Corruption! Biden accounts found

Russian collusion was proven - in spades. By the Mueller Report, and the Senate Report.

Anyone who believes otherwise is lying.

I shouldn't even humor someone so bat moon delusional that they could spew such preposterous BS - but my coffee's coolin', so instead I'll ask you this:

Why do you support a party so hopelessly inept that they failed to put a Russian spy - masquerading as the US President - in jail after it was proven before the whole Nation by a super serious Mueller report?

After the NY Times ran the headline: MUELLER PROVES RUSSIA COLLUSION (that totally happened, look it up dude!) - and you did nothing about it - nor could even get the public to support any action?

And now you're reduced to record keeping errors from nearly two decades ago?

I mean, it's just sad. :)
I shouldn't even humor someone so bat moon delusional that they could spew such preposterous BS - but my coffee's coolin', so instead I'll ask you this:

Why do you support a party so hopelessly inept that they failed to put a Russian spy - masquerading as the US President - in jail after it was proven before the whole Nation by a super serious Mueller report?

After the NY Times ran the headline: MUELLER PROVES RUSSIA COLLUSION (that totally happened, look it up dude!) - and you did nothing about it - nor could even get the public to support any action?

And now you're reduced to record keeping errors from nearly two decades ago?

I mean, it's just sad. :)
Collusion is not a crime. Being a useful idiot is not being a spy.

And Trump wasn't convicted stoopid! ]/b]
I said he was impeached, not convicted, stupid

It was bad for Trump and it was bad for Republicans. He went on to lose his re-election and Republicans did bad as well.

Works for me.
With money being laundered from China, Romania and Russia while Biden was VP with over 240k WIRED DIRECTLY TO BIDEN WITH NO EXPLANATION

I look forward to the impeachment trial where all this comes out under oath
This time, you've got him for sure!

It's totally unlike the previous hundred times you said that!

Really it is! Because you say it is!

So how did the Biden family members and associates receive over $24 million dollars from foreign sources like China, Russia, and Ukraine, while having no identifiable legitimate services to exchange for that money?

Did Russia, China, and Ukraine simply give them all them money because they were generous and thought the Bidens were "good fellers"?
With money being laundered from China, Romania and Russia while Biden was VP with over 240k WIRED DIRECTLY TO BIDEN WITH NO EXPLANATION

Comer: "This inquiry is hopefully in the final stages”... :laughing0301:

Hasn't this inquiry been in the final stages since last November? It will be fun to see the MAGA wingnut's head explode when they find that nothing comes of this, yet again.

Carry on, retards.
This time, you've got him for sure!
You dont find this to be concerning? He is getting money from weird corrupt countries, he denied getting money for years, and now that we have the receipts, youre acting like nothing is unusual here. You arent a tiny bit suspicious?
Russian collusion was proven - in spades. By the Mueller Report, and the Senate Report.
No, literally the opposite was proven, and as a result, no one in the entire world thinks Trump colluded with Russia. Saying weird shit is never a good argument in a debate. Do better next time.

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