Was the Nashville shooting a hate crime?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

As predicted, the shooter targeted Christians to unleash her rage upon them for not accepting her transition into being a male.

Specifically, her parents were associated with this church and rejected their daughters transition.

So she went to the school to shoot up a bunch of children.

I reckon, that showed them. That was the whole point to show the country how terrible Christians really are.

Should this be a hate crime?

The GOP is petitioning the DNC controlled DOJ to do just that, but in vain.

Merick and the democrats are probably happy the shooter targeted a group of Christians that also oppose abortion on demand, which Merick has also been targeting in various court cases around the country.

In fact, when Joe Biden got up to speak about the shooting, right before he and the media started laughing and cracking jokes, as if they were giddy about the shooting up of Christians. Then Joe said "Oh by the way, the tragedy was horrible, wasn't it? (Giggles)

Not sure what happened between the shooter and her parents, but I'm 100% certain that democrats will feel worse for the shooter than the victims that they feel deserved it, just like how Merick Garland and Biden feel about it.
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But this sort of thing is common place with democrats these days

Jane Fonda wants to murder pro-life types

Once again, (Giggles)
Comedians on the Left


What I find disheartening after every one of these shooting besides the awful deaths, are the number of average Americans who accept the establishment’s propaganda that it’s guns. After every incident, the D Party, MSM, and the rest of the establishment condemn guns. You’d think all Americans would recognize by now the obvious propaganda being pushed on them to give up their 2A rights.
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What I find disheartening after everyone of these shooting besides the awful deaths, are the number of average Americans who accept the establishment’s propaganda that it’s guns. After every incident, the D Part, MSM, and the rest of the establishment condemn guns. You’d think all Americans would recognize by now the obvious propaganda being pushed on them to give up their 2A rights.
I know right. It's so curious how people could connect guns to gun deaths. Weird.
Guns are the weapon, but not the reason for the deaths. What is the reason for so many mass shootings?
Yes guns are weapons that make it easier to kill people. The reason for so many deaths and so many mass shootings is easy to discern. We have a ton of easily accessible weapons that are really good at killing people. This isn't complicated math.
I know right. It's so curious how people could connect guns to gun deaths. Weird.
Lol. So you’re one of them. I get it. The establishment has duped you. If you think outlawing guns will stop these killings, you’re fooling yourself. Americans will never give up their guns, plus we know the crooks won’t nor the elite.

It’s the culture not guns, but apparently forbidden to say it. Blaming guns is the easy answer and it benefits the establishment.
Lol. So you’re one of them. I get it. The establishment has duped you. If you think outlawing guns will stop these killings, you’re fooling yourself. Americans will never give up their guns, plus we know the crooks won’t nor the elite.
Whether or not Americans are willing to give up their guns and whether or not the prevalence guns is responsible for the prevalence of gun deaths are two different topics. Which argument would you like to lose first?
It’s the culture not guns, but apparently forbidden to say it. Blaming guns is the easy answer and it benefits the establishment.
What a thoroughly cowardly response. What about the culture? What do you imagine but will ultimately fail to prove exists in our culture but not others? Gays? Violent movies? Rap music? Marijuana? Lack of prayer to a christian God?
Yes guns are weapons that make it easier to kill people. The reason for so many deaths and so many mass shootings is easy to discern. We have a ton of easily accessible weapons that are really good at killing people. This isn't complicated math.
Do you own any guns or hunt wild game?
Whether or not Americans are willing to give up their guns and whether or not the prevalence guns is responsible for the prevalence of gun deaths are two different topics. Which argument would you like to lose first?

What a thoroughly cowardly response. What about the culture? What do you imagine but will ultimately fail to prove exists in our culture but not others? Gays? Violent movies? Rap music? Marijuana? Lack of prayer to a christian God?
Even if you could remove all guns, which you can’t, these sick individuals will still resort to killing using whatever they can. So, removing guns from law abiding Americans while allowing the elite and criminals to keeps guns is an obvious problem. No?

If you don’t know the problem is cultural, I can’t help you. We as nation have had guns readily available for our entire history, yet these senseless shootings are relatively new. So logically, what has changed? It’s not the guns.
Even if you could remove all guns, which you can’t, these sick individuals will still resort to killing using whatever they can. So, removing guns from law abiding Americans while allowing the elite and criminals to keeps guns is an obvious problem. No?

If you don’t know the problem is cultural, I can’t help you. We as nation have had guns readily available for our entire history, yet these senseless shootings are relatively new. So logically, what has changed? It’s not the guns.
It's like the Bernie groupie who shot up the GOP Congress, Leftists who support Leftists to take guns away use guns for gun violence.

Even if you could remove all guns, which you can’t, these sick individuals will still resort to killing using whatever they can. So, removing guns from law abiding Americans while allowing the elite and criminals to keeps guns is an obvious problem. No?
No. I don't accept as fact that we can't remove all the guns. Other countries have done so and have prevented criminals from committing these types of mass murder in the process.
If you don’t know the problem is cultural, I can’t help you. We as nation have had guns readily available for our entire history, yet these senseless shootings are relatively new. So logically, what has changed? It’s not the guns.
If you can't prove the problem is cultural I can't help you. We have always had gun deaths for as long as we've had guns and we have twice as many guns today per capita than we had in 1968.
The thing is that this shooter really had not "transitioned" very much. She doesn't seem to be so filled with self-hate at her identity as a female that she was doing everything she could to present as a male.




OK, here's ONE:


I work with middle school aged kids, and many of them are attention seekers. Those with mental disorders often carry the attention seeking to the extreme.

One way they do is by researching various mental disorders and then announcing that they have them. Autism, Gender Identity Disorder, ADHD, and Bipolar disorder are all disorders that I've seen children announce their amateur self-diagnosis of. Often the parent also prompts this amateur phychologizing.

The overwhelming majority of them have depression, and no other disorder. Nothing "cool" about depression, so they pick another one, often several of them, one after another.

Here's the thing, though: We have to take these self-claims of mental disorder seriously. We must address the underlying actual mental disorder that prompts them to claim a fictitious disorder. We've seen a tragedy that is in the news because other people than the mentally disordered person met their deaths. But suicide rate is extremely high among those who claim gender identity disorder and that is a tragedy we must address.

Not by playing along with their mental illness, though, and certainly not by pretending it is a physical disorder and treating it with hormones and surgery. That has never been shown to reduce suicide rates.
I don't care about so much about murder being a "Hate" crime. The murder of the children would not be any more acceptable if the killer did it without feelings or remorse. The kids (and adults) are just as dead either way.
One way they do is by researching various mental disorders and then announcing that they have them. Autism, Gender Identity Disorder, ADHD, and Bipolar disorder are all disorders that I've seen children announce their amateur self-diagnosis of. Often the parent also prompts this amateur phychologizing.
This explains our exponential jumps in adolescent transgenders. Kids are self diagnosing themselves as transgenders (with gender dysphoria) and it has become the practice of the medical/psychological "professionals' to affirm transgenders and put them on the path of hormones and surgery rather than look for other causes of the children's problems.
No. I don't accept as fact that we can't remove all the guns. Other countries have done so and have prevented criminals from committing these types of mass murder in the process.

If you can't prove the problem is cultural I can't help you. We have always had gun deaths for as long as we've had guns and we have twice as many guns today per capita than we had in 1968.
No country on the planet has had the 2A like we have. So comparing other nations isn’t effective.

99% of gun owners use their guns safely. Taking away their right to protect themselves is authoritarian, in a failed effort to stop a few crazies.

The Founders told you why it’s important for all Americans to have access to guns. Their logic still applies today.

Again, we've had guns readily available since the nation began. Yet, these shootings are new.

So it’s your position that since gun ownership has increased on a per capita basis since 1968, this is the reason for these senseless shootings. Logically that’s nonsense.
The thing is that this shooter really had not "transitioned" very much. She doesn't seem to be so filled with self-hate at her identity as a female that she was doing everything she could to present as a male.

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OK, here's ONE:

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I work with middle school aged kids, and many of them are attention seekers. Those with mental disorders often carry the attention seeking to the extreme.

One way they do is by researching various mental disorders and then announcing that they have them. Autism, Gender Identity Disorder, ADHD, and Bipolar disorder are all disorders that I've seen children announce their amateur self-diagnosis of. Often the parent also prompts this amateur phychologizing.

The overwhelming majority of them have depression, and no other disorder. Nothing "cool" about depression, so they pick another one, often several of them, one after another.

Here's the thing, though: We have to take these self-claims of mental disorder seriously. We must address the underlying actual mental disorder that prompts them to claim a fictitious disorder. We've seen a tragedy that is in the news because other people than the mentally disordered person met their deaths. But suicide rate is extremely high among those who claim gender identity disorder and that is a tragedy we must address.

Not by playing along with their mental illness, though, and certainly not by pretending it is a physical disorder and treating it with hormones and surgery. That has never been shown to reduce suicide rates.
I bet you don't have the balls to call any of your trans students (if you have any) mentally ill and that you live your life pretending.
Even if you could remove all guns, which you can’t, these sick individuals will still resort to killing using whatever they can. So, removing guns from law abiding Americans while allowing the elite and criminals to keeps guns is an obvious problem. No?

If you don’t know the problem is cultural, I can’t help you. We as nation have had guns readily available for our entire history, yet these senseless shootings are relatively new. So logically, what has changed? It’s not the guns.
Joe spouts truths within his lies. If it came to it at some point a not so nice time, our government will use military weapons on the people. He made the F 15 statement. He has made many others that are overlooked. Culling the population y one third would ring a lot less pressure to the dictatorship. The guns already exist. However, like in wars, the technology people often win. 150 years ago, a simple one-shot rifle versus a gattling gun was a huge difference.

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