We Were Promised There Were Nuclear Secrets

Welp, here's the story Little Tory, welp is also a colloquialism used in the vernacular of casual, informal street language like saying lessee instead of let's see, as friendly, normal people here generally use who are not so humorous, uptight, and anal-retentive that they get triggered by a passing word not even directed to them that they have to make an issue out of it just to get attention and be noticed! Dude, take a good shower, brush those yellow teeth, clean up your act, double down on your Aspergers meds, go out and get yourself a woman (or man if that's your thing), and try to relax a little, smile once in a while, let your hair done a little, stop being a putz, and try to enjoy what is left of your Saturday evening. You'll live longer.
"Welp" is a mispronunciation of the word "well", you fucking dumbass! I guess reading my post with the definition never occurred to you.
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The clothes, books, and other items were in the boxes. Probably because Trump's final days in office were a whirlwind of a shit show.

Still gonna cling to the idea that the GSA packed these boxes and put the docs in folders?
Cause that doesn't look like what's happened.
Hey, if Melania left her unmentionables in these boxes, do you think she was trying to make a fast getaway (from her husband). :auiqs.jpg:
Hey shit for brains! The FBI searched her closet!

As I just pointed out, GSA was responsible for packing all documents. Under policy, absent a written or verbal declassification order of the President all classified documents would never have left the White House. Even the empty file folders would have been kept. So where did they magically come from?
Kash Patel, who has been designated by former President Trump to handle issues with his presidential records, blamed the General Services Administration (GSA) for boxes being at the Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, where the FBI recovered classified material during a search on Monday.

“The GSA mistakenly packed some boxes and moved them to Mar-a-Lago. That’s not on the President. That’s on the National Archives to sort that out,” Patel said on Fox.

A GSA spokesperson responded Friday to Patel's claims, saying that the responsibility for what is moved when a president leaves office "rests entirely with the outgoing president and their supporting staff."

"As part of the services and support GSA provides to all outgoing presidents, GSA typically contracts for the transportation of items identified by the outgoing President as necessary to wind down the affairs of their office," the statement said. "The responsibility for making decisions about what materials are moved rests entirely with the outgoing president and their supporting staff."
Kash Patel, who has been designated by former President Trump to handle issues with his presidential records, blamed the General Services Administration (GSA) for boxes being at the Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, where the FBI recovered classified material during a search on Monday.

“The GSA mistakenly packed some boxes and moved them to Mar-a-Lago. That’s not on the President. That’s on the National Archives to sort that out,” Patel said on Fox.

A GSA spokesperson responded Friday to Patel's claims, saying that the responsibility for what is moved when a president leaves office "rests entirely with the outgoing president and their supporting staff."
Democrats are not interested in any of the facts Only The Narrative of framing Donald Trump as the bad guy.
Where are the 'National Security-threatening nuclear secrets' the FBI claimed Trump had?!
Kash Patel, who has been designated by former President Trump to handle issues with his presidential records, blamed the General Services Administration (GSA) for boxes being at the Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, where the FBI recovered classified material during a search on Monday.

“The GSA mistakenly packed some boxes and moved them to Mar-a-Lago. That’s not on the President. That’s on the National Archives to sort that out,” Patel said on Fox.

A GSA spokesperson responded Friday to Patel's claims, saying that the responsibility for what is moved when a president leaves office "rests entirely with the outgoing president and their supporting staff."
That violates the law... So your saying that GSA intentionally violated the law?
Nuclear secrets?.....my.....yes that..... my eye.

The demonRats have been driven sick with their hatred towards Trump.....their TDS does not let them think straight and in a rational manner.
This is treason of the highest order by Trump,

Yeah really? Boy, you sure are gullible. You believe everything the lying MSM tells you? That Kool Aid tastes pretty good, does it?

but will the authorities have the courage to take him down?

Courage? lmao - that would be more like a dearth of neurons. You know, the few those leftards didn't manage to kill off in the 60's, in spite of their best efforts

There is still little doubt that Trump will call for violence in the streets if he's cornered.

He won't have to call for it. He won't have to call for anything. It'll happen all by itself

I already told you mister, Stalinism will not be allowed in this country. I don't give a god damn if it's legal or not, it still won't be allowed.

The FBI/DOJ has done a fairly good job of destroying his credibility, but they're still not secure in it being enough?

Lefties are TERMINALLY insecure.

The extremism being demonstrated on this forum is unfortunately not indicative of anything so far. The threats should just be considered to be teens blowing smoke.
Feel free to blow the smoke up yours.
"Good prosecutors with good cases play it straight. They don’t need to play games, they don’t need to shop for judges, they don’t need to leak intelligence that may or may not exist. And in this case, this tells you that the government didn’t find what they were looking for.”

Welp, that's the Democrats. Next Wednesday, it'll be a MONTH since the home break-in of a U.S. PRESIDENT by the Biddum-Garland Gestapo and if they had found the crime to justify so outrageous a move, Trump would be charged with it by now, instead . . . . crickets.

As we knew all along, this was just a thinly veiled new layer to the five-year long political witch hunt by the Left to try to vilify Trump either with a frame up or at least in the voter's eyes because they simply cannot honestly beat him at the polls in what we now know is the biggest scandal of government lies, corruption and abuse of power in this country's history that makes Watergate look like a birthday candle in comparison and next year so many heads will roll for this, they will need to rent a swimming pool to hold them all as America flushes the filth out of Washington.
that whole purple paragraph by Radcliff was a LIE silly one... :rolleyes-41:

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