We need more liberals on the board.


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2004
The few we have are getting all calloused and used up. We need fresh meat, someone with a good point. I'm on a quest for a liberal with one good point.
Thats right we need more fresh meat to slaughter !! haha:funnyface
<----------------------Fresh meat. Let the killing and torturing commence.

:whip: :chains:

As to the good point, I have a lot? What you want to talk about? :cool:
You could probably start on the thread about why anyone should vote for Kerry. its been sitting there for like a week and no one has given us one reason to vote for him that doesnt involve Bush.
I don't like Kerry! I would of prefered John Edwards or Howard Dean much more. You are right I can't give you a reason to vote for him that doesn't involve Bush. But it is telling that with no reasons to vote with him other than Bush is a terrible President he is polling even and up 4%-8% in some polls ;)
Honestly I think he would make an average President, but an average President is > a terrible one. He won't lead us into uneeded wars, grow the deficit 400 Billion $ in one term, give tax cuts to the wealthy, try to mess with the constitution as a political wedge, and he doesn't have long standing business and family relations with Saudi royalty and the Bin Laden family.
Originally posted by CrazyLiberal
Honestly I think he would make an average President, but an average President is > a terrible one. He won't lead us into uneeded wars, grow the deficit 400 Billion $ in one term, give tax cuts to the wealthy, try to mess with the constitution as a political wedge, and he doesn't have long standing business and family relations with Saudi royalty and the Bin Laden family.

Typical clueless liberal response.
Um which of the points I chose from the many reasons that make him a terrible President are you debating? All of them are concrete facts that I could source easily, besides my claim that the war in Iraq was needless. This can obviously be debated. If you would like to debate it ok by me. I have to go to sleep though so see you tomorrow :eek:
Liberals? Today's "conservatives" fill that role quite nicely.

They support:

1. Open Immigration and the Mexicanization of America
2. Anti-White Affirmative Action
3. Multiculturalism and "Diversity"
4. Wars for Other Countries
5. Sending Jobs Overseas
6. Mindless Consumerism
7. Sending Christianity Packing

They have been powerless against:

1. Outrageous Levels of Taxation
2. Ever-Expanding Federal Government
3. Loss of State Power
4. Abortion
5. The Decline of Values
6. Open Defiance of the Law by Homosexuals
7. Takeover of Universities by Liberals

With conservatives like these...

The only thing conservatives are good at it is blowing hot air on the radio and selling books that do everything but talk about the real sources of our problems. I'm talking to YOU, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
No, we need


:death: :tank: :fu2: :whip: :spank3: :finger3: :321: :321: :321: :chains:

Wash your mouth out young man!

Cheopys is not a liberal - he is a psychotic.
Originally posted by Zhukov
What is infobeing?

infobeing was a member of a now-defunct board on which RWA and I met. He is very sincere, but completely clueless. He is able to converse civilly.
Originally posted by CrazyLiberal
He won't lead us into uneeded wars,

Unneeded wars?
Which war was unneeded?
grow the deficit 400 Billion $ in one term,

These long term deficit projections are basically meaningless, they disappear as quickly as they add up. And let's not forget there's a war on, that costs money. Maybe you don't think we should "waste money" fighting the war on terrorism, but that's a different issue.
give tax cuts to the wealthy,
Tax cuts are needed to stimulate the economy. A growing economy causes the projected deficits to disappear, as previously discussed.
try to mess with the constitution as a political wedge,

This was just a reaction against rogue courts issue marriage licenses illegally. All those local politicians who did that should be fired, like roy moore.

and he doesn't have long standing business and family relations with Saudi royalty and the Bin Laden family. [/B]

Are you sure?
Yeah, I'm sure Kerry's as pure as the wind driven snow.:rolleyes:

And he's the most liberal senator. And he runs from it. He's ashamed of being associated with the likes of you. Though his voting record does support your naive weak on defense viewpoint.
Originally posted by wonderwench
Wash your mouth out young man!

Cheopys is not a liberal - he is a psychotic.

the difference being?
Originally posted by wonderwench
infobeing was a member of a now-defunct board on which RWA and I met. He is very sincere, but completely clueless. He is able to converse civilly.

Yeah. Infobeing's cool.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
the difference being?

Oh come on - Cheopys is the most hatefilled vile person on the net. It's not politics - it's a huge personality affliction.

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