We need to defund the rats nest in academia.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
The humanities and social sciences are now largely indoctrination camps for worthless and toxic left wing ideology. We don't need to ban it, simply defund it. It can't survive on its own. The students in those areas will either major in STEM or get a job and stop racking up tens of thousands of dollars learning useless, destructive crap. We need to conserve the great civilization our ancestors built and stop trying to destroy it. We can start by rejecting progressive ideology and return to the Enlightenment values that made Western Civilization great in the first place. Also, social change needs to be more gradual and cautiously implemented.

The first step is disbanding the U.S. Department of Education and focusing primarily on STEM. You fall behind in terms of STEM and you fall behind in terms of the technology race. We have to stay ahead of other countries in terms of technology, especially in areas relevant to military advancement or we will get conquered. Only so long as we can build the most technologically advanced weapons are we safe and only so long as we can outwork and out build the rest of the world can we militarily, politically, and economically dominate the rest of the world. Doing so is what has always made America great. We must wall ourselves off, take in the best and brightest from other countries, and work towards advancing America. Send the asylum whiners packing and only take in the cream of the crop from other countries. This also deprives other countries of talent.

The drive to focus on this path starts in education. We need to teach that STEM is king and everything else is a hobby and a luxury. We need to take pride in the American work ethic and Yankee ingenuity. We first need to obliterate the infestation of radicals in the educational system and return to the values of the Classical Enlightenment period. Critical Pedagogy is the enemy of Western Civilization. If we defund the arts and humanities, we can deal a major blow to progressive ideology and what we lose in the process will massively be outweighed by what we gain by cleansing the toxic influence from our society.
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The humanities and social sciences are now largely indoctrination camps for worthless and toxic left wing ideology. We don't need to ban it, simply defund it. It can't survive on its own. The students in those areas will either major in STEM or get a job and stop racking up tens of thousands of dollars learning useless, destructive crap. We need to conserve the great civilization our ancestors built and stop trying to destroy it. We can start by rejecting progressive ideology and return to the Enlightenment values that made Western Civilization great in the first place. Also, social change needs to be more gradual and cautiously implemented.

The first step is disbanding the U.S. Department of Education and focusing primarily on STEM. You fall behind in terms of STEM and you fall behind in terms of the technology race. We have to stay ahead of other countries in terms of technology, especially in areas relevant to military advancement or we will get conquered. Only so long as we can build the most technologically advanced weapons are we safe and only so long as we can outwork and out build the rest of the world can we militarily, politically, and economically dominate the rest of the world. Doing so is what has always made America great. We must wall ourselves off, take in the best and brightest from other countries, and work towards advancing America. Send the asylum whiners packing and only take in the cream of the crop from other countries. This also deprives other countries of talent.

The drive to focus on this path starts in education. We need to teach that STEM is king and everything else is a hobby and a luxury. We need to take pride in the American work ethic and Yankee ingenuity. We first need to obliterate the infestation of radicals in the educational system and return to the values of the Classical Enlightenment period. Critical Pedagogy is the enemy of Western Civilization. If we defund the arts and humanities, we can deal a major blow to progressive ideology and what we lose in the process will massively be outweighed by what we gain by cleansing the toxic influence from our society.

You just solved the student loan crisis.

These people are duped like you couldn't even believe. Hundred thousand and up for a gender studies degree? The schools should be obligated to produce employment statistics and forced to present them to the pupils and parents before they take tuition.
Humanities is the study of the art forms produced by humans...
Sociology would be where you take gender studies.
Humanities is the study of the art forms produced by humans...
Sociology would be where you take gender studies.

Do you mean social sciences? Seems like you only read the first two words of the op.
Humanities is the study of the art forms produced by humans...
Sociology would be where you take gender studies.

Do you mean social sciences? Seems like you only read the first two words of the op.
Sociology is a social science. I read the whole worthless attempt to try and pigeon hole people..

Pigeon holing people? Are you denying that there is a difference between a computer science major and a gender studies major and their success? Distinguishing what works from what doesn't is now pigeon holing.

There is no problem with the debt either if the degree is worth it. My condolences if you were scammed into one of those scam degrees.
The humanities and social sciences are now largely indoctrination camps for worthless and toxic left wing ideology. We don't need to ban it, simply defund it. It can't survive on its own. The students in those areas will either major in STEM or get a job and stop racking up tens of thousands of dollars learning useless, destructive crap. We need to conserve the great civilization our ancestors built and stop trying to destroy it. We can start by rejecting progressive ideology and return to the Enlightenment values that made Western Civilization great in the first place. Also, social change needs to be more gradual and cautiously implemented.

The first step is disbanding the U.S. Department of Education and focusing primarily on STEM. You fall behind in terms of STEM and you fall behind in terms of the technology race. We have to stay ahead of other countries in terms of technology, especially in areas relevant to military advancement or we will get conquered. Only so long as we can build the most technologically advanced weapons are we safe and only so long as we can outwork and out build the rest of the world can we militarily, politically, and economically dominate the rest of the world. Doing so is what has always made America great. We must wall ourselves off, take in the best and brightest from other countries, and work towards advancing America. Send the asylum whiners packing and only take in the cream of the crop from other countries. This also deprives other countries of talent.

The drive to focus on this path starts in education. We need to teach that STEM is king and everything else is a hobby and a luxury. We need to take pride in the American work ethic and Yankee ingenuity. We first need to obliterate the infestation of radicals in the educational system and return to the values of the Classical Enlightenment period. Critical Pedagogy is the enemy of Western Civilization. If we defund the arts and humanities, we can deal a major blow to progressive ideology and what we lose in the process will massively be outweighed by what we gain by cleansing the toxic influence from our society.

No. The reality is that you have some loud mouths on a few campuses. Further, by utilizing this approach you hope to cut all funding which will raise the prices of tuition and that indicates that you intend to profit in some manner.
Another so called conservative that hates the idea of freedom when taking courses at a college...

A university that consistently turns out enemies of the United States should be dealt with. As was the argument after 911, we should not employ our own laws to commit national suicide.

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