we could survive slavery, we could survive Jim Crow, but we could not survive ......

Sometimes Brutus' refusal to take anything but a partisan stand on an issue is entertaining. Sometimes frustrating

1) please say how a stand can be non partisan

2) please give your best example of where a partisan stand of Republican intellectuals was mistaken

Brutus, a stand can be not along the party line easily. Most folks end up some mix of the two parties. Something like pro gun and pro choice.

Stand of Repub intellect mistaken? You are so in tow with the party line you do not disagree with it on anything? Wow. Even in the faith the Vatican has Consuls and they argue the finer points of the faith.

Are you in line with the big government Department of Homeland Security?
Bush took over with a surplus and crashed the economy and inflted the national debt.

crashed the economy? All agree liberal regulation did that??

Republicans since Jefferson have wanted to make debt illegal with a Balanced Budget Amendment. Democrats have killed all 40 attemps, the last of which was in March 2011. Democrats lack the IQ to learn the most obvious lessons.

Ok. Which regulation crashed the economy?

Has to be easy enough to come up with ONE bad regulation. Hell, I want federal not state health insurance regulations so economics of scale and comoetition can help a bit. Do you agree?
Ok. Which regulation crashed the economy?

the one that allowed the Fed to print money at will that then was used to buy and bubble up the prices of homes. And the one that allowed Fanny/Feddie to guarantee sub prime mortgages and buy them from local banks thus creating more money for more bad mortgages

Has to be easy enough to come up with ONE bad regulation. Hell, I want federal not state health insurance regulations so economics of scale and comoetition can help a bit. Do you agree?

actually if you sell soap nationwide it is not Federal regulations that make it possible. It is freedom. It is a given that our system is capitalist and allows nationwide commerce. In fact the commerce clause is designed to facilitate interstate commerce by tearing down state obstacles.

It is true that state rules largely made competition in health care illegal. These rules should be abolished to achieve economics of scale and competition.

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