Corruption! Biden accounts found

wow ! it appears the jig is up ... though Briben will never be held to account by the DOJ the American people will have a clearer view of the pay to play schemes .
I remember the good old days when Maria was a pleasant looking female on CNBC on the weekdays. Now, she's off her rocker. LOL "the jig is up". You got him this time, Sherlock Einstein!
and that says it all .. its the charges that matter not the crime eh ?

First of all, abuse and breaking oath of office is not nescessarily criminal.

Second of all, charges did not matter to Republicans, they would not convict Trump no matter what.

In first impeachment some Republicans admited that Trump abused office but the excuse not to convict was that voters ought to make the descision to remove him (which they did).

In second impeachment the excuse was that Trump already left office so removal is moot.

None of that means that Impeachments are without consequence, they still have political and historical implications.
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Uh when the IRS can't account for someone getting hundreds of thousands yeah they damn sure lock you up


Over 150 suspicious activity reports filed against members of the Biden family by the US Treasury, and the Biden Administration changed the rules to severely restrict Congress’ access to the reports in the dark of night, and with no explanation.

And john doe 101 thinks that's an ordinary everyday occurrence. :laughing0301:
Over 150 suspicious activity reports filed against members of the Biden family by the US Treasury, and the Biden Administration changed the rules to severely restrict Congress’ access to the reports in the dark of night, and with no explanation.

And john doe 101 thinks that's an ordinary everyday occurrence. :laughing0301:
Yep we can all stop paying our taxes and filing papers cause everyone does it anyway 😂
First of all, abuse and breaking oath of office is not nescessarily criminal.

Second of all, charges did not matter to Republicans, they would not convict Trump no matter what.

In first impeachment some Republicans admited that Trump abused office but the excuse not to convict was that voters ought to make the descision to remove him (which they did).

In second impeachment the excuse was that Trump already left office so removal is moot.

None of that means that Impeachments are without consequence, they still have political and historical implications.

The real historical implication will happen after Trump returns to the White House, the investigation into Biden's corruption goes into high gear, and we find out every detail about everything he and his corrupt family were involved in.

That is gonna be some good shit.
A tax return has to be filed showing W2s or other documents proving you earned your income LEGITIMATELY you absolute retard

What do you think it means in the OP where the 240k directly paid to Biden can't be connected anything legit

Holy fuck you're dumb
Who said it can't? Maria? Fuck that bitch she's like the National Enquirer these days.
Not going to happen, the DOJ and FBI are in the tank for Biden. They are more likely to fabricate some shit on Trump again.

I would think that after four years of being hounded by the deep state when Trump was President, he's probably figured out the best ways to drain the swamp of those assholes who went after him.

I have nothing but respect for Donald J. Trump, but after what he's been though. if heads don't roll the first day of his presidency, he doesn't have a hair on his ass.

We'll just have to see, eh?
I would think that after four years of being hounded by the deep state when Trump was President, he's probably figured out the best ways to drain the swamp of those assholes who went after him.

I have nothing but respect for Donald J. Trump, but after what he's been though. if heads don't roll the first day of his presidency, he doesn't have a hair on his ass.

We'll just have to see, eh?
The biggest indicator is the GOP traitors in the Senate who conspired with Dems to sneak a bill through that would have tied Trump's hands on the border, legalized and funded the importation of 5 million illegals a year. There is a significant membership of the swamp who want things to go back to the status quo, Trump and the American people are getting in the way of that.
Don't you LOVE how the mindless drones who have to report every transaction in excess of $600 will defend payments of hundreds of thousands, even millions from hostile foreign nations to Pedophile Skeletor?
The biggest indicator is the GOP traitors in the Senate who conspired with Dems to sneak a bill through that would have tied Trump's hands on the border, legalized and funded the importation of 5 million illegals a year. There is a significant membership of the swamp who want things to go back to the status quo, Trump and the American people are getting in the way of that.

Hopefully the traitors will be voted out of office. MAGA isn't going away anytime soon.
The real historical implication will happen after Trump returns to the White House, the investigation into Biden's corruption goes into high gear, and we find out every detail about everything he and his corrupt family were involved in.

Nope, you are just another clueless Hillary-for-Prison chanting dupe.
Nope, you are just another clueless Hillary-for-Prison chanting dupe.

Who the fuck told you I wanted Hillary to go to prison, asswipe?

Actually I want her to have an aneurysm, fall on the floor twitching and convulsing, and choke to death on her own tongue.

Wouldn't that be fun?

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