We now know that Rand Paul is a liar.


Gold Member
Jul 9, 2014
In Iowa sitting down next to Steve King while taking a first bite out of a hamburger, Rand Paul nearly choked when he heard these words from a young Women speaking to Steve King, 'I'm a dreamer' . Then Paul quickly got up with the urging of several handlers and ran the hell away from the 'dreamers',

The lie came later when Senator Paul claimed he had to abandon his hamburger because a reporter was waiting for him to do an interview.

See the video. He is such a liar.
What your point? The bitch wants to stir up shit And bring more criminals into America? A border agent was murdered today by illegal scum from Mexico. Paul was probably too pissed to put up with dizzy's shit.
I saw it earlier, and it did look like he finished his burger in a hurry. However, someone had a hold on his arm urging him to leave, perhaps for an interview.

Calling him a liar is really reaching.
Give me a break. Rand Paul ate a burger in a hurry.


Hold the presses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What your point? The bitch wants to stir up shit And bring more criminals into America? A border agent was murdered today by illegal scum from Mexico. Paul was probably too pissed to put up with dizzy's shit.

So why not tell the truth about why the sudden exit? The video is hilarious when the word 'dreamer' popped up. Paul damn near choked the instant thàt word was said.

It is a bad photo op to see him react at hearing that word, but it was made worse when he couldn't get away untaped. But the very worst is the fact that he lied to explain what the rush was to get away.

My point is that Rand Paul lied and thinks he can get away with it. The man has no integrity. I just to see who here would defend a lying US Senator.
Rand Paul got one bite of his sandwich and then his handlers pulled him out of there.

It was an ambush, and Paul's handlers did exactly the right thing. Just look at all the bullshit lies that were spun out of the interaction between the DACA girl and Congressman King, who did not escape.

There is no percentage in participating in an ambush like that.
Rand Paul obviously did not have to rush out of there. You don't order a sandwich, take only one bite, and then dash off for an interview. He clearly left because his handlers saw Trouble with a capital T coming from the direction of the DACA girl.

I really don't give a fuck if he lied about having to go to an interview. If that is the best you can do to prove he is a liar, then you really have nothing.
I cannot think of a single politician who is NOT a liar to one degree or another. :lol:

Whenever a politician says something you know is untrue, the question becomes, "Are they evil...or stupid?"

Did they knowingly lie or do they actually believe their own bullshit.
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It's gonna be a rough year for Paul leading into the 2016 primary. A lot of people are out to get him. I do roll my eyes a bit at conservatives who always let everyone know they are done with establishment candidates yet Give Rand passes on his base-pivoting and flip-flopping
In Iowa sitting down next to Steve King while taking a first bite out of a hamburger, Rand Paul nearly choked when he heard these words from a young Women speaking to Steve King, 'I'm a dreamer' . Then Paul quickly got up with the urging of several handlers and ran the hell away from the 'dreamers',

The lie came later when Senator Paul claimed he had to abandon his hamburger because a reporter was waiting for him to do an interview.

See the video. He is such a liar.
Here's more on this story. And then Republicans wonder why Hispanics and Latinos don't vote for them. Can you honestly blame them!

WATCH: Rand Paul literally eats and runs as immigrant activist confronts Iowa Republican
In Iowa sitting down next to Steve King while taking a first bite out of a hamburger, Rand Paul nearly choked when he heard these words from a young Women speaking to Steve King, 'I'm a dreamer' . Then Paul quickly got up with the urging of several handlers and ran the hell away from the 'dreamers',

The lie came later when Senator Paul claimed he had to abandon his hamburger because a reporter was waiting for him to do an interview.

See the video. He is such a liar.
Here's more on this story. And then Republicans wonder why Hispanics and Latinos don't vote for them. Can you honestly blame them!

WATCH: Rand Paul literally eats and runs as immigrant activist confronts Iowa Republican

I happen to believe Congressman King is wrong on the DACA/Dreamer issue. However, I think he behaved incredibly well during that ambush, and my respect for him actually went up a little after watching that confrontation and reading the bizarre spin the Left has put on the scene.
:lol: Paul did what any politician in his right mind should have done.
Maybe he's just afraid of Hispanics or thought he might catch ebola.

Based on the bullshit which was manufactured over King's interaction with the woman, Rand Paul is completely validated for leaving when he did. His handlers earned their paychecks that day.
Maybe he's just afraid of Hispanics or thought he might catch ebola.

Based on the bullshit which was manufactured over King's interaction with the woman, Rand Paul is completely validated for leaving when he did. His handlers earned their paychecks that day.
He looks like a coward. My money is on he's believed the idiot GOPers claiming ebola is coming across the Mexican border.

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