We continue to see some very positive trends in America

Americans are waking up and walking away from the left...

PragerU does have some pretty interesting five minute videos that cover just about any topic. I'll admit to having watched a number of them. I don't always agree but that's not a requirement.
PragerU does have some pretty interesting five minute videos that cover just about any topic. I'll admit to having watched a number of them. I don't always agree but that's not a requirement.
And that's just it. That's what America was founded on. The exchange of information and ideas. We don't have to agree. But we should be FREE to SHARE our ideas and thoughts.

And we should be willing to examine other views (as you have done). Almost nobody is wiling to do that anymore.
The Gaystapo wants one thing and one thing only: control.
They’d already made accommodations for the two students who identified as another gender, setting up single-person restrooms for anyone who wanted them. The trouble is, these kids weren’t satisfied with that compromise.
But just as President Trump promised, the winning continues.

In Georgia, Parents Win Battle Over Transgender Bathrooms at School
While there is no denying that liberalism has created a mountain of very significant problems for the United States, the radicalization of that ideology (culminating with the election of a devout marxist by their party) has resulted in some very positive trends in America. First, we saw the rise of the Tea Party in response to the extremism of the Obama Administration. This movement to return to constitutional government, true conservative principles, and rid the GOP of liberals has had a profound positive effect on America. Both the House and the Senate were turned over to conservatives during the Obama Administration. A RINO Speaker of the House (John Boehner) was run off and replaced with an actual conservative. Very liberal states like Wisconsin and Michigan were turned over to conservatives. We have seen a drastic reduction in Planned Parenthood facilities throughout the U.S. We have seen an increase in "Right to Work" laws. The American people unilaterally rejected the insanity of Target's absurdity and is now boycotting them. North Carolina restored sanity to America and lead the way for other states to follow with HB2.

But perhaps there is no better metric for positive trends in Americs than the ever increasing movement towards home schooling. Not only does it result in an exponentially better educated generation of students, but it also eliminates the indoctrination efforts by the left and it is an indication that the American people recognize the inability of government to effectively handle even simple tasks when they step outside of their Constitutional responsibilities. When liberal Hollywood is not only homeschooling their own children, but also writing books about it and doing speaking engagements, it's a sure sign that homeschooling is becoming more prevalent through out the country. Few things are better for America than this particular growing trend. Let's hope it continues.


gays are out everywhere!

gays are marrying!

interracial relationships are common

everyone (especially evangelical christians and conservative republicans) has sex outside of marriage!

divorce is easy to get

MILLIONS and MILLIONS of people live together without bothering to marry at all!

MOST people are waiting longer before marrying for the first time

pot is being decriminalized and legalized all over the country

every year the number of Americans claiming "no religion" grows!

every year the number of Americans claiming "christian religion" dwindles

our government and laws are SECULAR!

we just had a black president!

even conservatives and christians would vote for a black or a female!

conservatives become more liberal every year!

MILLIONS and MILLIONS of people live together without bothering to marry at all!


Why would that be a "positive trend"?

it allows people the freedom to live together without worrying about marriage or morals.

2 people meet
they decide to give it a go
they try it for awhile.....

if it works...great!

if not...they move on.

logical and rational.

no laws or legal issues or scarlet letters

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