We Were Promised There Were Nuclear Secrets

The content of the missing documents will tell the damning story on Trump's intent!

Let's inject a bit of 'mirth' into the discussion by imagining that the missing intelligence might contain info on the Moscow hotel hookers' story! LOL
What missing documents? You haven't proved anything is missing. All you have is conjecture.
Well, yeah. There were a lot of empty folders marked Top Secret. Where did all those docs go?

Wonder how much money or what favors those missing docs got him? :auiqs.jpg:

Again, if you have trouble paying attention....they got him.
Just a matter of if they are going to actually do anything about it this time.
What’s to say that the empty folders were not planted by the FBI. Cover sheets are not classified and folders are cheap at Staples.

The FBI didn’t want any witnesses during the raid and also wanted the cameras turned off. That smells to me.
That is what you are looking for. It's a straw man argument

The FBI retrieved government documents that were illegally possessed.
wrong again...

They have no idea if they were possessed illegally, in fact the Presidential Records Act says Trump had them legally. The GSA would never have allowed currently classified documents to leave the White House. Your whole fantasy world just collapsed on your head...
What’s to say that the empty folders were not planted by the FBI. Cover sheets are not classified and folders are cheap at Staples.

The FBI didn’t want any witnesses during the raid and also wanted the cameras turned off. That smells to me.
Given that the GSA personnel would have removed empty folders from the records taken, this is a very real possibility.
What’s to say that the empty folders were not planted by the FBI. Cover sheets are not classified and folders are cheap at Staples.

The FBI didn’t want any witnesses during the raid and also wanted the cameras turned off. That smells to me.
They weren't. The Trumps were allowed video access to the search. They were treated with kids gloves. They got to see everything the FBI agents were doing.
A service that would not be afforded to you or me.
They weren't. The Trumps were allowed video access to the search. They were treated with kids gloves. They got to see everything the FBI agents were doing.
A service that would not be afforded to you or me.
Early reports were the staff didn’t follow FBI orders to turn the cameras off and the cameras were only off for a short period.

I can’t find later reports verifying Trump’s staff convinced the FBI to keep the cameras on.

Even with cameras rolling it would be easy to plant empty classified folders.

Considering how the FBI lied to FISA courts to spy on Trump, planting evidence wouldn’t surprise me. I have lost all confidence in how honest the FBI is.

Forty years ago, Bob Dylan reacted to the conviction of an innocent man by singing that he couldn't help but feel ashamed "to live in a land where justice is a game." Over the ensuing decades, the criminal-justice system has improved in many significant ways. But shame is still an appropriate response to it, as the Washington Post made clear Saturday in an article that begins with a punch to the gut: "Nearly every examiner in an elite FBI forensic unit gave flawed testimony in almost all trials in which they offered evidence against criminal defendants over more than a two-decade period before 2000," the newspaper reported, adding that "the cases include those of 32 defendants sentenced to death."
Early reports were the staff didn’t follow FBI orders to turn the cameras off and the cameras were only off for a short period.

I can’t find later reports verifying Trump’s staff convinced the FBI to keep the cameras on.

Even with cameras rolling it would be easy to plant empty classified folders.

Considering how the FBI lied to FISA courts to spy on Trump, planting evidence wouldn’t surprise me. I have lost all confidence in how honest the FBI is.

Forty years ago, Bob Dylan reacted to the conviction of an innocent man by singing that he couldn't help but feel ashamed "to live in a land where justice is a game." Over the ensuing decades, the criminal-justice system has improved in many significant ways. But shame is still an appropriate response to it, as the Washington Post made clear Saturday in an article that begins with a punch to the gut: "Nearly every examiner in an elite FBI forensic unit gave flawed testimony in almost all trials in which they offered evidence against criminal defendants over more than a two-decade period before 2000," the newspaper reported, adding that "the cases include those of 32 defendants sentenced to death."
The sheer number of folders and where they said they found them makes the whole thing suspect. It makes little sense unless these were folders for re-use and held nothing. Remember, everything the president writes, or orders is considered top secret by policy, so the presence of these folders is not surprising as they would be used daily in normal course of business.
"Good prosecutors with good cases play it straight. They don’t need to play games, they don’t need to shop for judges, they don’t need to leak intelligence that may or may not exist. And in this case, this tells you that the government didn’t find what they were looking for.”

that's the Democrats. Next Wednesday, it'll be a MONTH since the home break-in of a U.S. PRESIDENT by the Biddum-Garland Gestapo and if they had found the crime to justify so outrageous a move, Trump would be charged with it by now, instead . . . . crickets.

As we knew all along, this was just a thinly veiled new layer to the five-year long political witch hunt by the Left to try to vilify Trump either with a frame up or at least in the voter's eyes because they simply cannot honestly beat him at the polls in what we now know is the biggest scandal of government lies, corruption and abuse of power in this country's history that makes Watergate look like a birthday candle in comparison and next year so many heads will roll for this, they will need to rent a swimming pool to hold them all as America flushes the filth out of Washington.
Only a total moron uses that word.
The content of the missing documents will tell the damning story on Trump's intent!

Let's inject a bit of 'mirth' into the discussion by imagining that the missing intelligence might contain info on the Moscow hotel hookers' story! LOL

That's was already proven to be a lie. I guess it still resides in liberal fantasies though.
The cult is like Wil E Coyote and Trump is like Road Runner.

There was no promise of nuclear secrets.
There was mention by Brennan of the designation for 'nuclear' related information being contained in the stolen documents, but whether or not that code designation was present is still not determined.

It may never be learned, due to national security reasons.

We're still waiting for somebody to tell us that designation?

What codes are you babbling about?
This is treason of the highest order by Trump, but will the authorities have the courage to take him down?

There is still little doubt that Trump will call for violence in the streets if he's cornered.

The FBI/DOJ has done a fairly good job of destroying his credibility, but they're still not secure in it being enough?

The extremism being demonstrated on this forum is unfortunately not indicative of anything so far. The threats should just be considered to be teens blowing smoke.
You need to understand that treason was a definition. That isn't it, dumbass Canuck!
It was simply him giving information from his experience with the CIA. It's not all that important but at least it's interesting and worth knowing.
Some of the documents may contain the code letters?

However, there's no doubt that the missing documents is of the utmost importance. Trump's handpicked judge will be flaunting the risk factor in the faces of the American people if she agrees to allow the investigation to be delayed.
It's not hard to imagine some 4 star General turning to locking and loading his sidearm over this!

What code letters do you keep babbling about? You know less than zero about out classification system, you dumbass Canuck!
What missing documents? You haven't proved anything is missing. All you have is conjecture.
There are no missing documents.

The folders were emptied when documents were provided to NARA in January and June.

The FBI as much as says so in their filing here (pages 4/5):

""These communications ultimately resulted in the provision of fifteen boxes ... from former President Trump to NARA in January 2022.... Of most significant concern was that highly classified records were unfoldered, intermixed with other records..."

WaPo sites this guy...
"David Priess, a former CIA officer..., said Friday that the presence of empty folders doesn’t mean documents are missing...He also noted it was possible that the folders were separated from the documents when they were still in the White House, before they were taken to Mar-a-Lago....Classified documents aren’t always kept in folders denoting the documents’ classification."

cc: JackOfNoTrades Donald H
There was no promise of nuclear secrets.
There was mention by Brennan of the designation for 'nuclear' related information being contained in the stolen documents, but whether or not that code designation was present is still not determined.

It may never be learned, due to national security reasons.

We're still waiting for somebody to tell us that designation?
More Canadian claptrap. Do you have an American law degree? You think highly of yourself that you feel you can dispute a former director of national intelligence. Run along duck. You have no clue what your are talking about--as usual.

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