have worked since 1978 and have about $3k in non-depreciable wealth.

So I guess that your plan fails. Perhaps it is THE BIG LIE.

Or is just that the horrible crime of having smoked pot in my free time devalues the thousands of hours of hard work?

To think that you people actually have the gall to call this a 'free' country!
Ultimately, the disproportionate wealth distribution in America is the fault of working Americans:

It's no secret that America is a competitive society economically: it is based upon contention.

But since the 1980s, working Americans stopped fighting for their fair share of the wealth - they agreed to take what was given and not fight for a cent more.

For a competitive society to work, there has to be contention - everyone must fight for everything they can get - that's the only way everything balances.

Collective bargaining is just a manifestation of the free market system.

Unfortunately, Americans have accepted credit in lieu of pay - this has screwed up our economy royally. Now, instead of recieving the wealth that they have earned (Americans produce 24% of the worlds wealth), we're competing with the Chinese!

It's disgusting!

G.W. Bush once said "The American people are the hardest working people in the world".

He was right! Now if we were not only the hardest working people, but the best paid people as well, we wouldn't be in the current economic mess.

Doesn't that make sense? The hardest working people in the world should be the best paid people in the world?

Not number 12th in the standard of living...the bottom of the barrel of the industrial world.

And what is it that the Swiss do that makes them the number one in standard of living?

Make Chocolate?

But we ARE the highest paid people in the world.

Our "poor" are among the richest 5% of people in the world.

Our people are the wealthiest in the world. That is not in question, it is fact.

Standard of living is a term that is the eye of the liver, for lack of a better term.

I'd prefer to live the working grind of the American mid class than that of the Swiss. I enjoy working hard. I enjoy the reward of getting through a struggle. I enjoy being in the country with the greatest military in the world, the greatest entertainment sector, the greatest athletes, the greatest of anything and everything is here. In my humble opinion. For some the standard life of the Swiss is more enviable. To me, it's not.

However, I caution everyone to be careful staying in this thread. A left winger literally just advocated murdering by means of bullets all conservatives. Seriously. Look up at it.

You're living in a fantasy world! No matter how far America falls behind, you're gonna be screaming that we're number one in everything!

If you measure the incomes of the poor in the U.S. strictly by dollars, but not taking into account the cost of living, you may be right, but once you take the cost of living into account, the standard of living in the U.S. sucks.

Hell, my wife grew up in the Soviet Union and she in many ways had a better standard of living then than we do in the U.S. working for major corporations.

You're free to get your rocks off working yourself to death, but I'd prefer to get paid fairly.

Am I? I suppose only in a fantasy world would a nation's poor be considered "poor" while enjoying these luxuries: How Poor Are America's Poor? Examining the "Plague" of Poverty in America | The Heritage Foundation

No matter how hard you lefties try, you can't deny that our poor have a pretty damn easy life compared to the rest of the world. Why else do foreign poor FLOCK here in the dream of hoping to merely be a poor American?
The following are facts about persons defined as "poor" by the Census Bureau, taken from various government reports:

Forty-three percent of all poor households actually own their own homes. The average home owned by persons classified as poor by the Census Bureau is a three-bedroom house with one-and-a-half baths, a garage, and a porch or patio.
Eighty percent of poor households have air conditioning. By contrast, in 1970, only 36 percent of the entire U.S. population enjoyed air conditioning.
Only 6 percent of poor households are overcrowded. More than two-thirds have more than two rooms per person.
The average poor American has more living space than the average individual living in Paris, London, Vienna, Athens, and other cities throughout Europe. (These comparisons are to the average citizens in foreign countries, not to those classified as poor.)
Nearly three-quarters of poor households own a car; 31 percent own two or more cars.
Ninety-seven percent of poor households have a color television; over half own two or more color televisions.
Seventy-eight percent have a VCR or DVD player; 62 percent have cable or satellite TV reception.
Eighty-nine percent own microwave ovens, more than half have a stereo, and more than a third have an automatic dishwasher.
As a group, America's poor are far from being chronically undernourished. The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms. Poor children actually consume more meat than do higher-income children and have average protein intakes 100 percent above recommended levels. Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.
^^^If that standard of being "poor" is our standard for poor, then my God what an amazing country we have!!!!!
Ideas conservatives have to help the poor, and help them narrow their income gap:

If YOU (as in YOU the individual) do the following:

- Stay off drugs
- Try not to have kids out of wedlock, or even in it if you can't afford them
- Don't get arrested, especially for a felony
- Stay in school and graduate high school
- Consider going to college (Yes, you MAY have to work during college to pay for it, many have before)
- Accept an entry level job (Not NBA, not rap star, not CEO right out the gate)
- Stay at entry level job and work hard
- Accept that you may have to take a job you don't want and/or like
- Accept you just may have to STAY in that job
- Accept you just MIGHT have to make a career of that job
- Meanwhile, in your spare time, pursue and aspire to the job you really want, all while keeping that bad job to make ends meet
- Keep staying off drugs
- Keep having kids only if you can afford it
- Dont' buy a house or car you can't afford
- Don't buy expensive clothes, jewelry, cell phone, TV, boat if you can't afford it
- Delay buying those luxury items or simple wants until you are stable and satisfied where you are, OR until you do reach the dream of being among the rich if everything falls into place for you.

If you follow all of the above, you're economic outlook will improve.

OH and 1 more: Try to eat right and exercise, don't be a fat ass, and you'll likely not get sick or need much healthcare, as much of America's health issues are fatness related.

There ya go. The conservative plan for success. Enjoy!

Couldn't have described my life better (except I used to smoke pot). Still the bank owns my cars and my house. I have worked since 1978 and have about $3k in non-depreciable wealth.

So I guess that your plan fails. Perhaps it is THE BIG LIE.

Or is just that the horrible crime of having smoked pot in my free time devalues the thousands of hours of hard work?

To think that you people actually have the gall to call this a 'free' country!

Well, one of two responses fit you.

1- You bought a car and house that were too expensive for your means.


2- News Flash- The United States of America does not have a clause that guarantees success.

However, you did not prove my plan fails. I said if you follow all that your economic outlook will improve. You did. And you are doing OK. Bought a house and car you obviously couldn't afford. So you didn't follow it exactly. But, what if you didn't follow all that? You'd be dirt poor (By USA standards), jobless, and bitching about the gubamint not doing enough.
Wow, they say potato, you say onomatopoeia.

What a stretch.


OK then,

let's hear you name all measures that conservatives support that serve to narrow the gap between rich and poor,

and all the measures that conservatives OPPOSE that serve to narrow the gap between rich and poor,

and let's see what reasonable conclusions we can draw from those facts.

You won't hear any. Know why? Because conservatives know it isn't government's job to narrow that gap. It is YOUR responsibility to attain the wealth you want. Not governments. If that means what worked 20 years ago doesn't work now, then YOU are the one that needs to adapt and figure out what does work.

yes. it appears some believe that one can be made successful or that is NY carbs parlance healthy and wealthy.

Well one small example, we cannot even get people to enroll their kids in a free gov. program called schip, there are 100's of thousands that have no been enrolled or enrolling in the new come one and all preexisting health plans either.. ....why?

Because, ultimately the individual is the master of their ship, the gov. may try to create an 'equal' playing field but it cannot create success or a success for an individual except on a narrow singular basis...if they didn't attain it on their own, they won't long keep it. And of course the fact that the human nature dictates that what one is given is never held in as high esteem or equal value to, what one has EARNED.

the gov. can help provide access and tools...nothing more. the rest is based on an individuals ambition, motivation, effort and talent....
Or for those whom lack the;

ambition, drive, motivation, talent, smarts, intellect capacity, where with all, sticktoitevness, grit, sheet deterioration, perseverance

the response is always the same; anyone who supports something other than a hand out opposed to a hand up, revert to the same strawman translation.
In the United States, wealth is highly concentrated in a relatively few hands. As of 2007, the top 1% of households (the upper class) owned 34.6% of all privately held wealth, and the next 19% (the managerial, professional, and small business stratum) had 50.5%, which means that just 20% of the people owned a remarkable 85%, leaving only 15% of the wealth for the bottom 80% (wage and salary workers). In terms of financial wealth (total net worth minus the value of one's home), the top 1% of households had an even greater share: 42.7%.

If wealth is equated to ability, is "Trajan" arguing that the 20% of population who possess 85% of the nation's private wealth also possess 85% of its "ambition, drive, motivation, talent, smarts, intellect capacity, where with all, sticktoitevness, grit, sheet deterioration, perseverance .....?"

That would mean the other 80% of Americans (the designated "losers") which control only 15% the nation's private wealth are all deficient in these areas and therefore should be content to be relegated to the outer fringes of the economy.
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Ideas conservatives have to help the poor, and help them narrow their income gap:

If YOU (as in YOU the individual) do the following:

- Stay off drugs
- Try not to have kids out of wedlock, or even in it if you can't afford them
- Don't get arrested, especially for a felony
- Stay in school and graduate high school
- Consider going to college (Yes, you MAY have to work during college to pay for it, many have before)
- Accept an entry level job (Not NBA, not rap star, not CEO right out the gate)
- Stay at entry level job and work hard
- Accept that you may have to take a job you don't want and/or like
- Accept you just may have to STAY in that job
- Accept you just MIGHT have to make a career of that job
- Meanwhile, in your spare time, pursue and aspire to the job you really want, all while keeping that bad job to make ends meet
- Keep staying off drugs
- Keep having kids only if you can afford it
- Dont' buy a house or car you can't afford
- Don't buy expensive clothes, jewelry, cell phone, TV, boat if you can't afford it
- Delay buying those luxury items or simple wants until you are stable and satisfied where you are, OR until you do reach the dream of being among the rich if everything falls into place for you.

If you follow all of the above, you're economic outlook will improve.

OH and 1 more: Try to eat right and exercise, don't be a fat ass, and you'll likely not get sick or need much healthcare, as much of America's health issues are fatness related.

There ya go. The conservative plan for success. Enjoy!

Couldn't have described my life better (except I used to smoke pot). Still the bank owns my cars and my house. I have worked since 1978 and have about $3k in non-depreciable wealth.

So I guess that your plan fails. Perhaps it is THE BIG LIE.

Or is just that the horrible crime of having smoked pot in my free time devalues the thousands of hours of hard work?

To think that you people actually have the gall to call this a 'free' country!

Well, one of two responses fit you.

1- You bought a car and house that were too expensive for your means.


2- News Flash- The United States of America does not have a clause that guarantees success.

However, you did not prove my plan fails. I said if you follow all that your economic outlook will improve. You did. And you are doing OK. Bought a house and car you obviously couldn't afford. So you didn't follow it exactly. But, what if you didn't follow all that? You'd be dirt poor (By USA standards), jobless, and bitching about the gubamint not doing enough.

Wrong on all counts. I can easily afford my house and car and it is you that came up with the list of conditions for success, not the U.S.

The fact is that I made the mistake, when I was young, of believing that hard honest work
would pay off. It does not. I also falsely believed that this was a free country and that my fellow Americans would respect my personal freddom. They do not.

I make a very good income working on a corp. HQ team. But it was only when I admitted that America is a socially engineered economy and that to be succesfull you had to be a mindless conformist.

This is what leads to success in America. Be a 'yes' man, a butt kisser, politically correct. The tiny little bit of self-education that changed my income bracket was laughable compared to the education I previously had - and the job that I now have is a joke, in terms of real productive value and knowledge as compared to the work I did before.

And that's what I see in corporate America (and, yes, in small private business)...it's all about social conformity: no innovation or free-thinking allowed.

The BIG LIE is that if you work hard you'll get ahead. BULLSHIT!
Ideas conservatives have to help the poor, and help them narrow their income gap:

If YOU (as in YOU the individual) do the following:

- Stay off drugs
- Try not to have kids out of wedlock, or even in it if you can't afford them
- Don't get arrested, especially for a felony
- Stay in school and graduate high school
- Consider going to college (Yes, you MAY have to work during college to pay for it, many have before)
- Accept an entry level job (Not NBA, not rap star, not CEO right out the gate)
- Stay at entry level job and work hard
- Accept that you may have to take a job you don't want and/or like
- Accept you just may have to STAY in that job
- Accept you just MIGHT have to make a career of that job
- Meanwhile, in your spare time, pursue and aspire to the job you really want, all while keeping that bad job to make ends meet
- Keep staying off drugs
- Keep having kids only if you can afford it
- Dont' buy a house or car you can't afford
- Don't buy expensive clothes, jewelry, cell phone, TV, boat if you can't afford it
- Delay buying those luxury items or simple wants until you are stable and satisfied where you are, OR until you do reach the dream of being among the rich if everything falls into place for you.

If you follow all of the above, you're economic outlook will improve.

OH and 1 more: Try to eat right and exercise, don't be a fat ass, and you'll likely not get sick or need much healthcare, as much of America's health issues are fatness related.

There ya go. The conservative plan for success. Enjoy!

The problem is, all of that hard work can be undone by a prolonged or expensive illness in the family that your insurance company decides they don't want to cover.
Wow, they say potato, you say onomatopoeia.

What a stretch.


OK then,

let's hear you name all measures that conservatives support that serve to narrow the gap between rich and poor,

and all the measures that conservatives OPPOSE that serve to narrow the gap between rich and poor,

and let's see what reasonable conclusions we can draw from those facts.

I and many other conservatives support the freedom for you to narrow the gap as you can, choose, or try to all on your own... or fail to do so on your own... just like everyone else...

Then we should abolish public schools and make education available only to those who can pay??
Ideas conservatives have to help the poor, and help them narrow their income gap:

If YOU (as in YOU the individual) do the following:

- Stay off drugs
- Try not to have kids out of wedlock, or even in it if you can't afford them
- Don't get arrested, especially for a felony
- Stay in school and graduate high school
- Consider going to college (Yes, you MAY have to work during college to pay for it, many have before)
- Accept an entry level job (Not NBA, not rap star, not CEO right out the gate)
- Stay at entry level job and work hard
- Accept that you may have to take a job you don't want and/or like
- Accept you just may have to STAY in that job
- Accept you just MIGHT have to make a career of that job
- Meanwhile, in your spare time, pursue and aspire to the job you really want, all while keeping that bad job to make ends meet
- Keep staying off drugs
- Keep having kids only if you can afford it
- Dont' buy a house or car you can't afford
- Don't buy expensive clothes, jewelry, cell phone, TV, boat if you can't afford it
- Delay buying those luxury items or simple wants until you are stable and satisfied where you are, OR until you do reach the dream of being among the rich if everything falls into place for you.

If you follow all of the above, you're economic outlook will improve.

OH and 1 more: Try to eat right and exercise, don't be a fat ass, and you'll likely not get sick or need much healthcare, as much of America's health issues are fatness related.

There ya go. The conservative plan for success. Enjoy!

So conservatives essentially want to do nothing for lower income people.

Where in the world has that ever made a society better???
Ideas conservatives have to help the poor, and help them narrow their income gap:

If YOU (as in YOU the individual) do the following:

- Stay off drugs
- Try not to have kids out of wedlock, or even in it if you can't afford them
- Don't get arrested, especially for a felony
- Stay in school and graduate high school
- Consider going to college (Yes, you MAY have to work during college to pay for it, many have before)
- Accept an entry level job (Not NBA, not rap star, not CEO right out the gate)
- Stay at entry level job and work hard
- Accept that you may have to take a job you don't want and/or like
- Accept you just may have to STAY in that job
- Accept you just MIGHT have to make a career of that job
- Meanwhile, in your spare time, pursue and aspire to the job you really want, all while keeping that bad job to make ends meet
- Keep staying off drugs
- Keep having kids only if you can afford it
- Dont' buy a house or car you can't afford
- Don't buy expensive clothes, jewelry, cell phone, TV, boat if you can't afford it
- Delay buying those luxury items or simple wants until you are stable and satisfied where you are, OR until you do reach the dream of being among the rich if everything falls into place for you.

If you follow all of the above, you're economic outlook will improve.

OH and 1 more: Try to eat right and exercise, don't be a fat ass, and you'll likely not get sick or need much healthcare, as much of America's health issues are fatness related.

There ya go. The conservative plan for success. Enjoy!

So conservatives essentially want to do nothing for lower income people.

Where in the world has that ever made a society better???

Where in the world does that post even come close to saying that? Either you're not much on comprehension or just purposefully obfuscating. You don't seem to be that dumb, so I'll pick the latter.
Wealth Distribution in the United States | Business Pundit

Financially speaking, there is a great inequality in the United States. Over the last 30 years, while the rich have been getting richer, the poor have been getting steadily poorer. One reason for the growing disparity between the rich and the poor is the fact that most new jobs that are created pay low wages and often do not offer retirement plans or health coverage.
Wow, you're onto something there. Let's see who the bottom fifth of workers would be logically. Teenagers, moms working part time. Unreliable workers. Workers who live in the cheapest areas. I think government should force those greedy companies to give them pensions and healthcare. Then they can get fired and you'll be able to sell them on the Democratic party.
Ideas conservatives have to help the poor, and help them narrow their income gap:
- Stay off drugs
- Try not to have kids out of wedlock, or even in it if you can't afford them
- Don't get arrested, especially for a felony
- Stay in school and graduate high school
- Consider going to college (Yes, you MAY have to work during college to pay for it, many have before)
- Accept an entry level job (Not NBA, not rap star, not CEO right out the gate)
- Stay at entry level job and work hard
- Accept that you may have to take a job you don't want and/or like
- Accept you just may have to STAY in that job
- Accept you just MIGHT have to make a career of that job
- Meanwhile, in your spare time, pursue and aspire to the job you really want, all while keeping that bad job to make ends meet
- Keep staying off drugs
- Keep having kids only if you can afford it
- Dont' buy a house or car you can't afford
- Don't buy expensive clothes, jewelry, cell phone, TV, boat if you can't afford it
- Delay buying those luxury items or simple wants until you are stable and satisfied where you are, OR until you do reach the dream of being among the rich if everything falls into place for you.

If you follow all of the above, you're economic outlook will improve.

OH and 1 more: Try to eat right and exercise, don't be a fat ass, and you'll likely not get sick or need much healthcare, as much of America's health issues are fatness related.

There ya go. The conservative plan for success. Enjoy!

This entire screed is an insult to millions of Americans who do just that and still see themselves falling behind. People who were loyal to their companies and sacrificed for the good of the company only to see their job sent abroad

The constant labeling from the right that American workers are lazy, spoiled, drug addicts who waste their meager incomes on frills is insulting. American workers are the best in the world and deserve better treatment
The liberal roadmap for the poor:

- Do drugs
- Have kids out of wedlock, or even in it if you can't afford them
- Get arrested, especially for a felony
- Don't stay in school and graduate high school
- Screw college (No, you don't have to work during college to pay for it, many have before)
- Don't accept an entry level job
- Don't stay at entry level job and don't work hard
- Don't accept a job you don't want and/or like
- Don't STAY in that job
- Don't make a career of that job
- Keep having kids you can't afford
- Buy a house or car you can't afford
- Buy expensive clothes, jewelry, cell phone, TV, boat if you can't afford it
- Buy those luxury items and simple wants.
Ideas conservatives have to help the poor, and help them narrow their income gap:
- Stay off drugs
- Try not to have kids out of wedlock, or even in it if you can't afford them
- Don't get arrested, especially for a felony
- Stay in school and graduate high school
- Consider going to college (Yes, you MAY have to work during college to pay for it, many have before)
- Accept an entry level job (Not NBA, not rap star, not CEO right out the gate)
- Stay at entry level job and work hard
- Accept that you may have to take a job you don't want and/or like
- Accept you just may have to STAY in that job
- Accept you just MIGHT have to make a career of that job
- Meanwhile, in your spare time, pursue and aspire to the job you really want, all while keeping that bad job to make ends meet
- Keep staying off drugs
- Keep having kids only if you can afford it
- Dont' buy a house or car you can't afford
- Don't buy expensive clothes, jewelry, cell phone, TV, boat if you can't afford it
- Delay buying those luxury items or simple wants until you are stable and satisfied where you are, OR until you do reach the dream of being among the rich if everything falls into place for you.

If you follow all of the above, you're economic outlook will improve.

OH and 1 more: Try to eat right and exercise, don't be a fat ass, and you'll likely not get sick or need much healthcare, as much of America's health issues are fatness related.

There ya go. The conservative plan for success. Enjoy!

This entire screed is an insult to millions of Americans who do just that and still see themselves falling behind. People who were loyal to their companies and sacrificed for the good of the company only to see their job sent abroad

The constant labeling from the right that American workers are lazy, spoiled, drug addicts who waste their meager incomes on frills is insulting. American workers are the best in the world and deserve better treatment

If you earn a meager living, and you watse it on frills, sorry, you ain't all that smart and you deserve to be broke.

There, I said it. Enjoy!!!
You can be paying NO taxes in this country, and perhaps even getting government assistance to boot, and yet,

the government will additionally provide your children a free public education.

Conservatives, in principle, based on the posts in this thread, oppose that.

That is a core value of the conservative philosophy. Do you really want conservatives to EVER be in power?
You can be paying NO taxes in this country, and perhaps even getting government assistance to boot, and yet,

the government will additionally provide your children a free public education.

Conservatives, in principle, based on the posts in this thread, oppose that.

That is a core value of the conservative philosophy. Do you really want conservatives to EVER be in power?

First off, government doesn't provide anything. Your neighbor who does pay taxes is doing the providing.

Secondly, where in any of the posts do you get the idea that conservatives are opposed to public education?
Ideas conservatives have to help the poor, and help them narrow their income gap:
- Stay off drugs
- Try not to have kids out of wedlock, or even in it if you can't afford them
- Don't get arrested, especially for a felony
- Stay in school and graduate high school
- Consider going to college (Yes, you MAY have to work during college to pay for it, many have before)
- Accept an entry level job (Not NBA, not rap star, not CEO right out the gate)
- Stay at entry level job and work hard
- Accept that you may have to take a job you don't want and/or like
- Accept you just may have to STAY in that job
- Accept you just MIGHT have to make a career of that job
- Meanwhile, in your spare time, pursue and aspire to the job you really want, all while keeping that bad job to make ends meet
- Keep staying off drugs
- Keep having kids only if you can afford it
- Dont' buy a house or car you can't afford
- Don't buy expensive clothes, jewelry, cell phone, TV, boat if you can't afford it
- Delay buying those luxury items or simple wants until you are stable and satisfied where you are, OR until you do reach the dream of being among the rich if everything falls into place for you.

If you follow all of the above, you're economic outlook will improve.

OH and 1 more: Try to eat right and exercise, don't be a fat ass, and you'll likely not get sick or need much healthcare, as much of America's health issues are fatness related.

There ya go. The conservative plan for success. Enjoy!

This entire screed is an insult to millions of Americans who do just that and still see themselves falling behind. People who were loyal to their companies and sacrificed for the good of the company only to see their job sent abroad

The constant labeling from the right that American workers are lazy, spoiled, drug addicts who waste their meager incomes on frills is insulting. American workers are the best in the world and deserve better treatment

American workers are what? :lol::lol::lol: Oh, man, that is one dumbassed assertion.
Ideas conservatives have to help the poor, and help them narrow their income gap:
- Stay off drugs
- Try not to have kids out of wedlock, or even in it if you can't afford them
- Don't get arrested, especially for a felony
- Stay in school and graduate high school
- Consider going to college (Yes, you MAY have to work during college to pay for it, many have before)
- Accept an entry level job (Not NBA, not rap star, not CEO right out the gate)
- Stay at entry level job and work hard
- Accept that you may have to take a job you don't want and/or like
- Accept you just may have to STAY in that job
- Accept you just MIGHT have to make a career of that job
- Meanwhile, in your spare time, pursue and aspire to the job you really want, all while keeping that bad job to make ends meet
- Keep staying off drugs
- Keep having kids only if you can afford it
- Dont' buy a house or car you can't afford
- Don't buy expensive clothes, jewelry, cell phone, TV, boat if you can't afford it
- Delay buying those luxury items or simple wants until you are stable and satisfied where you are, OR until you do reach the dream of being among the rich if everything falls into place for you.

If you follow all of the above, you're economic outlook will improve.

OH and 1 more: Try to eat right and exercise, don't be a fat ass, and you'll likely not get sick or need much healthcare, as much of America's health issues are fatness related.

There ya go. The conservative plan for success. Enjoy!

This entire screed is an insult to millions of Americans who do just that and still see themselves falling behind. People who were loyal to their companies and sacrificed for the good of the company only to see their job sent abroad

The constant labeling from the right that American workers are lazy, spoiled, drug addicts who waste their meager incomes on frills is insulting. American workers are the best in the world and deserve better treatment

American workers are what? :lol::lol::lol: Oh, man, that is one dumbassed assertion.

It's Rightwinger.. he used to post some decent reading, now it's just off the hook nonsense. I think he needs to put the hookah down for a bit.

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