WalMart = the high cost of a low price

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
EXCELLENT documentary showing on Current TV.

I realize rw's don't watch Current or anything that does not follow the R party line but really, this is well worth watching.
rw's will whine about unions but vote for pubs who support WalMart and other Commie-supporting business.

Are they stupid? Or are they supporting Communism on purpose?
Typical rw's.

They hate unions because they help US citizens to make a livable wage with benefits.

Put them on the spot though and they disappear.

Any idea how WalMart feels about unions? What do you think? You think unions are allowed in WalMart?

Any idea how many Wal Mart employees who work full time but are eligible for government welfare benefits?
BTW, in Europe, the employees have an Employee Council to ensure they get health care, three weeks vacation days and other bennies. The result is that the employees don't get crapped on like they do in the US.

pubs/pots like your hero Walker and other fascist Rs make sure WalMart employees in the US get nuthin.
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they are having yheir ten cents off of fuel purchases rigt now until x-mas

yes, well, I can see how that's a lot more important paying a liveable wage to single mothers in the US or paying a liveable wage to Chinese women, Bangladesh women who make the crappy clothes we buy from WalMart.

I was so shocked and so saddened to learn that the little girls who put together Barbie dolls do not make enough money to buy the doll themselves.

The Waltons learned to lie, cheat and steal from others to make money front the Koch brothers who learned it from their father who, like Mitt the Worm, got their financial start from daddy.

In case anyone is interested in learning some real truth, read up on the black sheep Koch brother, Bill.

What the Waltons don't own, the Kochs do.

Vote for them - they want only to enslave us. And no, that's not overstating what is happening while we scrap about R and L.
EXCELLENT documentary showing on Current TV.

I realize rw's don't watch Current or anything that does not follow the R party line but really, this is well worth watching.

It is so much better to make sure poor people cannot afford new stuff than to give them choices, isn't it?
EXCELLENT documentary showing on Current TV.

I realize rw's don't watch Current or anything that does not follow the R party line but really, this is well worth watching.
And it isn't like Walmart passes on the savings to us consumers.

As David Ricardo pointed out with his "Iron Law of Labor" (published in his 1814 treatise "On Labor") when labor markets are tight, wages go up. When labor markets are awash in workers willing to work at the bottom of the pay scale, unskilled and semi-skilled wages overall will decrease to "subsistence" levels.

Two years later, in 1816, Ricardo pointed out in his "On Profits" that when the cost of labor goes down, the result usually isn't a decrease in product prices, but, instead, an increase in corporate and CEO profits. (This is because the marketplace sets prices, but the cost of labor helps set profits. For example, when Nike began manufacturing shoes in Third World countries with labor costs much below US labor costs, it didn't lead to $15 Nikes - their price held, and even increased, because the market would bear it. Instead, that reduction in labor costs led to Nike CEO Phil Knight becoming a multi-billionaire.)

Republicans understand this very, very well, although they never talk about it.

- See more at: Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"
EXCELLENT documentary showing on Current TV.

I realize rw's don't watch Current or anything that does not follow the R party line but really, this is well worth watching.

It is so much better to make sure poor people cannot afford new stuff than to give them choices, isn't it?
Why? Are goods at Walmart any cheaper than they are at other stores? Doesn't look that way to me. Seems like any cost savings goes to the Waltons.
You all hate WM but if the board decided to close up shop and all the majority stock holders cashed in so they could live the rest of their lives in retirement you'd be whining about that too because 1.4 million WM employees would be out of work
I shop at Walmart for three reasons:

1. It's cheaper.
2. They are anti-Union
3. It pisses liberals off.

Same here.

Both In store and Online. Best prices on Baby toys and clothes outside Amazon.

Best stocking stuffers too.

Plus... just spent 140.00 on their after Christmas sale. :)
EXCELLENT documentary showing on Current TV.

I realize rw's don't watch Current or anything that does not follow the R party line but really, this is well worth watching.

well then, we should pass a law such that any business that gets us the lowest prices in the country should banned? And businesses that are very inefficient with very high prices should be encouraged with govt subsidies-right??
It's not just Walmart. Most entry level jobs only pay minimum wage & start out as part time status that is not eligible for many benefits. Retail has 'seasons' that are busier & employees work more hours, then the slower seasons hours are cut back. Retail as a whole is a tough place to make a reasonable living and always has been. Fast food, restaurant and other service jobs are the same.
Walmart is no longer 'family owned & operated'. There may be a few Waltons on the Board of Directors, but the Walton family isn't in complete control anymore.

Oh and by the way......full time Walmart employees are eligible for medical, dental, vision, long & short term disability, 401K with company match, stock options, paid vacation & sick leave, employee discount, and occasional bonus's. Even part timers get stock options, discounts, paid vacation & sick leave and bonus's.
Interestingly as Walmart takes the heat for being a big evil company that destroys small businesses across the land so many people give Amazon a pass. It is ironic to hear someone being scolded for shopping at Walmart while Amazon customers prance around bragging about how forward thinking they are and how they are on the "cutting-edge." Sadly these are the same people that have just wasted a salesclerk's time at the local camera store before going online to get a better price and often save paying sales-tax.

Because of its massive advertising budget and other ties to the company the media often seems to be in bed with Amazon. This means you seldom hear anything bad about the retail behemoth. While the people who love and support Amazon might claim Amazon and its CEO to be clever, cunning, and masters of the game, an argument can be make that an aura of evil hangs over much of what it has created including its ties to the government when it comes to seeking and storing data.

Amazon is a job killer that abuses and exploits the brick and mortar stores that line streets throughout America. People should consider what kind of community and society they want in coming years before jumping on the Amazon bandwagon. Do not be surprised if in the future a boycott of Amazon develops as a backlash grows similar to how Americans felt towards Walmart years ago. In the article below titled, "Fifteen Things Amazon Won't Tell You" you will find several things you were not aware of. I tried to stop at ten but found it impossible.

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