We Were Promised There Were Nuclear Secrets

No one “promised” you anything

The WAPO reported that among the docs that Trump stole were nuclear secrets.

We may never know if that is true but there is no doubt that he took some VERY sensitive national defense info… including stuff marked “ no for” (no foreign access) and various other HIGHLY secret intell


You dont know that.

All you have is the word of the lying MSM, and you apparently swallow their drivel without question.

It's call Kool aid, pal. Leads to brainwashing. Lemmings and mindless drones. The left is full of them.
“I was a former federal prosecutor, United States attorney. Let me tell you what this is about. Good prosecutors with good cases play it straight. They don’t need to play games, they don’t need to shop for judges, they don’t need to leak intelligence that may or may not exist. And in this case, this tells you that the government didn’t find what they were looking for.”

Yep. And Herr Biden’s speech the other night that’s he’s using Banana Republic tactics.
WE GOT TRUMP THIS TIME PART 4,648 is now waiting for PART 4,649.

But but but they found pens and paper clips belonging to the US government.
I’m forced to change my passwords every quarter for stupid things like email. You think our nuclear codes are static?

Yeah, that’s how weak their case is. Toss out slander to attack Trump. Banana Republic tactics.
These LibFux don't know that the codes are changed daily!
Welp, I'd tell you to go blow it out your ass but you are COVERED in assholes. I bet you whistle like a flute when you sneeze! :auiqs.jpg:

Tory, the fake admiral, fake teacher, fake math expert, fake electronic technician, and now fake spelling instructor and fake grammar expert.
You can take your "fake" bullshit and blow it your ass, you fucking relic!

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