We need more liberals on the board.

Fresh meat? Ummm ok.

Im a more conservative liberal than most, but still a liberal AND Im new. Hit me with your best shot. Maybe if I deem your shot worthy, I'll reply. Maybe not.

To whomever asked about DK, he is around - just really busy here lately with the new job. He'll be back - and as opinionated as ever lol :)

Personally, I think this thread is completely inane and truth to be told, I probably am showing a lack of intelligence by replying to it....but when in Rome.....

Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Unneeded wars?
Which war was unneeded?

These long term deficit projections are basically meaningless, they disappear as quickly as they add up. And let's not forget there's a war on, that costs money. Maybe you don't think we should "waste money" fighting the war on terrorism, but that's a different issue.

Tax cuts are needed to stimulate the economy. A growing economy causes the projected deficits to disappear, as previously discussed.

Are you sure?
Yeah, I'm sure Kerry's as pure as the wind driven snow.:rolleyes:

And he's the most liberal senator. And he runs from it. He's ashamed of being associated with the likes of you. Though his voting record does support your naive weak on defense viewpoint.

The Iraqi was uneeded. They posed no threat to American people. Sure Saddam was brutal and did terrible atrocities to his people, but so have many many countries in Africa, China, and North Korea. Bush had been planning to go to war with Iraq since the month he came into office so it obviously wasn't because he found out they were an imminent threat in 2003! Saddam might of had biological and chemical weapons, but if he did they were the ones we GAVE him in the 1980s to kill Iranians.

Tax cuts are really fine by me, as long as they are fair. The rich got a much higher cut percentage wise, which makes absolutely no sense to me. Either everyone gets the same percent or the poor get a higher percent. Bush is just trying to make the wealthy richer.. You're going to tell me that you liked that $500 you got from tax cuts on your $50,000 salary (1%) while I'm sure that the millionaire sipping on his margirita on a beach chair in Tahiti liked his 3% tax cuts on his $5,000,000 salary a lot more.

Yes I'm sure the Bushs have been long time friends with the Bin Ladens and the Saudi royalty, want me to get some links for you? :rolleyes:
If you had read my whole post you would of found out that Kerry is not my first choice for Presidential Nominee. I'm sure he and his wife have business deals with shifty characters.. The one saving grace of Kerry is that he actually served in Vietnam, and isn't a draft dodger like Cheney or a priveleged weekend warrior like Bush, who seemed to miss a lot of weekends :laugh:

I know of that survey that calls him the most Liberal senator, I personally think it is BS because when someone votes for the Patriot Act and the War in Iraq I don't think it's possible you could be the most Liberal senator.
pancake Kerry does one thing then says something 180 degrees different. as for his "Tour" of nam....3 purple hearts, 0 days in the hospital...9 months short of the end of his "tour" he goes back state-side. No med records to prove why??? votedfor the Liberation of the Iraqi people and is now against it. On what grounds?Voted ffor the Patriot Act and now is against it?why?..Typical political washington double-speak, he is a good double for max-headroom. how about some links to back up your ridiculas claims? is that to much to ask?
The Iraqi was uneeded. They posed no threat to American people. Sure Saddam was brutal and did terrible atrocities to his people, but so have many many countries in Africa, China, and North Korea. Bush had been planning to go to war with Iraq since the month he came into office so it obviously wasn't because he found out they were an imminent threat in 2003! Saddam might of had biological and chemical weapons, but if he did they were the ones we GAVE him in the 1980s to kill Iranians.

So we are under no responsibility to help other people around the world? China and North Korea will have their day. Africa will too although I dont think its as high on the list. I mean if we are going to bring freedom to the world we cant invade every nation at once now can we? You guys would have a field day. We negociated with Saddam for over 12 years trying to convince him to end his weapons program. He refused. the time for talk was over and he needed to go. We need a Democractic nation in the middle east other than Israel. Iraq is it. It was necessary and your argument that we gave Weapons to Saddam makes it more necessary because since we were responsible, we would have been condemned for not taking action.

Tax cuts are really fine by me, as long as they are fair. The rich got a much higher cut percentage wise, which makes absolutely no sense to me. Either everyone gets the same percent or the poor get a higher percent. Bush is just trying to make the wealthy richer.. You're going to tell me that you liked that $500 you got from tax cuts on your $50,000 salary (1%) while I'm sure that the millionaire sipping on his margirita on a beach chair in Tahiti liked his 3% tax cuts on his $5,000,000 salary a lot more.

BS. The lower class got the highest percentage cut. Plus the benefits of the child exemptions. There are are now even less people in the lower class that are paying taxes because of the Bush tax cuts. Quite frankly thats wrong. Because the more people who arent paying taxes the smaller the tax base and the more unstable our revenue is.

Im just wondering when someone is going to go to court over the tax system. It violates the equal protections clause. Its infair for one person to pay more money than another simply because he is rich. If you want to tax people and make it equal. a straight tax down the line is the way to go. broaden the tax base or the taxes will continue to get higher for those who pay them.

If you had read my whole post you would of found out that Kerry is not my first choice for Presidential Nominee. I'm sure he and his wife have business deals with shifty characters.. The one saving grace of Kerry is that he actually served in Vietnam, and isn't a draft dodger like Cheney or a priveleged weekend warrior like Bush, who seemed to miss a lot of weekends

Doesnt matter if Kerry is your first choice. The fact that you will favor a worse choice over Bush is telling enough. If the Dems had a serious candidate who was willing to do things better than Bush i would consider it. Kerry isnt that guy. The man takes out of both sides of his mouth and his ass. The man lied before congress about the actions of his fellow soldiers and gave morale support to Americas enemy. That qualifies as treason under the Constitution of the United States. John Kerry is one of many radicals who has the deaths of millions of people in Southeast asia on their hands. And yet you think he will be better than Bush. Unbelievable.
Originally posted by jon_forward
pancake Kerry does one thing then says something 180 degrees different. as for his "Tour" of nam....3 purple hearts, 0 days in the hospital...9 months short of the end of his "tour" he goes back state-side. No med records to prove why??? votedfor the Liberation of the Iraqi people and is now against it. On what grounds?Voted ffor the Patriot Act and now is against it?why?..Typical political washington double-speak, he is a good double for max-headroom. how about some links to back up your ridiculas claims? is that to much to ask?

I think whats so sickening about Kerry's votes on the Iraq war is he essentially did them for political gain. He voted to put the troops into Iraq and then voted not to fund them. Does anyone else notice the implications for that? He voted to put them in harms way and not to support them for political gain. He gains politically for letting our troops be killed. That is sick and wrong.
read somewhere that he voted against the bill that would have bought more body armor for our troops! The ones going over there were advised to purchase their own as government issue wasnt 100%. Yea If anyone needs to go its pancake Kerry.
Originally posted by jon_forward
how about some links to back up your ridiculas claims? is that to much to ask?

I assume you mean my claims that the Bush family has long lasting ties to Bin Laden family and the Saudi Royalty.






It is widely admitted even by Republcians Avatar that Bush's tax cuts favor the wealthy. Here are some links:



5 sites that say nothing...Bush did business with OBL? when? And as for the spending deficates....would you rather we just give our country to the terrorist? No single sitting President has haad to deal with all that G.W. has. I am glad He was the sitting Prez. and not some Flip-flop Democrat that cant make up his mind. I think what really bothers you Bush-Haters is that he has stood on his own feet and Kicked some ass, and not tripped and fell as so many of you wish. Its nice to have a strong man in the white house, For once!
Nice avatar, crazylib! I have to admit I laughed when I first saw that! I saw on another board a guy who did the same thing with Kerry and a Shar Pei. Personally, I'm going to photograph a pigeon eating an alka seltzer and wait till he starts foaming at the mouth, then I'll put that pic alongside a liberal. :D
By 2010, when (and if) the Bush tax reductions are fully in place, an astonishing 52 percent of the total tax cuts will go to the richest one percent—whose average 2010 income will be $1.5 million.

52%? Considering they pay 90% of all tax revenue, I'd say they got robbed.
Originally posted by Palestinian Jew
I'm probably the most liberal person on the board these days and I'm only a moderate that leans to the left. Whatever happened to jones, spillmind, and Dk?
Man I don't think I would group DK with Jones and Spillmind. Whoa.
Originally posted by jimnyc
Nice avatar, crazylib! I have to admit I laughed when I first saw that! I saw on another board a guy who did the same thing with Kerry and a Shar Pei. Personally, I'm going to photograph a pigeon eating an alka seltzer and wait till he starts foaming at the mouth, then I'll put that pic alongside a liberal. :D

Holy crap Jim, a mouth foaming piegon liberal :D. You always crack me up.
Originally posted by CrazyLiberal

Tax cuts are really fine by me, as long as they are fair. The rich got a much higher cut percentage wise, which makes absolutely no sense to me. Either everyone gets the same percent

Fantastic, same percentage tax cut for everone. Let's use that same reasoning and apply it conversly. Everone pay the same percentage as well. Flat tax, yes.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
The few we have are getting all calloused and used up. We need fresh meat, someone with a good point. I'm on a quest for a liberal with one good point.

How would you recognize a good point from a liberal if you heard it?

Based on many of the responses that I've heard from you, you have been so one-sidedly jaded, that you couldn't possibly see the merits of the opposing sides. With that sort of close minded, limited attitude, your capacities for understanding will always be diminished.

Sort of like what's been said, if you set your mind for one point of view, you will often only see arguments that support that one point of view.

Similar example: If you buy a white truck, all of a sudden the next time you're driving you'll notice all the white trucks on the road.
Originally posted by LoneVoice
How would you recognize a good point from a liberal if you heard it?

The same analytical skills i'd use to assess points from anyone.
Based on many of the responses that I've heard from you, you have been so one-sidedly jaded, that you couldn't possibly see the merits of the opposing sides.
Often, there is no merit to be seen. I choose not to strain my eyes.
With that sort of close minded, limited attitude, your capacities for understanding will always be diminished.
Perhaps. But at least I wasn't born diminished.
Sort of like what's been said, if you set your mind for one point of view, you will often only see arguments that support that one point of view.

Are you telling us that this is how you stay liberal?

Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
The same analytical skills i'd use to assess points from anyone.

It'd be interesting to actually see you respond to some of those posts, with your alleged analytical skills. This would be a big change from your usualy one line insults.

So far your analytical skills have been M.I.A. Sort of like Bush during his National Guard Service. :p:

Often, there is no merit to be seen. I choose not to strain my eyes.
With your blind eyes, I could understand how you couldn't see. When they said "stop or you'll go blind!", you never stopped, did ya?

Perhaps. But at least I wasn't born diminished.
So far you haven't been convincing in that department.

Are you telling us that this is how you stay liberal?
If by liberal, you mean open minded, then sure....

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