Wall Street Declares War on Warren

Yeah, it's not like Warren's gonna stop monetizing debt.

Agree with the gipper, all show in order to weaponize democracy at every stage of the game and on every channel 24/7.
Wall Street WANTS Warren to win. They know she will do their bidding just as Ears and Hillary did.

Yup, Wall Street wants to keep using that cheap Chinese slave labor, President Trump wants them to move manufacturing to the US.

They will side with Dems and slavery because that’s the most profitable.
That's right, Wall St will side with Warren over Trump. You've certainly got a handle on this.
Or not!
The Wall Street Campaign to Stop Elizabeth Warren Officially Began on September 10, 2019

"Yesterday, that Wall Street campaign officially began. CNBC’s Jim Cramer and David Faber discussed on TV how they are hearing from Wall Street bank executives that Warren must be stopped..."

Can you guess why Wall Street's trolls have a problem with Liz?

Bloomberg Knows:

"On the same day, September 10, 2019, Bloomberg News, which is majority owned by billionaire Michael Bloomberg, whose $52.4 billion net worth derives from leasing his data terminals to thousands of Wall Street trading floors around the globe, ran this headline: 'Richest Could Lose Hundreds of Billions Under Warren’s Wealth Tax.'

"Obviously, that wouldn’t sit too well with Michael Bloomberg, who has frequently penned his own OpEds for his financial news empire..."

"The opinion piece was titled 'Warren’s Assault on Retiree Wealth,' and was written by Phil Gramm and Mike Solon. Gramm is the former Republican Senator whose name appears on the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, the legislation that repealed the Glass-Steagall Act."

"t was that repeal that allowed Wall Street’s casino investment banks to merge with commercial banks holding Federally-insured deposits.

"And it was this dangerous combo that led to the epic crash on Wall Street in 2008 and the ensuing economic collapse in the U.S. – the greatest collapse since the Great Depression."

There are economic events on the horizon (like negative interest rates) that pose a legitimate threat to savers and retirees; Liz Warren is not among them.

What Negative Interest Rates Mean For Your Retirement
God Bless Phil Gramm for watching our investments. (sarcasm)
God Bless Phil Gramm for watching our investments. (sarcasm)
Enron Phil has been one of our greatest Americans:

The Wall Street Campaign to Stop Elizabeth Warren Officially Began on September 10, 2019

"Gramm was not only a registered lobbyist for the global investment bank, UBS, but he formed his own lobbying firm, Gramm Partners.

"Gramm’s wife is Wendy Lee Gramm, the former Chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) from 1988 to January 1993, who gave Wall Street exactly what it wanted in leaving its dangerous derivative contracts free from Federal regulation until the crash...."

"According to a report from Public Citizen:

"'In 1992, as the first step in its business plan to profit on the speculation of energy, Enron petitioned the CFTC to make regulatory changes that would limit the scope of the commission’s authority over certain kinds of futures contracts.'

"'Immediately before leaving the CFTC, Gramm muscled through approval of an unusual draft regulation that would do just that – it narrowed the definition of futures contracts and excluded Enron’s energy future contracts and swaps from regulatory oversight.'

"Although her actions were criticized by government officials who feared the change would have severe negative consequences (as, in fact, it did), Gramm was rewarded five weeks after she left the CFTC with a lucrative appointment to Enron’s Board of Directors. Between 1993 and 2001, when the company declared bankruptcy, Enron paid Gramm between $915,000 and $1.85 million in salary, attendance fees, stock option sales, and dividends.'"
The irony is that bankers making money is not the same as banks (shareholders) making money. Warren, as was FDR, is not a threat to owners (shareholders) of well run banking houses. She is a distinct threat to bankers who use shareholders money to enrich themselves, but not necessarily the shareholders. And Bloomberg makes his money from the bankers, not the shareholders.
he irony is that bankers making money is not the same as banks (shareholders) making money. Warren, as was FDR, is not a threat to owners (shareholders) of well run banking houses. She is a distinct threat to bankers who use shareholders money to enrich themselves, but not necessarily the shareholders. And Bloomberg makes his money from the bankers, not the shareholders.
I don't think Warren harbors any intentions of nationalizing Goldman Sachs, but I also believe she understands the sociopathic roots of "doing god's work" in an economic system designed to create vast private fortunes at public expense:

Elizabeth Warren: Surprising champion of capitalism speaks out

"I am a capitalist. Come on. I believe in markets. What I don’t believe in is theft, what I don’t believe in is cheating. That’s where the difference is. I love what markets can do, I love what functioning economies can do.

"They are what make us rich, they are what create opportunity.

"But only fair markets, markets with rules. Markets without rules is about the rich take it all, it’s about the powerful get all of it. And that’s what’s gone wrong in America."

A few bankers and shareholders get filthy rich from capitalism, but the same economic system doesn't trickle down very well.
Yeah, it's not like Warren's gonna stop monetizing debt.

Agree with the gipper, all show in order to weaponize democracy at every stage of the game and on every channel 24/7.
Wall Street WANTS Warren to win. They know she will do their bidding just as Ears and Hillary did.

Yup, Wall Street wants to keep using that cheap Chinese slave labor, President Trump wants them to move manufacturing to the US.

They will side with Dems and slavery because that’s the most profitable.
Yup, Wall Street wants to keep using that cheap Chinese slave labor, President Trump wants them to move manufacturing to the US.
Only 15% of the products in the Trump store are made in the US
The Wall Street Campaign to Stop Elizabeth Warren Officially Began on September 10, 2019

"Yesterday, that Wall Street campaign officially began. CNBC’s Jim Cramer and David Faber discussed on TV how they are hearing from Wall Street bank executives that Warren must be stopped..."

Can you guess why Wall Street's trolls have a problem with Liz?

Bloomberg Knows:

"On the same day, September 10, 2019, Bloomberg News, which is majority owned by billionaire Michael Bloomberg, whose $52.4 billion net worth derives from leasing his data terminals to thousands of Wall Street trading floors around the globe, ran this headline: 'Richest Could Lose Hundreds of Billions Under Warren’s Wealth Tax.'

"Obviously, that wouldn’t sit too well with Michael Bloomberg, who has frequently penned his own OpEds for his financial news empire..."

"The opinion piece was titled 'Warren’s Assault on Retiree Wealth,' and was written by Phil Gramm and Mike Solon. Gramm is the former Republican Senator whose name appears on the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, the legislation that repealed the Glass-Steagall Act."

"t was that repeal that allowed Wall Street’s casino investment banks to merge with commercial banks holding Federally-insured deposits.

"And it was this dangerous combo that led to the epic crash on Wall Street in 2008 and the ensuing economic collapse in the U.S. – the greatest collapse since the Great Depression."

There are economic events on the horizon (like negative interest rates) that pose a legitimate threat to savers and retirees; Liz Warren is not among them.

What Negative Interest Rates Mean For Your Retirement
God Bless Phil Gramm for watching our investments. (sarcasm)
God Bless Phil Gramm for watching our investments. (sarcasm)
Enron Phil has been one of our greatest Americans:

The Wall Street Campaign to Stop Elizabeth Warren Officially Began on September 10, 2019

"Gramm was not only a registered lobbyist for the global investment bank, UBS, but he formed his own lobbying firm, Gramm Partners.

"Gramm’s wife is Wendy Lee Gramm, the former Chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) from 1988 to January 1993, who gave Wall Street exactly what it wanted in leaving its dangerous derivative contracts free from Federal regulation until the crash...."

"According to a report from Public Citizen:

"'In 1992, as the first step in its business plan to profit on the speculation of energy, Enron petitioned the CFTC to make regulatory changes that would limit the scope of the commission’s authority over certain kinds of futures contracts.'

"'Immediately before leaving the CFTC, Gramm muscled through approval of an unusual draft regulation that would do just that – it narrowed the definition of futures contracts and excluded Enron’s energy future contracts and swaps from regulatory oversight.'

"Although her actions were criticized by government officials who feared the change would have severe negative consequences (as, in fact, it did), Gramm was rewarded five weeks after she left the CFTC with a lucrative appointment to Enron’s Board of Directors. Between 1993 and 2001, when the company declared bankruptcy, Enron paid Gramm between $915,000 and $1.85 million in salary, attendance fees, stock option sales, and dividends.'"
The irony is that bankers making money is not the same as banks (shareholders) making money. Warren, as was FDR, is not a threat to owners (shareholders) of well run banking houses. She is a distinct threat to bankers who use shareholders money to enrich themselves, but not necessarily the shareholders. And Bloomberg makes his money from the bankers, not the shareholders.
he irony is that bankers making money is not the same as banks (shareholders) making money. Warren, as was FDR, is not a threat to owners (shareholders) of well run banking houses. She is a distinct threat to bankers who use shareholders money to enrich themselves, but not necessarily the shareholders. And Bloomberg makes his money from the bankers, not the shareholders.
I don't think Warren harbors any intentions of nationalizing Goldman Sachs, but I also believe she understands the sociopathic roots of "doing god's work" in an economic system designed to create vast private fortunes at public expense:

Elizabeth Warren: Surprising champion of capitalism speaks out

"I am a capitalist. Come on. I believe in markets. What I don’t believe in is theft, what I don’t believe in is cheating. That’s where the difference is. I love what markets can do, I love what functioning economies can do.

"They are what make us rich, they are what create opportunity.

"But only fair markets, markets with rules. Markets without rules is about the rich take it all, it’s about the powerful get all of it. And that’s what’s gone wrong in America."

A few bankers and shareholders get filthy rich from capitalism, but the same economic system doesn't trickle down very well.

Yeah I think Warren understands that if a society does capitalism, the wealthy are at the very least an indispensable evil. LOL Actually, from her time at the Consumer Protection Entity, and when it was being formed, I think it was clear she thought they were necessary but very dangerous to us little folks, so we needed at least watch them, and perhaps with them while keeping a rope around their necks.
Why is it you and I are better off than most of the world?
Because the US has been the greatest purveyor of violence on this planet since the end of WWII.
How many more innocent human beings have to die in places like Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Libya with millions more on the chopping block in Africa so you can worship your big screen?

You mean like when Obama fought the war in Iraq for three years, bombed the shit out of Libya, when they did nothing to us, created ISIS and escalated the war in Iraq? Is that the kind of interventionism you are talking about?

He managed to do all that while at the same time increasing poverty, decreasing family income, destroying health care, running up tremendous debt and having dismal economic growth?
You mean like when Obama fought the war in Iraq for three years, bombed the shit out of Libya, when they did nothing to us, created ISIS and escalated the war in Iraq? Is that the kind of interventionism you are talking about?
Obama's war crimes are nothing more than a continuation of Truman's meddling in Korea or Ike's and JFK's and LBJ's blundering in Vietnam or Nixon's villainy in Laos and Cambodia...get the picture?

Your partisan blather condemning Obama's foreign and domestic failures while ignoring similar Republican perfidy makes me think you still believe there's a fundamental political difference between Democrats and Republicans.

One chart that shows how much worse income inequality is in America than Europe
Income inequality is good-some people work harder or better than others.
Income inequality is good-some people work harder or better than others
Income inequality isn't a problem everywhere you compete on level, heavily regulated playing fields; where do you see that today in the US outside of professional athletics?

Inequality is a Threat to Democracy
My second job, 3 of us stood in front of the foreman. He said" out of you 3, one won't be working here tomorrow, the one who does the least today." I don't know if life is fair or not, but your own actions have a lot to do with it.
Capitalism tells workers if you don't work, you starve and so do your children, yet capitalism's obsession with profit guarantees there will not always be enough good-paying jobs for those who need them.

MR Online | Capitalist Crisis, Marx’s Shadow

"In the 1970s, employers found a way to stop the long-term slow rise in real wages of their employees.

"By outsourcing jobs overseas to take advantage of cheaper wages, by drawing US women into the labor force, by substituting computers and other machines for workers, and by bringing in low-wage immigrants, employers drove down their employees’ wages even as they produced ever more commodities for sale.

"The results were predictable.

"On the one hand, company profits soared (after all, workers produced ever more while not having to be paid any more).

"One the other hand, after a few years, stagnant workers’ wages proved insufficient to enable them to buy the growing output of their labor.

"Given how capitalism works, employers unable to sell all that they produce lay off their own employees. And of course, that only compounds the problem."
You mean like when Obama fought the war in Iraq for three years, bombed the shit out of Libya, when they did nothing to us, created ISIS and escalated the war in Iraq? Is that the kind of interventionism you are talking about?

He managed to do all that while at the same time increasing poverty, decreasing family income, destroying health care, running up tremendous debt and having dismal economic growth?
You mean like when Obama fought the war in Iraq for three years, bombed the shit out of Libya, when they did nothing to us, created ISIS and escalated the war in Iraq? Is that the kind of interventionism you are talking about?
Obama's war crimes are nothing more than a continuation of Truman's meddling in Korea or Ike's and JFK's and LBJ's blundering in Vietnam or Nixon's villainy in Laos and Cambodia...get the picture?

Your partisan blather condemning Obama's foreign and domestic failures while ignoring similar Republican perfidy makes me think you still believe there's a fundamental political difference between Democrats and Republicans.

One chart that shows how much worse income inequality is in America than Europe
Income inequality is good-some people work harder or better than others.
Income inequality is good-some people work harder or better than others
Income inequality isn't a problem everywhere you compete on level, heavily regulated playing fields; where do you see that today in the US outside of professional athletics?

Inequality is a Threat to Democracy
My second job, 3 of us stood in front of the foreman. He said" out of you 3, one won't be working here tomorrow, the one who does the least today." I don't know if life is fair or not, but your own actions have a lot to do with it.
Capitalism tells workers if you don't work, you starve and so do your children, yet capitalism's obsession with profit guarantees there will not always be enough good-paying jobs for those who need them.

MR Online | Capitalist Crisis, Marx’s Shadow

"In the 1970s, employers found a way to stop the long-term slow rise in real wages of their employees.

"By outsourcing jobs overseas to take advantage of cheaper wages, by drawing US women into the labor force, by substituting computers and other machines for workers, and by bringing in low-wage immigrants, employers drove down their employees’ wages even as they produced ever more commodities for sale.

"The results were predictable.

"On the one hand, company profits soared (after all, workers produced ever more while not having to be paid any more).

"One the other hand, after a few years, stagnant workers’ wages proved insufficient to enable them to buy the growing output of their labor.

"Given how capitalism works, employers unable to sell all that they produce lay off their own employees. And of course, that only compounds the problem."
I worked a job with spanish ladies-none spoke English and I could not stand it-left after 4 days.That was 1972. Never forgot the creepy feeling
I'm not sufficiently stupid to believe the USA came to dominate the globe by respecting human rights, are you?
And yet all these mthr fkrs come here. You should ask yourself that question.

You stay stupid as you are, we love it
And yet all these mthr fkrs come here. You should ask yourself that question.

You stay stupid as you are, we love it
You haven't seen immigration yet, Stupid

Who’s Really Crossing the U.S. Border, and Why They’re Coming
Don't want any more south of the border immigrants, legal or otherwise-learn English first or don't come. If you are an asylumee, stay in Mexico.
Don't want any more south of the border immigrants, legal or otherwise-learn English first or don't come. If you are an asylumee, stay in Mexico.
If you don't like the asylum laws in the US, move to Russia where there are even more white skinned bigots:)

8 U.S. Code § 1158 - Asylum

"Authority to apply for asylum
alien who is physically present in the United States or who arrives in the United States (whether or not at a designated port of arrival and including an alien who is brought to the United States after having been interdicted in international or United States waters), irrespective of such alien’s status, may apply for asylum in accordance with this section or, where applicable, section 1225(b) of this title."
No, I'll lobby to change the unfair laws that give preference to ignorant central americans over brown skinned Indians who waited their turn and speak English. Why don't YOU go to Mexico where they encourage refugees to go to the US?
No, I'll lobby to change the unfair laws that give preference to ignorant central americans over brown skinned Indians who waited their turn and speak English. Why don't YOU go to Mexico where they encourage refugees to go to the US?
Central American migrants come from countries afflicted with a century of US meddling in their foreign, military, economic, and social policies that have brought these states to where they are today. Brown-skinned Indians deserve the same consideration from their former colonial master.

Supreme Court's Asylum Ruling is Incomprehensible
Back when the Housing Market melted down, and Warren became a natl figure, there was this gop senator from Nev named John Ensign. He proposed, basically, that the Fed Govt simply "buy" all the housing debt in America. Freddie Mae and Mac already were there. The banking houses used shareholder money to collateralize (or show reserve funds) to back loans those in the banks knew were likely to fail. Thank Phil Gramm for that and the repeal of Glass-Steagall

Ensign was involved in a coverup of his extra marital affair with a friend's wife, and the friend worked for him too. Ensign paid them off. He resigned. It seemed no one in the senate wanted to defend him even though he used his own money in the payoff and just tried to illegally use his influence to find his paramour and her husband jobs in lobbying …. (I thought that was how you got a job in lobbying … have pol ask for one for you with the unsaid promise of doing the lobbyists bidding) LOL

I don't know what Warren would have done, but I suspect something similar.

Obama and the Bernank used the Fed to inject enough dollars so banking houses has sufficient funds, beyond the now worthless collaterialized bonds, so we shareholers with BoA stock in our Ira 401k's didn't lose our savings.

The people who had bought houses with subprime loans were bankrupted.
Yeah, it's not like Warren's gonna stop monetizing debt.

Agree with the gipper, all show in order to weaponize democracy at every stage of the game and on every channel 24/7.
Wall Street WANTS Warren to win. They know she will do their bidding just as Ears and Hillary did.

Yup, Wall Street wants to keep using that cheap Chinese slave labor, President Trump wants them to move manufacturing to the US.

They will side with Dems and slavery because that’s the most profitable.
Yup, Wall Street wants to keep using that cheap Chinese slave labor, President Trump wants them to move manufacturing to the US.
Only 15% of the products in the Trump store are made in the US

Do you have a point? The reason he and most all companies manufacture outside the US is because it’s cheaper. Tariffs help balance it to make it fair for US manufacturing. He is trying to level he field to bring those jobs back. Globalists and those happy with using overseas manufacturing are fighting tariffs. What side are you on?
Yeah, it's not like Warren's gonna stop monetizing debt.

Agree with the gipper, all show in order to weaponize democracy at every stage of the game and on every channel 24/7.
Wall Street WANTS Warren to win. They know she will do their bidding just as Ears and Hillary did.

Yup, Wall Street wants to keep using that cheap Chinese slave labor, President Trump wants them to move manufacturing to the US.

They will side with Dems and slavery because that’s the most profitable.
Yup, Wall Street wants to keep using that cheap Chinese slave labor, President Trump wants them to move manufacturing to the US.
Only 15% of the products in the Trump store are made in the US

Do you have a point? The reason he and most all companies manufacture outside the US is because it’s cheaper. Tariffs help balance it to make it fair for US manufacturing. He is trying to level he field to bring those jobs back. Globalists and those happy with using overseas manufacturing are fighting tariffs. What side are you on?
How is it "fair" for Trump to take my money by making something more expensive so some guy can make it for me at that higher price. That's SOCIALISM. The gummit decides what's made and how much it costs. That's the DEFINITION OF SOCIALISM.
Hello, scuse me, can you guys take me outta the quotes? I got lights going off all over the fukin place over here. K, thanks, bye.
Yeah, it's not like Warren's gonna stop monetizing debt.

Agree with the gipper, all show in order to weaponize democracy at every stage of the game and on every channel 24/7.
Wall Street WANTS Warren to win. They know she will do their bidding just as Ears and Hillary did.

Yup, Wall Street wants to keep using that cheap Chinese slave labor, President Trump wants them to move manufacturing to the US.

They will side with Dems and slavery because that’s the most profitable.
Yup, Wall Street wants to keep using that cheap Chinese slave labor, President Trump wants them to move manufacturing to the US.
Only 15% of the products in the Trump store are made in the US

Do you have a point? The reason he and most all companies manufacture outside the US is because it’s cheaper. Tariffs help balance it to make it fair for US manufacturing. He is trying to level he field to bring those jobs back. Globalists and those happy with using overseas manufacturing are fighting tariffs. What side are you on?
How is it "fair" for Trump to take my money by making something more expensive so some guy can make it for me at that higher price. That's SOCIALISM. The gummit decides what's made and how much it costs. That's the DEFINITION OF SOCIALISM.
No, it’s called protectionism, and every country uses it, including the US before WWII.
MY understanding is that Warren is only taking personal donations from actual people, not lobbyist's that's good isn't it? even if you don't like her.
Wall Street WANTS Warren to win. They know she will do their bidding just as Ears and Hillary did.

Yup, Wall Street wants to keep using that cheap Chinese slave labor, President Trump wants them to move manufacturing to the US.

They will side with Dems and slavery because that’s the most profitable.
Yup, Wall Street wants to keep using that cheap Chinese slave labor, President Trump wants them to move manufacturing to the US.
Only 15% of the products in the Trump store are made in the US

Do you have a point? The reason he and most all companies manufacture outside the US is because it’s cheaper. Tariffs help balance it to make it fair for US manufacturing. He is trying to level he field to bring those jobs back. Globalists and those happy with using overseas manufacturing are fighting tariffs. What side are you on?
How is it "fair" for Trump to take my money by making something more expensive so some guy can make it for me at that higher price. That's SOCIALISM. The gummit decides what's made and how much it costs. That's the DEFINITION OF SOCIALISM.
No, it’s called protectionism, and every country uses it, including the US before WWII.
And before WWII what was the economic situation …. anyone.... anyone …..
Yup, Wall Street wants to keep using that cheap Chinese slave labor, President Trump wants them to move manufacturing to the US.

They will side with Dems and slavery because that’s the most profitable.
Yup, Wall Street wants to keep using that cheap Chinese slave labor, President Trump wants them to move manufacturing to the US.
Only 15% of the products in the Trump store are made in the US

Do you have a point? The reason he and most all companies manufacture outside the US is because it’s cheaper. Tariffs help balance it to make it fair for US manufacturing. He is trying to level he field to bring those jobs back. Globalists and those happy with using overseas manufacturing are fighting tariffs. What side are you on?
How is it "fair" for Trump to take my money by making something more expensive so some guy can make it for me at that higher price. That's SOCIALISM. The gummit decides what's made and how much it costs. That's the DEFINITION OF SOCIALISM.
No, it’s called protectionism, and every country uses it, including the US before WWII.
And before WWII what was the economic situation …. anyone.... anyone …..
Not sure what you are referring to, but could it be that much of the nation was still running an agrarian economy?

Capitalism tells workers if you don't work, you starve and so do your children,

That is a good thing.

A lot better than filthy ass socialism that tells shitheads that if you don't work not to worry because somebody else will have to work and pay your bills.
And yet all these mthr fkrs come here. You should ask yourself that question.

You stay stupid as you are, we love it
And yet all these mthr fkrs come here. You should ask yourself that question.

You stay stupid as you are, we love it
You haven't seen immigration yet, Stupid

Who’s Really Crossing the U.S. Border, and Why They’re Coming
Don't want any more south of the border immigrants, legal or otherwise-learn English first or don't come. If you are an asylumee, stay in Mexico.
Don't want any more south of the border immigrants, legal or otherwise-learn English first or don't come. If you are an asylumee, stay in Mexico.
If you don't like the asylum laws in the US, move to Russia where there are even more white skinned bigots:)

8 U.S. Code § 1158 - Asylum

"Authority to apply for asylum
alien who is physically present in the United States or who arrives in the United States (whether or not at a designated port of arrival and including an alien who is brought to the United States after having been interdicted in international or United States waters), irrespective of such alien’s status, may apply for asylum in accordance with this section or, where applicable, section 1225(b) of this title."
No, I'll lobby to change the unfair laws that give preference to ignorant central americans over brown skinned Indians who waited their turn and speak English. Why don't YOU go to Mexico where they encourage refugees to go to the US?
No, I'll lobby to change the unfair laws that give preference to ignorant central americans over brown skinned Indians who waited their turn and speak English. Why don't YOU go to Mexico where they encourage refugees to go to the US?
Central American migrants come from countries afflicted with a century of US meddling in their foreign, military, economic, and social policies that have brought these states to where they are today. Brown-skinned Indians deserve the same consideration from their former colonial master.

Supreme Court's Asylum Ruling is Incomprehensible
This is the 21st century-we want immigrants who have something to offer besides picking lettuce or weeds and do not have 8 kids requiring all sorts of welfare. Besides, we have 22 million illegals we can't seem to get rid of

Capitalism tells workers if you don't work, you starve and so do your children,

That is a good thing.

A lot better than filthy ass socialism that tells shitheads that if you don't work not to worry because somebody else will have to work and pay your bills.
That is a good thing.

A lot better than filthy ass socialism that tells shitheads that if you don't work not to worry because somebody else will have to work and pay your bills.
Capitalism worships profit which means "...that idle men and idle machines coexist with deprivation at home and starvation abroad..." When the profit motive can't or won't supply the necessary jobs, government will.

The Green New Deal Is Good for the Planet—and the Democratic Party

Capitalism tells workers if you don't work, you starve and so do your children,

That is a good thing.

A lot better than filthy ass socialism that tells shitheads that if you don't work not to worry because somebody else will have to work and pay your bills.
That is a good thing.

A lot better than filthy ass socialism that tells shitheads that if you don't work not to worry because somebody else will have to work and pay your bills.
Capitalism worships profit which means "...that idle men and idle machines coexist with deprivation at home and starvation abroad..." When the profit motive can't or won't supply the necessary jobs, government will.

The Green New Deal Is Good for the Planet—and the Democratic Party
Can you say Armageddon?

Capitalism tells workers if you don't work, you starve and so do your children,

That is a good thing.

A lot better than filthy ass socialism that tells shitheads that if you don't work not to worry because somebody else will have to work and pay your bills.
That is a good thing.

A lot better than filthy ass socialism that tells shitheads that if you don't work not to worry because somebody else will have to work and pay your bills.
Capitalism worships profit which means "...that idle men and idle machines coexist with deprivation at home and starvation abroad..." When the profit motive can't or won't supply the necessary jobs, government will.

The Green New Deal Is Good for the Planet—and the Democratic Party
Can you say Armageddon?
Can you say Armageddon?

Will Trump Create a New Great Depression?

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