Wal-Mart Relies On Taxpayers To Subsidize Low Wages Read more: http://www.businessin

I remember reading an article in The Atlantic Monthly the mid-90s called "The Walmarting of America" that accurately predicted Walmart's effect on wages for the working class.
The attached chart reflects the working class's share of the National Income. I would guess a large portion of posters here fall in the category of working class and so will their children. If I was part of the working class, I'd be very concerned about not only my future but also the future of my children.
Behold, the Walmarting of America"!

The Atlantic used to be a hell of a magazine.
Those articles on voodoo economics, aka, the Reaganization of America, were excellent.
Thats simply the beauty of capitalism :) You move into town, underbid all the other stores on Main Street because you buy cheap chinese trinkets in bulk & they shut down. You are then free to keep wages sub-par/stagnant because you are a monopoly. You can also demand that suppliers keep prices at rock bottom thus hurting domestic producers. See vlasic for example:

The Wal-Mart You Don't Know | Fast Company | Business + Innovation
Therein lies the basic conundrum of doing business with the world's largest retailer. By selling a gallon of kosher dills for less than most grocers sell a quart, Wal-Mart may have provided a ser-vice for its customers. But what did it do for Vlasic? The pickle maker had spent decades convincing customers that they should pay a premium for its brand. Now Wal-Mart was practically giving them away. And the fevered buying spree that resulted distorted every aspect of Vlasic's operations, from farm field to factory to financial statement.
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Thats simply the beauty of capitalism :) You move into town, underbid all the other stores on Main Street & they shut down. You are then free to keep wages sub-par/stagnant because you are a monopoly. You can also demand that suppliers keep prices at rock bottom thus hurting domestic producers. See vlasic for example:

The Wal-Mart You Don't Know | Fast Company | Business + Innovation
Therein lies the basic conundrum of doing business with the world's largest retailer. By selling a gallon of kosher dills for less than most grocers sell a quart, Wal-Mart may have provided a ser-vice for its customers. But what did it do for Vlasic? The pickle maker had spent decades convincing customers that they should pay a premium for its brand. Now Wal-Mart was practically giving them away. And the fevered buying spree that resulted distorted every aspect of Vlasic's operations, from farm field to factory to financial statement.

I don't see your point. Pinnacle Foods -- the company which produces Vlasic Pickles -- is still producing pickles. They haven't gone out of business simply because Wal-mart is providing alternatives at a much cheaper price. Not to mention Pinnaacle is still ranked in the Top 1000 companies in Forbes.

But guess what, that's how competition works. Build a market share by producing based on quality, efficiency and price.
Thats simply the beauty of capitalism :) You move into town, underbid all the other stores on Main Street & they shut down. You are then free to keep wages sub-par/stagnant because you are a monopoly. You can also demand that suppliers keep prices at rock bottom thus hurting domestic producers. See vlasic for example:

The Wal-Mart You Don't Know | Fast Company | Business + Innovation
Therein lies the basic conundrum of doing business with the world's largest retailer. By selling a gallon of kosher dills for less than most grocers sell a quart, Wal-Mart may have provided a ser-vice for its customers. But what did it do for Vlasic? The pickle maker had spent decades convincing customers that they should pay a premium for its brand. Now Wal-Mart was practically giving them away. And the fevered buying spree that resulted distorted every aspect of Vlasic's operations, from farm field to factory to financial statement.

I don't see your point. Pinnacle Foods -- the company which produces Vlasic Pickles -- is still producing pickles. They haven't gone out of business simply because Wal-mart is providing alternatives at a much cheaper price. Not to mention Pinnaacle is still ranked in the Top 1000 companies in Forbes.

But guess what, that's how competition works. Build a market share by producing based on quality, efficiency and price.
where are you getting these phrases? Vlasic was doing fine BEFORE Wally world bulldozed their way into small town Murica. They spent years building up their rightly earned reputation & then Wally World, being the monopoly that they are, Offers a gallon jug of their pickles for $2 & change at the front door.

You and Oddball seem to share the same views (view w/ ideological blinders)
Wal-Mart’s wages are so low that many of its workers must rely on food stamps and other government aid programs, costing taxpayers as much as $900,0000 at just one Wal-Mart Supercenter in Wisconsin.

Which goes to the idiocy of conservatives whining about ‘welfare.’

It’s telling the ignorance of most conservatives who believe Walmart keeps prices low solely as a result of their ‘marketing strategy,’ when in fact it’s due in part to a taxpayer subsidy.

yeah. You can't ask the poor private company to pay a living wage but you sure as hell can demand that the taxpayer make-up the difference (taxpayer-funded social services). You can't make this stuff up :rofl:

Which is fine, provided conservatives have a more sophisticated, pragmatic, and comprehensive understanding of ‘welfare.’

In a true free market society, there will be a static population of the working poor. It’s perfectly appropriate for taxpayers to offset that poverty as a cost of enjoying the low prices offered by corporations such as Walmart.

In essence, the small percentage of one’s paycheck that goes to ‘welfare’ is actually a great bargain.
Thats simply the beauty of capitalism :) You move into town, underbid all the other stores on Main Street & they shut down. You are then free to keep wages sub-par/stagnant because you are a monopoly. You can also demand that suppliers keep prices at rock bottom thus hurting domestic producers. See vlasic for example:

The Wal-Mart You Don't Know | Fast Company | Business + Innovation

I don't see your point. Pinnacle Foods -- the company which produces Vlasic Pickles -- is still producing pickles. They haven't gone out of business simply because Wal-mart is providing alternatives at a much cheaper price. Not to mention Pinnaacle is still ranked in the Top 1000 companies in Forbes.

But guess what, that's how competition works. Build a market share by producing based on quality, efficiency and price.
where are you getting these phrases? Vlasic was doing fine BEFORE Wally world bulldozed their way into small town Murica.

Vlasic has been around longer than Wal-mart for at least 20 years, so that's a bit of inaccuracy there.

Vlasic is still doing fine. I just told you it is still a popular brand among the food processing industry and is still able to compete against Wal-mart because of this. This has a lot to do with quality and efficiency which seems to escape you.

They spent years building up their rightly earned reputation & then Wally World, being the monopoly that they are, Offers a gallon jug of their pickles for $2 & change at the front door.

And? I already told you that is how competition works. Offering more for less is a very good thing. All you have demonstrated is why a monopoly can never exist in a Free Market. Wal-mart is offering much more in terms of produce and charging much less in price. Vlasic is still able to compete and keep a relatively moderate market share.

You are not saying very much, except you believe it is somehow bad for a corporation to work hard for your service.

You and Oddball seem to share the same views (view w/ ideological blinders)

I doubt we share the same views. I'm a stock broker. All I care about is making money. But we do seem to have a fundamental understanding of basic economics, which seems to fly right by you.
Idjit lolberals make the qualification threshold for food stamps 165% of the poverty level, then bitch when people (most of whom don't work at Wally World) take advantage of the program.

Does the nincompoopery ever end? :lmao:

Let's get some numbers in here. *130% of poverty level doesn't mean anything because it doesn't say what the povety level is. *Of course, these are SNAP references and then poverty level varies from region to region. *Some states use a different standard. *These are monthly standards.

135% poverty gross income, 100% of poverty for net income. SNAP expects 30% of income contribution to food. 130% of poverty is gross income of $1211, which equates to $7.00 an hour full time. Net income is 100% of poverty or $931 per month.

SNAP households are expected to spend about 30 percent of their resources on food. SNAP covers the rest. *So at best $847 of the gross covers all other living expences, basically.

There are other adjustments to gross income to get to net.

If you make federal minimum wage amd work full time you may not qualify. If you make 7.00 an hour and work full time you may not qualify.
I remember reading an article in The Atlantic Monthly the mid-90s called "The Walmarting of America" that accurately predicted Walmart's effect on wages for the working class.
The attached chart reflects the working class's share of the National Income. I would guess a large portion of posters here fall in the category of working class and so will their children. If I was part of the working class, I'd be very concerned about not only my future but also the future of my children.
Behold, the Walmarting of America"!

Now that you've left the working class and joined the welfare class I guess you don't care. You damnsure can't read a graph, like most leftists.
Idjit lolberals make the qualification threshold for food stamps 165% of the poverty level, then bitch when people (most of whom don't work at Wally World) take advantage of the program.

Does the nincompoopery ever end? :lmao:

Let's get some numbers in here. *130% of poverty level doesn't mean anything because it doesn't say what the povety level is. *Of course, these are SNAP references and then poverty level varies from region to region. *Some states use a different standard. *These are monthly standards.

135% poverty gross income, 100% of poverty for net income. SNAP expects 30% of income contribution to food. 130% of poverty is gross income of $1211, which equates to $7.00 an hour full time. Net income is 100% of poverty or $931 per month.

SNAP households are expected to spend about 30 percent of their resources on food. SNAP covers the rest. *So at best $847 of the gross covers all other living expences, basically.

There are other adjustments to gross income to get to net.

Oh....130% of the poverty level...I stand corrected....What's the other 30% for, since we do know that people making that little damn sure don't pay anything in income taxes?....In fact, they get a "refundable" (read: handout) EITC tax credit.

In any case, most of the positions at Wally World are entry-level jobs...And they're certainly nowhere near any kind of a large percentage of the entry-level jobs in the nation.

Long and the short of the matter is that the OP is just another boilerplate hit piece screed against Wal-Mart, by another in a long line of lolberal union hater goofs.
I don't see your point. Pinnacle Foods -- the company which produces Vlasic Pickles -- is still producing pickles. They haven't gone out of business simply because Wal-mart is providing alternatives at a much cheaper price. Not to mention Pinnaacle is still ranked in the Top 1000 companies in Forbes.

But guess what, that's how competition works. Build a market share by producing based on quality, efficiency and price.
where are you getting these phrases? Vlasic was doing fine BEFORE Wally world bulldozed their way into small town Murica.

Vlasic has been around longer than Wal-mart for at least 20 years, so that's a bit of inaccuracy there.

Vlasic is still doing fine. I just told you it is still a popular brand among the food processing industry and is still able to compete against Wal-mart because of this. This has a lot to do with quality and efficiency which seems to escape you.

They spent years building up their rightly earned reputation & then Wally World, being the monopoly that they are, Offers a gallon jug of their pickles for $2 & change at the front door.

And? I already told you that is how competition works. Offering more for less is a very good thing. All you have demonstrated is why a monopoly can never exist in a Free Market. Wal-mart is offering much more in terms of produce and charging much less in price. Vlasic is still able to compete and keep a relatively moderate market share.

You are not saying very much, except you believe it is somehow bad for a corporation to work hard for your service.

You and Oddball seem to share the same views (view w/ ideological blinders)

I doubt we share the same views. I'm a stock broker. All I care about is making money. But we do seem to have a fundamental understanding of basic economics, which seems to fly right by you.

has anyone ever told you that you sound like a post-bot, were there such a thing? In addition, Vlasic was doing fine before Wally World started giving their product away to steal customers from other establishments. :eusa_hand: ALSO use a source every now & then or continue to be irrelevant :thup:

Please don't respond to this post because your continual, off-topic retorts make my head hurt.

In your defense, you do have a fetching avie :)
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has anyone ever told you that you sound like a post-bot, were there such a thing?

I don't know.

In addition, Vlasic was doing fine before Wally World started giving their product away to steal customers from other establishments. :eusa_hand: ALSO use a source every now & then or continue to be irrelevant :thup:

When you imply that Vlasic is no longer doing fine, I can only assume that you are suggesting that the brand is not doing well. Vlasic is a particular brand. It's not really a store or company. As for a source, here:

Income Statement for Pinnacle Foods Inc (PF) from Morningstar.com

I really don't think the company that makes Vlasic is suffering because Wal-Mart decides to sell cheap pickles. Their revenue streams are consistent, EPS is growing. The company looks like it's doing very well actually.

Please don't respond to this post because your continual, off-topic retorts make my head hurt.

I haven't said anything off topic. Everything I posted was in reference to your post.

In your defense, you do have a fetching avie :)

Thanks. I especially like the binds which shows off what a big dork I am.
This is false. Walmart is actually one of the highest paid wholesalers in the nation. Even then, Walmart has still lobbied for an increase of the minimum wage as high as $11 dollars an hour.

Why would Walmart do this?

What exactly the price of Greed? More productivity, higher living standards, more innovation? Doesn't sound like much of a downside to me.

Sounds pretty good to me. The left attacks it as they hate all those things...

Look at any central American socialist shit hole in you will realize why.

Yep. Greed shouldn't exist according to those economic models, but people are suffering more and wealth disparity is just as high.

There is no qualitative equivalence between any nation outside Europe and Canada to the US economy. Only a complete moron could suggest there is.

There is not and has never been any economic system that made it into actual use across a nation including small nations like those in CA that claimed to eliminate greed. Sickening that an adult could suggest there have been models purporting to eliminate greed. Sickening.

Two of the most benighted posts written at USMB in my time here, and they are back to back. Jesus wept.
Sounds pretty good to me. The left attacks it as they hate all those things...

Look at any central American socialist shit hole in you will realize why.

Yep. Greed shouldn't exist according to those economic models, but people are suffering more and wealth disparity is just as high.

There is no qualitative equivalence between any nation outside Europe and Canada to the US economy. Only a complete moron could suggest there is.

We are talking about disparity and nothing else.

There is not and has never been any economic system that made it into actual use across a nation including small nations like those in CA that claimed to eliminate greed. Sickening that an adult could suggest there have been models purporting to eliminate greed. Sickening.

Those are just strawmen you have created, or maybe you just don't understand.

According to the socialist model, there should be no greed and everything would belong to the entire community. Of course, even socialist were not naive to believe this would happen on it's own. Acknowledging that greedy people will do whatever they can to seek profits. So through the use of force and collectivisation, resources were gathered and distributed among the people.

As a result, you still have disparity as socialist economies have power and wealth concentrated among the ruling elites. You also still have greed, as in a socialist system people will seek out positions to give them the authority to make economic decisions.

Two of the most benighted posts written at USMB in my time here, and they are back to back. Jesus wept.

I have no idea what you are saying most of the time. Why should I make an effort now?
Ya, it's Walmart's fault they are on welfare.:cuckoo:

More accurately, it's liberal's fault that welfare benefits are so great that WalMart does not have to pay as much as it might pay. In fact people can leave the work force altogether now because the economy is so efficient and it is possible to survive on the safety net.
I remember reading an article in The Atlantic Monthly the mid-90s called "The Walmarting of America" that accurately predicted Walmart's effect on wages for the working class.
The attached chart reflects the working class's share of the National Income. I would guess a large portion of posters here fall in the category of working class and so will their children. If I was part of the working class, I'd be very concerned about not only my future but also the future of my children.
Behold, the Walmarting of America"!

Labour Share is not the same as Real Compensation. While the compensation of employees in the business sector may be getting smaller and smaller relative to GDP (Which is getting larger), real incomes are still increasing.

Why don't we have a look at how gains were distributed from 1980-2005?
See thumbnail to see that not all gains are equal
Here is a basic chart showing the effects of taxpayers subsidizing corporations.
Voodoo economics has the middle class subsidizing the wages of the bottom 40%.
The effect is to further damage everyone outside the top 20%


  • $US income disparity after 1980.png
    $US income disparity after 1980.png
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