We Were Promised There Were Nuclear Secrets

It was simply him giving information from his experience with the CIA. It's not all that important but at least it's interesting and worth knowing.
Some of the documents may contain the code letters?

However, there's no doubt that the missing documents is of the utmost importance. Trump's handpicked judge will be flaunting the risk factor in the faces of the American people if she agrees to allow the investigation to be delayed.
It's not hard to imagine some 4 star General turning to locking and loading his sidearm over this!
May I see your attorney credentials duck? Run along and investigate Turdeau--you might have a better understanding of Canadian law---but I doubt it.
Well, yeah. There were a lot of empty folders marked Top Secret. Where did all those docs go?

Wonder how much money or what favors those missing docs got him? :auiqs.jpg:

Again, if you have trouble paying attention....they got him.
Just a matter of if they are going to actually do anything about it this time.
How do you know this?
Oh yeah. A lot of leaks from the FBI to frame Trump because he can’t defend against leaks. Much like the Russian collusion hoax.

That’s the point of the OP. A good case doesn’t require all of the back door slander going on. They’d arrest him
“I was a former federal prosecutor, United States attorney. Let me tell you what this is about. Good prosecutors with good cases play it straight. They don’t need to play games, they don’t need to shop for judges, they don’t need to leak intelligence that may or may not exist. And in this case, this tells you that the government didn’t find what they were looking for.”

Yep. And Herr Biden’s speech the other night that’s he’s using Banana Republic tactics.
WE GOT TRUMP THIS TIME PART 4,648 is now waiting for PART 4,649.

The aparatchik media accepts whatever swill some government “source” claims, and dispenses that swill without any verification demanded.

Don’t be a libtard, folks. Never believe the liberal aparatchik main stream “news” media. They lie.
There was no promise of nuclear secrets.
There was mention by Brennan of the designation for 'nuclear' related information being contained in the stolen documents, but whether or not that code designation was present is still not determined.

It may never be learned, due to national security reasons.

We're still waiting for somebody to tell us that designation?
I’m forced to change my passwords every quarter for stupid things like email. You think our nuclear codes are static?

Yeah, that’s how weak their case is. Toss out slander to attack Trump. Banana Republic tactics.
Well, yeah. There were a lot of empty folders marked Top Secret. Where did all those docs go?

Wonder how much money or what favors those missing docs got him? :auiqs.jpg:

Again, if you have trouble paying attention....they got him.
Just a matter of if they are going to actually do anything about it this time.
And tell us why they took passports, personal books and gifts, clothes, etc etc.

Fishing expedition. Direct violation of the US Constitution.
“I was a former federal prosecutor, United States attorney. Let me tell you what this is about. Good prosecutors with good cases play it straight. They don’t need to play games, they don’t need to shop for judges, they don’t need to leak intelligence that may or may not exist. And in this case, this tells you that the government didn’t find what they were looking for.”

Yep. And Herr Biden’s speech the other night that’s he’s using Banana Republic tactics.
WE GOT TRUMP THIS TIME PART 4,648 is now waiting for PART 4,649.


Forget that - the FBI found something even better -


laughing hilariously.jpg
And tell us why they took passports, personal books and gifts, clothes, etc etc.

Fishing expedition. Direct violation of the US Constitution.
The passports? So Trump couldn't flee the country. Pretty standard move in a potential flight risk.

As far as the rest, don't know. They were in boxes with the docs if you read the inventory list the judge released.
You'll have to ask Trump what they were doing in the boxes.
No one “promised” you anything

The WAPO reported that among the docs that Trump stole were nuclear secrets.

We may never know if that is true but there is no doubt that he took some VERY sensitive national defense info… including stuff marked “ no for” (no foreign access) and various other HIGHLY secret intell
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Which word, some bucket sloshing junior seaman recruit calling himself an Admiral? :laughing0301:
Listen fucktardo!
welp - an alternative pronunciation of well, and is an interjection typically used at the beginning of a sentence to express resignation or disappointment.

Are you speaking or typing?

Perhaps you meant "whelp, which is a bitch giving birth to a puppy?
Listen fucktardo! welp - an alternative pronunciation of well, and is an interjection typically used at the beginning of a sentence to express---

Welp, here's the story Little Tory, welp is also a colloquialism used in the vernacular of casual, informal street language like saying lessee instead of let's see, as friendly, normal people here generally use who are not so humorous, uptight, and anal-retentive that they get triggered by a passing word not even directed to them that they have to make an issue out of it just to get attention and be noticed! Dude, take a good shower, brush those yellow teeth, clean up your act, double down on your Aspergers meds, go out and get yourself a woman (or man if that's your thing), and try to relax a little, smile once in a while, let your hair done a little, stop being a putz, and try to enjoy what is left of your Saturday evening. You'll live longer.
The passports? So Trump couldn't flee the country. Pretty standard move in a potential flight risk.

As far as the rest, don't know. They were in boxes with the docs if you read the inventory list the judge released.
You'll have to ask Trump what they were doing in the boxes.
Well that wasn’t even mentioned in the warrant, so again the FBI violated the US Constitution.

Besides, your pathetic lies are beyond stupid, because 2 days later the FBI was ordered to return them.

Does it make you feel good being a useful idiot for fascists?
I finally got the info from GSA on presidential papers during the transition.

GSA is responsible for packing all documents. This means that absent a presidential order of declassification, no classified material would have been allowed to leave the White House. How does the DOJ and FBI miss something so basic? They had no probable cause to raid Mar-A-Lago AND THEY KNEW IT!
Same thing I heard
Well that wasn’t even mentioned in the warrant, so again the FBI violated the US Constitution.

Besides, your pathetic lies are beyond stupid, because 2 days later the FBI was ordered to return them.

Does it make you feel good being a useful idiot for fascists?
The clothes, books, and other items were in the boxes. Probably because Trump's final days in office were a whirlwind of a shit show.

Still gonna cling to the idea that the GSA packed these boxes and put the docs in folders?
Cause that doesn't look like what's happened.
Hey, if Melania left her unmentionables in these boxes, do you think she was trying to make a fast getaway (from her husband). :auiqs.jpg:
“I was a former federal prosecutor, United States attorney. Let me tell you what this is about. Good prosecutors with good cases play it straight. They don’t need to play games, they don’t need to shop for judges, they don’t need to leak intelligence that may or may not exist. And in this case, this tells you that the government didn’t find what they were looking for.”

Yep. And Herr Biden’s speech the other night that’s he’s using Banana Republic tactics.
WE GOT TRUMP THIS TIME PART 4,648 is now waiting for PART 4,649.

Democrats behaving unethically???? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

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